We Met Again ~ KNJ FF

By Namjin_spark124

116K 8.7K 1.9K

"Fuck you and fuck your proposal!! Leave me alone, will you ?!" you raged at him but he was just smiling inno... More

| CHAPTER 10 |
| CHAPTER 11 |
| CHAPTER 12 |
| CHAPTER 13 |
| CHAPTER 14 |
| CHAPTER 15 |
| CHAPTER 16 |
| CHAPTER 17 |
| CHAPTER 18 |
| CHAPTER 19 |
| CHAPTER 20 |
| CHAPTER 21 |
| CHAPTER 22 |
| CHAPTER 23 |
| CHAPTER 24 |
| CHAPTER 25 |
| CHAPTER 26 |
| CHAPTER 27 |
| CHAPTER 28 |
| CHAPTER 29 |
| CHAPTER 30 |
| CHAPTER 31 |
| CHAPTER 32 |
| CHAPTER 33 |
| CHAPTER 34 |
| CHAPTER 35 |
| CHAPTER 36 |
| CHAPTER 37 |
| CHAPTER 38 |
| CHAPTER 39 |
| CHAPTER 40 |
| CHAPTER 41 |
| CHAPTER 42 |
| CHAPTER 43 |
| CHAPTER 44 |
| CHAPTER 45 |
| CHAPTER 46 |
| CHAPTER 47 |
| CHAPTER 48 |
| CHAPTER 49 |
| CHAPTER 50 |
| CHAPTER 51 |
| CHAPTER 52 |
| CHAPTER 53 |
| CHAPTER 54 |
| CHAPTER 55 |
| CHAPTER 56 |
| CHAPTER 57 |
| CHAPTER 58 |
| CHAPTER 59 |
| CHAPTER 60 |
| CHAPTER 61 |
| CHAPTER 62 |
| CHAPTER 63 |
| CHAPTER 64 |
| CHAPTER 65 |
| CHAPTER 66 |
| CHAPTER 67 |
| CHAPTER 68 |
| CHAPTER 69 |
| CHAPTER 70 |
| CHAPTER 71 |
| CHAPTER 73 |
| CHAPTER 74 |
| CHAPTER 75 |

| CHAPTER 72 |

678 62 31
By Namjin_spark124

"Your face, your attitude, everything about you just annoys me!" With a forceful strike, she slammed her fist into your face, causing your nose to burst with pain. A boisterous feminine laugh reverberated through the dim, empty room. 

"I didn't even do anything to you," you chuckled at her enraged expression. 

strong people have a unique reaction ability, whenever danger glares in their eyes they will never cower away or spare a speck of tear despite of the fact that, these same strong people cry alone in the night, every day. 

In this situation Y/N was one of strong people 

"Just give back his belongings, little girl, and he might let you off..." She gripped your hair, yanking it mercilessly to force you to meet her gaze, despite your injured features.

"As if I'd ever trust you, old hag," you spat defiantly, causing her face to contort in even more fury.


"Kim wants her in room 1," a voice interrupted her rage. She abruptly turned, still holding onto your hair, causing you to grimace in agony.

"Your invitation awaits, dolly," the woman, your tormentor, smirked maliciously.

Being pulled to your feet, you were led through the darkness, your hooded eyes struggling to make out the surroundings. It was obscure, nothing readily visible.

Darkness held a different mystery when the situation is terrifying, your heart was slamming hard in your chest with the worst anticipation possible. Despite your swollen eyes, you managed to note the route's pattern: every ten meters, a peculiar sign resembling a tiger, yet with puzzling eyes.

"Walk faster!" Her grip tightened on your hand behind your back, dragging you briskly down the dingy corridor.

Your breath caught as you were suddenly shoved, your knees buckling as you crashed onto the prickly floor, exacerbating the pain in your nose.

Whimpering audibly, you gasped for air. Moments later, menacing footsteps approached, followed by a sharp, searing pain in your scalp.

