As if | Max Verstappen

By ricciellen

52.6K 1.1K 314

Belle Russell is the sister of racing driver George Russell and when she becomes the first female driver in F... More



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By ricciellen


tomorrow was media day so I wanted to take the opportunity to take it easy today and do something with Danny or someone else. I got out of bed and fought my way to the bathroom to shower and do my morning routine. I started the shower while I was peeing so that the water would have time to get warm enough.

when I was done I stepped into the shower and hurried to wash my hair and body in time to eat breakfast. Daniel and I had decided to have breakfast together and I was far from ready.i finished and turned off the water and went back to the bedroom to put on clean clothes. it was a pair of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. when i opened the room to go down to breakfast i saw a guy come out of belle's room and when he turned to the elevator i saw it was jacob.

I felt disgusted to see him and to know that he had spent the night with Belle. I hurried to the elevator, hoping the doors would close before he caught up with me. i pushed the button to that lobby and i saw the doors slowly start to close when an arm stopped them.

"hello Max" Jacob said happily.

but I didn't answer but nodded as a hello.

"I wonder what you have to do to get a girl to agree" Jacob began to say.

"what do you mean"

"Belle, between you and me, I'm with her to make it easier to get into bed with her. her body is perfect so it's sad not to take advantage of it"

"but don't you feel it's wrong"

"Absolutely not. She's happy to be with me and if she thinks I'm going to stay forever, it's her fault she's stupid. I'll leave the second we've had sex"

I felt it boiling inside me. how can you take advantage of someone like that and I could see that he hadn't changed at all, he was the same disgusting person. he was the reason why the women in Red Bull quit so soon after they started. there had been rumors that he had raped a woman in Red Bull and there was also an investigation but it was dropped quickly because there was no evidence. but I knew he had done it and I wondered what other girls he had victimized.

"you are disgusting Jacob. how can you do that to her, I know the rumors are true" I snorted in his direction.

the doors opened and I hurried out before I did anything to him. Danny was already sitting at a table talking to Lando. I sat down and they could tell something was wrong.

"why are you in a bad mood then" asked Danny jokingly. he knew I wasn't a morning person.

"I really don't like Jacob"

"Jacob? As in Belle's boyfriend" Lando now asked.

"since when did they become official?" Danny wondered.

"that's irrelevant Daniel. I'm sure he has bad intentions towards her"

"I don't like him either" Lando said quietly.

"okay can you tell me what's going on" Daniel said looking at us like a question mark.

"a few days ago Belle wrote that I should come over because she was uncomfortable and at first I didn't know why when I got there Jacob was there. when I greeted him he started to question our friendship and was strange as if he was mad that we were friends"

"when I went down to see you, Jacob stepped out of her hotel room and started saying that he's basically using her for sex and that when he gets what he wants, he's going to leave"

Danny looked at us with pure hatred and disgust. he knew about the rumors from when he was driving for Red Bull and he, like me, had known that the rumors were true. before Daniel could say anything to our stories, George came and sat down with us. my mood got even worse and both George and Danny noticed.

"what are your plans today" asked George who was unaware of what we just said but he noticed that something was in the air because we were all on edge.

"we're going to start operation save Belle" Lando said before he realized what he just said and put his hand over his mouth.

"what operation belle"

"shall we tell" Danny asked and I let out a sigh and nodded without looking at George. God, I can't stand that man.

Daniel began to tell us what we had said and George looked scared the more he said it. after Danny had said what we had told him five minutes ago, George began to tell him what he had experienced and it became clear that he did not like her having people around her.

when it couldn't get any worse we all heard giggles and out of the elevator came Belle and of course Jacob holding her like she was going to slip at any second and needed to hold her to prevent it.

they noticed how we were all looking at her and you could see that she was uncomfortable not knowing why everyone was looking at her.

"hey sis come here" George called and I knew Lando was going to mess something up if he opened his mouth.

i saw belle talking to jacob and i assumed he was going to wait there but he said something and her expression changed and he followed her to us. she looked like a puppet controlled by Jacob."hey guys what's up" she said as she came up to us.

"can we talk in private" George asked giving a quick glance over to Jacob.

"no we're in a rush for things so you can say it in front of me too" Jacob snorted at us and I think everyone was boiling inside.

"sorry guys, I'll look for you later" she said and smiled apologetically before walking away.

we all sat in silence and just looked at each other and no one knew what to say. George hummed and thought of something but just hearing him and knowing he was sitting at the same table as me made me irritated. i wanted to leave but i couldn't because danny hadn't eaten his breakfast yet and i couldn't leave him when we had planned a whole day together.

