The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

By Amity3775

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Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... More

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town
2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again
6 - Laser Tag
7 - The Plan Falls Into Place
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

8 - It's All Gone.

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By Amity3775

"That's the real trick, isn't it? Why don't you find out?" Bridget growled as she shot her powers at the team. Everyone ducked behind cover. "Come on our Cody Cosmo. I killed your family, You want me dead so bad... You want to defeat me so badly? Then come and fight. Unless you're too scared... I know you feel the rage flowing through your veins. your thoughts betray your friends. if you won't bow down to me. Then I guess they will."

"AAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!" Cody screamed jumping out from behind her hiding spot. Her eyes glowed with colors of a nebula and her hair now was covered with colors of the universe. she was in her alien form.

"Cody's an Alien?" Oliver asked as Cody faced off Mr. Terror. they went back and forth between blasting each other, dodging attacks and martial arts.

Kaz, Oliver and Skylar battled the army keeping them from getting out. Cody was kicked so hard in her knee with Bridget's strength that it was dislocated. Cody fell to the ground as Bridget grabbed her hair so tightly she was pulling on it. She lifted Cody up and Held a knife to her neck.

"Stop!" Bridget yelled as everyone went silent. "Or I'll waste her!"

"Let her go Bridget!" Kaz hissed.

"I'm more powerful that her!" Bridget sneers. as Cody strugged against the restrains. Cody them used her high heeled boot to stop on Bridget's toes Causing her to release Cody. Cody blasted cosmic energy at Bridget throwing her into the wall with such force that would've broken her if she wasn't a villain with powers.

Everyone looked at her.

"awh... such a shame." Bridget grinned. "I thought it was going to be a little harder to trick the Amazing Cody Cosmo."

"What are you talking about?" Cody asked. "You Tricked Me!" 

"Cody, we have to get back to Mighty Med!" Skylar said.

"She's not going anywhere, neither are the rest of you. You see you won't make it back in time." Mr. Terror sneered before Blasting the Invisible ambulance to bits. 

"No!" Oliver said as Bridget smirked. They had no way of getting back without superpowers now. they were fooled and now all their friends are paying the price. 

"What are you going to do?" Kaz asked. 

"You see the entire Hospital is rigged with explosives. When I push this button, the time bomb starts ticking and Its unable to be stopped." Bridget revealed.

"Mom, don't push that button! I know you're still in there!" Oliver begged as Mr. Terror grinned. 

"Stop trying to stall me Oliver, you're too late." Bridget said pressing the button. 

"NO!" Cody said as the timer started counting down. The time was ticking with every passing second, and soon all of their friends will be toast.

"We have to get back and get everyone out." Skylar said.

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to them from here." Bridget hissed as she pulled Mighty Med up on the monitor.

"Horace!" Kaz yelled as he faced the monitor.

"What are you guys doing outside of the hospital?" Horace asked. "Are you safe?" 

"Not exactly!" Bridget growled. 

"Bridget rigged the hospital to explode! We can't stop the bomb! Get as many heroes out as you can before it goes off!" Cody yelled as Bridget sneered. 

"I'm feeling generous today. I'll let you guys try and save your little hospital... but I'm afraid it will be blown to bits when they arrive." Mr. Terror, cackled as the four heroes tried to get back to the hospital before it blew. 

They raced against the clock as they sent out a warning to the healthy superheroes to stay away from Mighty Med.


by the time they got there, Horace and Alan tried to get everyone out. Skylar checked the clock. "Hurry!" She yelled as they ran into the building and helped try and get everyone out. They were able to get q handful out before the time almost ran out.

"Kaz! 30 seconds!" Skylar yelled as Cody started to fly towards the building but didn't get to the building in time.

In the heart of the bustling city, Cody Cosmo, one of the the world's beloved superheroes, raced against time. The ominous digital countdown on the bomb tower glowed in crimson digits, each second ticking away like a death knell. Mighty Med's fate hung in the balance, and Cody's pulse matched the urgency of the situation.

Sirens wailed, and citizens fled, their faces etched with fear. The bomb was no ordinary explosive; it was a creation of Mr. Terror, a brilliant but twisted Super Villain who reveled in chaos. The villain had set up a link between her bomb and the rigged the explosives set in Mighty Med. She set them to level the entire financial district—the heart of the city—reducing it to rubble and ash.

Cody's brunette hair billowed behind her as she soared toward the bomb. Her suit, adorned with the bright colors, yellow, hot pink and royal blue, shimmered in the fading sunlight. She had faced countless threats, but this one felt different. The stakes were higher, the danger more palpable.

The bomb was counting down on the monitor in the hospital, its glass façade reflecting the panic below. Cody Cosmo's eyes narrowed as she analyzed the device. Wires snaked around the bomb's core, intricate and deadly. This was unlike any bomb she had ever seen. One timer was connected to thousands of explosives, making it more dangerous. She had minutes, perhaps seconds, to disarm it.

