Lost Prince

By malec_ff

4.9K 173 31

What if after the leak of the emails had made both Henry and Alex react differently. Alex might have his whol... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Author Notes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 7

311 10 0
By malec_ff

Henry woke up the next day before anyone else in the house. It is dawn by the time he woke up and he can't help but stares at the beautiful orange Austin sky right outside of Alex's window. He climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to do his business like he always does every morning. He stares at his own reflection in the mirror seeing his disheveled hair in a mess and not a prince in sight. He sighed longly letting the water run cold before splashing it over his face. He saw the water drops had made his bandage soaked after he washed his face and later removed the bandage revealing the four by four plaster over his left wrist.

He eyed the skin colored dressing over his wrist tempted at ripping it off but the memory of the blade touching his skin and the way the blood pooled around his wrist down on the tub had made him stopped himself from doing so. He tossed the bandage into the trash can before exited the bathroom and saw Alex still deeply asleep. He must be tired, Henry thought considering all the sleepless night they had and now having to take care of Henry like he is a child had made it worst.

Last night was the first time he had bad dreams over the years since he had been in therapy and it came back. The last time he had was when his father died and it took him almost three years to stop having this nightmare and now, he had to face it again. He saw Alex's jumper right on the arm chair in Alex's room and grabbed it before he exited the room.

The house is silenced and it was still early for any of them to wake. It was cold but not that cold and Henry could tolerate it. He slides the back door from the kitchen and closed it before he sat by the steps right out on the porch and exhaled longly. He leaned forward resting his elbow on his thigh resting his chin on his palm watching the sun slowly rising shining the light on the earth and Henry can see the dim light had turned brighter and the birds starts chirping right above his head.

From far he can hear the rooster crowing from the farm far up the hill and it echoed throughout the land. He can almost feel his heart beating calmly in his chest as he inhaled the scent of the countryside. His mind went back to the dream he had the night earlier. He closed his eyes not wanting to remember every detail but he can't help but.

The look on Alex's face, so disappointing, so disgusted by the thought of him. It was his worst nightmare. Alex was threatened to leave, he was blaming Henry for everything that happened after his mother lost the campaign.

"It is all your fault Henry."

"You are my deepest regret."

"I shouldn't have let you in my life."

The word echoes inside Henry's mind and he can't help himself to stop it so he cupped his ears with both of his palm trying his best to silence it. His eyes shuts tight and his lips trembled in fear of breaking and he can feel his tears are coming down on his face. "Stop, please stop." Henry whispered and rocking his body back and forth on the steps of Alex's home hoping no one would see him like this.

Little did he knew that someone did and when Henry felt a palm over his shoulder, he literally jumped from the steps and fell on the ground before him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He mutters holding his palm out before the person and when he noticed, it was none other than Oscar looking concerned over Henry's being. "Henry? Are you okay? Here." Oscar offered him his palm and Henry eyed it before his shaky hand grabbed his and Oscar pulled him off the ground.

They both sat by the steps with Henry's knees bounced on the ground barefoot. "Wanna talk about it?" Oscar asks since they both sat there trying to break the silenced between them. Henry shook his head letting his gaze stares at the space before him. "You know Henry, I remembered the house I lived in before I came into this country." Oscar starts letting Henry sat there in silenced.

"There were fourteen of us inside the house. We never had room enough for each other and I never had that luxury of owning my own bed. But we took the leap and move out from the poverty when we decides to make changes in our lives. I remembered being so afraid to take that steps. I never knew what could happened to me, nor my family. There is no one to tell you what could happened in the future, not even you but nothing will ever happened if you don't starts making changes in yourselves."

Henry sighed letting his chin rested over his knees as his arm wrapped tightly around his legs. "You just took the jump, it's only matters of time when you landed and hold the ground firm but when it does, you will have more balanced in your life. I promise you that." He says and Henry could feel tears are pooling in his eyes.

"I feel so lost right now. I don't know what to do with my life. Nothing will ever be the same again." He says and Oscar palmed his shoulder in assurance, "Small steps, it might take time but it will get you there safely. But changed is good Henry, you need to give yourself more faith." Oscar adds and Henry stares at the space before them before he turned to face Oscar's face again, "Won't it be easier if I just disappeared? I can't face people anymore without concerning of what they are thinking about me." Henry says and Oscar can hear his voice breaks.

"The hell with them. None of that would make any difference. They will still talks about you anyway whether or not you are straight or gay, nothing will ever satisfied them." Oscar continued and Henry turned his gaze back on the ground, "If that person loves you, it doesn't matter what you are. Whether you are gay, Bi, or a freaking alien, who gives a fuck? They will accept you the way you are, crooks and all." Henry smiled at Oscar's word but hides it well.

"I'm making breakfast, any request?" He asks tapping Henry on his shoulder as he stood, Henry shook his head at him and he sighed, "I'll make you some tea. Be right back." He says and Henry wanted to stop him but he was already running back inside getting the kettle on and Henry returned his gaze back on the ground covered stone.