"Is this you, Julliet Romeo~"

"LEAVE HER!" A roar reverberated with anger, struggling fiercely against the chains binding him.

"Looks like she is..." Taehyung chuckled, squeezing harder. You looked at him closely, finding it even scarier up close. You'd only seen him from afar during court hearings, always feeling uneasy due to his menacing presence, just like now.

"I should have known even Kim Namjoon has weaknesses..." Taehyung snickered, forcibly lifting you up by your hair.

"Back to business, Madam Y/N, how was your stay here?"

Taehyung growled, while you gazed softly at the man tied to the chair before you...As far you could reel back your memory you remember Namjoon was not taken, it was only you...you clenched your jaw when you realized this dumb man followed you and was trying to be a hero. ... ignoring your captor's question...

"What the hell are you doing here?" Despite the pain, you croaked out your anger, making Namjoon nervous. He swallowed hard.

Your captor, momentarily ignored, couldn't fathom being dismissed so easily.


"What Y/N!? How did you end up here, Namjoon?" You gritted your teeth, forcefully breaking free from your captor's grasp, stumbling as you approached the bound man before you.

"I... I came for you," Namjoon whispered innocently, locking eyes with you, rendering you speechless. All this time, you thought you were trapped in darkness, without hope...Without hope because you knew no one would ever find you if you were to die here tonight. Overwhelmed, tears welled in your eyes as you gazed upon his injured state.

In the middle of the night, the tough Y/N felt vulnerable. This vulnerability emerged when a person lost in a dark cave suddenly spotted a small light.

There was somebody for you who was suffering just like you 

You thought you could handle this alone, without telling your family. But you were wrong. You thought you could survive in this dangerous place. Your arrogance is what got you into trouble in this dungeon today.

"You shouldn't have taken your life for granted like this" you whispered as your hands shook uncontrollably with rising anxiety. Namjoon slowly shook his head biting his lips controlling his emotions 

"For you .... always..." he whispered 

Your arrogance and overconfidence made two lives in danger; you were responsible for his state. a guilty sob broke out of you, you noticed his condition, he looked horrible 

not like the Seoul's topmost attorney, not like the well-groomed man he always seemed, your words died in your throat looking at his condition that was all because of you. 

The guilt had a huge weight on your chest, his painful whisper which held a warm tone worsened it more. Your hand trembled in the urgency to touch him but when you were about to you were snatched harshly by your neck by your captor.

the rational part of your mind was debating whether you should even feel guilt for the man in front of you but you successfully muted that part of your mind 

"Tsk I hate your kind of people, whenever see their loved ones they go numb" Taehyung amusedly watched their very teardrop clearing your dirty cheek on its way. 

"But we aren't shooting a drama here now, are we? ....  tell me where's my stuff" he growled clenching his hand gripping your neck, he expected a broken women to witness in your eyes but instead he found something psychotic 

You smiled warmly and softly said, "Don't know"

Perhaps, after enduring frustration, guilt, and emotional exhaustion for over ten hours, you reached your breaking point. You were already emotionally drained before being abducted, so this new situation was only pushing you further to the brink.

Taehyung's furious eyes were left open with the shock, his expression matched with Namjoon but both has distinct reasons 

Namjoon couldn't overcome the shock because he knew the struggles and self-debating, he went through to provide your that file anonymously, and Taehyung was because he was sure he saw with own eyes the file in your hand in that photo that unknown man sent him.

"don't fuck with me right now, bitch" Taehyung growled again, lifting his hand in air 

"Keep your hands off her Kim" Namjoon snarled dangerously, he almost resembled an injured lion for a moment "You hurt her once again and I swear on my life, I'll end you" 

His dragon eyes pinned Taehyung in a state of nervousness, for a second ...Taehyung's hand involuntarily curled until he snapped back to reality. 

