The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

By Amity3775

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Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... More

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town
2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again
7 - The Plan Falls Into Place
8 - It's All Gone.
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

6 - Laser Tag

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By Amity3775

A couple weeks later, Cody was sent to Kaz' house by Tecton to stay for a couple months because he would be attending a heroes conference to carry out a life threatening mission that he was chosen for.

Cody got back from work and saw Tectons bags packed. 

"Tecton? what's going on?" Cody asked in confusion.

"I'm going on a business trip for a while... You will be staying at Kaz' house, for the Five Months I am gone."

"Is this mission dangerous?"

"Who said it was a mission?" Tecton said trying to act dumb.

"Because I know you. Is it dangerous?" Cody asked again.

Tecton hesitated. "...Yes." He finally said softly.

"Why are you dropping this bomb on me right when you're leaving!?" Cody snapped. "A little warning would've been nice." 

"Look I'm sorry. I got called in this morning, I'm a replacement Hero; The League of Heroes needs me." Tecton said brushing some hair behind Cody's ear. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and smiled down at her.

"What Level of mission?" Cody asked as Tecton sighed. 


Cody realized she couldn't fight it. she can't stop him from going. He can't ignore a Level Five Mission especially if you asked to be a replacement if the superhero on the job can't make it. She sighed in defeat "I'll go pack..." She said gloomily before heading downstairs. 

Cody packed all of the stuff she needed. She had a backpack and two suitcases. She walked out of her room and walked down the stairs with her bags and her suitcase. She has a gloomy look on her face. One that was combined with fear and worry.

Tecton saw how slow and sad Cody was walking down the stairs dragging her feet and her bags with her. "Cody..." He said as she made her way to the door. She may never see Tecton again. He may not be her birth father but he was her daddy. He raised her.

Tecton walked her to Kaz' house. Kaz' mom opened the door.

"Hello Sir. May I help you?" His mom asked.

"Hey, I'm Cody's father, Nice to meet you." Tecton said holding out his hand which the woman gladly shook.

"I thought Cody's family vanished a long time ago..." Kaz' mom replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"I took her in after the accident. I basically raised her." Tecton smiled as Cody walked up with her bags.

"Is there anything you need?" The woman asked.

"Well, I don't know If Kaz told you, but he offered for Cody to stay with you for a couple months." Tecton smiled.

"No, Kaz didn't tell me. Why does she need to stay here?"

"Because Cody didn't want to stay with just anyone... Oliver is being take of by a family friend because his mom disappeared. She trusts Kaz." Tecton replied "I'm going on a business trip and I won't be back for a while, so I needed someone to look after Cody for me."

"Well, Since Cody is a longtime family friend, and Kaz offered without my permission. I guess I can't turn you down. Cody come on in." Kaz mom smiled.

"I'm Sarah," Kaz' mom smiled.

"I'm..." Tecton paused. "I'm Mike." He smiled shaking her hand.

"Well Mike, Cody will be well looked after." Sarah smiled.

Cody looked at Tecton. She shed a tear before walking up to the door

Cody stopped at the door. Standing staring at it for a long while before she turned her head slightly and spoke softly. "Do you have to go?"

Tecton stepped forward and put a firm hand on her shoulder. Cody immediately dropped her bags and turned wrapping her arms around Tecton tightly as a few tears flowed down her cheeks.

"You'll be fine Cody..." Tecton coos as he hugged her.

"It's not me I'm worried about." Cody whispered softly.

"I've been through many dangerous missions and came back alive... They can't hurt me. You have to trust me on that..." Tecton replied before he pulled away from her and wiping her tears. "Do you trust me?" He asked tilting Cody's chin up so she looked I'm in the eyes.

"Yes..." Cody said as Tecton smiled.

"Good. Now run along now." Tecton smiled as Cody smiled. She made her way up the to Kaz' room. She stopped halfway, dropping her bags before turning around running back to Tecton.

"Dad!" She yelled jumping into his arms. He held her tightly spinning around before putting her back down. He kissed her forehead before smiling.

"Keep a weather eye on the horizon." He advised before Cody nodded. She turned and grabbed her bags before walking up to Kaz' room. Sarah followed close behind and stopped Cody before she entered Kaz' room.

