How to Train Your Dragon x Ma...

By Hauntez

30K 914 228

Follow the story of Y/n L/n, a young viking man who is quite famous in Berk as one of the strongest and smart... More

Bio + Love Interests
How to Train Your Dragon
M1, Chapter 1
M1, Chapter 2
M1, Chapter 3
M1, Chapter 4
M1, Chapter 5
M1, Chapter 6
M1, Chapter 7
M1, Chapter 8
Dragons: Race to The Edge
Bio + Love Interests
Season 1
S1, Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2
S1, Ep 3: Imperfect Harmony
S1, Ep 4: When Darkness Falls
S1, Ep 5: Gone Gustav Gone
S1, Ep 6: Reign of Fireworms

S1, Ep 1: Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

1.4K 45 9
By Hauntez


Outcast Island

(One of the Outcasts walk through the jail while throwing food into the multiple cells holding criminals)

Outcast: Mealtime, maggots!

(He takes out a special bag and throws it into a cell)

Prisoner: But that's not bread! Why does he always get special treatment? Oh, Mr Big-shot. Mr berserker Chief.

(Dagur walks out of the shadows while holding his "food")

Dagur: Oh hey you want some? Come here, I'll give you some.

(As the Outcast is about to grab the bag Dagur grabs his arm through the bars)

Dagur: I've been meaning to tell you something for the last three years; Your voice... is really... annoying.

(Dagur twists the prisoner's arm and opens the napkin he's been given with is hiding the key to his cell)

Dagur: Gosh that feels good.

(Dagur opens his cell and walks out then starts attacking the guards)

Outcast: He's escaped! Dagur's got out! Sound the al-

(Dagur beats him up as more Outcasts start showing up, Dagur drags two maces and chuckles)

Dagur: Oh goodie! A challenge.

(The other Berserkers are cheering for Dragur as he beats the Outcasts up)

Berserkers: Yah! Get 'em Dagur!

(As more Outcasts come, Dagur begins fighting all of them. Then he approaches the one guarding the exit, the same one who gave him the key)

Outcast: No. No, Dagur don't! I'm the one that gave you the key.

Dagur: Which makes you a traitor.

(The Outcast chuckles and Dagur punches him, knocking him out)

Dagur: I hate traitors.

(Dagur opens a door and walks out of the prison where he sees a ship by the dock causing him to smile)

Dagur: It's a new day, Y/n. Hope you're well rested.

Open Skies

(Y/n and Fafnir are flying trough the air)

Y/n: Okay, Bud. Let's try the new move.

(Fafnir dives down and shoots upwards at great speeds)

Y/n: Woohoo! Yeah, baby! That's it, Fafnir. Push it, you've got it! Climb higher!

(Due to the great speeds Y/n slips from his saddle and begin to fall)

Y/n: What the... Oh no, not again! Uh hey, Fafnir!

(Fafnir roars and dives down, parallel to Y/n. Y/n looks at Fafnir)

Y/n: Hey.

(Fafnir growls)

Y/n: So, just plummet, or, uh any ideas?

(Y/n flips his body and lands on Fafnir and they stop in place over the ocean)

Y/n: I seriously have to get my own pair of wings.

(Fafnir grumbles at that)

Y/n: Oh, quiet, you. Don't even start.


(Y/n and Fafnir are flying around Berk)

Y/n: "This is Berk."

(Fafnir soars over the village as villagers wave at Y/n)

Y/n: "This is Berk, too."

(Fafnir flies over a hangar under construction)

Y/n: "And so is this!"

(Fafnir flies over a dragon feeder)

Y/n: "And this also."

(Fafnir glides over windmills)

Y/n: "Yeah, it's been three whole years since the war with the Berserkers. And Berk has changed a lot. But then again, so have we.

(Y/n and Fafnir fly over Snotlout who stands bt a catapult)

Y/n: "Snotlout works at the armory now. Gobber gave him the title of "official weapons tester."

(Snotlout gets into a catapult and gets launched away. And he laughs and gives Y/n a thumbs up)

Snotlout: It works!

Y/n: "The twins, to absolutely no one's surprise, have decided to dedicate their lives to Loki."

