My Darling |Emma Watson x fem...

By Lqagranger

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Everyone thought Emma and Bianca were soulmates. However, the young actress broke her girlfriend's heart when... More

γ€Œ ✦ Cast and Playlist ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ We meet each other again ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Reunited ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Do I hate you... ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Just a normal night ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ The eyes never lie ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ ...Or not? ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You scared me to death ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Bloody paparazzi ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Painful memories ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Wow...that hurt ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Just give me five minutes ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ No one could ever occupy it ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You don't have to do this ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Dress pretty! ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Please, say no, say no ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ My thoughts will be of you ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You're the owner of my heart ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ It was all a lie ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦We will get through this together✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ My darling ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You will have to trust me ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Stay with me ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Come back to me, please ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ The great love story ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ I'm proud of you ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You are my home ✦ 」

γ€Œ ✦ What? ✦ 」

149 10 15
By Lqagranger

The afternoon together had gone quite well after all. Tom and Emma didn't make her feel uneasy with their demonstrations of affection, and she had been able to have a great time with her friends, almost forgetting about her problems. She had to admit that they had really done a pretty good job at decorating the house. It was very similar to those which you usually see in films. Now, they took a well-deserved break, sitting down in the living room to chat a little bit.

She and Dan had decided to tell their friends about their fake relationship, and who was amused the most was Bonnie, who couldn't help but mock them, but especially Bianca. Also, she liked to implicitly tease Emma, particularly enjoying the death stare she gave her in response to what she said.

"So Dan," the redhead started as she poured herself a glass of red wine, sitting comfortably on the couch next to Florence and Lorenzo. "Are you ready to snog our Bianca in front of everyone?"

Bianca choked on her own saliva. That was the second time in a day: firstly Florence, now Bonnie; who would the third be?

Dan let out a nervous laugh, scratching behind his neck. He subtly glanced at Emma, maybe to have a hint on how to respond to Bonnie, but the actress was wearing an indecipherable gaze. "... I don't think it will be necessary snogging."

"Are you kidding?" Asked Rupert in disbelief. "The entire word will have to believe that you two are madly in love with each other. Of course you will have to snog!"

"I won't do anything that could cause discomfort to Bianca." Dan kindly said, tenderly caressing his friend's leg. Bianca shot him a grateful smile in response, brushing her hand over his. "Thank you, Dan, but unfortunately, I'm afraid Bonnie's right."

"I just hope I still remember how to do it, though." Bianca mumbled to herself, embarrassed. It wasn't easy to admit that her last kiss had been seven years ago, with Emma. She never wanted to kiss anyone else on the lips after her. It was a very intimate thing for her, and she didn't think she could kiss a random person without loving them. She was ashamed of it. It wasn't normal that a young, pretty girl like her wasted the best years of her life chasing Emma, but without her, nothing made sense to Bianca.

However, luckily, no one seemed to have heard her since they went on talking about their work on the set of Harry Potter, sharing with Bianca, Florence and Lorenzo, lots of funny stories about the past films. "I can't stop thinking about the infinite amount of fines I took while filming," Rupert joked.

"Yeah," agreed Bonnie smiling, "you were definitely the worst when it came to be serious."

"Remember when Dan screamed "cut!" when Rupert had to kiss Jessie in the Gryffindor common room? That was amazing!" Tom laughed, bringing his right arm around Emma's shoulder. "Not so sure of that," Rupert said playfully, shaking his index finger, "I have lost the count of how many times we had to shoot the kiss."

"It was hilarious!" Dan exclaimed excitedly, smacking his hand on his leg so hard that Bianca literally jumped off her seat, scared. Everyone burst out laughing because of her reaction. "That was not funny!" Bianca squealed as she took again place next to Dan, who couldn't stop laughing.

She looked at him with her arms crossed on her chest. "You're an idiot, Dan. You scared me," she slapped his arm with a pillow, making him flinch due to the sudden pain. She crossed her arms on her chest and put on her best pout.

Dan looked at her with puppy eyes, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I love you too, Bia," he grinned. She stood still, completely ignoring the brown haired boy, pretending to be mad. But in reality, the corner of her lips curled up into a small smile.

