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By wistfulthoughts

21.3K 1K 7.6K

drapetomonia - the overwhelming urge to run away. ━ When Junia Beaumont, her brother and their classmates get... More

00. prologue
❝𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŒπ„ππ“πŽπ‘.❞
01. the fourth of july
02. rigged
03. cattle cars
04. the monkey enclosure
05. hypotheticals
06. consequences
07. back at the zoo
08. the questionnaire
09. mentor and tribute
10. blood
11. grief, sorrow and anger
12. afternoon sun
13. a proposal
14. somber morning
15. arachne's funeral
16. the arena
17. the hospital
18. wounds
❝𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π“π‘π€πˆπ“πŽπ‘.❞
19. a visitor
20. the spare key
21. a nightly visit
22. test subject C
23. guns and axes
24. of snakes and antidotes
26. last steps
27. backstage
28. the interview
29. closer
30. one last measure
31. countdown
32. murder and mercy
33. rescue mission
34. kiss of life
35. eleven remain
36. Lamina
37. what it means to be human
38. a deal with a snake
39. the grand finale
❝𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π•πˆπ‚π“πŽπ‘.❞
40. reunion
41. clash of views
42. the future
43. dread
44. the hypocrisy of it all
45. don't be a stranger
46. a sister's guilt
47. goodbye, capitol
48. home
49. family line
50. survivor's guilt
51. the market
52. sketches
53. Rachis
54. the Pine
55. a broken boy
56. Happy birthday, Treech
57. twins
58. the wedding
59. epilogue

25. preparations

277 16 156
By wistfulthoughts

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25. preparations

Treech can't recall the last time he anticipated something this much.

While some of his fellow tributes are getting more and more hopeless with every hour that passes, though some are good at hiding it while some not as much, the prospect of seeing his mentor again is what keeps him going for the rest of the day. A part of him hopes she'll stop by during the evening but even when she doesn't, he pushes away how much he misses her.

He knows June is doing something dangerous. For him. And if it means not being able to see her before the Games to increase his chances at winning, he'll take it. After that's over and done with, he'd love nothing more than to go back to Seven, maybe even with her by his side. Would she visit? Surely her family might not allow it, but perhaps if her brother were to accompany her?

Truth be told, Treech only knows little about Cas. But from what he can tell, having a heart of gold is a trait the twins share. They're both brave - though June would probably disagree and insist her brother is braver - and they've been among the nicest mentors out of all of them. All in all, he wouldn't mind spending time with him as well so long as it means June will be there, too.

When they're rounded up the next morning, at least those that agreed to participate in the whole interview nonsense, he can't help but feel some relief. Every minute spent in the back of that van is a step closer to her. The prospect of almost spending an entire day with her makes him feel giddy.

Is this what Flint and Oakley meant when they told him about the way their wives make everything better, brighter? His brothers are both not that much older than him but when they were around his age, they introduced the women they later on married to the family. He didn't give it too much of a thought back then but now he certainly does.

Meeting her has to be the best thing that has ever happened to him. Even if he knows his time might be limited, though he knows they're both giving it their all so he'll win, she has managed to make everything so much more bearable for him.

When his name was called at the reaping, he dreaded going to the Capitol. Now there's a part of him that dreads having to leave if he does end up becoming the winner. He doesn't want to leave her here. Treech knows it's rushed, they've barely known each other for more than a week, but he can't deny that he feels something for her.

Something that he doesn't want to forget about. If they had more time, perhaps they'd be able to explore it together.

They separate him and the other tributes, two Peacekeepers accompanying each of them to separate classrooms, and when they finally remove his shackles and handcuffs, he almost feels like a free man. Almost because there's still Peacekeepers with him in the room, watching him warily. He doesn't bother hiding his disdain as he takes a seat behind the table. There's an ax made of plastic on the table and he almost laughs at the sight of it.

This is what they want him to demonstrate his skills with? They can't be serious. But it's better than a wooden stick that doesn't even resemble an ax. Still, it's ridiculous in its own right.

When he looks around and takes in his surroundings, he's once again blown away by the sheer opulence of the classroom alone. Everything is made out of the finest woods and he finds himself staring up at the ceiling in awe when he marvels at the ornate ceiling carvings. It's all just what he'd expect from the Capitol - only the best for their future elite leaders.