Her gloved fingers danced across the keypad, sweat dampening her brow. Mr. Terror's voice mocked her: "Tick-tock, Cody Cosmo, Tick-tock."

"I can do this," she whispered, her voice lost in the howling wind. But the code eluded her. Mr. Terror was always one step ahead. She tried algorithms, encryption keys, even her own birthday—desperation fueling her efforts.

Ten seconds.

The city held its breath.

Five seconds.

Cody's  heart pounded.

Three seconds.

And then, with a final keystroke, she entered the wrong code. The bomb's timer accelerated, digits blurring into a red frenzy. Her vision blurred, and she staggered back, her knees buckling.

"NOOO!!!!!" she screamed, her voice swallowed by the impending explosion.

"CODY, NO!" Kaz yelled running after her as the hospital exploded into a supernova blasting Cody back away from the destruction. Cody went flying through the air and crashed into the ground, her body weak and limp.

The bomb detonated, a cataclysmic force that shattered windows, toppled skyscrapers, and sent shockwaves through the city. Cody shielded her face, her body flung backward. Debris rained down, and darkness swallowed her.

"Cody!" he said as he knelt next to her limp body. Her body was weak, and she struggled to get up. She lay unconscious on her stomach.

When she opened her eyes and rolled over to look at the scene, the Hospital lay in ruins. Smoke choked the air, and the once-vibrant streets were now a graveyard of twisted metal and broken dreams. Cody had failed. The bomb had claimed the city, and her heart weighed heavy with grief.

As the dust settled, she staggered to her feet, Her mask cracked. She stumbled through the wreckage, searching for survivors. Their eyes met hers—filled with accusation, despair, and loss.

"I'm sorry, mom." she whispered, her voice raw. "I tried."

But those fallen in the attack on Mighty Med didn't want apologies. They would've wanted for the remaining superheroes to protect what was left of the place where medical miracles happen. and now there was no hospital for Superheroes. 

The place she learned to control her powers, the place where she made friends, the job she has had since she was very young. all her friends, they were all gone. Cody felt rage she had never felt before, her anger boiling. 

Kaz must've realized how angry she was because he pulled her into a hug and all she could do was cry her pretty little eyes out until she couldn't anymore.

Cody realized the world needed a hero. It needed a savior, not a heartbroken freak. Cody vowed to rise again, to learn from her failure, and to protect what remained of her shattered home.

Cody sat up and looked at the fire. Tears starting to well up in her eyes. "We failed..." She said as she started to sob.

"No... no... this can't be over! It can't be!" Kaz said "There has to be survivors!"

"Kaz! Kaz!!!" Cody said grabbing him, on the brink of tears. "It's over! it's gone!"

Kaz looked back at Oliver and Skylar who looked depressed but wasn't crying. He then looked at the fire and then at Cody "no..."

Cody fell to her knees in tears as a huge blast of radioactive, cosmic energy blasted out of her and caused a shock wave so big that it short circuited all technology for the time being. Kaz dropped down next to her and hugged her. Tears starting to flow down his cheeks. he death gripped Cody in his arms as they sobbed together, Skylar and Oliver crying too. Dirt covered all of them, and charcoal stained their faces as tears flooded down their cheeks. 

And so, amidst the rubble, she stood—a fallen star—but still burning with determination. Cody reached for the star but Kaz stopped her.

"Cody stop." He said.

"it's okay... I'm a living Star it's fine." Cody said as she reached for the star and held it in her hands. The star bursted into a mini supernova the stardust from the star a magic flowing river around her. The stardust formed a glowing sphere before reshaping itself to form Cody's mom with a electric blue outline. It was like she was a ghost of some kind. She had a blue aura but a kind face. her mother was quite beautiful. She had long blonde hair, a kind face and wore a white dress that went down to her feet. the blue aura surrounded her with magic trailing behind her as she walked. 

Kaz only assumed that Cody got her brunette hair from her dad since her mom is blonde.

"Mom?" Cody asked her eyes wide in disbelief. her mom nodded, "MOM!" she yelled running into her arms. 

Kaz, Oliver and Skylar stared at the moment, mind boggled about what is happening. Cody cried into her Mother's shoulder and hugged her tightly. 

"I'm sorry mom, I couldn't beat her. I couldn't save my home." She whimpered in tears before pulling away. 

"Cody, Superheroes aren't always perfect. You may have failed once, but you have to keep trying until the world is safe. The superhero world's fate lies with you, Kaz, Oliver and Skylar."

"What am I supposed to do?" Cody asked "My home is gone. All of it." Cody said sadly.

"Cody, whether you like it or not... You are the princess of the night sky; you are a Star. You are the most powerful superhero to exist. You don't know your full potential, but I do. Stop being afraid to use your powers and embrace them."

"I'm scared mom..." Cody said as Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar watched the moment with shock.

"The past may hurt. It may make you angry. It may make you afraid. As long as you run from your problems, you'll never win in the end. Learn from this and face your fear."

"Okay." Cody said taking a deep inhale and exhale to calm her nerves. 