(The twins rush below Snotlout with a wagon of weapons. Snotlout sees this and starts to panic)

Snotlout: Uh, Hookfang! Hookfang!

(He gets caught by Hookfang just before he hits the wagon)

Y/n: "The god of pranks. Lucky us."

Snotlout: You just have to cut it that close, don't you? Hookfang! Ugh! There will be repercussions for this! Repercussions!

(The twins are laughing and they high five)

Twins: Yes!

(Y/n and Fafnir fly over Fishlegs with Meatlug and a bunch of kids on her)

Y/n: "And then there's Fishlegs, who has really found his calling, teaching the children of Berk the history of dragons."

Fishlegs: And if you look closely at the walls of the great hall, you'll still see puncture marks where the speed stingers attacked. Interesting fact about these dragons...

(Fishlegs turns towards the steps of the Great Hall and sees stoick and Gobber walking down towards them)

Fishlegs: Oh! Oh, look, kids! We're in luck. Here come two of four Berk's most famous heroes.

Stoick: Ho ho! Heroes? I've got some Chiefing to do, but I guess I could spare a moment...

Fishlegs: Y/n and the amazing Fafnir!

(Fafnir soars over them with Y/n. And the kids cheer at them)

Stoick: ... Eh, to introduce Y/n and his Skrill! Hooray!

Open Sea

(Y/n flies over the sea, then Astrid, Hicca, Stromfly and Toothless fly towards him)

Y/n: Hey, there you two are.

Astrid: Y/n, we've been chasing you since the armory.

(Hicca flies next to Y/n and looks at him)

Hicca: So where are we going to fly today?

Y/n: Well, I thought we'd try out the far North today.

Astrid: Uh, can we talk about something first?

Y/n: Yeah, sure, if you can catch me.

(Y/n and Fafnir rocket off with Hicca and Toothless chasing them. Astrid groans and flies after them)

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n is looking through his spyglass while Hicca and Astrid stand behind him)

Hicca: I'm just going to say it, I have a really good feeling about today.

Astrid: You two say that every time we go searching for new dragons. Hicca, Y/n, can we have a second? I wanted to talk to you about...

(Suddenly Y/n tosses her his spyglass and smiles excitedly)

Y/n: Whoa, look, look, look, look! Did you see that? There's definitely some movement up ahead. Long neck... Large head... Behind that rock formation.

Astrid: Yeah, anyway, I wanted to tell you.

(Y/n, Hicca, Fafnir and Toothless zoom ahead. Astrid sighs and rolls eyes)

Y/n: This is it, guys! A new species of dragon!

Hicca: I wonder what it can do!

(They stop in front of rock formation and sees the twins and their dragon in a weird dangled mess)

Twins: Loki'd!

Tuff: You totally thought barch was a new dragon!

Hicca: Oh, come on! Did not!

(Y/n groans and rolls his eyes)

Y/n: Let's go, guys.

(Y/n, Fafnir, Hicca and Toothless fly off)

Tuff: Wow, who yakked in his mutton?

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n, Fafnir, Hicca and Toothless are sitting on a sea stack. Then Astrid walks up to them and sighs)

Astrid: Those guys are muttonheads. But you have to admit, we've visited every island, every sea stack and every rock in the archipelago. And we haven't spotted a new dragon in a long time.

Hicca: This can't be all there is! There has to be something more out there!

Astrid: What if there isn't. What if we're done? What if the search is over?

Y/n: It can't be.

Astrid: Well, it's over for me. I've been trying to tell you. Stormfly and I... We're joining the Berk Guard.

Y/n: Oh. That's great... I'm happy for you guys...

Astrid: Look, maybe you should give some thought to what's next for you two, Fafnir and Toothless.

(She mounts onto Stormfly and flies away. Leaving Y/n and Hicca alone with Fafnir and Toothless)

Dragon Academy

(Y/n, Hicca, Fafnir and Toothless are standing in the academy at night, closing all the cages and cleaning everything up)

Y/n: I guess it's just us for now.

Hicca: Yeah.

(They leave the academy)


(We see Mulch andBucket in a boat in the ocean. Bucket is struggling with a fishing net)

Bucket: I can't get it!

Mulch: What's the problem, Bucket?