His lips part slightly as he tries to read the words carved into the ceiling but he finds his attention elsewhere when he spots the first vermillion uniforms rushing past his classroom, mentors on their way to their tributes. He recognizes some of the mentors. There's the boy June talked to yesterday, Coral's mentor, who seems to be in a hurry, and Lucy Gray's mentor as well. He spots some of the others that he hasn't paid much attention to and grows antsy.

Where is she? Is she late? Now out of all times? And if she's late, what happened?

But then he finally hears her laughter and is once again reminded of why he started calling her "sunshine" in the first place. Her laughter is infectious, among one of the most captivating sounds he has ever heard. It's genuine, it warms his heart and above all, makes him feel like everything is going to be okay.

Ever since he got reaped, the only moments that made him feel true warmth and joy were spent with her. She makes his whole world brighter, there's no way for him to deny it anymore.

When he finally catches a glimpse of her outside the door, he can't help but smile. She's not fully facing him and he can only see her from the side but that's enough for him. She's here and she's okay.

When he sees the two additional bags she's carrying with her he concludes they must've been weighing her down, especially because she's holding one of them in her hands. She's talking to another girl, Jessup's mentor if he remembers correctly, and despite how eager he is to see her, he doesn't move an inch.

The two girls bid each other goodbye for the time being and wish each other the best of luck - whatever that might mean - and Treech swears her eyes brighten when she turns to face the classroom. June has made a full recovery since the bombing and it puts him at ease, too. But seeing the way she smiles at him has him moving without thinking about it.

He stands up from his seat and is about to approach her when he notices the Peacekeepers tensing up. One of them even reaches for his rifle and Treech stops, his hands resting on the table.

"June!" He exclaims and his expression is one of joy and relief. "I almost thought you forgot about me."

When she laughs, his heart skips a beat.

"Never," she replies matter-of-factly and places the first bag on the table. She eyes him, noticing that they finally rid him of his cuffs and shackles and nods slightly in approval. She keeps the bags by her side even though she places them next to and beneath the table.

Then, her eyes spot the plastic ax and her expression is one of bewilderment. "They can't be serious," she mutters. "I knew they'd give you something else to work with but this..."

"I might as well juggle," Treech answers. He sits back down when she pulls out her chair and watches the way she places her book bag on her lap. He picks up the plastic ax and inspects it, "There's no way that'd impress anyone though. Except for some little kids maybe."

June shrugs, "You don't know that. I'm no child and I thought it was impressive." Her gaze shifts up to him for a moment when she reaches into her bag. There's a slight sparkle in his eyes and the way he looks at her tells her he's about to say something that will fluster her. There's no way she can take that early in the morning.

"By the way," she interjects. "Can you show me your wrists? I brought some cream that might take care of any wounds or cuts there."

Treech obliges and rolls up his sleeves. As expected, there are abrasions and faint bruises from the handcuffs he and the others were forced to wear. He knows they were too tight but he's far too preoccupied with looking at her to even notice the pain.

Truthfully, he never knows where to look. Her face? Her hands? He can never choose.

June visibly winces at the sight of his sore wrists. She pulls out the cream that she brought from home and reaches out, leaning over the table. "This will take care of it. I'll put it on again in the afternoon and twice tomorrow. I know it's only permanent but-"

"-It's better than nothing," Treech quickly says and watches the way her eyes flicker up to his for a moment. He winces at the feeling of the cream on his skin. It's a bit cold and it might simply be placebo but it's strangely soothing and works immediately. Her fingers are soft and gentle on his skin, leaving warmth wherever she touches him. It feels like a gentle caress and he swallows and shudders slightly. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me," she replies quietly. She's angry that his wrists are even sore in the first place. There's no need to chain the tributes when they're in the empty zoo all by themselves. It's the bare minimum that they're allowed to roam somewhat freely in the classroom now but even then they're being watched. "It's good cream, by the way. My mother always used to put it on me whenever I got hurt. But nowadays Max is mostly on the receiving end."

He chuckles when she does, "What, does he get into trouble often?"