Taehyung steered his eyes on his form. before stalking angrily towards him slapping him across his face "Stay to your limits, dog" Namjoon clenched his jaw, and glanced at you sitting on the floor almost lifelessly. 

"WHERE IS MY FILE!!" Taehyung caught your neck and asked furiously 

"Where...it...belongs...." your chocked out the words with difficulty but made someone difficult to breath 

Taehyung started hyperventilating listening to your words, his anger left peaked the limits so much that all the surroundings around him suddenly started getting a little hazy. When the dream you've been working on for years suddenly starts to crumble, a sense of hopeless anger becomes evident.

This empire, The Viper's, was the only the way for the thing he desired all his life, appreciation. could someone expect him to lose his everything just that all because of a mere advocate?

His anger consumed every inch of his being. It felt like a storm brewing inside his chest, lightning crackling through his veins, and thunder rumbling in his mind. 

A guttural growl rumbled from deep within his throat, vibrating with the raw intensity of his fury. His hand trembled with the weight of his malevolence as it moved urgently towards his waistband. With a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation, he grasped the heavy metal object as if it were his only salvation, his fingers finding familiarity in its cold touch. In a swift motion, he clicked it open with practiced ease, the metallic sound slicing through the tense silence like a knife through flesh.


Pain erupted like a firework within you, a searing agony tearing through your body. Time slowed as you felt the impact, a deafening roar echoing in your ears. like you were put in a live fire alive, your surroundings got numb, the pain was nothing you've ever experienced .... A low beep soon overpowered everything.

You fell on your back, the ground pricked your back more painfully, with tears bundled in your eyes you gasped to breathe. one of the repercussions of appearing strong one in wrong time

The same roar was still echoing in your ears followed by a loud thud, you closed your eyes with ease, your teardrop met with the dirt on the floor. 

'At least the file was safe....'

A shiny black Mercedes was parked far from the dark building. Its lights lit up the windshield.  person in the passenger seat looked nervous and kept looking at the building with determination.

"Okay... what's next?" Seokjin asked nervously, taking a deep breath. He glanced to his left at the calm Min Yoongi, who was staring at the black building, almost fading into the Monday night's evening.

"We go in, search for the basement or something, find our siblings, and then..." Seokjin trailed off.

"What!" Seokjin's incredulity was palpable. "You think it'll be that simple?!" His abrupt movement caused the car to sway dramatically as he turned towards Yoongi with intensity.

"Yes," Yoongi responded calmly.

"You believe they'll just grant us access like that?! And how can you be so certain our siblings are even inside?!" Seokjin demanded; his frustration evident.

"Allow me to explain..."

"NO, YOU LISTEN, MIN YOONGI!" Seokjin's accusatory finger pointed forcefully towards the man in the driver's seat. "I came here because of the serious talk we had at your place. I genuinely thought you had a plan, you seemed dead set on it."

"I'm just an ordinary guy, Seokjin-shi. Do you really expect me to devise a military operation?" Yoongi's disbelief was evident in his expression.

"Then why did you even—" Seokjin began before an audible knock on the window interrupted them.

Dread gripped them both instantly, freezing Seokjin mid-sentence just as it did Yoongi.

Seokjin slowly turned his head to find a towering figure clad in black standing by their door, one hand conspicuously holding what appeared to be a weapon, likely a bodyguard.

The window descended slowly, admitting a rush of cold air. "Uh..."

"This is a restricted area, gentlemen. May I inquire as to your purpose for being here?" A stern, almost robotic voice emanated from the imposing figure outside, leaving the two occupants of the Mercedes dumbfounded.

"W-We seem to have lost our way to..." Seokjin began, his voice trembling, as he nervously looked to Yoongi for assistance. "A restaurant," Yoongi interjected, seizing upon the first plausible excuse that came to mind.

"The highway lies in that direction, sirs. There's no access from here," the man responded, gesturing towards a specific direction.