Kaz finally got the courage to speak "You're a Star?" He asked as Cody's mom nodded with a smile.

"What did you mean when you said she is a princess of the night sky?" Skylar questioned, curiously.

"Cody was never human. a very long time ago when the Stars and the moon collided, our ancestors had to escape from what was once our home planet, before it was destroyed. the rest of our people were slaughtered, but a handful of our people were able to escape. our family were the only remaining trace of our people's existence. Cody is the only one left... we are not human." Cody's mom explained.

"Then why does she look human? Kaz asked.

"Kaz, it's just like Skylar being an alien." Oliver pointed out.

"Fair enough." Kaz sighed.

"I was born from a brand-new baby star. Once the star started shining brightly, I was blessed by the cosmos and granted a human form and I have looked like this ever since." Cody smiled.

"As long as Cody's star burns, her spirit will stay alive. Once her star dies she dies and her human body transforms into a brand-new star of her own " Her mom added.

"So when you die... you become a celestial phenomenon?"

"That's correct. Unless there was something wrong with the crossover process and then we turn into black holes." Cody replied

"I take that back. This is awesome and Scary." Kaz exclaimed

"Okay. Back to the subject of Mighty Med... what do you want me to do?" Cody asked.

"Remember who you are. You are the daughter of the stars. You are destined to defeat Mr. Terror. and save the world alongside of your friends, according to the prophecy of 11." Cody's mom explained.

"What's the prophecy of 11?" Skylar asked, intrigued.

"The prophecy of somewhat complicated. Mr. Terror will plot to destroy all remaining superheroes, and all of their allies." Cody's mom said.

"How is that different from any other bad guy we've ever dealt with?" Oliver sassed as Cody's mom glared at him. 

"The prophecy was spoken to me when I was a little girl. It was spoken by my ancestors. The prophecy includes 11 young superheroes: Cody Cosmo, Kazimieras, Oliver, Skylar Storm, Chase Davenport, Bree Davenport, Beck Parker, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Henry Hart and Olivia Taylor. They will fight alongside each other to stop the threat from destroying the world." Cody explained. 

"Okay, that sounds beyond awesome." Oliver, Kaz and Skylar said at the same time.

"Cody I must go soon. My star will always watch over you." Coy's mom smiled.

"Will I see you again?" Cody asked as her mother nodded. 

"In time we will be together again, but now is not the time." She replied as Cody hugged her mom tightly until she couldn't squeeze anymore.

"You need to be strong, Your team will need a fierce leader soon. maybe a lot sooner than you think. A war is coming, Be the feisty, mentally strong, fierce, lion that is my daughter. Lead your team and save our home. The world needs heroes now more than ever." Cody's mom said as Cody hugged her mom tightly again before stepping back. Her mom smiled at her before transforming back into the blue star and shooting back up into the sky. 

Her mother was right.

For heroes didn't always win, but they never stopped fighting. And perhaps, in that resilience, lay the truest form of heroism.

In memory of the city that once thrived, The Great Cody Cosmo would rise anew

Everything they've ever known, all their friends, their family, their whole life, was now gone. Kaz stood up to go comfort Skylar and Oliver. Cody stood up and started to walk up the hill and far away from what was once her home. She looked back and watched her best friends mourn. She flew away leaving a cloud of dust in her wake. 

Kaz looked to where Cody was just sitting. He wiped his tears and looked around. Cody left. The poor girl must've felt it was her fault. 


Cody flew as far away from her old home as possible before arriving at a waterfall. She fell to her knees and cried until she couldn't anymore. her eyes stung from the tears; her cheeks tear stained. her tears fell into the pooling waterfall and the stardust in her genes began to materialize around her until her older brother was standing in front of her.

"Cody..." He said softly.

"Alex?" She asked wiping her tears and looking at him. He nodded and she ran into his arms and started to sob uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, Cody. I'm so sorry. you shouldn't have had to deal with that." the ghost of Alex whispered.

"I tried to stop her Alex... I... I couldn't do it." She sobbed.

"it's not your fault... There's nothing you could've done... you would've been killed too." 

"I know... but It would've been better than losing everyone you loved."

"I know it's hard... But you can't waste any time... Bridget will be back and when she is you need to be ready. This is just the first battle. You have to win the war."

"How do you suggest I do that?"

"Do what you dreamed about when you were little and make us proud." Alex said.

Those words are what will make Cody take the biggest step in her life. She rung up Tecton and fought back her tears. 

"Cody, I heard what happened? are you okay?" Tecton asked. 

"I'm ready to join the League of Heroes. I want to help find any of the survivors of the purge of Mighty Med. Their fate rests on me. I am ready." Cody says confidently as Tecton chuckled through the phone. 

"Good little one. I will schedule a meeting with the League tomorrow. Come to the facility, and you will be given your new assignment." Tecton replied. "Stay strong my Starlet." 

"I will" Cody said hanging up the phone. She rushed home to pack her stuff and caught the soonest train to New York.

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