"Sometimes," she says. When she's done with the first wrist, she switches to the second and generously spreads the cream along his bruises. "But I think you've got enough younger siblings to know how they can be."

"It's mostly Alder and Ranger. Buck isn't so bad anymore, he used to be worse," he muses. "But Ivy's got a thing for getting into trouble. She's real sneaky and fast, like a weasel."

June laughs, "A weasel?" She can't help but shake her head at the thought. "You're comparing your little sister to a weasel? That's not very nice of you." But she's obviously joking, she knows the pain of having a little demon as a younger sibling.

"You'd think differently if you saw her. You don't even hear her come and go most of the time," he says. "Mom's always worried like crazy."

"I know what you mean, it's the same thing with Max. He's always running all over the place," June says. "But they're like the babies of the family. I think you can't help but worry for them sometimes."

It's a strange feeling, though. Both Max and Treech's little sister Ivy are around the same age, that much she remembers from his stories. In a way, she thinks they'd get along with what he told her or at least would like to think so. If her and Treech do, why not their younger siblings as well?

She swallows when she remembers that this is impossible. She's lucky enough to have met Treech - even though she feels guilty and selfish for even thinking about it like that - but there's no way their families could ever meet. Well, she thinks Cas and Max wouldn't be too opposed but her parents would never allow them to even leave the Capitol. When Treech wins, she'll have to take a huge risk by sneaking out of the Capitol. She already made up her mind, even though it scares her shitless.

She doesn't want this - whatever it is - to end after the Games.

June clears her throat before she thinks about it too much and ruins her mood. "But that does remind me," she says and manages to catch herself before her smile drops. "I was thinking about the interview yesterday and talked to Cas. I couldn't think of anything but he suggested that a way for us to... win the crowd for us, I suppose, would be if you talked about home."

"'Home'?" Treech echoes. "I don't think they'll care much for what I tell them about Seven. They hate us, why would they?"

"I know the people in the Capitol well. More than I'd like to in some cases even," June says softly. "There's little they value more than family. I'm not saying you have to talk about them the entire time. But I'm sure the topic will come up one way or another."

Treech sighs. This is exactly what he feared. He knows June means no harm and that she has a point, he trusts her judgment on what will tug on the Capitol elitist's heartstrings, but it's still the opposite of what he wanted.

He wanted to go quietly if anything. He never wanted to drag any attention towards himself, never wanted to play a bigger role in their schemes.

But he wants to live. And he feels it'd be selfish of him to refuse since she's doing so much to make him the winner. She's essentially risking her future, her life, just for him. A part of him feels he owes her his cooperation.

Her fingers on his wrist provide a soothing balm for the ache in his heart. There's a moment when she looks up at him that has his throat running dry, his lips parting almost subconsciously when her eyes soften.

He didn't think it'd be possible for her eyes to get any more beautiful. He could get lost in them. Perhaps he already has.

"I'll try," he finally answers. "But if it's okay, I'd rather talk about something else. You think they'd care much for logging processes?"

June smiles. All done with tending to his wrists, she takes out a tissue and wipes the remaining cream off her fingers.

"Maybe. You could talk about how to wield an ax, too. I think they'd find that interesting." She laughs. "After all, no one here really does hard physical labor. There aren't many people here that have experience with an ax."

Treech nods. He watches the way she fiddles with her fingers, wiping off the remaining cream, and he can't help but feel a smidge of insecurity. Her hands are so soft and her nails clean and manicured. Back in Seven, the dirt has never bothered him. But now he can't help it. Does she think he's filthy, too? Does she inwardly recoil when she touches him? He wouldn't blame her.

"I brought you something, by the way," she then says and snaps him out of his thoughts. A part of him is grateful because his thoughts might have spiraled otherwise.

But what is he even doing, getting all insecure like this? Hasn't she shown that she cares for him? That she doesn't mind his touch? It must be the nerves getting to him. With the Games drawing closer, his body and mind are naturally on high alert.

He watches as she pulls down the bag on the table and pulls out a little carton along with two wooden forks. The bag is moved aside and when she opens the carton, he can't help but gasp at its contents.