"Yeah, we were... having our way..." Yoongi's hands moved deftly, swiftly maneuvering the steering wheel to reverse the car.  

Seokjin breathed a sigh of relief as they successfully evaded the imposing figure. "This is so embarrassing," he muttered, shooting a glance at Yoongi, who was now focused on concealing their vehicle from view near the building.

"Here we are, two of the most influential individuals in Seoul, running from a mere bodyguard," Seokjin exclaimed incredulously.

"It's all part of the experience, Seokjin-shi," Yoongi replied calmly.

"Experience?!" Seokjin's voice rose in frustration as Yoongi silently guided the car in reverse.

Meanwhile, the bodyguard watched in silence as the car sleekly retreated into the night. With a resigned sigh, he muttered to himself, "And that's why I avoid getting married."

Seokjin's voice reverberated throughout the car, filling the space with tension. Finally, Yoongi's patience snapped as he slammed his hand on the steering wheel. "Okay! Now stay quiet, will you?!"

"How can I, huh?! We both know we're clueless in this situation—"

"We'll figure it out," Yoongi interjected firmly, cutting through Seokjin's protests. "We have to make this work."

As silence enveloped the car, Seokjin couldn't help but marvel at the surreal situation they found themselves in. "What a cliché scene we're in," he thought absentmindedly, gazing ahead into the darkness.

Yoongi sighed knowingly and halted the car within the darkest part of woods he could find

The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, filling their lungs with an unsettling mustiness. Each step they took seemed to echo through the silent forest, amplifying the feeling of isolation and vulnerability.

Yoongi's heart hammered in his chest; his senses heightened as he strained to detect any sign of danger lurking in the shadows. His grip tightened on the handle of his flashlight, the only source of illumination in the oppressive darkness. Seokjin, walking beside him, mirrored his unease, his eyes darting nervously from side to side as he scanned their surroundings.

"What are we trying to do Yoongi-shi" Seokjin whispered 

"We'll get in the building first, then think of the way," Yoongi declared, his voice firm despite the tremor of nerves beneath the surface. He quickened his pace, stepping ahead of Seokjin, the beam of his flashlight cutting through the darkness like a beacon of determination.

Yoongi squinted his eyes with the sudden flashlight on his face, "where did you get that?", Seokjin huffed and rolled his eyes "Your car"

Yoongi nodded understanding and continued walking. Together, they pressed on, their footsteps echoing through the night as they navigated the shadowed paths. With each stride, the anticipation grew, mingling with the nervous energy that crackled between them.

Ten minutes hence, Yoongi and Seokjin were still walking. The silence was awkward between them so finally Seokjin spoke, "Who told you to park the car freaking ten miles away..." 

"Actually... we should have come here on cycles; you know it would be easy to drive them in this forest..." 

Yoongi dejectedly shook his head and walked ahead with more speed to avoid Seokjin and his solutions

"You disrespectful-" Seokjin voice rose at his audacity, he watched Yoongi's retreating back but before he could complete his sentence, Yoongi came to an abrupt halt, his suddenness stilled Seokjin like ice. 

"What?" Seokjin whispered loudly enough for Yoongi to hear, but to his surprise Yoongi suddenly crouched to the ground 

"Sit" Yoongi replied in a tone that made Seokjin immediately crouch, he glanced at Yoongi and saw him staring at some space.

Goosebumps crawled on Seokjin's skin with the increasing anticipation, soundlessly he joined Yoongi more closely and stared at the same place where he was staring

  "Somebody's here"

"OfCourse It is, it's a free road-"

"Listen carefully" Yoongi harshly shushed him, Seokjin was dumbfounded but still listened carefully to nothing. 

After a few moments of cricket harmonious singing, a sudden shift in the forest's soundscape caught Seokjin's attention. Amidst the rhythmic chirping, he detected something else—faint, muffled shouts carried on the night breeze.

"Why are you so stubborn?!" 