Bucket: I'm not sure, Mulch! I can't raise the net! Something's pulling that end down!

(They look at each other beyond terrifed)


(The net is pulled into the ocean and sea water is shot at them. The twins emerge from under the water, waving their hands)

Twins: Loki'd!

(Mulch and Bucket glare at the twins)

Bucket: Oh, you!

(They see trader Johann sitting behind Tuff)

Bucket: Johann?

Johann: Help me!

Tuff: Oh man, you should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!

Twins: Full Loki'd!

Tuff: Bet you've never saw a full Loki coming, am I right, Johann? Johann?

Haddock House

(Y/n and Hicca enter the house and see Stoick sitting by a table eating)

Stoick: Hicca! Y/n! What are you doing home so early?

Hicca: Oh, I just... wanted to spend some time with my dear old dad. Yeah, you know, we never get to talk anymore. So...

Stoick: Alright. What is it?

Y/n: What's what?

Stoick: What is it?

Hicca: Can't a daughter spend some quality time with her family?

Stoick: Not this one. Not usually, at least. So, let's hear it.

Y/n: All right.

(Y/n and Hicca sit by the table and look at Stoick)

Y/n: Did you know Astrid just joined the Berk Guard?

Stoick: I heard that. Good for her.

Hicca: And the other riders got their different things going on?

Stoick: What are you two saying?

Y/n: We're saying, I don't know. Maybe it's time for us-

(The door opens and the twins walk inside while supporting Trader Johann. Stoick, Y/n and Hicca quickly stand up and walk towards them)

Stoick: Johann! What happened to you?

Trader Johann: Ooh... Dagur!

(Y/n's eyes narrow when he hears Dagurs name)

Y/n: What about Dagur?

Trader Johann: He's out! He's more Berserk than ever! And from the way he was talking, Y/n. You're number one on his revenge list!

(Everyone looks worried about that)

Dragon Academy

(All the riders are gathered around a map at the Dragon Academy)

Y/n: All we got from Johann before he passed out was this, Dagur escaped from Outcast Island by commandeering his ships.

(Y/n points to a spot on a map with his sword)

Y/n: He threw Johann overboard about here.

Snotlout: Oh, so what you're saying is Dagur could be anywhere by now.

Y/n: Well, technically, yes.

Snotlout: Oh, great. Great, great, great. So that just leaves... I don't know, let me think about this... the entire ocean to search! No, thank you!

(Then Trader Johann walks up to the riders)

Johann: Master Y/n.

Hicca: Johann, you're awake.

Y/n: How are you feeling?

Johann: Much better, thank you for asking. More importantly, I have more than a strong suspicion of where our nefarious foe may be heading.

(He chuckles and motions towards the map)

Y/n: Outside the Archipelago?

Johann: No! Just inside the fog bank on our outer group of islands.

(Y/n and Hicca exchange looks)

Hicca: We've never been out that far.

Johann: When Dagur commandeered my precious ship, he also came into possession of a very important map... one that leads to a graveyard of ships hidden in that fog bank.

Snotlout: Wow! That's the first place I'd go.

Johann: If I may be allowed to finish?

Snotlout: Johann, last time we allowed you to finish, we ended up on Breakneck bog. So, no... No finishing.

Y/n: Enough! What's so special about the graveyard and why would he go there?

Johann: Well, you see...

(Sensing that Johann is about to go on another long tale Hicca stops him)

Hicca: The short version, please.

Johann: It's where I store all my treasures and wares.

(The riders just stare at Johann in silence)

Tuff: Wow, concise, to the point. Who knew he had it in him?

Johann: Which reminds me of the first time I was labelled as "concise"! He was a young man, very ugly, I actually...

Y/n: Johann!

Johann: Yes?

Y/n: Focus. Is there anything else?

Johann: As a matter of fact, there is one ship you must avoid at all cost. It's called... the reaper.

(The riders all look at Johann interested)

Johann: Riddled with booby traps from stem to stern. Barely made it out with my life the only time I dared venture aboard. Oh, wow!

Y/n: Okay, Hicca, Fafnir, Toothless, let's go.

(He turns to look at the rest of the riders)

Y/n: Unless, of course, any of you can make time out of your busy schedules to capture a dangerous maniac?