"Dan, that was pretty good, but Bianca, please, next time, pretend you don't wanna cut his head down," Bonnie playfully said, acting as a director.

This time, even Bianca laughed along with them, but not Emma. She, for obvious reasons, didn't have the right to say anything, but she was burning with jealously. She realised that, sooner rather than later, her girl would seriously kiss Dan, and she couldn't do anything to avoid that.

"Don't worry, Bon, next time I'll directly jump on him." Bianca said, winking.

"Looking forward to see you in action," the redhead replied, amused, winking back at her.

Tom's eyes popped out as he discovered it was almost time for dinner. He quickly stood up from the couch, gathered his things, greeted others, and kissed Emma softly. "I have to go on set, guys, I'm sorry," he said, wawing with his hand. Then he turned to Emma with a bright smile, "I'll see you later, love."

The actress forced a smile, awkwardly switching her position on the couch, straightening her back, and fixing her hair from the embarrassment.

Bianca felt the sudden urge to vomit. Like Hermione Granger would say, 'excuse me, I have to go and vomit.' she said her goodbye to Tom and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She could perceive her heart in her throat, her forehead starting to wet with cold sweat, and her vision progressively grew darker. She hated it. She hated being this broken just because her stupid, stubborn heart didn't allow her to move on from Emma.

Even when she was finally having fun with her friends, there had to happen something to remind her that she had lost her train forever.

She thought about the fact that Florence told her she had never met someone who loved each other like Emma and her did, starting to believe that maybe not feeling anything at all would be a better option than going on suffering like her heart had been stabbed with a knife.

Emma glanced at her concerned. Florence as well was worried about her: she had already fainted once not so long ago, and now she seemed to be close to pass out another time. When Bianca walked out all pale and weak, she promptly stood up to follow her, but Florence stopped her, pressing a hand on her knee. "Don't worry, she is fine," the brunette told the actress, even though nothing was okay, and she knew it. "I'll go to her."

The room had gone silent. Dan, Rupert, Bonnie, Lorenzo, and Evanna had literally frozen themselves on their seat. You couldn't hear a pin drop.

"Florence," Emma called the brunette before she could exit the room. She sighed deeply, annoyed, but she used all her strength to remain calm for Bianca. "Yes?" She asked, turning around to face the older girl with the fakest of the smiles.

"I get that you despise me," Emma began talking. Florence folded her arms, leaning on the right side of the door, raising a brow. "Seriously, I do," the actress reasoned, "I hurt her, and you're trying to protect her. But believe me if I tell you that I had to leave her." Few tears rolled down Emma's cheeks. Florence furrowed her forehead, very confused. The rest of the guys, apart from Lorenzo, knew the truth, and they shared sympathetic looks. "I had to leave her," Emma repeated. "You told me to stay away from her if I cared about her, and that was exactly what I had to do to protect her. I can deal with her hate if that means that I get to see her alive. Even if I have lost the thing I love the most..." Emma's voice cracked, but she did her best to keep her composure. " please, don't think I wanted to hurt her," the girl's voice was barely audible now, "I never did."

"What are you talking about, Emma?" Florence questioned, taken aback by the actress' speech. "What do you mean 'I can deal with her hate if that means I get to see her alive? Is she in danger? What aren't you telling me?"

Emma ran her fingers between her beautiful hair, trying to find the right words not to say too much but to appease Florence's curiosity. "No, she is not in danger anymore, but please, don't ask further. I won't be able to respond to you, and please, don't tell her, it's better this way."

Florence's jaw fell on the floor. "Emma, don't you understand that I need to know whatever is going on?" She almost screamed, livid. "She is like a sister to me," her legs gave out, making her fall on the couch again. Lorenzo instinctively tenderly caressed her lower back to provide her some comfort. "...i-if something happens to her," the words died on her tongue, she couldn't bring herself to think about a word without Bianca. She was her person, her Meredith, and Cristina couldn't go on without her twisted sister.

"-I know," Emma just said with glossy eyes. "But I wouldn't let anything happen to her, I swear."