"Be brave Hen."

His father's words echoed in his mind as he remembers the last time he saw him up and about. He was all bald and no amount of hair on his head left, his wrist is the size of his lacrosse stick and his skin is pale yellow with his breath smells like stained urine left for hours. He remembers how strong his father held his pain and the thought of his family breaking apart because of him had torn every piece of his heart, his father must be rolling in his grave right now for what he did.

"I'm so sorry dad, I did try to be different, I just can't." He whispered letting his tears fall on his cheek and when he heard Oscar came back with a cup of tea in his hand and he saw Henry trying to wipe away his tears, it hits something in him. Henry is just a boy that just lost everything he stood for just because he love someone different, he didn't deserve to be treated this way. Oscar placed the mug down and sat beside Henry only to give him a hug that he needed the most right now. He cried further into Oscar's arm and his whole body shuddering in tears. He felt the soothing stroke from Oscar's palm over his head and he's glad that he is here right now.


They all seated by the kitchen island while Oscar preparing breakfast and Ellen is on her phone scrolling through the poll and sometimes Henry can see how her eyes shifts to a worry but she hides it well. Henry on the other hand was on his phone watching the press conference held in Buckingham Palace with Philip and how he explained that Henry's privacy and the palace had no comments about the rumors or the leak. He can see how diplomatic Philip answers are and how he tried not to reveal any truth in any of their questions. But it wasn't until one of the reporters asks him such question that made Henry burst in anger.

"So where is His Royal Highness right now? Rumor has it that he was in the hospital. Would you tell us why?" The guy asks and Philip pressed his lips together chuckling softly before he answered. "Henry is doing well and the rumors are not true. He is not in London right now and I can't tell you anything further than that. Thank you all." Philip ended the conference and it made Henry furious at the thought of Philip denying everything that happened in their family and it made Henry so infuriated, "Bastard!" Henry cursed before he threw his phone over the brick wall by the kitchen and it shatters his phone to pieces.

It caught everyone's attention and Alex was just walking in to meet his family when he saw what happened. Henry stood and left the kitchen with both Oscar and Ellen still staring at him in shock seeing how upset Henry got. He pushed the door hard and it banged against the wall before it closed again and Alex never see this side of Henry before. "What happened?" He asks and Ellen sighed before she answered her son. "Philip denying everything especially the fact that Henry was hospitalized because of him." Alex took a deep breath knowing well why he reacted such way. He leaned to kiss his mum on her cheek before he joins Henry out on the porch seeing him paced around in anger.

"Hen?" He called and Henry shook his head towards him, "Not now Alex, I don't want to talk about it." He says pacing back and forth on the porch and Alex gripped his waist staring at Henry. "I know you're upset-" Alex starts but Henry turned his head sharply towards him with his hands shaking in anger.

"I AM NOT UPSET! I AM FUCKING ANGRY!" Henry yells and Alex stares at him shaking and he knew Henry is at verge of breaking. "I suffered because of him and he denies everything about it! I almost died because of him! He was supposed to take care of us! He promised dad he would but he lied! I am upset because I was not hurt by any stranger or someone that I don't know Alex! I was hurt by someone who I thought was supposed to protect me! Someone that was supposed to love me equally not tossing me to the side because I was different! I know I have centuries of history bearing down on my shoulders but I can't live like this Alex!" Henry breaks in his tears and Alex stepped closer to grab his arm in his.

"I can't live anymore second knowing I have disappointed every person in this world especially my family. Philip was right, I was weak." Henry mumbles the last word before Alex stepped closer towards Henry.

"Do not say that Henry! Listen to me." He cupped Henry's cheek in his palm and forced him to looked deep into Alex's brown eyes. "I am so sorry that you had to face this that you had no support from your side of the family but Henry-" he cupped his cheek harder pulling his gaze towards Alex's so he could focus on him. "Henry, if the family that you are born into is not worth fighting anymore, just know that you have my family to count on. We love you as you are. I love you so much and I know I'm gonna keep fighting for us but I need you to fight this with me. Please, don't leave me again baby."

Henry tears soaked through Alex's palm as he closed his eyes tight and his lips are trembling in regrets. "Just tell me how to make this better Hen. I can't see you like this." Alex pleaded and pulled Henry by his neck for a hug. Henry sobs in his embrace feeling his chest burning in fire and his head is pounding in headache. He wrapped his arm around Alex's torso tighter as he nuzzled his nose deeper into Alex's neck.

Henry settles and calmed himself hours later right here on the porch with Alex still hugging him on the couch. The wind blew effortlessly and the birds are chirping continuously. Henry felt calmer feeling Alex's finger stroking his head that is pounding with all the worries in the world right now. Alex pressed his lips over Henry's top of his head inhaling his scent and Henry wrapped his arm tighter around Alex's torso.

