Forever Yours

By FonzFan

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Sequel. Follow Severus and Katherine and their family and friends, through their complicated lives after the... More

Prologue 1: Fallen Soldiers
Prologue 2: A Young Man Dreams
Chapter 1: Home At Last
Chapter 2: Tell Me Everything
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Becoming a Real Prince
Chapter 5: The Prophet's Report, Part 1
Chapter 6: The Prophet's Report, Part 2
Chapter 7: Mr. Prince Goes to Town
Chapter 8: Union Station
Chapter 9: This is Who You Are
Chapter 10: Father & Son
Chapter 11: OWLs
Chapter 12: St. Augustine's
Chapter 13: Potions, Snitches & Nightmares
Chapter 14: Wakanda
Chapter 15: Birthday Kisses
Chapter 16: The Green Steam Engine
Chapter 17: Wounds We Keep Hidden From View
Chapter 18: Spoofhounds vs. Sidewinders
Chapter 19: All Hallows Eve
Chapter 20: A Peaceful Moon
Chapter 21: A Letter, A Bond and the Witch
Chapter 22: Christmas Shopping Chaos
Chapter 23: A Family Christmas Part 1
Chapter 24: A Family Christmas Part 2
Chapter 25: A Family Christmas Part 3
Chapter 26: Starting A New Year
Chapter 27: Re-Bonding & Re-Healing
Chapter 28: Forgiveness Begins the Healing
Chapter 29: A Big Decision
Chapter 30: "Coming of Age"
Chapter 31: I Remember You
Chapter 32: Training Days
Chapter 33: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 1
Chapter 34: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 2
Chapter 35: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 3
Chapter 36: Her First
Chapter 37: The Final Journey
Chapter 38: Turning One
Chapter 39: Sev's Fortieth
Chapter 40: "Something Unexpected"
Chapter 41: "Life Decisions"
Chapter 42: The Greatest Game Ever Played, Part 1
Chapter 43: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 2
Chapter 44: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 3
Chapter 45: Graduation Day

Chapter 46: Draft Day

314 19 5
By FonzFan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Serenity, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


The boy had been very pensive the past week since his graduation, Severus had noted. Every day seemed like a drilled routine. The boy would get up early, run, shower, brew, then fly late into the evenings. No matter the weather, the routine remained the same.

Helena had gone for a job interview at the government branch in Chicago earlier in the week. She had returned optimistic. A large smile on her face and hope shining in her eyes. Three days later, an owl arrived with an offer. For now, it was a small job. But it was the department she had imagined getting into.

As the secretary to the head of the Department of Magical Education, Helena would be running errands and taking notes for Apollo Amorith. She had described him as a serious man, but with kind, intelligent eyes. Severus noticed Septimus had frowned at the compliment Helena drew out with a soft smile on her face.

'Good lord, the boy's jealous already,' Severus thought as he sipped his tea late Thursday evening. Helena had joined the family for dinner, declaring her big news to them at the table. He could see Septimus' indecisiveness immediately. While the boy appeared happy for his girlfriend, his eyes told a different story. One of worry and troubled.

Once Helena had flooed home, and Katherine set off to put Serenity to bed, the two wizards sat alone in the living room. Severus sat in his usual chair, his cuppa still perched in one hand and a tome in the other. Septimus sat motionless on the couch, staring blankly into the hearth.

"Knut for your thoughts," Severus said blandly as he turned a page. His onyx eyes never left the text before him.

Startled, Septimus roused from his trans. "What?"

"You alright?" Severus asked, setting the book into his lap.

"Mom usually says 'are you all?'." Septimus smirked half-heartedly.

"Yes well," Severus clicked his tongue. "I'm afraid some of your blasted American phrases are taken hold of my formal English tongue."

"That sounds more like you," the boy muttered, as his eyes returned to the flames.

"Septimus," Severus sighed, now putting down his tea as well. "What is bothering you?"

"I hate him."


"Apollo Amorith," Septimus sneered, folding his arms over his chest.

"And why do you hate him?" Severus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

"You did see the way she talked about him, didn't you?" Septimus gaped, turned his disgusted look towards his father.

"He's tall and well built," Septimus stated sarcastically, mimicking Helena's words. "With wavey blonde locks and kind gray eyes. His face looks like it was chiseled out of marble and when he does smile, his teeth are brilliant white."

"She never said anything about his face being chiseled." Severus stated, as he rolled his eyes at his son.