The two girls made a nod of understanding. Florence let herself be hugged by Lorenzo, who gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Emma instead stood up to get to Bianca, and this time Florence let her go without saying a word. She wasn't still fond of the girl, but she could say that she wasn't lying. She had found her sincere, and Bianca certainly would rather be helped by Emma than by her. Maybe she could have stopped acting as a guarding dog whenever the actress was around.


Bianca was wetting her neck and wrists with cold water. She kept seeing Tom kissing the love of her life, over and over again, feeling utterly broken.

She wondered what she had done to deserve this. Why did she have to go through this endless, excruciating pain?

Moreover, she was feeling sick, but perhaps it was because of her period. Unfortunately, she suffered a lot during those times, having bad cramps, nausea, and even fever sometimes. She had already thrown up her breakfast, feeling extremely fragile. Maybe she needed a little nap with a hot water bottle on her stomach.

As the water flew, Bianca heard a soft nock on the bathroom's door, followed by Emma's angelic voice. "Honey, are you okay?"

The younger girl suppressed the need to let out a sob, swallowing it. "Y-yeah," she said with a trembling bottom lip. She held herself tight on the sink, squeezing its sides with her hands.

Emma chuckled, leaning her back on the door. "I thought you I had already told you that you can't fool me, sweetheart."

Bianca sighed, irritated by the fact that she couldn't absolutely tell Emma lies. She would immediately know. "You did, but I'm telling you I'm good."

"Let me help you, Bia," the older girl kindly said, pressing her palms against the door, "I know you're not okay, you don't need to pretend with me."

Bianca reflected attentively about her next move. She was sure enough that the actress wouldn't go away without checking if she was actually okay, and she was feeling awful, hence... she slowly turned the doorknob, finding Emma in front of her.

"Oh my god, Bianca," Emma said, rushing by her side. "You look terrible," she affirmed, making the younger girl giggle softly. "Well, thank you, Em."

"I didn't mean like that, silly," the actress corrected her while she offered her hand to Bianca, "you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, but I can see that you obviously aren't feeling well right now."

Bianca flushed, but she was sure that due to the worry, Emma wouldn't notice it.

"How are you feeling?" The actress asked, embracing Bianca to guide her into the living room.

The younger girl shrugged, "I'm just a little bit tired," she said while walking, supported by Emma, "working with William is as stressful as minding to a toddler."

Emma had to blink several times before realising she wasn't dreaming, "I'm sorry, what?" She had the expression anyone would have after seeing a ghost.

"I said that working with William is as stressful as minding to a toddler," Bianca repeated.

Emma abruptly stopped in the middle of the corridor, suddenly turning white, seeming next to faint. "Em, are you okay?" Bianca asked her, gently patting her shoulder.

It took a few moments to the actress to remember Bianca was in front of her and that she couldn't be seen like this by her. As soon as possible, she got a grip on herself, calmly breathing in and out to focus back on the younger girl.

"It's nothing, sweetheart, don't worry," she said, belittling the matter with a gesture of her hand.

"You know that I know you as much as you know me and that I don't buy your lies just as you don't buy mine?"

Emma gave Bianca a sweet, reassuring smile, "I'm aware of that, but I assure you that it is nothing important."

Bianca, of course, perfectly knew that the older girl was lying. She was an excellent actress, but even the best trick with her didn't work. She had spent seven years of her life admiring Emma's features, and she could easily say that judging by how the actress avoided to look at her, biting her lower lip, that she wasn't telling her the truth. However, she also knew that right now she wasn't going to obtain it since usually Emma needed time to reflect on the matter before discussing it with anyone else. She just hoped it wasn't anything bad...

"Bia!" Florence worriedly exclaimed as Bianca entered the living room with Emma. The brunette rushed to her side, frantically roaming the shorter girl's body with her hands, "you should go to the hospital, Bia. You have already fainted once, and I got scared as fuck-"

"What?!" Everyone apart from Lorenzo and Evanna yelled, staring at the girls with inquisitive gaze.

Bianca scrunched her eyes, groaning. 'Dammit, Flo.'

"Did you pass out, Bianca?" Inquired Emma, looking at her apprehensively.

