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In a world where danger lurks in every corner, Tin stands as a military soldier, renowned for their exception... More

CHAPTER 10 : Don't go down this path again.
CHAPTER 14 : To Burn Brightly for Your Safety
Chapter 16 : REGRET
Chapter 22 : Broken Warrior


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Chapter 1 (1/2)

In the vast expanse of the ocean, where grand yachts dotted the waters, small boats emerged, carrying individuals dressed in sleek black military uniforms. They moved swiftly and silently towards an island, where a magnificent castle stood. Soon, a voice crackled over the radio, commanding the team:

Team 1: "Wait for my order before making a move."

Teams 2 and 3 acknowledged the command with a simple "Copy."

As they approached the island, keeping a safe distance, the team members swiftly dove into the water, shedding their protective gear. They emerged from the depths, their bodies marked with the signs of their swimming gear. One man, in particular, stepped forward, removing his mask to reveal a strikingly handsome and rugged face. His sculpted physique and broad shoulders exuded an aura of strength. He quickly changed into a black shirt and donned a bulletproof vest, connecting his headset to the team's radio communication. The others gathered around him, addressing him as "Captain," and swiftly formed their tactical formation.

Their target was Avan, a notorious French drug dealer known to conduct transactions on the island. Thanks to an informant, they had obtained vital information about the upcoming exchange.

Before the mission, in a sprawling field where many stood at attention, a figure approached. Unlike the others, they were not in uniform, but simply wore a black shirt. He introduced himself as Tin Luciano, the captain and trainer for the team.

Whispers spread among the group, for Tin was well-known in their field. Coming from a prestigious background as the child of a prime minister, Tin had proven himself from a young age. He had excelled at the police academy, consistently leading in combat skills and intelligence. With an IQ of 190, he was hailed as a hardcore, a human weapon in the military. Tin had earned his reputation through his own merits, without relying on his father's connections. He was feared, admired, and idolized by all who knew him. Today, as the team stood before Tin, he exuded an air of coolness and intrigue.

As Tin continued teaching about tactics and military knowledge, he was suddenly called to a confidential meeting. The meeting gathered high-ranking officials from the military who had been collecting information on a criminal they had been tracking for several months. The criminal's name was Avan, a French drug dealer who had escaped to Thailand after committing a massacre in France. Avan's heinous act had made him a wanted fugitive worldwide, and the authorities were determined to bring him to justice.

In the meeting, the officials revealed that they had finally obtained a lead on Avan's whereabouts. It was a crucial breakthrough, and the mission to apprehend him and extradite him to France for the death penalty was set in motion. Tin was entrusted with this mission due to his exceptional planning skills and his track record of success. The officials recognized that Tin had a unique ability to strategize and execute plans effectively, making him the ideal candidate for such a high-stakes operation.

As Tin explained the plan to the officials, his father unexpectedly arrived at the meeting. Tin greeted his father with a smile, and his father took a seat, eager to hear the details of the mission. Tin's relationship with his father was not only that of a military official and his superior but also that of a proud father who admired his son's dedication and skills.

After a thorough discussion, an agreement was reached, and everyone was impressed by the meticulousness of the plan. The officials gave their approval, knowing that with Tin's leadership, the mission had a higher chance of success. Tin exchanged a meaningful glance with his father, silently conveying his determination and readiness to carry out the mission.

With the plan in place, Tin gathered all of his team members. He wanted to personally address them and ensure they understood the gravity of the upcoming mission. Tin's team had become like a family to him, and he valued their trust and loyalty. He assured them that he would do everything in his power to bring them back safely to their families, just as he had promised before. The team knew that Tin's word held weight, as he had proven his commitment to their well-being in the past, even at great personal risk.

Although Tin encouraged his team to go home and spend time with their families before the mission, they chose to stay by his side. They had unwavering trust in Tin's leadership and knew that their lives were in capable hands. Their bond went beyond the professional realm, as Tin had earned their respect and admiration through his unwavering dedication and selflessness.

As the team prepared for the mission, they couldn't help but reflect on the sacrifices Tin had made in the past. They knew about the incident during the war when Tin, in a daring act of bravery, single-handedly infiltrated an enemy camp to retrieve the body of a fallen comrade. It was a heart-wrenching experience for Tin, but it showcased his unwavering loyalty and commitment to his team. The memory of that traumatic event lingered, but it only strengthened the team's resolve to support Tin in their upcoming mission.