"You didn't," Septimus huffed. "She was telling mom that in the kitchen when I went to get a drink."


"It's not fair," Septimus continued, his eyes going back to the fire. "We've been out of school for only four days, and she already has a crush on someone else. He'll have her eating out of his hand in no time, then it will be goodbye Septimus. I bet he's like that with all the girls in his office. Probably has flirted with all of them at one time or another. Flashing his 'brilliant smile' at them, swooning them. The name fits too. Apollo... pfft... fucking Greek god. Every witch probably kneels at his feet... pfft, probably wizards too. They probably all think he's fucking gorgeous."

"Of course," Severus scoffed at his son's ranting, as he picked up his tome again.

"I can't compete with that," Septimus continued. "Helena will look at me like I'm some pathetic creature. A naïve virgin that wouldn't know what to do with her. He's older, more experienced. He probably knows all the right lines, and all the right moves to get a witch in his bed. She's already physically attracted to him. How long before he begins to wine and dine her, before he romances her and sweeps her off her feet?!"

"I'm sure not long," Severus muttered behind his book. "His husband said yes to him in less than three weeks of courting."

"Figures...wait, what?!" Septimus' head snapped around to peer at his father. "Husband?"

"Yes, husband," Severus sighed, putting down his book again. "Apollo Amorith is gay Septimus."

"Are... are you serious?"

"Yes, quite serious," he replied, cocking a brow at the boy. "Apollo and his partner have been happily together for twenty-two years already. They met in school and started a relationship in their sixth year."


"Do you really think Christoph wouldn't have him checked out?" Severus tutted. His cuppa had gone cold, and his book now lay forgotten in his lap. "He planted an Unspeakable in the department weeks ago after Helena had expressed her desires to work there. The man is clean. No discrepancies against him. No wizarding code violations. No nothing. He's not a threat to us and doesn't seem to know a thing about the war. He's a quiet wizard who enjoys relaxing nights at home with his husband."

A silence elapsed between the two wizards. Severus watched his son carefully, as the boy turned his eyes back to the fireplace. His posture sagged a bit, and his arms were no longer clinched across his chest.

"I'm an idiot," Septimus muttered after a few minutes.

"No," Severus snorted, as he placed his book on the coffee table. "You're not. We all feel that way sometimes. It's human nature."

"I'm still an idiot."

"Get use to it," Severus stated, as he flicked his wrist, and sent his cold tea to the kitchen. "Because it will happen again whether you like it or not."

"Did you ever get jealous with mom?"

Severus frowned. Thinking back, he remembered his jealousy towards James Potter, when Lily had chosen the toe-rag over him. But now, as he paused, he recalled more times than not that he was jealous of another man around his wife.

Her Quidditch mates draping their arms around her shoulders after a win.

Immature Hogwarts boys flirting with her shamelessly in the Great Hall.

Regulus Black following her around like a lost puppy.

Sirius Black trying to seduce her, asking her for a dance.

Dancing with bumbling buffoons at all of the Malfoy galas.

Lucius Malfoy pressing his body against hers at the Yuletide Ball a little more than two years ago.

Oh yes, he had been jealous. While Katherine never gave those men the time of day, he was still envious. Even before he wanted her in that way, she was his.

"Yes," Severus stated sharply as he tried to wipe the image of Lucius and Katherine from his mind. His hands gripped the armrest of the chair and a deep frown set on his face.

"Ok," Septimus swallowed harshly. "I think I'm going to head to bed now." Slowly he rose from his spot on the couch, carefully watching his father's expression.

"Goodnight," the boy said quietly, before ascending the stairs to the second-floor bedrooms.

Severus was now the one staring into the flame. His jaw ticked with annoyance, and his black eyed burned with frustration.

"Sev?" a soft voice startled him out of his trance.

'Where had she come from?' Severus thought as his eyes flickered quickly towards Katherine who had now joined him in the living room.

"Are you all?" Katherine asked, slowly moving towards him.

"Fine," Severus muttered, his frown softening slightly.

"You sure?" Katherine continued. "Septimus seemed a bit unnerved when I passed him on the steps."

"He was jealous of Helena's new boss."

"Is that all?"

Severus remained silent for several moments, before Katherine slipped herself into his lap. Without a second thought, Severus wrapped his arms around her growing belly and brought her close to his person.

She was his.

And he was hers.

"He asked me if I had ever been jealous of others around you," Severus said softly, as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Were you?"