Open Seas

(Y/n and the gang are flying in the air)

Y/n: This is pretty great, huh, bud? Seems like forever since we all flew as a group. Let's see how rusty they are. V Formation!

(The dragons form a 'V' shape in the air. Y/n nods in approval)

Y/n: Not bad. Diamond Formation!

(The dragons form a diamond in the air)

Tuff: How rusty does this guy think we are?

(Fsihlegs is squished between Barf and Belch and Meatlug)

Fishlegs: Uh... guys? A little tight on the diamond, are we?

Hicca: Just like old times.

(Hookfang erupts in flames and flies to the head of the group)

Snotlout: Five thousand pounds of flaming muscle coming through!

Y/n: Ever classic.

Ship Graveyard

(The Dragon Riders are flying through the heavy fog, Y/n looks around at the new area that is filled with broken viking ships)

Y/n: I knew it! I knew there was more!

Astrid: Some of these ships, I've never seen anything like them before.

Y/n: Okay, everybody fan out! If anyone sees any signs of Dagur, sound the signal.

(The riders separate to search. Astrid and Stormfly are flying around alone)

Astrid: It's alright Stormfly. Nothing to worry about.

(Meanwhile Meatlug and Fishlegs are flying around while looking around nervously)

Fishlegs: Don't be nervous, girl. We don't want you to...

(Meatlug spews a fire ball into the ocean)

Fishlegs: do that...

(Bellow them eels swim up from under the water. Snotlout and Hookfang are flying around while Snotlout laughs at the wrecked ships)

Snotlout: Haha, Hookfang! These guys are awful sailors!

(He crashes into mast)

Snotlout: Oof! A little help here... Hookfang!

(He looks and sees Hookfang flying away)

Snotlout: Hey! I saw that look! What did we talk about?

(Meanwhile, Y/n and Fafnir look at a biggest ship out of everyone)

Y/n: That's gotta be the reaper.

(Then the gang gather with Y/n and Fafnir)

Hicca: Not a sing of dagur.

Astrid: Looks like we've got here first. What's the plan?

Y/n: We wait.

Fishlegs: Wait a minute. For how long? This fog really gives Meatlug the willies.

Astrid: He has a point. We can't wait here forever.

Hicca: We can't just leave Johann's treasure here either. Dagur will steal them!

Y/n: She's right.

Astrid: And use the profit to build a new armada.

Ruff: Not if we steal them first!

Tuffnut: That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard! I hereby disown you.

Y/n: Actually, you know what? I actually like it!

Tuffnut: Welcome back to the family.

Y/n: Here's the plan. We search the ship, gather Johann's treasure and take it back to Berk. But keep your eyes open for Dagur. He could show up anytime...

(Suddenly they all then hear loud hissing)

Astrid: What is that?

Tuffnut: Has Dagur's voice changed?

(Hicca looks down into the water and sees multiple huge eels surrounding them)

Hicca: Eels! Everybody get to your dragons before they get spooked and take off!

Fishlegs: Ohhhh... Hold me, Meatlug!

(All dragons even Toothless who starts to hop from ship to ship away take off. Leaving Fafnir the only dragon left)

Snotlout: Hookfang!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Hicca: Toothless!

(A giant eel emerges)

Snotlout: AHHHHHH!

(Fafnir steps up and roars at the eels)

Y/n: Calm down, bud! It's only a couple of eels! Really big, screaming mean eels...

(Then the eels start sinking the ship. Y/n hops on Fafnir and flies up)

Tuff: AHHHH!

Fishlegs: The eels are pulling the ship down!

Snotlout: Fishlegs! Grab my foot!

(Fishlegs grabs his foot)

Snotlout: Oh, you ate a full breakfast!

(The entire gang grabs each other's feet)

Snotlout: You ate everybody's breakfast!

Tuff: We're gonna live!

(Astrid slips and falls)

Astrid: Hold it-- AHHHH!

Hicca: Astrid!

Y/n: Hold on!

Tuff: Most of us are gonna live!

Astrid: Y/N!

(She lands in the water and the giant eels surround her. She draws her axe, then Y/n and Fafnir dive into the water and save her)

Astrid: Thank you, Y/n!