Now, with the team assembled and united, Tin led them towards their destined path. The stage was set for an intense and dangerous operation, where Tin's exceptional skills and leadership would be put to the ultimate test. The mission to capture Avan held the promise of justice and closure, but it also carried immense risks. The team knew that their lives would be on the line, but they had faith in their captain, knowing that Tin would do whatever it took to fulfill their mission and bring Avan to justice.

As soon as Tin gave the signal, his team sprang into action. Some members dove into the water to find an entry point and plant explosives, while others took to the skies, swiftly maneuvering through the air. The remaining team members, displaying their elite skills, engaged in rock climbing to reach the higher levels of the target location.

Once in position, Tin signaled the sniper team that had stayed behind on the yacht. With precision and accuracy, the snipers took down the guards surrounding the area, creating a distraction and drawing attention away from Tin and his team's main objective.

With the distraction in place, Tin signaled Team 2 to initiate their explosive diversion. The explosions echoed through the area, causing chaos and diverting the majority of the people's attention. Seizing the opportunity, Tin and his team charged forward, their movements fluid and coordinated.

Tin, carrying only a dagger due to his past trauma, relied on his exceptional close-quarters combat skills. He swiftly incapacitated his opponents, delivering powerful kicks, precise strikes, and deadly stabs to their knees and necks. His movements were a testament to his elite training and natural talent, displaying both brutality and finesse.

Without missing a beat, Tin scanned the area, searching for Avan, their primary target. Spotting Avan attempting to escape, Tin immediately ordered his team to surround the area, cutting off any possible escape routes. With relentless determination, Tin pursued Avan, kicking down doors and taking down anyone who dared to stand in his way.

The scene was filled with the sound of bodies hitting the ground, the scent of blood filling the air, and Tin's clothes becoming stained with the marks of his encounters. His reputation as a fearsome fighter was well-deserved, as he effortlessly dispatched his enemies, leaving a trail of lifeless bodies in his wake.

Finally, Tin cornered Avan, who had been trapped by Tin's team. Filled with anger and fueled by the memory of the innocent lives lost in Avan's massacre, Tin unleashed his aggression. He delivered a powerful punch, sending Avan flying backward, and followed it up with a series of relentless strikes. Avan's consciousness faded as Tin's blows landed with precision and force, exacting a brutal revenge for the lives he had taken.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, Tin's team stepped in to restrain him, knowing the extent of his anger and the need to protect him from his own fury. They understood the weight he carried, having witnessed the trauma he had endured in the past. With their support, they brought Tin back to a state of calm, reminding him of their shared mission and the importance of preserving justice.

The mission was a resounding success, making headlines worldwide. However, the military made sure to keep the identity of the mission's leader a secret, knowing Tin's aversion to the media and reporters. The news of the mission spread like wildfire, sparking discussions and speculation among the public.

After returning home, Tin was greeted with joy by his family, who eagerly awaited his arrival. His youngest sister, Baifern, ran towards him, and he scooped her up in his arms, holding her tightly. As Tin approached his family, his parents' eyes welled up with tears, not out of worry but out of sheer happiness and relief at his safe return. Tin's mother embraced him, and he kissed her on the cheek, feeling the warmth of their love and support. He was then enveloped in a loving embrace by his parents.

The entire family gathered around, sharing a meal and celebrating the success of their son. Laughter filled the air as they recounted stories and shared their pride in Tin's accomplishments. It was a moment of pure happiness and togetherness, a well-deserved celebration for the triumph they had achieved.

Later, in his room, Tin stood under the shower, water cascading down his muscular body. His chiseled physique was a testament to his dedication and rigorous training. The water flowed over him, accentuating his defined abs and broad shoulders. With his wet hair falling effortlessly, his fierce eyes stared intensely at the wall, reflecting a mix of emotions.

Stepping out of the shower, Tin wrapped a towel around his lower body, leaving his upper torso exposed. The towel hung low on his hips, revealing his sculpted physique and captivating presence. His back bore the marks of countless battles, with scars and bruises telling the stories of his encounters with danger.

Leaving the bathroom, Tin walked towards his desk, where a picture frame sat prominently. He sat on his bed, gripping the picture frame tightly. His intense gaze shifted towards the wall, and he clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger coursing through him. The picture frame contained a photograph of a loved one, a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had made and the battles he had fought.

In that moment, Tin's character exuded an undeniable coolness. His fierce determination and unwavering commitment to his mission were evident in his every move. The combination of his striking physical appearance, his piercing gaze, and the air of mystery surrounding him made him an enigmatic and captivating figure.

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