"Of course, I was," Severus scoffed. "You were my closest friend. You were beautiful, intelligent, athletic. I remembered how boys would flirt with you, touch you. Then I remembered Lucius pressing himself against you as you danced. I remembered the anger I felt when I saw him do so. I remember wanting to punch him square in that pompous nose and blast him across the room."

"I know," Katherine murmured, as she turned her face to brush noses with him. "But you know what I remember?"


"I remember several envious wizards on the night of the graduation ball," Katherine reminisced. "As you escorted me into the Great Hall and danced the entire night with me. Never letting me out of your reach. Even when Black tried to lure me into a dance.

"I remember each and every Malfoy gala, where you and I danced the night away, and I refused wizard after wizard's hand.

"I remember the look on a group of wizards' faces, when I pulled you down by your tie," she paused to place a lingering kiss on his lips. "And had my first kiss with your lips.

"Whether you knew it or not Severus Prince, I have always been yours. Mind, body and soul. And no other wizard could ever change that."

Without a word, Severus pulled her into another kiss. He relished her words. She was his first kiss. His first dance. His first sexual experience. His first intimate moment. His first relationship. His first true love.

And they belonged to each other.


Saturday, June 10, 2000

At nine o'clock in the morning, the floo flared up, emitting four rambunctious teenage boys hulling brooms in hand. Septimus greeted them with the same enthusiasm. Laughing and talking loudly.

With a push from Katherine, Septimus led them down to the lake for a couple of quick two on two Quidditch games.

It had been the first trip to the Prince cabin for Septimus' roommates. Until that date, Septimus had always visited their homes, but Christoph had taken every precaution to allow the boys to join Septimus on this important day.

For today was the North American Quidditch League Draft Day.

Today, Septimus would find out what team would want him as their Seeker.

The skies were clear blue and the weather warm. The lake reflecting the summertime sun and the boys took in the rays as they glided above the tarn.

Two hours into the games, Severus found himself sitting out on the deck, having taken a break from helping Katherine prepare for the rest of the guests to come.

Serenity was curled against his chest, having just gone down for her late morning nap. With one arm propped under her bum, and his other hand rubbing calm, soothing motions across her back, Severus marveled in his daughter's changes over the last couple of months.

The black-haired, blue-eyed babe was still growing leaps and bounds both physically and mentally. Katherine had begun potty training a month earlier as Serenity had been walking almost independently since March. She was now able to use a spoon on her own and was learning how to drink from a cup without a sippy. She could climb on and off the couch without help and loved to scribble with her crayons. Her communication was still ahead of others her age, as she could ask for 'more milk please' or 'Daddy up please.'

Merlin, that one hit him hard the first time he heard it.

Katherine had shed happy tears at almost all the milestones that the little one had overcome since her birth, but that one was the first for him. Although he didn't show it around his family, Severus shed a silent tear after everyone was in bed. To hear Septimus call him dad was one thing, but to hear daddy slip from his daughter's innocent lips was another.

He wound his arm protectively around the girl at the thought of that moment; and placed a light kiss on the crown of her head.

"She asleep?" Katherine whispered as she joined him on the porch.

"Yes," Severus murmured, glancing up at his wife. Katherine's golden locks glistened in the daytime sun, and her ice blue eyes sparkled as she watched their son, and his friends fly about. One of her delicate hands rested on her 22-week bump, and the other rubbed small circles on her lower back.

"Katherine," Severus said softly. "While don't you sit and let me finish up inside. You should get off your feet for a while."

"I'm fine Sev," Katherine protested lightly. "Lunch is almost finished for the boys, and the roast for supper is in the oven. I've got a spell on the rest of the food to start cooking later, so that when the draft is over, we can all sit down to supper together."

"I just don't want you to overdo it," Severus replied, shifting Serenity slightly in his arms. "You've been on your feet since five this morning, and I don't want to see you go on bedrest again."

Silence lapsed between the two as they continued to watch the boys fly about. They whooped and laughed in the sky above them. Remaining carefree until their lives began to change. School was gone, and now the real world began.

"I think you're right," Katherine sighed lightly, as she turned towards Severus. "I think I'll lay down for a bit. Will you wake me in an hour?"

"Of course," Severus replied. She bent down slightly to place a tender kiss on her daughter's head, then a second on Severus' lips, before turning away and heading back into the house. He frowned at the action that she all too easily gave in to. While Katherine had napped during pregnancy with Serenity, it was usually done with more protest. He wondered if the thought of bedrest truly made her that nervous that she would decide to turn in for a tick?

