Regulus Black- Drowning

By Freya_Marauders

609 52 356

The Life of Regulus Black. (And honestly a lot of Sirius too) Follow Regulus through the days in Grimmauld pl... More

Drowning - Intro
The House of Black
Lestrange Manor
To be a Spare.
Black Sister's
The Wedding
Alphard and Elves
Light and Dark
Pure in all senses.
Little Brothers Not Little Women.

Me and You.

30 3 34
By Freya_Marauders

Regulus returned to Grimmauld place with a new found appreciation for House Elves. He found his eyes lingering on them as they moved through the house, cleaning and cooking with nary a complaint.

At first he wondered why. Why listen to Wizards and Witches when they are in possession of their own magic?

This line of questioning was promptly shut down however when he caught another glimpse of his mother's prized possessions, a wall of House Elf heads. Each one was mounted on a silver plaque, a date inscribed on the bottom of the gaudy decoration.

Fear. Duty. Obligation.

That is what keeps them docile. Passive.

Regulus had learnt to leave his curiosity unsatisfied for now. Which he thought was a marvelous feat for his inquisitive young mind. Instead he decided to focus all his attention to stone walling Sirius for his antics at the wedding, a week prior.

It had to proved hard, because if Regulus Black was anything it was complacent. It had been hard to dodge Sirius's questions or attempts to talk to him, usually he would have folded instantly. He had almost prided himself on his ability to simply follow orders blindly, but in his recent epiphany he had started to wonder if that was a good idea. Surely a Black should be brave enough to stand up? To stand out?

He was now in the Black Library having been told by mother he had a tutor awaiting him. At first he'd been excited! He had never been privy to these sessions before, only Sirius had, only the heir.

He could feel himself shake with anticipation as he awaited the tutor's arrival, in fact by the time Sirius waltzed in, Regulus had all but forgotten his mission of ignoring him. But here alone with his brother in the library, he could no longer contain his excitement.

"Siri!!!" Regulus squealed. His eyes were wide and dilated beyond what Sirius thought was possible.

"Reg?" Sirius asked a smile on his face for the sole reason of hearing his brother's voice for the first time in a week and seeing his eyes soften for him.

He adored Regulus smile. It was so pure, so innocent, so him.

Sirius smiled at Regulus's excitement and he secretly hoped he could bottle it up and keep it safe forever.

"Mother said I get to come to meet Mr Dupónt today!!" Regulus said, he looked up at Sirius with eyes that practically begged for approval.

Unfortunately for Regulus, Sirius did not want Regulus in these 'special' lessons. These lessons currently consisted of mindless pureblood propaganda and general, in Sirius opinion utter rubbish.
Though he wouldn't dare to speak those thoughts aloud, that's dangerous, thoughts are dangerous.

Sirius plastered a false grin on his face, one that didn't quite reach his ocean eyes.
"That's... Great Reg." He gritted.

Regulus's face fell instantly, Sirius fake smile might have fooled most people but Reg wasn't just anyone, he was Sirius's little brother, he was his.

And his big brother, his idol, didn't want him here.

Sirius could've cried at the expression that made itself known in Regulus's young face. His eyes dulled and simultaneously teared up, the shimmer of water teetering dangerously on Regulus's waterline made Sirius even sadder.

Regulus was sure he felt something break between his ribs. His heart most likely.

"Do... Do you not w-want me h-here?" Regulus spoke through sniffles, he desperately tried to fight of his tears. 9 is far too old to cry. Pathetic.

Regulus mentally scolded himself for how easy he'd been broken, his cursed the tremble in his voice and despised the shaking of him hands.

"No! Not at all Reggie" Sirius voice said, full of softeness as he quickly walked over to pull Regulus into his comforting embrace. He held Regulus as his shoulders started to shake with tears.

"But-but you. And I- ... You" Regulus stammered, officially losing the battle with his eyes as trails of salted tears made paths down his face. They painted his porcelain skin and brought a flush to his cheeks.

Sirius pulled away first, he held Regulus by he shoulders. His grip was firm but gentle, it was nurturing, something the Black Brothers craved.

"Regulus, shh,shh. I've got you, you're okay." Sirius reassured him.

"I thought you- I just..." And Regulus was crying again. Weak. Pathetic. Unwanted.

Why am I crying! It's-its not normal. I'm not normal. I just want to be normal!

The thoughts twirled through his head. A hurricane of self doubt. He knew he wasn't strong, definitely not as strong as Sirius. He knew he was pathetic, he couldn't even dream to compare to his parents or family. He hoped he wasn't unwanted, after all if he was then what did he really have? Himself? That's definitely not enough.

"You're okay, your okay petite étoile" Sirius cooed in what he hoped was a calming manner. He could feel Regulus burrow back into him, desperately seeking comfort.

Sirius knew Regulus was a crier. He also had been. A part of Sirius, a part he hated, wanted Regulus to stop crying all the time. Not because Sirius hated it, infact it was quite the opposite, Sirius loved being able to comfort his brother, he wanted to hold him close and stroke his hair. But Walburga despised crying, and Sirius wanted nothing more than to protect Regulus from her wrath.

But now, he was reminded of just how cruel that was. Regulus should be allowed to cry if he bloody well wants too! He was nine, a child.

Regulus could feel himself beginning to calm. The trembling of his figure stopped and the white spots stopped dancing around his vision.

"Je-je suis désolé Siri" Regulus mumbled pulling away and attempting to straighten his posture.

He could do this. He could stop crying. Stop being so morbidly pathetic.

"No Regulus. Don't apologize. Not for that, you shouldn't have to. C'est normal de ressentir ça Reggie. Tu es normal." Sirius said, he felt a sad smile grow on his handsome features, one he could only get from the presence of his little brother.

"C'est juste que... c'est moi et toi, n'est-ce pas ? Pour toujours?" Regulus asked coyly, appearing even smaller than he already was.

"Me and you Little Star."

Author note: Google translated french 😁. Honestly, I don't love this chapter but I had to write something soooo... French Brothers 🤌

Petite étoile - little star
Je suis désole - I'm sorry
C'est normal de ressentir ça Reggie. Tu es normal - it's normal to feel like that Reggie. You're normal.
C'est juste que.. c'est moi et you, n'est-ce pas?Pour toujours? - It's just... it's me and you, right? Forever?"

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