They heard a man's frustrated voice 

"No! You're just a hard-shelled man!"  that frustrated voice was followed with another man's voice which was equally challenging as the first

"Listen you have to believe me I have a photogenic memory?!" 

"Yeah, that's a good joke" another man chuckled 

"The car went that way I am telling you "This statement caught the attention of two men crouching in the forest.

"No, it was that way, I saw it with my own eyes! black Mercedese!" Yoongi eyes went wide with realization, Black Mercedes, they were certainly talking about their car? 

He turned his vision to his right and saw Seokjin with a mutual understanding look 

If they were talking about their car, they were most probably the guards. to confirm his suspicion Yoongi, like a sleek cat moved towards the sound and what he found was enough to confirm his suspicion 

He saw two men standing in front of the car still arguing, and most importantly they were dressed in full black outfit. Considering their height and appearance, they were buffed too. 

"They are the guards, what we will do now?" Seokjin whispered near him; Yoongi got startled realizing his soundless crawl. 

"Smack, change, enter" 

"Huh?" Seokjin was dumbfounded for the forty-nineth time this night

"Do you know how to make a person unconscious?" Yoongi asked, looking with huge hopes

"Uh...I think?" Seokjin fumbled nervously 


Cinema, films had always been a source of manipulation, but not in a negative sense. Rather, it's a positive manipulation, inspiring viewers to believe in their own capabilities. Every day, we watch movies with keen interest, and suddenly, we feel like we can do what we see on screen. For instance, when a superhero movie becomes popular, you'll find kids and even adults imitating them, believing they can be the world's saviors.

The same phenomenon was at play here. Knocking out a fully grown man with just a tree branch seemed improbable unless struck with inhuman speed. But that's what our films teach us - one smack and the opponent is out cold.

With that cinematic experience ingrained in his mind, Yoongi blindly believed they could render the two "guards" unconscious, then change into their outfits and infiltrate the building. It was a leap of faith, fueled by the conviction instilled by countless hours spent in front of the silver screen.

sounds so kdrama-ish ...

"You ready?" Yoongi whispered, his voice barely audibles over the rustling leaves, as he glanced at the nervous Seokjin. Seokjin, his grip tight on the best tree branch he could find, nodded anxiously, his knuckles white with tension as he clung to it for dear life.

"You shut up! I remember it very well, it was not that dark then, that car went that way!" 

"Listen here boy, you can't ignore my experienced listening skills like this-"

"Like you said you are old, your old eyes are deceiving you right now"

"When did I say I am old?!" 

"What does 'experienced' mean then-" 

With each sleek step they took, the distant yells grew louder, their voices cutting through the stillness of the night with increasing clarity. Though initially faint and indistinct, the calls now resonated more clearly, drawing Yoongi and Seokjin closer with an interesting allure. 

They walked on their tiptoes, their movements cautious and deliberate, until they reached the rear end of the car. Yoongi gently nudged Seokjin forward, a silent command urging him to take the lead.

"Yoongi-shi, I can't," Seokjin protested in a hushed whisper, his voice trembling with apprehension as he hesitated.

"You will," Yoongi whispered back with quiet determination, his hand pressing against Seokjin's back to encourage him onward.

Yoongi again pushed him while Seokjin gasped horridly when he felt himself almost revealing. He took the sharp step and glared dangerously at the culprit.

"Go" Yoongi challenged back completely uninterested with his glare. 

The yells were still very prominent in the background, which was acting as the sound barrier for them, their whispers were not audible to the guards.

Seokjin took a deep breath and gathered his courage, stepping out from the shield of the car. As he emerged into the open, he felt a rush of adrenaline course through his veins, his senses heightened by the proximity to the man standing just one meter away, his back turned toward him.

With a shaky breath, Seokjin prepared to make his move, his muscles tense with anticipation. But before he could act, a sudden shriek pierced the air, causing him to startle in surprise.