"Kaz! That room better be clean young man!" His mom yelled as Kaz opened the door and saw Cody.

"Oh great! You're here!" He smiled hugging Cody before opening his bedroom door.

"Now Cody, while you're here, you will always be comfortable. In fact, Kaz will be sharing his bed with you." Sarah smiled.

Kaz and Cody both blushed and looked away from each other.

"What?" Kaz asked.

"Unless you let her have the bed all to herself and you sleep on the floor for the five months she's going to be here." His mom said sternly.

"It's fine, Miss Sarah. We can share a bed." Cody smiled as Mrs. Sarah did the same.

"Good. Now that that's settled. Since you both are sharing a bed, I don't want any funny business between you two. Since Cody is a family friend, I trust you that you will be safe." Kaz' mother said before walking out of the room.

Cody sets her bags down and sits on Kaz' bed. Kaz offered to fold her clothes and put them away for her which Cody refused but he insisted. She lets out a long sigh as Kaz looks up from what he was doing and walks over to her, taking the seat next to her on the bed.

"I know you're worried... But it's Tecton he always comes through." Kaz smiled.

"Yeah, I know." Cody smiled before she sighed again. "I just have a funny feeling... Like I'm not going to see him again."

"I know. But you will. don't worry." Kaz said wrapping an arm around Cody's shoulder. Cody instinctively laid her her head on his shoulder.

"Hey! Do you want to call Oliver and Skylar and go do something fun?" Kaz asked as Cody started to smile.

"What do you have in mind?" Cody questioned. 

"You'll see, I have the whole day planned out." Kaz smirked. "Just call up Oliver and tell him since today is our day off work. We are going out for the day." 

Cody looked at him and smiled with an eye roll. She rung up Oliver and all she heard was the sound of the dialing before Oliver answered. 

"Hey Cody, What's goin on?" He asked

"Since it's our day off Kaz and I are going uptown," Cody smiled.

"Tell him to meet us at the wing place around the block from the Domain." Kaz said as 

"You wanna meet us at -" She was cut off by Kaz.

"At 4:00 p.m." Kaz said holding his phone with two hands but looking at her.

Cody rolled her eyes. "You wanna meet us at the -" she was cut off again.

"Oh, and ask them if they want to join laser tag at 5:30 at the cool fun center."

Cody took in an irritated sigh and put on a fake smile. she pointed to her phone. "Kaz if you don't stop talking and let me speak to Oliver I swear I will throw you in a black hole." She threatened with a fake smile and a death stare.

Kaz went silent. "Yes Maam" Kaz replied as Cody smirked.

"You wanna meet us at 4:00 for wings and Laser Tag at 5:30?" Cody asked Oliver.

"Hold on." Oliver replied before talking to Skylar. "Skylar said sure so we're in." Oliver said grinning on the phone.

"Okay! great! see you then!" Cody laughed before hanging up the phone.


Kaz and Cody went out and since Cody was sad and took her out to get ice cream, and he took her thrifting for some new clothes. She found many things include, a checkered patterned pair of jeans, a couple cute tops, some cute heeled combat boots, some cool sunglasses, and some cute shirts. The shirts included some band tshirts like Led Zepplin, Beatles, One Direction, Taylor Swift, etc. some others were cute and she got some pretty cute jeans. she got a pair of bell bottom jeans with stars all over them. and a pair with suns and moons all over it. 

"Kaz, you don't have to buy me all this stuff..." Cody said as Kaz put the bag of clothes on the counter. 

"Its okay, this store has a bag sale that is anything you can fit in a bag for only 20 bucks" Kaz said putting his 20 dollar bill on the counter. They loaded the bag into the Invisible ambulance that they took to drive here, and headed to late lunch with Skylar and Oliver. 

after they all enjoyed an assorted wing platter, They headed over to the bowling alley, and Pay for tickets. they walk over to laser tag. 

"Okay! now before we begin I'm going to set some rules." The Staff member smiled. "No Physical Violence, No swearing, No Pictures and no blocking other teams blasts by covering the sensor on their guns." 

Skylar smiled. 

"Now, Here are your teams." The staff member said before the lights on everyone's suit warmed up. Half blue and half green. Kaz looked at Cody who was on the green team and he was on blue. the team was separated by gender.