It's an apple pie. Clearly homemade from the way the crust is slightly burnt but he doesn't mind. It smells sweet, homey and buttery all the same. His mouth instantly begins to water and he clears his throat when his stomach rumbles. Even though she always provides him with food when he sees her and everything has been delicious so far, he only had very little in the last twenty-four hours. The breakfast the Capitol is providing them with is far not enough.

"You said you like apple pie, right?" June blinks up at him, alarmed by the lack of reaction. When he silently nods, she realizes he must be containing his emotions and she reaches over the table to place her hand over his. "Come on, you should try it."

"I was only kidding when I said you should try and get your hands on some apple pie if you can," he manages to rasp out and shakes his head. A laugh escapes him and he tears his eyes away from the pie to look at her. He's holding back tears but when he sees her worried and sympathetic gaze, there's a soothing warmth spreading in his chest.

"You're a real sweetheart, you know that?" he then mumbles, absent-mindedly running his thumb over the back of her hand. He traces her knuckles and smiles when her cheeks redden just a bit. "You know how to make a guy feel cared for."

"I do care about you," she insists softly and doesn't think much about the implications of her words. "That's also why I want you to eat as much as you'd like. We've got all day and tomorrow, too, so if there's anything you're craving in particular, just let me know."

Treech nods and reaches for the fork under the Peacekeepers' watchful gazes. It's clear they don't trust him but June has thought ahead and brought a wooden fork. If it had been plastic instead, they might have forced him to eat with his hands again. Not that he minds, he'd just find it inappropriate now that they're all alone. Maybe it's a silly thought but he'd at least like to show his good manners now.

"Thank you," he says and looks over at the fork by her side. "Are you not going to eat?"

"I had a big breakfast," June says with a shake of her head. She reaches into her book bag and pulls out two bottles of apple juice. "I got you something to drink as well. Nothing fizzy this time."

He laughs.

From there on, they talk until noon to discuss further strategies for inside the arena even though it's not part of what they're supposed to be doing. They often go off-topic though and talk about their families, only to find out they really have a lot more in common than they thought. Ever since his older brothers moved out - his big sister is apparently also engaged and will be leaving home soon - he has been supporting his father as much as he can.

They're not exactly poor, they're "getting by", as he says. It's not that they're entirely reliant on him but she can tell he is something like a third parental figure to his younger siblings. He loves his niece, Cherry, more than anything and the thought of Cas making her an aunt one day, warms her heart. His family is big, much bigger than hers, and they all seem to love each other deeply. Treech doesn't speak ill of any of them except for the usual side remarks about his siblings' antics but at the end of the day it's extremely obvious the distance pains him.

It only makes June more determined. After all, even if Cas has been stepping up lately, she knows what he must feel like as the oldest child in the house (or second-oldest in Treech's case but his big sister is rarely home anyway). It comes with a sense of responsibility.

She wishes she knew what his family looks like. Are his brothers just as handsome, his sisters just as beautiful? June can't deny the silent longing she feels when she hears how fondly he speaks of all of them.

It even makes her wish her family was closer. During the war, they were but now she knows it was more by force. Perhaps that's something she could mention in her assignment but the very thought of her classmates or Dr. Gaul knowing that she feels lonely makes her skin crawl.

With Cas at the Citadel with their mother, her father working hard and Max being only ten years old, she does feel lonely, though. That must be part of the reason why she's so happy whenever she's with Treech, too. She knows they've been brought here by force, something out of their control, but she can't help but feel comfortable around him.

Eventually, she begins digging into the apple pie as well and silently applauds herself for nailing the taste. It's a recipe they found in their mother's abandoned cookbook in the living room and decided to try it out. Max helped his siblings more than eagerly but they almost forgot the eggs because of him as well. And he wouldn't stop stealing the apple slices they cut up. But in the end, their efforts weren't in vain. It's not a perfect pie but it tastes amazing, like home.

Whatever home is.

With the Peacekeepers there, June can't exactly tell him what she talked about with her brother. A visit to the zoo will do, she concludes. As soon as she has everything she needs, whatever that may be.