The child within her was active without a doubt. It had only been two weeks ago that Severus had felt the first thuds of his third child pressing against his wife's womb. A part of him worried a bit. The child seemed to be overly moving during the night, causing less sleep as of late for Katherine. Often, he would wake to find her perched on the edge of the bed, rubbing her bump. Then he would help her to lay back down and continue the movement for her to allow Katherine to drift back to sleep.

'Maybe this should be our last,' Severus thought as he held Serenity's sleeping form closer to his person. 'Her body's been through a lot more that most women. Torture. Poisoning. Fist fights. Illegal spells. Two births already. And the spell that bound our souls from being split.'

"Merlin," Severus muttered quietly, as he ran a hand over his face. Serenity stirred in his arms. Her small fists gripping her father's shirt firmly. Silently, Severus cast the tempus spell with a flick of his fingers and noted that the hour was already gone.

"Alright you," he spoke softly to the child in his arms. "Time to wake up." Serenity stirred again; her ice blue eyes flickering open slightly before drooping again.

Slowly, Severus rose from his chair and made his way towards the rail of the deck. The sun was now warmer than before, and his movement finally had Serenity fully alert.

"Boys!," Severus called out from his perch. "Lunch."


There was a mad scramble for the house, as the five hungry teenage boys plunked themselves down at the Prince dining room table and began to devour everything in sight. Severus handed Serenity off to her brother, instructing him to give her lunch as well, before heading off to wake his wife.

The master bedroom was dark as he entered. Katherine had pulled all the shades and had even placed a muffling spell on the room. Her sleeping form was positioned on her left side, with one hand draped across her belly, which had been most likely used to calm the little one wrestling inside her.

Her breathing was light, most likely feeling his presence coming through the spells she had placed about the room.

Slowly, Severus made his way over to the bed and slipped into the sheets behind her. Laying on his left side as well, Severus spooned her form. He chuckled to himself upon finding her bare beneath the covers. One of his large hands gently joined Katherine's on her middle, while he buried his nose into her nape.

"Katherine," he muttered quietly, as he placed a kiss against her bare shoulder. She groaned softly at the touch. Her bottom wriggled slightly against a dangerous place.

"Napping naked?" Severus tutted jokingly. "That's a bit dangerous witch, especially since there are five teenage boys in the house that could barge in at a moment's notice."

"Spell," Katherine murmured against his arm, that had wound under her head so he could pull her closer.

"Ah..." he replied, now kissing the nape of her neck. Her form shivered a tad and Severus relished in the feel of goosepimples rising on her exposed flesh. "Even so, it's still a bit risky because one wizard has broken through them."

"As long as that wizard continues what he is doing," Katherine paused to gasp lightly as Severus continued his assault on her neck. "I have no qualms about it."

Severus groaned against her, as she began to rub her naked rear against him. Severus removed his hand from her belly, opting to cup her growing breast instead. They were heavy in his hand; already beginning to produce the needed milk for his unborn child. His fingers flicked and teased the engorged buds, eliciting soft mews from Katherine's lips.

"Sev," she moaned lightly at the actions. "Please."

"Please what?" he smirked against her shoulder, nipping at the flesh lightly. "What is it that you want?"

"You," Katherine breathed harshly, as Severus removed his hand from her breast, to trail it down to her mound. "I need you."

"Need me where?" he asked, as he began to rub circles on her clit with his thumb and explored her slit with his index finger. She was soaked, he noted, as his finger penetrated her a touch.

"Merlin Sev stop toying with me," Katherine moaned again softly, as her back arched a bit from his menstruation. "I want you inside me."

"But I am inside you," Severus chuckled, before plunging his finger deeper inside her.

"That's not..." Katherine panted. "Damn you. Vanish your clothes and place that cock inside me, or so help me I'll..."

But she never got to finish her threat, as Severus did as she requested. Silently, he wandlessly rid of his garments. His member stood at attention, slipping between her cheeks towards her slit. He groaned at the feeling of her wetness coating his shaft, as he lifted her right leg a bit, and started to slip inside her.

Katherine gasped at the intrusion, and her sleeve stuttered around him. She wound her lifted leg onto his hip, so that his hand could continue to rub against her bud. His lips continued to assault her neck, shoulder and now just below her ear, causing her to clench around him a bit more.

Severus thrusted into her with earnest, though careful not to go too deep. Angling his hips a touch more, he found the spot that made her melt. With that and the combination of his heavy panting in her ear, Katherine came undone. Her tight passage milking him heavily, as he followed a few thrusts later.

