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SOO-WON STARED DOWN AT THE VIAL, a frown evident on his face. Never had he felt as though he was making as big of a mistake as he did the night prior. It really solidified his decision after hearing the princess's experiences staying in Kouka. He was going to commit treason against the King and he originally was going to use her kingdom as a safeguard. However, his heart would never allow him to bring her more suffering.

Not after what he had seen from her rule. It was everything he vowed to protect and bring to his own kingdom– the Kingdom of Kouka. He was originally going to leave that night, but after seeing Ru-Jia sleeping peacefully, he couldn't help but stay just a little longer. He had always seen her as an extremely strong and daring woman, but there was always that hint of exhaustion evident on her features.

At that moment, it seemed as though all his cares and worries disappeared as he watched the slow risings and falls of her chest. Her peaceful expression– her naturally cherry lips, her slightly flushed cheeks, and her relaxed brows— calmed his nerves.

"Ru-Jia.." he muttered, "How could you be this comfortable and trusting around someone like me?"

The emerald-eyed male gently reached his arms out, lifting the sleeping princess delicately as he carried her to her bed. Soo-Won then pulled the blankets over the princess, that of whom was still snuggled in his robes. His hand unconsciously moved a stray hair from her temple, his own eyes glossing over her features one last time.

"You are worthy of so much more," he whispered, a sad smile on his face, "My beautiful Lotus."

The false King sat in the carriage, reminiscing the night one last time before his gaze hardened. With a tight grip on the vial, he tossed it out the window. He watched it fall away from his view, his gaze traveling to the view outside. He was in Hana, the city he had helped to rebuild alongside Ru-Jia.

Stop it. You ruined those moments, they weren't even yours to begin with.

With a frown, he pulled the curtain closed and leaned his head back onto the wooden backing of the carriage. He lifted his hand, looking at it with a blank gaze as he imagined the blood dripping down from it. It seemed every sense of inner peace he had felt being around the princess had finally ceased and his madness was returning to him.

Once he went down this path, he was doomed to an eternity of utter despair and loneliness. He would lose his closest friends, Hak and Yona. In exchange, the Kingdom of Kouka would cease to live in such terrible conditions. With a bitter smile, he closed his eyes.

Someone has to do it.. to end the suffering of all our people..


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