Bianca shot a glance at Florence, trying to find any sort of escape, but apparently, the brunette wasn't on her side this time. "I was just very tired-" she got cut off by Emma, who immediately made her sit on the couch, "are you kidding? Passing out is a serious thing! Besides, why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, come on," Bianca scoffed, "you're making it seem as if I had been close to death."

"You're our little sister, Bia," Rupert quietly said, "of course we are going to worry about you. Even if you had just the flu."

Emma clenched her jaw, kneeling down next to Bianca and taking her hands in hers. "Listen, honey," the actress delicately brushed her fingers across Bianca's hand, "I care about you more than I do myself. Of course I'm going to make a huge deal of anything that happens to you."

Bianca gave her a small nod of understanding. "You shouldn't worry about me," she murmured, lowering her gaze.

Emma giggled softly, gently lifting Bianca's to look into her beautiful eyes. "You only waste your time by telling me that. Cause I will care about you until I take my last breath."

Bonnie, Dan and Rupert shared a look that said everything. They were the perfect match; but unfortunately, they were also the perfect example of the right person, wrong time.

"You should rest a little, Bia." Florence recommended her. "And don't worry about work," she added, knowing how much Bianca was a stakhanovite, "William perhaps will be able not to burn the clinic down." She joked.

"What?" The guys shouted in unison.

Bianca frowned bewildered. That was the same reaction Emma had few minutes ago, looking almost scared by the boy's name. She obviously knew they weren't fond of him, and neither was she, but they petrified as Florence pronounced William's name. Weird.

"Do you mean William Lyn?" Bonnie asked, fearing the answer.

Bianca didn't have time to respond that Florence had already started talking with lots of enthusiasm. "Positive, the impossible and handsome," she replied, winking at Bianca, who had no idea of what was going to come out of her mouth. "Furthermore, he keeps hitting on my dear friend Bianca."

The younger girl rolled her eyes, sighing deeply, "he only likes to flirt, Flo," Bianca retorted, "it's not like he wants to ask me out."

Bonnie and Rupert froze when their suspicions were confirmed. Dan, instead, gazed at Emma with a sympathetic look. The actress seemed to have zoned out, blank staring at the wall in front of her without any emotion.

Bianca couldn't get why Emma kept acting rather strange whenever she heard William's name. Surely, it wasn't a coincidence. There had to be something she wasn't aware of, but what? She was certain enough that Emma, apart from the fact that William had a crush on her, didn't have anything against him... and now they weren't even together, so, theoretically, she wouldn't have a reason to act like this, would she?

"Yeah, well, he won't have a date with you if that is what he wants," Dan said, "you're my girlfriend for the next two months, remember?"

Bianca nodded, "don't worry, Dan, I remember it perfectly," she giggled lightly, "besides, I'd rather die than dating him."

It was supposed to be a joke, but the others didn't seem to take it that way, especially Emma. "Don't even go there, Bianca," she lectured her.

"Easy Em, I was just kidding," the younger girl defended herself.

"Yes, but I don't like joking about your death."

"... ok, I won't joke about it anymore," Bianca agreed.

The actress smiled widely, "good," she said. She slowly stood up, giving a gentle kiss on Bianca's cheek and delicately brushing her fingers on it, "now you should seriously rest a little bit, you look pale."

"Bia," Florence softly called her as the others were putting on their jackets, "do you mind if I and Lorenzo go to grab something to eat?" She asked in a whisper, slightly blushing.

Bianca smiled fondly, content that at least her friend maybe would find love, even if with her cousin. "No, absolutely, I'll be okay. Go with him and have fun," she answered, "but not too much," she added, making Florence chuckle.

But Bianca didn't know that Florence had something else in mind. "You're burning, Bia!" She exclaimed when she touched the girl's forehead, "I don't want you to be all alone until I'm back. What if you felt even worse?"

Bianca gave her an interrogative look. "Flo, I'm just on my period," she corrected the brunette. But Florence seemed to have lost her hearing, "perhaps I shouldn't go. I'd feel better if you had somebody who could check on you-"

"-I can stay," Emma said, taking off her coat. "I'll take care of her, Florence."

"Now you like her again?" Bianca asked Florence, confused. She was missiout out something.

"I just had the proof that she cares about you."