"What was that?" Katherine asked once her breathing back to normal.

"What was what?" Severus muttered into her shoulder.

"It's been a long time since you've teased and toyed like that," she replied before groaning softly as he slipped out of her.

"I suppose I just lost myself at the thought of my naked wife beneath our sheets," Severus smirked, placing a kiss on her shoulder once more, before moving into a sitting position.

"Of course you did," Katherine lightly swatted a hand at his thigh. "What time is it?"

"About half past twelve," Severus answered. Grabbing his wand, he silently cast a cleaning charm on both of them, before summoning his clothes back on his person. "Our guests will probably be arriving soon."

Katherine merely hummed a response, before gingerly rising to sit on the edge of the bed. After a few moments, she rose and padded her way to the bathroom. Severus smiled lightly at the view of her naked torso, as she slipped into the opposite room to dress and probably use the loo.

Sighing heavily, Severus rose as well and moved to rejoin the children, who had now moved to the living room. The five boys chatted lively as they were all sprawled out on the floor in front of the hearth. Serenity sat in the middle of their circle, giggling and drinking in the entertainment around her.

Severus moved around them and headed for the kitchen. He was happy to see that the boys had at least cleaned up after themselves, as he flicked his wand towards the refreshments, to move them out into the dining room. There would be seventeen of them in all in the house this afternoon. And while the boys had been out flying after they first arrived, Severus and Katherine had moved outside to place an expanding charm on the main floor of the cabin, to allow the extra bodies that would be joining them.

"Septimus, please get the wireless out and started," Katherine voice wafted through from the living room, before making a physical appearance in the dining room. Severus noted that she looked refreshed from her nap, as he took her in his arms again and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

"That's enough you two, she's already pregnant," Christoph's voice interrupted them suddenly. Severus rolled his eyes but released Katherine from his grasp. "Plus, there's nine impressionable teenagers in the living room that could be exposed to this."

"Hello Christoph," Katherine said sarcastically, as she moved to get the rest of the refreshments from the kitchen. "Where's Elisa?"

"In the living room fawning over her goddaughter," Christoph smirked as he grabbed an ale from the table. "Ready for today?" he continued as he turned towards Severus, handing him an ale as well.

"Ready for what?" Severus frowned.

"It's a big day Severus!" Christoph exclaimed. "Your kid is becoming an adult!"

"He may not be nervous, but I am," Katherine stated, as she rejoined them. "A part of me wants him close to home, but the other part wants him to get the experience he needs. There are a lot of teams looking for new, upcoming Seekers."

"I thought that there were only five professional teams in the States," Severus commented, as he sipped from his glass.

"There are five professional regional teams," Christoph explained. "Then there is the American National team which is made up of players from those teams. Plus, there are State teams. Almost every state in the U.S. has a team the next step down from the regional ones. If you aren't drafted to a regional, you can still get a chance at those positions."

"The State teams play each other," Katherine added, as she put the finishing touches on the dining room table. "The Regional teams play around the world and some intermural leagues out of Europe. And if chosen for the National team, they are the ones who play for the Quidditch World Cup at the end of the season."

"More to it than I realized," Severus muttered, as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Always is," Christoph smirked, as he clapped Severus on a shoulder before joining the others in the living room.

"All we can hope is that he is drafted to a team that will expand his range of play and allow him to have time to study for his potions mastery," Katherine said, waving her wand towards the kitchen for the dinner to start cooking.

"And where would you rather see him be Katherine?" Severus asked, watching his wife's facial expressions carefully. She frowned in thought; her left hand coming up to rub her belly, as she worried her bottom lip.

"A regional team," she finally replied after a few moments. "I don't think a State team will challenge him enough. Plus, I want him to get the experience of traveling before..."

"Before what?" he asked, frowning at her slightly. Katherine lifted her eyes towards the opening between the two rooms. Following her line of sight, Severus' eyes followed her into the living room. The teenagers were now in a bigger circle in front of the hearth; laughing and talking with one another.

But his eyes trained on his son. The black-haired young man smiled brightly as his girlfriend sat between his long stretched out legs. His arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her back tightly to his chest. She looked back over her shoulder, and tenderly kissed him on the cheek. Her radiant smile matched his.