Snotlout: Pardon me. Does anyone else think that Johann could have warned us about... I don't know... THE GIANT SCREAMING EELS?!

Hicca: Snotlout, would you relax? The dragons will be back. In the meantime, we stick with the plan. We find Johann's treasure. Quietly.

(Snotlout stomps away heavily. Hicca sighs. While Y/n stares at the reaper)

Astrid: Why are you staring at that ship?

Y/n: Because I'm thinking of checking it out.

Hicca: The Reaper? The ship Johann warned us about?

Y/n: Exactly. A ship covered with booby traps from step to stern. I'm thinking, what is on there they don't want people to find?

Hicca: Be careful y/n.

Y/n: I will.

(Y/n and Fafnir fly to The Reaper alone)

Y/n: This boat is definitely not from the archipelago. These carvings, the design on the sail... I've never seen anything like this.

(Y/n and Fafnir walk over to a green dragon cage, Y/n runs his hand over the metal)

Y/n: And this metal...

(Fafnir starts to growl at the cage)

Y/n: Come on, bud, it's just an empty cage.

(A bird flies out of the cage scaring both of them)

Y/n: Okay, now... now it's an empty cage.

(Meanwhile the twins are on another ship looking at multiple chests full of jewels)

Tuff: Jewels, jewels! You know what we're gonna do? We're bringing them back for the family. Mom will be so happy. Wait, but how are we going to carry all these back to Berk?

(Ruff reveals jewels in her mouth)

Tuff: Great idea, sis! I can't believe I didn't think about that. Here, I may do it too. I'm also gonna put jewels in your mouth.

(He shoves jewels into Ruffnut's mouth)

Tuff: Yeah! I gotta keep mine empty so I can talk.

Ruff: Ah! Keep comin'. Keep 'em coming. Ah! Ooh!

(Fishlegs is on another ship where he finds multiple different books, papers, maps and texts lying all around)

Fishlegs: Whoo! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Fishlegs! Maps, old books, charts! Oh ho ho ho! There's no greater treasure than knowledge.

(Snotlout is looking through his ship with a wide smile on his face)

Snotlout: I'm gonna be rich! I'm gonna be rich! Rich, rich, rich, rich, rich!

(He spots a fancy looking ornate chest)

Snotlout: Hmm, well, hello, Mr Ornate Box. What treasures do you hold? Rich! Ho! Rich!

(He opens the chest and sees that its filled with nothing but hair)

Snotlout: Hair! Ew! Who keeps hair in a box? There's got to be more! More hair? Ech! Man, what a rip-off.

(He realizes it's the hair of deceased royalties by looking at a painting)

Snotlout: Or is it? I'm Stoick the Vast! Hicca, Y/n, you two such disappointments! Why can't you be more like Snotlout? Eh, I'm Ruff... or am I Tuff? Who can tell?

(He then makes a weird style with the hair)

Snotlout: I'm... Oh, actually, this is kind of nice.

(Back with Y/n and Fafnir who look down at a pair of stairs that lead inside the ship. Fafnir growls)

Y/n: Come on, bud. Don't you want to see what's down below? All right, fine. Guess I'm going alone.

(A rope latches onto Y/n's foot and starts to drag him off the ship)

Y/n: Ah! Whoa! Whoa!

(Fafnir fires at the rope cutting it off and saving Y/n just in time)

Y/n: Okay. Nobody goes to this much trouble unless there's something on this boat that they don't want found.

(Y/n and Fafnir enter the ship)

Y/n: Watch your step, bud.

(Y/n looks down and see that he almost stepped onto a bear trap)

Y/n: Oh, that was too close. Let's just take this nice and...

(Fafnir whines while looking into a cage that contains dragon bones)

Y/n: Dragon bones.

(He pets Fafnir)

Y/n: I'm sorry you had to see this, bud. Whoever commanded this ship was certainly no friend of dragons. Let's get out of here.

(Y/n steps onto a plank, and arrows shoot out from walls)

Y/n: All right, come on, Fafnir! Let's go!

(Y/n and Fafnir run across the hall with Fafnir shielding Y/n with his wings. They then come across a door that leads to the commanders quarters)

Y/n: Commander's quarters. Stay close, bud. Okay, so here's the plan...