George, Danny and Lando were talking about some plan to help Belle but I just sat there and had started daydreaming about all sorts of things but what made me think the most was the race ahead of me because I knew my father would possibly come to watch the race. that in itself didn't scare me because I was used to him being disappointed if I didn't come first. what scared me the most was that I hadn't managed to get Belle to leave yet.

When my father found out Belle was going to drive for us he said my second biggest goal this season was for her to finish but I felt like it was impossible now that I started feeling for her. how could I be nasty to her if I really wanted to be close to her.

i knew i would have to tell him i couldn't make her leave but i couldn't say why. i knew if i told the truth everything would get worse.

"what are you thinking" Danny wondered and I saw that he had finished his breakfast now.

"media day tomorrow" I answered shortly

Danny and I got up to go and make our plans while the others sat and talked. we talked about what to do and we decided that we both wanted to go to some mountain and go for a walk and see the view and after that we would go back home and play FIFA or some other game.

we took a car each and I started a song and after that I turned the key and started driving away. nothing could ruin my day today. it had been a long time since Danny and I had been with each other by ourselves for quite a while and it was nice to spend time with him again.

the drive to the mountain we had found was quite a way out of town and it took a while to get there. me and danny raced each other in our cars and i swore at him because he passed me a few times.

we arrived at some kind of parking and Danny parked next to my car and we got out at the same time. I was careful to lock the car and look around because I knew it looked a bit strange if there were two cars completely deserted by a mountain.

"are you ready or" I asked when I was done looking around.

"of course I am" laughed Danny.

we started going up a path and it was clear that people didn't walk here often which was nice. we talked about life and looked at the view. Danny told him about a girl he had started seeing but he wasn't sure if there was anything serious between them yet. because according to him, he loved life too much to let anyone else in.

I knew he was lying to me a little because I knew he was struggling with a sense of loneliness. but I also knew that the reason he didn't want to let anyone in deeper was because he was incredibly afraid of getting hurt.

I have no idea how we got to the top as quickly as we did but I guess it has to do with the fact that I appreciated talking to someone and I knew he felt the same way. we sat down on a tree that had fallen and took out a bottle of water each which we sipped.

"I've been thinking about something for a while now and I need to know your opinion" Daniel began to speak.

"absolutely, what is it"

"I have thought about quitting F1 after this season"

" why" I asked shocked

"I don't feel that fire anymore and my contract expires this season and I'm not sure if I'll renew it or if it's the last year. even if I get a new contract I don't know if I can deliver in the same way anymore . what do you think I should do"

"I think you're awesome on the track and you do things on the track that make you, you. Do your best this season and if you get a new contract and choose to continue, that's great. But if you decide to quit, you can leave with your head held high knowing you've had a super season"

we both looked up at each other when i finished talking and started laughing out loud. i'm never usually one to be serious so hearing myself being serious for once felt funny somehow.

"thanks Max"

"you shouldn't have to thank me. you are one of them if not the only one I can call my real friend in the F1 world"

we sat and talked for about two hours about everything and we agreed that it was time to go home and play. we started walking back to the cars when it started raining and neither of us had jackets on so we got soaked in two seconds. once in the cars we jumped in and started to go to the hotel again and this time we were more careful because the surface was wet and cars drove slower.

we arrived at the hotel and we entered the lobby and it was very quiet but because it was raining I knew that people tend to get depressed. we got into the elevator and we started arguing about who we should be with but we decided we should be in my room because according to Danny it was too noisy in his room.

we stepped into my hotel room and we were just about to fire up FIFA when there was a knock on the door. I sighed lightly before getting up and walking to the door and when I opened it I saw a sobbing Lando.

I welcomed him in and he went to the couch and sat next to Lando while I got him something to drink. when I went back to the sofa he had stopped sobbing and when I sat down he started to tell me why he was sad.

"i was going up to belle because i was bored but when i was in the elevator jacob got in and when he saw me he stopped the elevator and threatened me. he said if i talked and even looked at belle again he was going to fucking kill me and with him I daren't take any chances. how am I going to explain to Belle that I can't be her friend anymore because of her psycho boyfriend"

"He's trying to isolate her so that the only one she has is him"

"how are you going to do" Danny wondered.

"I don't want to take any chances with him but I know I would hurt her if I suddenly started ignoring her. I've known her since we were little"

we talked about it and we didn't know how to get Belle to leave before something serious happened to her.

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