"What's the matter Kaz?" Cody asked.

"Nothing." Kaz lied. 

"We're more coordinated than you. Girls against boys... It's gonna be fun" Cody smirked. She held out her hand.

"May the best team win." Kaz grinned before Cody looked at her hands.

"I'm betting I'll win. If I win, You have to run yourself into the wall 30 times."

"And If we win..." Kaz asked. "You have to kiss me." Kaz smirked trying to be funny.

"Deal." Cody said shaking Kaz' hand.

"Your hands are sweaty. Nervous?" Cody grinned with confidence.

"No! their naturally clammy." Kaz said pulling his hand out of hers.

"You're goin down!" Oliver taunted Skylar and Cody. 

"I'd like to see you try." Cody smirked as everyone was let into the arena. 

"game starts in 3...2...1... The game begins!" The announcer smirked.

Neon lasers painted the warehouse in swirling hues, casting jagged shadows from the industrial obstacles. The bass of the arena's soundtrack pounded against Cody's chest, mimicking the nervous rhythm of her heart. Tonight wasn't just laser tag; it was the championship game, and across the battlefield stood her best friend, Kaz. They'd always been teammates, an unstoppable duo known as the "Laser Lizards," but tonight, loyalty fractured under the pressure of competition.

 Cody crouched behind a decommissioned forklift, scanning the maze of crates and scaffolding. Her visor displayed a taunting red '5' - five lives remaining. Kaz, always the showman, had already racked up seven eliminations, his name blazing at the top of the leaderboard. A glint of green light flickered through the smoke swirling around a stack of tires. Kaz, clad in his signature neon orange vest, emerged, blaster aimed.

"Ready for your first elimination, Lizard?" he smirked, his voice distorted by the voice modulator.

Cody gritted her teeth. "Don't get cocky, Phoenix." Phoenix was Kaz's laser tag alias, a flamboyant counterpoint to Cody's stealthy strategy.

A tense silence stretched between them, broken only by the arena's pulsing music. Just as Kaz lunged, a spray of red lasers erupted from the shadows on his flank. Oliver and Skylar, their teammates, had activated a hidden turret. Kaz swore, temporarily disarmed.

"Nice one, Skylar!" Cody yelled, seizing the opportunity. She darted out, firing a rapid burst that painted Kaz's vest red. "One down, seven to go."

Kaz' grin faltered for a moment, then returned, wider than ever. "You underestimate the Phoenix, Lizard. He rises from the ashes!"

The game descended into a blur of neon beams and frantic movement. Kaz and Cody used their strengths against each other - Cody's agility weaving through tight spaces, Kaz' bravado drawing fire for his teammates. They traded eliminations, laughter and playful insults mingling with the competitive tension.

The final two minutes arrived, the arena bathed in an ominous red glow. Cody, down to her last life, spotted Kaz perched on a platform, his blaster trained on their base. He winked, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Checkmate, Lizard," he announced, firing.

Just then, a stray shot from Oliver ricocheted, deflecting Kaz's laser off-course. It hit a malfunctioning disco ball hanging from the ceiling, showering the arena in a kaleidoscope of flashing lights. The lasers deactivated, plunging the arena into darkness.

Confusion erupted. Cheers and groans echoed in the darkness. Then, a slow clap started, growing louder until the entire arena was applauding.

The lights flickered back on, revealing Kaz and Cody standing frozen, blasters lowered. The score remained tied.

A hush fell over the crowd. The announcer's voice boomed, "Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have a draw! But tonight, we witnessed more than just competition. We saw friendship, teamwork, and pure laser tag spirit!"

Kaz and Cody looked at each other, the playful rivalry dissolving into shared laughter. They bumped fists, their smiles brighter than any laser. They might not have won the championship, but they'd proven something far more important: friendship could withstand even the most competitive laser tag battle.

As they left the arena, hand in hand, the cheers of the crowd fading behind them, Cody knew this wouldn't be their last battle. After all, the Lizards, even when divided, always found a way to shine.

Everyone went home and rested from an amazing day off work. Cody and Kaz went home together, Skylar went back to Mighty Med and Oliver went to Horace's house. the night faded away as the teen superheroes rest up for an event they didn't see coming.

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