In the early afternoon, June heads off to the cafeteria and briefly catches up with the other mentors. Apparently Festus' respect for Coral has increased tenfold after she showed off her trident skills with a broomstick, Lyssie is a bit worried about Jessup's behavior - he has been more quiet than usual and barely eats - and Domitia Whimsiwick is now slightly terrified of Tanner because he won't stop talking about the slaughterhouse. Coriolanus proudly talks about Lucy Gray's lifted spirits and seems confident she'll get the most donations.

Beating him or any of the other mentors isn't her goal though. June only wants as many donations as she'll need to be able to send Treech food and water consistently. After all, what good is it to rig and cheat if he might starve to death?

When she comes back to the classroom, her and Treech have a brief lunch since they're already full of pie. However, the cafeteria's pasta is simply too good to be wasted and they sneak in bits and bits as they talk.

It's hard to describe but with the way they're opening up to each other, it feels less like what it is and more like... a very long date of some sort. The only thing that makes her snap out of her daydreams is when she realizes she needs to see Treech's ax demonstration first as well.

She doesn't know what she was expecting but she knows she didn't think she could think of him as even more attractive. June knows it's silly but at the end of the day, she's also just a girl. It's not her fault that Treech's movements are sharp and to the point yet also oddly elegant as well. His experience is more than visible and his movements so fluid she just knows he's skilled. Not only because of experience but he wields the ax like it's a part of him.

It's a shame that something so beautiful has to be turned into a weapon in the arena. It's a disgrace, knowing they'll take something that brings him joy from him. Even if he wins, she doubts he'd ever be able to look at his ax the same way again.

Even though she doesn't know much, she still tries to offer him some feedback from time to time. Treech is incredibly confident in his abilities and perhaps almost a little bit cocky but she likes this side of him.

She really, really likes him. In a way that she has never felt about anyone before. Sejanus already hinted at something but now she knows for sure that she isn't going crazy. This is real.

Growing up, she has always felt drawn towards romance novels. She has always craved the kind of unconditional love that she finds in books. To think that there might be someone out there that will love you with all your flaws fills her with hope. She doesn't think of herself as much but the thought of someone loving her the way she loves them does make her feel warm inside.

Of course she values her family and the friends she has. She'd even go as far as saying that her friendship with Sejanus borders on platonic soulmates, though she simply refers to him as her best friend. She doesn't love him any less or even Clemmie, Lyssie or her other friends.

But when she looks at Treech, it's different. When she's with him, she feels completely at ease. He might tease and call her nicknames that make her feel flustered, but she never feels uncomfortable around him. She treads carefully since she doesn't know how he feels but whenever they lock eyes, she feels like there's a silent understanding that they've gone far beyond a normal tribute-mentor relationship. They talk like long-lost friends that finally reunited after years and years of being separated.

She doesn't want this to be taken away from her, so she vows to fight even harder. Whatever she has to do, no matter how risky it is - she'll do it for Treech.

When the afternoon rolls around and casts the classroom in a soft golden hue, the Peacekeepers eventually inform them they only have ten minutes left before Treech will be brought back to the zoo. She laughs when she sees the way he glares at the two men but sticks to what she said in the morning. She reapplies the cream on his sore wrists, perhaps she even takes a little longer than she usually would, and fills up the bottles with water.

Last but not least, she finally takes out the contents of the second bag she brought. She knows Treech has been eyeing it all day but she thought it'd be better to wait.

"Clothes?" he asks when she places a short-sleeved white button-up shirt and dark-gray wool pants - he notices the color matches that of his jacket and hat - on the table. "What for?"

"I thought maybe you'd like to wear something different," she says. "And if you'd like, I could wash your clothes for you. I know you haven't been able to wash up but maybe some fresh clothes will make you feel better."

His eyes soften when he realizes she has a point. He has been wearing the same clothes for at least ten days now. Sure, he has been able to take off his shoes and jacket but that aside, he knows he must reek terribly. It's a surprise to him that she's even allowing him to get this close. Sweat, dirt, mulch and whatnot is clinging to his skin and his clothes and he'd be lying if he said he didn't need a shower. But he makes do with what he has.

"These your brother's?" he asks and inspects the clothes carefully. He already feels like he's staining them just by touching them. "Or did you go out and buy these for me, sweetheart?"

