The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

Amity3775 tarafından

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Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... Daha Fazla

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town
2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again
6 - Laser Tag
8 - It's All Gone.
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

7 - The Plan Falls Into Place

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Amity3775 tarafından


Mr. Terror sat at her desk, working on building the Electromagnetic time bomb. it was almost finished. She gave an evil twisted smile of triumph. Her plan was working perfectly into place.

She set the timer to 30:00 and finished adding the last-minute parts and explosives.

Rodissius walked in with an evil grin. "My son Roman is acting as our wounded superhero." He smirked.

"Wounded you say?" Mr. Terror asked as Rodissius nodded. Roman entered the room moments later. "Well in that case we will actually have to wound him."

"Wait what?" Roman asked.

"You heard me." Bridget hissed before blasting him with a strength weakening gun. Roman falls to the floor. unable to get back up. "Rodissius take him to an alley and leave him until the superheroes come." she demanded as Rodissius nodded.

He took Roman to an alley and left a phone with him. Leaving before he was noticed.

Roman dialed the Mighty Med phone line and was answered by Skylar Storm.

"Hello, this is Mighty Med, which superhero am I talking to?" She asked.

"My name is Roman, some villain blasted me with a weakening gun"

"Do you remember what they looked like?"

"No, I'm in a Philidelphia alleyway."

"Ok we're on our way." Skylar said hanging up.


Kaz, Cody, Oliver and Skylar loaded into the invisible ambulance and within seconds they were at the alleyway. They get out and see a perfectly blasted Roman laying on the ground. Little did they know that they were about to get fooled.

"Hey, we're going to get you some help buddy." Kaz said as he and Oliver helped him into the Ambulance.

When they arrived back at Mighty Med, they helped Roman onto the gurney. It was a pretty good act because they would never see it coming. They checked his vitals which were dropping.

"His vitals are dropping." Cody said as Oliver then used a specific kind of defibrillator to counteract the effects of the weakening blast.

"There..." Oliver said as Roman's vitals returned back to normal. "You will have to stay here until Horace clears you." he said as the three of them left the Hospital to go see a movie.

Roman opened his eyes once they left and sat up, he had to initiate this plan fast before they got back or anyone notices. he walked all around Mighty Med, rigging the place up with explosives, and EMP charges that were linked to the time bomb Mr. Terror created.

He erased the security footage and deleted his name from the system. He left a business card on his gurney. After he was done, he grinned evilly to himself. he pulls out his com link and speaks. "The explosives are set. Mission accomplished."

"Nicely done Roman." Mr. Terror. said through her comlink. "Did you hide the explosives?"

"They are hidden, and armed" Roman replied "I'm getting out." He added before leaving the hospital unscathed.


Kaz, Oliver, Cody and Skylar walked in to find Roman gone. "Kaz!" Cody yelled from Roman's Gurney. Kaz and Oliver ran over with Skylar following close behind. "he's gone." Cody said.

"According to our system he was never here." Skylar said looking at the system.

"The only trace of his presence is this." Kaz said holding up a card that says. "Game On."

"Oh no..." Cody said taking the card from him. "That's Mr. Terrors symbol. We were fooled." Cody replied as Oliver's eyes went wide.

"He must have taken something!" Oliver said "Quick! check the security cameras!"

Kaz checked the cameras, "The feed was deleted."

Cody looked at Oliver "She's good I'll give her that." She said referring to his mom.

"Well, we need to find out what they took before they hurt someone" Skylar said.

"Well how do we find them?" Oliver asked.

"Wait a minute..." Kaz said "I have an Idea... Its a long shot but it might work."

"Okay? yeah." Cody scoffed. Kaz threw his hands up, offended.

"Okay, rude." Kaz said going back to thinking.

"Hey! Kaz can be smart sometimes! his plan might work!" Oliver smirked

"If that happens... I'll Kiss. Kaz. on the lips." Cody said crossing her arms in confidence.

"Oh for the love of... does it always have to be a competition?" Kaz asked.

"Yes!" Cody, Oliver and Skylar said at the same time.

"Now using my brain isn't my strong suite... but I'm gonna try." He said thinking very hard. "So If we found her at the disintegrated city, She headed downtown and all of the superhero injuries happened around there... That's it!" Kaz said pulling out a map and connecting the dots to all the spots superheroes were injured.

"The dots make an X! And look what's at the center!" Oliver said as there was an abandoned radioactive warehouse.

"Kaz! You're a genius!" Cody said walking up and hugging him as Skylar and Oliver looked at Cody with a smirk. 

"Say it, and those will be the last words you ever speak." Cody hissed cracking her neck.

The four of them loaded into the invisible ambulance and headed to the center of the X on the map.

"Now we just need to know what she wants." Skylar said as Bridget appeared behind them on the monitor.

"I'll save you the trouble." Bridget smirked.

"Mr. Terror." Cody hissed.

"Mom... what are you doing?" Oliver asked.

"I thought it was clear Oliver dear, I'm doing this for you. So, the world can be saved." Bridget grinned evilly.

"You can't save the world, by going around killing people. We have laws, rules in place for that kind of thing." Cody snapped.

"And that Cody Cosmo, is why your family is dead. because everyone follows the 'oh let's save people and stop bad people' when really what is the real definition of Evil. there's a fine line between that and being good." Bridget hissed.

"You see mom, That's where you're wrong. I know something children don't." Oliver said sternly.

"And what is that." Bridget growled.

Oliver's eyes softened... "That no one bad, is ever truly bad... and no one good is ever truly good. it's your decisions that determine what you end up as. You're not born with it. My mom is still in there I know it..."

"Your mother is gone." Bridget grinned. "I'm what remains."

"What do you want? What did you take from us?" Kaz said with a scowl.

"Why don't you find out?" Bridget grinned.

 "You're wasting your time. you were fooled by a brilliant woman." Mr. Terror smirked.

"I'm not falling for that." Cody snapped turning and starting to walk away.

"Oh." She chuckled. "You're even more pathetic than the rest of your family."

Cody's head snapped back towards the monitor.

"Oh no she did not..." Kaz muttered, his mouth agape.

"What. did. you. say?" Cody hissed.

"You heard me. you're a coward."

"That's it! You want a fight. Then we're gonna give you one." Cody said, blasting her powers destroying the monitor.

"Cody what are you doing?" Oliver asked.

"She sent her location do you want to take her down or what?" Cody snapped.

"Cody, if you're going, then I'm going too." Kaz said as Skylar joined them.

"Me too." She smiled.

Oliver sighed "Well I guess we're all going." he said as they loaded themselves in the invisible ambulance and rushed over to the location. Once they got there, they looked at the army of men.

"Oh we'll you arrived. It's a shame you won't be able to get back to Mighty Med and say goodbye to all you're friends..." Bridget hissed.

"What did you do?!!!" Cody screamed. 

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