"Most players that get drafted to the State teams first hardly ever leave that level," Katherine sighed, her eyes remaining glued on their son. "It would be better for him to get drafted onto a regional team now, before they become more serious. Let him experience the world now, before they decide to move in together...get married...start a family. A regional position will test their relationship the way it is, but I've seen the tolls it takes on families, especially with young children. Once the matches start for the season, he'll be traveling constantly. He'll be gone for weeks for oversea matches, and when he's home, practices will be every morning with his mastery sessions in the afternoons. Better while he's young. Better now, than later."


"Witches and Wizards welcome to the 2000 North American Quidditch Association Draft Day! I am Ryan Redding, and I will be your host for this afternoon draft," Redding voice boomed from out of the wireless.

The teenagers had remained in their circle by the fireplace, although they were now joined by Helena's brothers and Carlos' girlfriend, who had spent the night at the Fuerst home. The older adults occupied the furniture around them. Elisa and Christoph sat side by side on the couch, with the former bouncing Serenity in her lap. David Stuttington had joined them there, chuckling around government antis. Darius Prescott and Headmaster Mickels sat to their right in winged back chairs, discussing the end of term exams and grades. Severus had sat in his usual chair, pulling Katherine into his lap and wrapping his arms around her growing belly.

But all conversations stopped upon hearing Redding's voice.

"Five Regional teams, 44 State teams, eight rounds, one hundred and eight-seven young wizards and witches who, today, are about to become players in the North American Quidditch League. A day where lives are changed. Fates are decided. Dynasties are born, and the clock is always ticking. Of course, I'm talking about Draft Day.

"This year marks the 150th anniversary of the N.A.Q.A. draft. We are here at the Chicagoland Pitch, home of the Schaumburg Soaring Falcons. Nearly 5,000 wizards and witches strong, gathering here to hear firsthand where these young talents will call home for their professional career."

Redding continued on in detail about up-and-coming players, and those from the States teams that have thrown their names back into the hat hoping for a regional position.

"We are thrilled to be back in Chicago, where the first draft was held one hundred and fifty years ago." Redding stated with anticipation in his voice. "And today, we celebrate the great game that we all love. And we celebrate as Quidditch dreams come true." Those in attendance at the draft cheered over Redding's voice.

"So, it sounds like you're ready," Redding continued, hyping up the crowd. "Are you ready?!" The crowd roared around, along with the teenagers in the living room.

"The N.A.Q.A. Draft for 2000 is officially open!"

The masses cheered again. Severus felt Katherine shutter slightly in his arms; her nerves getting the better of her, as the tension in the room began to grow in those throughout the room. Septimus shifted in his spot, as Helena did her best to calm his own nerves by messaging his forearms that stretched across her front.

"Please welcome last year's team with the most wins," Redding announced. "From the Haileybury Hammers of Canada, owner, Olivia LeBlanc." Haileybury fans could be heard loud and clear over the wireless as they chanted Hammers over and over again, as LeBlanc took the mic.

Those back in the Prince living room waited on bated breath, but in the end, LeBlanc had chosen a Chaser from a State team, the Massachusetts Magpies.

"It's alright Sept," Christoph piped up. "Remember, the Hammers lost their star Chaser in the finals last month. It only makes sense that they looking to replace him."

"Next please welcome from the Sweetwater All-Stars, owner, Juan Chevez," Redding introduced the second team.

"Chevez was watching you at the championship game two weeks ago," Mickels commented. "He seemed very interested in you, but he also talked about replacing his Keeper. While they've had a lot of wins this year, their Keeper missed more saves this season than any other team."

Mickels was right, Chevez went on to choose a Keeper from Tucson Thunderbirds.

"Another State team draft," Kyle Fuchs groaned, as the rest followed in suit. "Come on, start picking from schools already!"

"Patience Mr. Fuchs," Darius shushed him, before Redding's voice spoke out again.

"For our third pick of the day, please welcome from the Fitchburg Finches, owner, Maximus Brankovitch the third," Redding announced, before Brankovitch voice replaced his.

"Thank you, Redding," Brankovitch started. "For the first-round pick of the 2000 N.A.Q.A., the Fitchburg Finches have chosen..."

Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats. Mickels, Darius and the Princes knew that Brankovitch had been to several of the Spoofhound matches this season, and Katherine and Severus couldn't help but remember the conversation they had with the man only a year and a half ago at the St. Augustine's Halloween Gala.

Katherine gripped Severus' arm firmly, as he pressed her close to him. It felt as though time stood still. That everyone in the room was now holding their breaths.

"From New Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." Brankovitch continued.


"Septimus Prince."

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