Despite how much her stomach flutters at his words, she manages to keep herself somewhat composed. "Technically, they used to be Cas'. I don't know what sizes you wear but I figured some of his older stuff might fit."

After his growth spurt, their mother had to remove a bunch of clothes from his closet. June knows waiting for hers is a lost cause but she's not too jealous of him most of the time. And it allows her to be almost eye-to-eye with Treech as well. In her eyes, that's a good thing.

"Go on," she encourages him. "He said he doesn't mind. And I promise you'll get yours back tomorrow."

Treech swallows. "Thank you," he says. "And tell him I said it as well."

She smiles and nods, "I will."

When she looks at the Peacekeepers, she knows she doesn't need to ask. So she turns around, faces the floor and plays with her fingers while he changes. She hears the rustling of clothes and tries not to think about it too much.

"You can look if you want-"


"I'm just kidding, sunshine. Relax."

She shakes her head. One day, his words are going to make her explode.

It takes a little bit longer until the rustling ceases and when she's sure he's done, she allows herself a peek (she makes sure to keep her eyes where it's appropriate and doesn't stare at his arms) and finds him buttoning up the shirt. She can't shake off the feeling that he's handling the buttons with extra care, almost as if he's worried they might come off.

Treech isn't sure what to think. The pants are soft, thinner and much more loose than his worn-out jeans. The shirt is comfortable yet also thinner but with the recent heat, he knows it's a good thing. He's aware the clothes will be full of dirt the next time she sees him but also knows it's out of his control. It's bound to happen, even if he knows she'll reassure him it's okay.

"Do you like it?" she questions.

"Do you?" he questions back, buttoning himself up almost all the way. He doesn't do it all the way since he wants to give himself some room to breathe but still wants to look somewhat modest around her. "'Cause I feel like a fraud."

When she catches on his joking tone, she lets out a laugh and reminds herself not to stare at him too much. He looks good albeit a bit uncomfortable but as far as she can tell, everything fits comfortably. "I like it," she finally says. "Don't worry, it's only until tomorrow."

He hums, "Can't be that bad if you say you like it." He bends down and picks up his clothes, folding them to the best of his ability. "I wouldn't know. I haven't seen a mirror in ages."

When he places the clothes on the table, she has already stepped forward again. June takes the shirt first and puts it into the bag, then his jacket.

With a smile, she says, "Well, I think you look handsome." When she immediately blushes, averts her gaze and folds his pants properly, he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She blinks up at him surprise, "What?"

"You're something else," he finally mutters but can't hide the glee he feels when he smiles at her more brightly than he ever has before. "It's gonna look bad if you give me a heart attack before I go into the Games, you know?"

She laughs and when she shakes her head, he only grins. She puts the jeans into her bag and looks up at him again.

She said it. She told him he looks handsome. And he didn't look at her like she's crazy. If that isn't something, she doesn't know what is. "Are you going to be okay until tomorrow?"

"I've almost spent the entire day with you, sunshine. That's gonna keep me going for years," he says lightly but he knows he means it. "What are you doing later?"

"I'll go see my friend at the hospital if I can. And then I'll try starting my assignment, I think," she says, fighting down the butterflies. "And then I'll... talk to Cas and see how he's doing."

His subtle nod tells her he understands what she's hinting at. "Assignments? Right now?" He makes a face. "That's harsh."

"Yeah, it was kind of last-minute. But it's until Sunday so I think I'll be okay," she replies. "Do you want anything in particular tomorrow? I know I ask this a lot but if you're craving anything, just tell me."

He hums, "Chocolate?" He raises his eyebrows. "Maybe something to wash my face with? I'd ask for a razor to shave my face with but there's no way they're gonna give me anything sharp."

June stifles a laugh and his mouth falls open ever so slightly. "What are you laughing at? I'm a man, I need to shave some time!" His tone gives away that he's not actually offended but it makes her laugh anyway.

"You're cruel, sunshine," he says with a shake of his head.

"One minute," one of the Peacekeepers informs them.

June heaves a sigh and if looks could kill, Treech's glare would have sent both Peacekeepers crumbling onto the floor.

Since she already cleaned up before he started demonstrating his skills with the ax, there's not much to do for the last minute they have. She wishes she had something - anything - else to say but her mind is almost wiped blank. Her fingers itch and she wonders why.

