Insanity Test - Inanimate Ins...

By Astroranus

2.5K 105 233

OJ plans a 2 week camping trip in the nearby forest of his Hotel. Inviting every contestant from Season 1-3... More

; Camping Trip .
; Firewood .
; Command Indecisive .
; Double Take .
; Hotel Co-Manager .
; Level 0 .
; Tricky Disco .
; Vitamin J! .
; Have we learn NOTHING? .
; Dead Last .
; Interlude : Attachments
; Relationship Goals .

; Melatonin .

144 9 17
By Astroranus

This Chapter includes the following:
Mention of drugs
Drugs in general
Getting high(??)
Swear words

Read at your own risks.

; OJ's POV .

"Easy question; How are you?" She immediately asked as she took her seat, looking at me. I can do this. I took a deep breath and soon let it all out as I answered, "Fine.". She soon raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?", I nod in response. "You're lyi—" "An old friend of mine made me think everything is fine. So no, I'm not lying." I talked over her as I gave her a small grin, feeling a lot more confident about this. She rolled her eyes and then flipped the paper on the clipboard, she soon cleared her throat. She grins, "How's the Hotel then?" She asked. She did not just—

"I'm sure it's doing well, Paper's managing it!" I answered and grinned awkwardly as I looked away. "Hm? Oh sure... Paper! Clumsy, dependent, and anyone can walk all over him! Look at you, you did such a great job at it!" She smiled at me, glaring at me. As I tried to calm down. I soon take a deep breath and let it all out. Keep calm, I'm sure Paper's doing just fine. "He can take this as a...learning experience! And once we get back, I can help him with the Hotel!" I said as I try to not panic

Remember what Bomb said, that's all I need to calm me down! ...right? "Hm, funny, but okay. I can see you're physically stressed out of you fucking mind right now." Test Tube said and stood up from her chair. "Stay here for a bit! Brb!" She soon left the room as I was left alone in the gray-ass room with just a shelf, a table, two chairs and one dim light source above the table. She's just trying to get under my skin, I know that. But I'm still not believing that; that was Test Tube. She doesn't...act anything like her. Or even sound like her. She seems entirely different.

I sighed and soon looked around the room. Huh, I didn't notice the CCTV over there. I looked at it and raised an eyebrow as I glanced away. She's probably recording this to watch it afterwards. Or who knows. Someone else might be watching this right now. I turned back to the CCTV and squinted my eyes at it. "I sure wonder where this leads to and who's watching!" I said and grinned as it soon shut down. I quickly reacted and backed away a bit. "Did I break it? That's a good thing right? Yeah. Fuck you!" I said and then went to the shelf. Just...some books. About chemistry and stuff. It seems pretty normal. There were boxes at the top of the shelf, that I can't...reach.

I soon sat back on the chair. It seems like I've broken one thing and that's enough to satisfy me. The door soon opened and then Test Tube came holding...a hot pink-ish vial. Huh? The fuck is that? She then put the vial in front of me on the table. "Relax! This can help you." She said and sat on the chair. I looked at the vial as I was about to touch or hold it so I could look at it better but she swiped it awY from me. "Not just yet, Orange Juice." She said, my right eye quickly twitched as she said my whole name, I do not like that. Unless it's Paper, or Bomb, I guess.

"Okay, I have a new set of questions for you!" She said and pulled out a new paper clipboard. Shit. "Do you prefer to sleep in the day or night?" She asked. I barely sleep at all. "Hm, I guess...night? It's less noisy?" I answered and shrugged. I guess if I can sleep, night would be best, less busy, and less noisy! Test Tube soon tightened her grip on the clip-board, I grinned and then chuckled. "Okay then...! If you could have an actual vacation, where would you want to go? And who would you bring with you?" She asked, turning the clip-board onto the next page. "Va...vac-vaca...syyuuOON! Hm, anywhere, I suppose... And then, Paper and Bomb!" I answered and smiled brightly. Seems like I have everything under control while answering. I knew there was nothing to worry about!

Test Tube looked at me with a very angry look, she soon took a deep breath and let it all out. "Let's not base the questions that's written on here!" She said as she put the clip-board down. She mumbled something at the end of the sentence; "Stupid Bomb. This question would've cracked him already!" ...Excuse me? Test Tube soon scoffs, "I'm assuming you miss being in the Hotel, yes?" She asked and turned away from me. I looked at the vial that was on the other side of the table from me. "Well, duh!" I answered and chuckled as I rolled my eyes, soon putting my eyes back on the vial. "Hm, don't you want to relax? I'm sure the last time you slept was when I put you all to sleep!" She said,

"I mean, sure? Also, you putting us to sleep definitely doesn't count for me as sleeping...properly." I replied. Test Tube turned her back facing me as she smiled. "Wanna know what the chemicals in the vial do?" She asked, I nodded in response; "It intrigues me a lot." I said. "Drink it." She said flatly, it sounded like a demand. I glanced at her and then back at the vial. The urge. I know that the chemical is going to do something, obviously... "Can't you just tell me?" I asked and glanced at her. She shook her head, "Don't you trust me, OJ?"

Do I? "Thought we were friends." She said and turned her back from me. Who do I even believe at this point? Taco said something about not trusting Test Tube...but then again, Test Tube is our friend and Taco is...not our, or well, my friend. I sigh. "Right." I said and reached out to the vial. As I held it in my hand, I looked at it for a good moment. I took a deep breath and then —




. . .

𝓦Ⓗα𝐭 𝕥𝓗ε 𝐅𝐮ς𝓀? 𝓌𝒽Ⓐ𝐭— εⓥ乇𝐑ⓨ𝕋Ⓗⓘ𝓃ᵍ I𝓈...S𝓸 𝔹𝓡𝓘gH𝓣. Oh 𝓢ђι𝐭.

ᔕh𝓲т 𝔫Ø.

; Bomb's POV .

"I-i-i-i-it's b-b-been a-a-a lo-lo-long t-time n-n-now. O-O-OJ s-s-should b-be b-back b-b-by n-n-now." I said under my breath.

The door soon opened and OJ came back. He looked very...drowsy. Wait. I quickly stood up from the floor and held OJ before he could walk on his own. He can't walk being like...this. What in the holy fuck did Test Tube do. What did she give OJ?! And why did OJ agree!? No, I'm sure OJ was forced. OJ wouldn't accept anything from Test Tube after everything. Right? Yeah, right. God, OJ, what happened to you?

"O-O-OJ! S-s-snap o-o-out o-of w-w-what-e-ever t-t-that i-is!" I said loudly, hoping OJ snaps out of it. But it seems like it doesn't have an effect on him... "Hmmm?? Oohh!! Boommbbb!! Isss tthhaaaattt youuuu??"OJ replied and asked as he opened his eyes and looked at me. Shit, this isn't good. OJ... "Y-y-yes, i-i-it's me." I replied and then sighed. I soon started helping him walk to where we were sitting before. He needs to rest. This isn't good... "Hmmm, I thouughhtt youu weree Paperrr" He said. I soon rolled my eyes as I helped him sit properly. "But! Heeyyy, you're cute toooo!" OJ added, I soon looked away and scoffed. He's not himself.

I fucking hate Test Tube.




Word Count: 1,273

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Chapter cover made by .............. ME!!!!!! (sorry dxisy, lawl /hj /lh)


Co-Writer:  / dxisy

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