"Tell me what are you thinking right now Hen. Keep me in the loop." Alex whispered and Henry inhaled deeply before he exhaled. "Can we turned back the time?" Henry's voice breaks and Alex wrapped his arm tighter around Henry's body tighter to assure him. "I'm sorry baby. I can't do that." He replied and Henry pressed his cheek deeper into Alex's chest. They both were startled when Ellen and Oscar joined them out there on the porch carrying the most amazing delicious smell Alex and Henry could imagined.

"Let's just get through the day with a full stomach shall we?" Oscar brought the plates over the table and Henry sat up pulling away from Alex's embrace. "I can't thank you guys enough for doing this for me. It means a lot." Henry starts and he can feel Alex's palm rubbing soft circles on his back reassuring him.

"We were actually thinking." Ellen starts sipping on her coffee while Alex continued chewing on his eggs and once a while he would feed a spoon to Henry which he declined most the time but nothing won't fix with Alex certain stern look that made Henry obeyed. "What?" Henry asks with his voice low tone seeing Ellen and Oscar looking at each other before they spoke again.

"A video conference, from both of you." She suggest and Alex can feel Henry shifted next to him in discomfort. Alex noticed how this topic might be causing distress over Henry's mind and he can see how his hands starts to shake but he stops them by holding on to Henry's hand in his. He looked up to meet Alex's eyes and felt assurance over the matter. "I can't." Henry starts and they all looked at each other.

"There's nothing to be afraid of Hen, I'm right here beside you remember?" He asks and Henry shook his head softly. "It's not that, uhm- we can't make press conference without the approval of the King. It's just palace rules." Henry explains and Ellen nods understood of his reason. "Well, how about if just Alex then?" She suggest and Henry turned to look at Alex, "I don't mind if you did." He told Alex and he smiled his softest smile, "When do we do this?" He asks his mother and she nods pulling out her phone, "I'll arrange it, you guys just stay put." She told them and Henry exhaled trying to soothe his heart from beating rapidly.

Later the evening they were joined with June flying in from Washington and the moment she arrived, she immediately hugged Henry by his neck clinging to his height. "I'm so glad you are alright." June told him as soon as she unwrapped herself from him. Henry stares at her face with his thoughts only went to one person that he misses the most, his sister. "I have something to tell you guys." She pulls Henry by his arm and sat him down on the couch followed by Alex. He had their parents joined them altogether seeing everyone waited to hear what June had to say.

"I went digging, and I meant digging." She says pulling out her laptop from her bag and Henry can't help feeling his heart racing again. Alex joined him by his side holding on to Henry's hand tight on his lap. "Do you remember the political reporter, Miguel?" She asks them and Henry didn't had the chance to meet this guy so he didn't exactly know who he is. But Alex on the other hand had his jaw clenched tight feeling the anger bursting in him.

"Don't tell me it was him." He warned but she could only open the laptop and showed them the interview they had over Henry and Alex email leaked. The reporter is asking him for the article he wrote on both of them and wonder how did he found his sources so fast and he can't even answer it properly. Alex slammed the laptop down to shut the interview off seeing how upset it is for both of them. "He did it out of spite. I'm sure of it." Alex told them and Henry shifts his body to face Alex next to him.

"Do you know him close? Why would he destroyed your reputation like this?" He asks him and Alex sighed rubbing his temple, "We used to fuck around before and I think he got upset with me when I didn't want to do it anymore. Also I called him an asshole." Alex explains and they all sighed. "But we can't prove him did it so the only thing matters now is our side of conference to fix this." Ellen told them and Alex nodded agreeing with her.

"Why did you called him an asshole?" Henry asks the obvious question and Alex pressed his lips together before he answered him. "Because he is and he tried to sabotage mum's campaign. It caught me a moment." He shrugs and Henry scoffed suppressing his smile at him rubbing Alex's shoulder. "Are you sure you are okay with all of these Hen? If you're not we are pulling it out, just say the word." Ellen asks him and he couldn't decides what he is feeling right now. The only thing he understand is that he is safe here being with Alex and his family.

"I don't know how I feel right now." He mumbles lowering his gaze over his trembling fingers. Since the email leaked he can stop this shakiness and trembles over his fingers and Alex noticed how he tried to hide them underneath his sleeves especially the only thing he wears is Alex's sweatshirt so he can hide them.

"One day at the time." Alex says gripping Henry's hand in his and he smiled at him by his side. "Do you know what you're gonna say?" June asks Alex and he nods half smiled at her before returning his gaze towards Henry by his side. "I do." Henry smiled seeing Alex leaned to kiss him on his lips and he returned the favor.

"Alright love birds, you're gonna make me feel bad about myself being single." June told them and they laughs at her. They stayed and chat for few hours before Henry felt strained over his back and he felt drained staying up this late. "I think I'm gonna head to bed." Henry told them feeling his eyes are closing and he yawned couple of times. "I'll joined you soon." Alex told him but Henry dismissed him, "No, stay, June deserves a company. If she's not annoyed by you already." He caught her giggled at the way Alex's face dropped but Henry leaned to kiss him on his lips and his smiles returned. 

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