๐ƒ๐˜๐๐€๐’๐“๐˜ | soo-won

By InvincibleKillerNana

7.2K 461 76

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262 20 5
By InvincibleKillerNana

THE BLONDE'S HEART STOPPED in his chest as he witnessed his lover fall from the patio's ledging. Though it was misty and damp from the storm, the view he had gave him enough to see the horrifying scene.

Within a second he was by her side, her body lying limply in his arms. She had been rendered unconscious after landing into his arms.

But she was alive.

That was all he could ever ask for. And he soon felt a deep pit in his gut, a feeling of regret, heavy regret.

He had brought her into this situation. If she had simply waited in her castle, perhaps everything could've been solved.

If only...

He then noticed something in her pocket, it was a dagger, and attached to it was a roll of paper. Soo-won's eyes widened, for he recognized the insignia on the top of it.

It was the letter he had sent to her right after leaving her side that night. The one where he expressed his true feelings to her.

She had kept it all this time..?

With a determined grunt, he lifted the unconscious princess and rushed her to his chambers where he soon placed her delicately onto the bed.

Following after him was his advisor, Kye-Sook, who had an array of bandages and medicine to treat her cuts.

Soon, her injuries were treated and all was left to wait for her to awaken. Soo-Won sat at her bedside, his gaze cold as his hand rubbed circles on her knuckles.

He watched as her chest rose and fell, how her cherry lips parted in rest, and how her eyebrows knitted whenever an unpleasant dream seemed to pass her mind. Each time her expression writhed in pain, Soo-Won was quick to replace the wet cloth on her head as he whispered words of affirmation into her ear.

Soo-Won knew there was limited time until King Il would realize that Ru-Jia was not dead and that nobody would be able to find her body. If anything, King Il would send a soldier under the pretense of a regular castle check in order to "surprisingly find a body" in the courtyard.

His hand fell to the sword at his side, his gaze cold with fury. He understood it well now, as much as he wished to grant Ru-Jia's little glimmer of hope for peace, it was no longer an option.

King Il had destroyed it himself.

He, the "Pacifist King," had brought about a war with a country that looked to him for peace. This whole kingdom suffered under his reign but never knew why. The irony made him laugh.

Soo-won heard the doors of his chamber open, his gaze landing on the figure of his advisor, Kye-Sook.

"It is time, My King," the raven haired man announced, "King Il will be making a move soon."

"Thank you, Kye-Sook," the blonde murmured, before his eyes found their way back to the sleeping princess.

"I have stationed a guard to watch over her," the advisor assured, "No one will touch Queen Ru-Jia."

"I will see to it then."

Kye-Sook bowed and swiftly left the room to do his duties.

"Yes.. My Queen," Soo-Won repeated with a smile.

Soo-Won liked the sound of that, His Queen. The way it rolled off his tongue and echoed an air of regality. That title... suited her perfectly. He continued to gaze at her features one last time.

With a sigh, he tore his eyes away. He stood up and took a gander at the room one last time. Then he looked down at the sword at his side, memorizing every feature of it. The shininess of the golden accents that ran along his jade hilt, the hollow sound it made when unsheathed, and every little splinter it endured from his hours of relentless training.

He memorized the way the hilt shined under the lights, the way it seemed to glow with an air of honor. That honor would soon be tainted in crimson, its waves of red dripping down it all. There would be blood in the water, and it wouldn't be his.

Not yet.

Bringing him out of his thoughts was a soft and gentle hand, caressing his fist that gripped harshly onto the sword. His eyes widened as an audible gasp escaped his lips.


There sat a weary but awake woman, her hair messy from sleep.

"You won't do this alone," her voice affirmed soothingly, "Take me with you."

Soo-Won was quick to object, "No, you're resting—"

"I am fine," she interrupted sternly, pulling away the covers.

Before the blonde could do anything, he felt a light tug forward and soon he found himself lying overtop the brown-haired woman. Soo-Won's hair fell past his shoulders, meeting the soft cushions below as he stared dumbfoundedly.

He was met with the sight of Ruelle's obsidian eyes sparkling with an unrequited fire as they reflected in his seagreen ones. Their faces were inches apart, their noses practically touching as their breaths became shallow. Soo-Won's gaze fell down to her lips, her cherry red lips that parted in soft curiosity.


That's what she was, beautiful, every part of her. He didn't know when he started to see her like this.

Perhaps it was when she ran after him on her horse? Or the time he saw her wearing that beautiful blue dress? Or maybe when he saw her in the village, wearing a disguise and reaching her hand out to her people? Or perhaps, it was their very first meeting when she outrightly denied his advances.

Everything in that moment seemed to stop as Soo-Won's hand reached to touch Ruelle's cheek gently. Within a second, he felt his lips collide with hers.


That's what he thought. The cherry balm she wore left a sweet taste in his mouth as his lips made contact with hers.

The world around them faded away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the soft sound of their hearts beating as one.

As they parted, a blush crept onto Ruelle's cheeks, and a smitten grin played on her face. Soo-won smiled, his heart overflowing with love for the woman who had captured his heart amidst the chaos of the night.

"So?" She whispered, twirling a strand of his blonde hair around her finger coyly, "Do you still resist?"

The green-eyed male chuckled, a light blush also present on his face, "Seeing as you've gone this far, I assume you have a plan?"

With a coy whisper, Ruelle was quickly lifted up towards Soo-Won's chest as the two were once again inches apart.

"Do you trust me?"

"With my life," Soo-Won answered without hesitation, staring tenderly into his fiance's deep chocolate eyes.

He meant it, every word was a vow.

The Lotus Princess lifted her hand, holding up her finger as the blonde soon copied. Then, the two intertwined them, sealing their trust in a single pinkie promise.

"And I trust you with mine," she smiled gently, her eyes slowly making their way to his.

Both of their eyes were shining, perhaps the brightest and most innocent they ever would. They both knew once they went all the way, they would be forced to bear the burden of the bloodshed that would ensue. The blood would be on their hands, forever staining them.

Were they too far gone? Perhaps. Would they turn away from their morals to make sure their plans succeeded? Perhaps. Was it too late to turn back? Perhaps.

But they were in it together, and their vows, their first kiss, sealed their intertwined fate. Together, like star-crossed lovers, they were destined to live and die together. To rule and suffer together, for they alone would open the cages to their hearts.

"Please spare me."

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