(Fafnir blows up the door)

Y/n: I like yours better.

(Y/n sees a skeleton holding something)

Y/n: What is this thing?

(Y/n approaches the weird looking item held by a skeleton)

Y/n: Whatever it is, if it's on this ship, it's no good for dragons. Which means we're not leaving it here for Dagur.

(He lifts the skeletons hand and take the item)

Y/n: Hmm... Huh. Well, that wasn't too...

(A giant axe flies in front of Y/n making him jump back)

Y/n: GIANT AXE! Fafnir, run!

(Spikes come out of the floor)

Y/n: Watch it, Fafnir!

(Arrows fly towards Y/n but they don't hit)

Y/n: Whoa!

(Y/n and Fafnir run up the stairs and see Dagur on the deck. Fafnir prepares to shot him)

Y/n: Fafnir, hold.

Dagur: Y/n! Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you. Every day for three years, I thought about.

(He steps aside to reveal the dragon riders locked in the cage behind him)

Y/n: Hicca! Astrid!

Dagur: And you too Skrill.

Hicca: Sorry, Y/n. He got the drop on us while we were searching...

Dagur: Uh, quiet! Can't you see my brother and I are having a moment?

Y/n: I'm not your brother and we are definitely not having a moment.

Dagur: Oh, well, I was. Look at you, all grown up! And quite the ladies' man, I'd wager. Hmm? Hmm?

Y/n: Dagur, what do you want?

Snotlout: Duh!

(He flips his new-found royal hair)

Snotlout: He wants the jewels.

Tuff: He's not getting my family's jewels. No way! And I'll protect them at all cost!

(He looks at Snotlouts awful fake hair)

Tuff: Also, what is with that hair?

Snotlout: Ha! It's royal hair, I'll have you know.

Dagur: Haven't gotten rid of the Greek Chorus, I see. Anyway, yes, I'll take the jewels. His too.

(A crew member hits Ruff making her puke the jewels onto the floor)

Ruff: Watch it, pal!

(The crew member laughs at her. Ruff then spits a jewel into his mouth)

Crew Member: Oh!

(He chockes and falls onto the floor)

Dagur: Oops, thought that was the guy. Never can tell with those two. And I'll also take whatever it is you're hiding behind your back. Come on, hand it over like a good boy. Brothers share, you know.

(Y/n hands him the item he found)

Y/n: You know you're not going to get very far with that thing, right?

Dagur: Oh, boy, here we go. Must we always do the same dance, Y/n, you and I? Not that you're not a fabulous dancer.

(Fafnir growls at him but Y/n palces his hand on Fafnir's head)

Y/n: Easy, not yet.

Dagur: That's right, Mr Skrill. Today is not the day, but it's coming! And soon. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got people to see, an army to build, revenge to plot. Ooh, so much to do and so little time! Isn't this exciting, Y/n? You... You must have been so bored over the last three years.

Tuff: Yeah, he's got a point about that. Not enough explosions.

Dagur: Alas, my time here has come to an end. Farewell, for now, brother. Until we meet again on the field of battle.

(He leaves the ship and Y/n runs to the others and try to open the cage)

Astrid: Forget about us! Go after him!

Snotlout: What are you waiting for?!

(Snotlout flips his hair causing Y/n to look at him weirdly)

Y/n: Are you guys sure you'll be okay?

Hicca: We're fine! Go!

(Y/n gets on Fafnir and flies toward Dagur. One of the crew members sees Y/n and Fafnir approaching)

Crew Member: Here they come, sir, just like you said.

Dagur: Still predictable, aren't you, brother?

(The crew members are pushing a catapult)

Dagur: Fire!

(They fire the catapult but Y/n manages to dodge it)

Y/n: You missed, brother!

Dagur: Y/n, you should know by now, I never miss.

(Y/n realizes that Dagur hit the ship and the gang will sink with it)

Y/n: Oh, NO!

Gang: Oh! Y/n! Get us out of here!

Dagur: What's it going to be, Y/n? Catch me, save your friends? Ooh, tough one! Glad I'm not in your shoes.

(Y/n glares at Dagur)



Dragons: Race to the Edge S1, Ep 1: Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1 is done :)


Word Count: 3763



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