Bianca wanted to know more about it. She felt like if she was tuned on the wrong channel tonight, not really getting what was happening. First William, that makes everyone freeze; then Florence, that tells her that she has reevaluated Emma; what next?

However, before she could question more, Florence had reached Lorenzo, who was helping her to put on her coat. The brunette flushed, and for Bianca, it was like she was looking at her old self who blushed whenever she was with Emma.

"Write if you need anything, Bia," Rupert kindly said. "I'll see you as soon as you get better."

"Goodnight, girlfriend," laughed Dan, earing a death stare from Emma. "Don't get used to that name, Dan. It is only for two months."

"Got it," the brown haired boy replied, amused.

"Goodnight, guys." Bianca said.

Florence before going out, mouthed 'have fun, but not too much' and winked at her.
Moreover, Bianca got a glimpse of Rupert and Bonnie giving five, murmuring something she couldn't hear.

Florence definitely had a plan.


"You should take something for the fever, Bia," Emma said as she got comfy on the couch.

Bianca was laid down hugging due to the cramps. "I will take a pill later. Now I just wish a hot water bottle, please."

"Do you stomachache?" Emma asked, gently caressing Bianca's side.

"I'm on my period, actually," the younger girl weakly replied.

"Right," reasoned Emma, "well, that explains why you have the fever and you're feeling so bad. I'll be right back with the hot water bottle."

Bianca, as she waited for Emma to come back, grabbed the remote control to pick a film to watch. She wanted to watch Harry Potter, but she wasn't sure Emma would like to see herself on screen; but the actress said, "choose whatever you like, sweetheart, even Harry Potter."

For a moment, Bianca thought that Emma was really a witch and that she could read her mind, but then she realised that the actress was behind the couch, holding the hot water bag for her.

"There you go, honey," she softly said, handing the hot water bottle to Bianca and covering her with a warm red blanket. "Thank you, Em," smiled Bianca.

"You're welcome," the older girl replied, laying down next to her.

Bianca hesitantly pointed at the television, where Harry Potter and the Half-Blood blood Prince was ready to be reproduced. "We can watch something else if you don't-"

"-Excellent choice, Bia." Emma interrupted her, tenderly wrapping her arms around Bianca's shoulder so that now the younger girl was using her chest as a pillow. Just like the old times. "Better?"


Bianca felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. This was the closest she had ever been to the actress for a very long time. She hugged her waist as the older girl began to make scratches on her back. Emma's hot breath slightly hit her forehead, tickling her face, making her feel chills down her spine; but mostly she perceived under her right ear the actress' heartbeat. However, her heart didn't have the reassuring beating she remembered. It was literally racing unto Emma's chest, as if she was nervous about being with her. She only hoped Emma couldn't feel hers because it was hammering in her chest at a dangerous rhythm, but it was normal: it was the 'Watson effect'.

"Your heart is beating very fast, Em," Bianca observed.

Emma giggled softly, "yeah, well, it's your fault," she whispered. "I told you that you had the power to make my heart skip a beat... you still have it, sweetheart."

Woah, now Bianca had definitely blushed hard. "I suppose that goes both ways," she shyly replied.

"Oh, believe me, I noticed," the actress murmured, making the poor girl become as red as a tomato.

To change the subject, she pushed the button play so that maybe Emma would be too distracted to make her more flustered than she had already made.

They watched it in silence, only sharing caresses and small kisses on the cheek, cuddling as two teenagers in love. Bianca felt at home again. She finally felt complete and at peace after seven long years. Emma's arms were her favourite place to be, the only one she needed to survive on a desert island.

Through halfway the film, though, Bianca was starting to fall asleep. Her breathing slowed down, as well as her heart, and she completely abandoned herself into Emma's warm embrace. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed was Hermione smiling at Ron while she was watching the tryouts for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"I love you, Bianca Evans," Emma whispered when she was sure that the younger girl was fast asleep. "But I don't know if you feel the same."

That was the first night Bianca slept without having nightmares, cuddled by her other half.

Eventually, even Emma fell asleep, and when Lorenzo and Florence got back, the boy sweetly said, "they're meant to be together."

"Let's just hope that they realise it before it's too late..."

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