My Love For You Was Bulletpro...

By Sophy_

9.5K 356 46

What happens when Deven returns to America and her past comes back to haunt her.... Sequel to Leaving Home. More

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 7

321 13 0
By Sophy_

I waited until I was sure I could hear them all snoring before I got up and went over to the window and seeing if it would open, which it did I pulled it up as far as it went a peered outside to see if there was anyway I could escape and get a taxi to Lexus's house. I was glad the window was on the front of the house because that meant I could just about reach the porch roof if I climbed out. I wasn't going to risk going through the living room and having the boys wake up. I grabbed my brand new phone and put it in my pocket before grabbing my bag and throwing it onto the porch. I Sat on the window and spun around so I was sat on the ledge before lowering myself down my toes just reached the roof which I stepped on and then lowered myself down to the floor. I went over to the bench and called a taxi firm which Ronnie had thankfully saved back into my contact book. 

I jumped into the taxi and told him to go to Lexus's address, I had no shoes on because I had left them in the living room by the front door when I came in.  The driver noticed and was asking me questions about it. I was thankful when I arrived at Lexus's but then I worried whether she would be in or not luckily she was and by herself for once usually she always has company  "Oh Deven hey gurl! Why haven't you been answering your phone Aaron said Ronnie had threatened him" I sighed and walked into her house "Ronnie stole my phone and replaced it with a new one I have a new number and everything, he deleted your numbers" I answered her question

"and Aaron?"

"He was a mistake, I was drunk" I laughed and Lexus agreed 

"He is so not your type anyway Dev" I had to agree he wasn't and I knew that. I explained to her how Ronnie was telling me I had a problem and she agreed that I was right "You know what would fix that non existant problem?" I grinned at her as she went over to her fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine. She poured me a massive glass of it and I sat back on her sofa. Lexus made me get instagram which I didn't mind and she took a picture on it of me and her with our wine glasses "You mind if I tag Ronnie in this pic. I had to laugh but then thought it would be cruel seeing as he had just bought me this new phone and I had already done one bad deed tonight and that was escaping. But before I could say otherwise she had already done it... I rolled my eyes and snatched the phone back looking at the caption underneath the picture 'Youuuuu likeeeeyyyy? @Ronnieinreverse? <3' I cringed and shut the phone off, knowing I would probably be getting it tomorrow morning. It got to about 4am and I started to get tired "Mind if I kip on your sofa?" I asked Lexus wearily she laughed at me "Yes I do mind actually, I can't let my best friend sleep on my couch, come in my bed with me, it's big enough for two" I smiled at her and gave her a wink before I took her hand and followed her into her bedroom. 

I woke up to my phone ringing at about 8am. "Hello?"

"Where are you Deven?" I heard Jacky sigh 

"Oh erm I'm just outside walking around the block" I replied hastily 

"Deven I know you, it sounds like you've just woken up and the bedroom window is wide open" I tried to inturupt him "And your shoes are still by the living room door" I groaned into the reciever 

"Fine you win, I'm at Lexus's house" I heard him sigh

"Look I'm not going to give you another lecture, just get home now whilst Ronnie is still asleep" I then remembered the picture Lexus had posted on my Instagram last night "He will know when he wakes up anyway" I giggled slightly and then put the phone down before getting up. Lexus wasn't in the house anywhere but she had left a note 'Hi Deven, gone to record had to leave early, if you wanna stay you're welcome to here's my number for your new phone call meeeeeeee laytorrrr' I smiled at the note and re added the number to my new phone. I went into her fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before heading out I didn't want to go straight home instead I thought I'd take a walk around, Lexus lived close to the centre so I decided it would be a good idea to go and get Ronnie and the guys some breakfast to appologise about sneaking out and for the photo I had tagged Ronnie in. 

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before I opened the door to the flat. I walked in smiling "Hey guy's I got you breakfast!" I gleamed. Ryan smiled

"Aw that's really thoughtful" Derek and Ron were still asleep and I couldn't see Ronnie about anywhere. Jacky came over and shrugged I think he was starting to realise he didn't have any control over me. I looked up as the door to Ronnie's bedroom opened and he strolled out fully clothed and looking like he had been up for hours. He had a Black shirt, black skinny jeans, Black Leather jacket and White pointy shoes with his sunglasses pulled over his eyes. I looked at him and smiled "I er got you breakfast!" I said happily as he passed me. He stopped walking and I grinned at him "I'm not interested" he said vaguley before leaving the flat, what did I say? I thought to myself before looking to Jacky "What's his problem?" Jacky rolled his eyes

"What do you think, he saw that picture you tagged him in?" I pursed my lips

"Oh that wasn't me that was Lexus, do you really think I would do something like that Jacky?" he shrugged "I don't know, I hope not" I rolled my eyes at him and took some breakfast over to Derek and Ron who were both still snoring softly on the matress that was laid out on the floor. 

We all spent most of the day at Ronnie's just chilling out and talking, Ronnie hadn't been back all day and when he did get back he had a couple of people with him I had never seen before he grabbed Jacky and went to speak to him privatley. The guys that were with him didn't look familiur and I noticed they were both wearing identical uniforms. I don't think anyone else other than me noticed them as they stood silently by the door. I felt awkward so nudged Ryan to get his attention "What's going on?" I asked him but he looked away guiltily before Ronnie and Jacky came back in. Ronnie was a bit ahead of Jacky and Jacky was saying something about him going a little too far with the situation. Ronnie came over to me and told Ryan, Ron and Derek to go out for a bit I looked at Ronnie and raised my eyebrows at him before he spoke "We're going to have you monitored" I stared at him and then looked at Jacky who had his top pulled up over his mouth "What do you mean by 'monitored'?" I asked Ronnie 

"Well I know these guys from when I was in rehab and with some talking they offered to tag you for me" I stared at him now getting it "If you end up somewhere you're not meant to be then, well, you'll be in trouble" I looked at the two Men and then spotted the ankle monitor in one of their hands I shot up and went to run for it but the two guys grabbed me before I could escape I groaned knowing that if I ran I would only get myself into more trouble I watched as they placed the bracelet on around my ankle and tightened it with the special key thingy they had "So what I can't leave this apartment now?" I asked as I looked at Ronnie evily I hated him right now! I really hated him.

"You'll thank me later" he said before patting my head intimidatingly

"If this is about that photo I never did that it was Lexus and you know it!" he shrugged 

"You won't be able to go to Lexus's or anywhere around that area" I laughed at him as he went over to the door and thanked the guys who had put this stupid monitor on my ankle. 

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