"AHHHH—" The unexpected sound startled Seokjin, his own startled cry echoing in response as he dropped the log he had been clutching and bolted back toward the safety of his hiding spot.

Yoongi flinched badly when he heard two girlish shrieks, he flinched again when Seokjin hugged him out of nowhere. Hurried steps soon followed towards them and then Yoongi came face to face with the 'guards'

"AHHH!!" Those two men yelled in unison looking at them, and this time Yoongi shrieked a little too. The panic made Yoongi to push Seokjin towards those men

Seokjin flinched when he back unexpectedly met with a hard chest, his shoulder grasped from back "WHO ARE YOU GUYS AND WHY WERE TRYING TO KILL US?!"

The unexpected yells sliced through the dark night, Yoongi took a deep breath and composed himself before swiftly collecting Seokjin back to him. 

"We...we were lost sir, but we are fine now you guys can go back to your duties." Yoongi cleared his throat while Seokjin smiled nervously at them. 

"Yeah, Mr. Watchmen, we... we just got startled seeing... you," Seokjin added, covering for their earlier fright as he stepped away from Yoongi and straightened his suit.

But as Seokjin finished speaking, a strange turn of events unfolded. The two men who had confronted them suddenly flinched and urgently looked behind their backs, their expressions fraught with confusion.

"Watchmen, where? I told you we should park on that side," one of the men whispered accusingly to the other, their attention momentarily diverted from Yoongi and Seokjin.

Perplexed by the exchange, Seokjin frowned and pointed towards the men. "You... you are the watchmen of that building!" he exclaimed, gesturing toward the imposing black structure standing proudly in the distance.

"We?" Both of them pointed towards themselves and had a confused facade

"Oh...No, we are not" one of them suddenly realized and cleared the air. "We were.... lost too...." that man suspiciously glanced towards his partner. 

"Yeah...yeah we were" the other one covered. 

"Really? then why were you guys trying to find us?!" Seokjin was suddenly out of his nervously and held his waist from of his hands. 

 "Since when...?"

Yoongi took a step ahead and squinted his eyes and scanned them carefully, upon looking up them from closely he was sure how they were not the guards, they sure were buffed and tall but their facial features were soft with expression not the usual cold and rugged like bodyguards. 

"Uh....I think we have a disagreement here; I am sorry for my Hyung we will leave now...." Yoongi straightened his back and grasped Seokjin's hand again taking him away from those two men. 

It was necessary according to Yoongi, because the more they interact with people the more dangerous it will be for them. 

Seokjin was huffing but still co-operating with Yoongi, they kept on walking until they heard a loud "Oh come on!" 

They halted on their steps without turning their faces towards those men's.  

"Are we really pretending that we are here for some work?" 

Their breath hitched, collectively 

"This is really the fifth time I am speaking! WHY CAN'T FAMOUS PEOPLE REALIZE THAT THEY ARE FAMOUS?!" One of the men let out an exasperated sigh and approached Yoongi and Seokjin, his steps heavy with weariness. As he drew closer, his tired expression became more pronounced, lines of exhaustion etched into his features.

"Min Yoongi is here for Min Y/N and Kim Seokjin is here for Kim Namjoon, isn't it?" He crossed his arms across his chest and with a proud look. 

Yoongi's and Seokjin's jaw dropped to the ground listening to him, their heart pounded with fear of anticipation what if they are really the guards of Kim Taehyung? 

Witnessing their faces, the man across them let out a sigh again "I'm Jungkook, and welcome to the club gentlemen....



Lmao ...I suffered from the biggest plot hole of my life through this chapter, I somehow managed to fill it ...I need some serious reviews on this chapter? Was it bullshit? unrealistic? please comment ...

and yeah, I am again here with my shameless sorry, for taking ages to update....

spoiler for the next chapter: the next chapter will the last on this whole kidnapping scenarios... (Thank God)

I Lob You ❤️👀 

can I get your forgiveness babes?

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