They look at each other and she can't stand the silence. Her heart races and she shifts awkwardly before she takes half a step forward. When he realizes what she's trying to do, in the most adorable way he has ever seen, his arms drop to his sides.

June wraps her arms around him. She doesn't know why, she just really wants to. Treech tenses when the Peacekeepers move towards them both and he raises his hands to show he doesn't mean any harm.

But what gets through the two men is June's voice. "It's okay," she tells them loud and clear. "I started it. He's not going to do anything."

The Peacekeepers are a bit lost. They've been keeping an eye on them all day and while there are no orders saying they're not allowed to touch as long as it seems safe, this is the last thing they were expecting. They almost feel like they're trespassing and interrupting something. They aren't sure what to do.

They were ordered to protect the Academy students in case a tribute lashes out. But this? They weren't given any orders for hugging.

But since the girl is comfortable, they decide to let it slide. They can't resist eyeing each other though, wondering if the other is seeing the same thing as them.

When he realizes it's safe, Treech doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. Of course he remembers what it felt like to hold her during and after the bombing, how soft and warm she felt, but this is different. With nothing going on around them, he feels safe enough to let his guard down.

He inhales and exhales her scent, one hand resting in between her shoulder blades and the other cradling the back of her head. She smells of lavender and something sweet, something that soothes his anxiety. He loves the scent of lavender, it reminds him of district Seven. Inhaling her is like remembering how to breathe after being underwater for too long. With her arms around him, he feels like there's no one else in the world but them.

He feels her breath against his neck, feels the way she squeezes him. And when he hears the steady thumping of her heart, he knows she must feel his racing in his chest, too.

The last time he properly hugged someone was the morning of the reaping. His parents and his siblings had all hugged him before he had to line up with his younger brothers but ever since then, he hasn't felt the comforting touch of another person. Since he comes from a naturally affectionate family, he never knew what being touch-starved felt like. But now he does.

He lets out a shaky breath and forces himself to keep it together. She seems to catch on though and rubs his back comfortingly which makes things both better and worse for him.

If not the Games, she might be the death of him.

"When you wash my clothes," he then manages to say, "can you put the stuff in there that makes you smell so nice?"

June is about to pull away but he doesn't let her. Her heart skips a beat at the gesture and she suppresses a sigh. "The detergent or the perfume?" She asks quietly.

"Both," he mumbles. His fingers find her silky strands and he can't help but run his fingers through them.

She has to make an effort not to melt in his embrace. He's so warm and engulfs her like a blanket. She doesn't mind that he faintly smells of sweat and dirt, she only focuses on whatever it is that smells like him. "Are you sure you're okay with that? I could use something that Cas uses instead," she suggests.

But Treech already made up his mind. He shakes his head. "No, it reminds me of home. And it smells like you."

"Time's up," the Peacekeeper says.

It takes another moment for them to break apart. She rests her hands on his arms when she pulls away and searches his gaze. "You're gonna be okay," she reassures him. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

He breaks into a grin, "You better be on time tomorrow."

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

falling for him wasn't falling at all.
it was walking into a house
and suddenly knowing you're home.

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

6k words of just treech and june (and a pair of very perplexed peacekeepers lol) as promised!

you guys don't even know how much fun writing this was like akebebw. yes. i love scenes with just them together <3

i also realized i never gave a list of treech's siblings so here y'all go:

Flint (married) (23) -> Cherry (daughter) (1)

Oakley (married) (21)

Birdie (sister, older, engaged) (19)

Treech (18)

Buck (younger brother) (16)

Alder (younger brother) (13)

Ranger (younger brother) (12)

Ivy (youngest sister) (10)

me FRANTICALLY googling for names related to forests/nature. i mean come on his name is literally TREEch there has to be a theme lol

also a nice change of pace compared to the fancy ass capitol names tbh. i did myself a favor with the beaumonts bc they're really not that bad name-wise. at least their names aren't tongue twisters 😭😭😭

also going to write the end of the games tonight (chapter 39!!!! crazy, i know) but i am SO glad that's done with jfc they were annoying as hell

anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the double chapter!!!

have a nice day!!!<3


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