Thunderbird One's Angels!

By PhoenixBunny456

1.3K 71 25

Scott Tracy had only one love, aside from International Rescue, his former girlfriend Phoebe. He was going to... More

Chapter One: Submarine Cuties!
Chapter Two: You Brought More Than Happiness, You Brought Hope
Chapter Three: The Twins Training Has Begun!
Chapter Four: Little Girls Big World!
Chapter Five: The Mean Man Responsible for Grandpa's Accident!
Chapter Six: A Third Tracy Baby!
Chapter Seven: Luna's Space Adventure With Uncle Alan!
Chapter Eight: Sherbert and the Gray Ninja!
Chapter Nine: Daddy's Radiation Adventure!
Chapter Ten: A Family I Love and That Needs Me!
Chapter Eleven: FireFlash!
Chapter Thirteen: A World Without Technology!
Chapter Fourteen: Unplugged - The Luddites Vs The Tracy Family!
Chapter Fifteen: Daddy's Runaway Train Adventure!
Chapter Sixteen: It Wants To Play!
Chapter Seventeen: Trapped on Thunderbird Five!
Chapter Eighteen: Genius Twins!
Chapter Nineteen: Quetacha Mountains!

Chapter Twelve: Virgil's Really Big Rescue!

46 2 0
By PhoenixBunny456

"Uh, guys? Not so good news." Kayo says, "My fuel tanks are really low, maybe ten minutes left."

"Can you put her down without landing gear?" John suggests, "Empty the fuel tanks to make the plane lighter. There might be relatively little collateral damage."

"The Hood punctured a fuel tank in the cargo hold. All that fuel's in the belly of the plane." Kayo says, "A spark there could turn FireFlash into fireball."

"Ugh. We need Thunderbird Two." Scott says, "They'll never make it in time."

"Scott, don't be mad." Phoebe explains.

"What is it?" Scott asks.

"Actually, we left right after you." Virgil announces, "Sorry, we didn't really feel like waiting."

"Uncle Virgil!" Willow exclaims.

"Yes!" Luna exclaims.

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't." Scott states, "Now, we don't have a moment to spare."

"Alright, here's the plan. Alan, Gordon, can you configure a couple of pods as landing gear?" Phoebe asks. Everyone got quiet. Phoebe wasn't the leader so it was surprising.

"Well, answer her." Scott replies.

"Just because I'm on Tracy Island on slight bed rest doesn't mean I can't assist via holocall." Phoebe explains.

"She's got a point." Scott replies.

"Whatever brings my daughters home in one piece." Phoebe explains, "So that being said, landing pods?"

"F-A-B!" Alan and Gordon exclaims. Gordon's eyes are shown up close as he is dropped down into the module. Alan and Gordon rig up pods. They get inside as the landing gear is sat on top of the pod.

"Ground-based landing gear is ready to roll." Gordon announces.

"F-A-B." Virgil confirms, "Setting the module down now. Standby for Touchdown." Virgil sets down the module box and he lifts up and then uses his vertical thrusters to lift off the ground completely and he takes off, moving out of the way.

"F-A-B." Gordon confirms.

"Pods deployed!" Alan yells out.

"We're ready for you, Kayo." Gordon states.

"I'm on approach now." Kayo explains.

"Kayo, you're coming in way too hot." Phoebe announces, "Slow down to just above stall speed."

"These pods aren't built for racing. I don't even think it can match your speed." Gordon adds.

"You guys need to work on your confidence building skills boys." Kayo teases.

"Raise the pads." Phoebe explains. She watches and move some of the hologram screens around, "Alan, move two meters to your right." Alan turns the pod slightly to move.

"Gordon, you need to gain four meters on Alan." Phoebe announces and Gordon speeds up, "Easy..."

"Easy there..." Scott states in unison.

"Kayo, cut your speed a few more knots." Phoebe orders. FireFlash makes contact with Alan and Gordon's pods and they begin working on slowing down.

"It worked!" Gordon exclaims.

"Yeah!" Alan exclaims with a laugh.

"Well done." Virgil states.

"Whew..." Phoebe explains. They continue trying to slow down and Gordon feels the pod getting squished. He looks up and his eyes widened in shock as he panics a little.

"Whoa! Uh... guys? Little help." Gordon cries out.

"What's wrong?" Virgil asks.

"The plane's too heavy." Alan announces.

"What?" Phoebe asks in shock.

"It'll crush the pods." Gordon continues.

"This isn't good." Alan states.

"But my plan..." Phoebe whispers.

"Hang on, I'm going up again." Kayo announces.

"FireFlash, a plane full of passengers is depending on you." John exclaims.

"So are Alan and Gordon!" Kayo yells. She takes FireFlash back up and the two pods flip and go crashing into the sand before breaking apart.

"Uncle Gordon!" Willow yells.

"Uncle Alan!" Luna yells out.

"Oh, oh!" Gordon says as the pod flipped.

"Whoa, Whoa!" Alan says at the same time. The two get out and Gordon grunts.

"We're okay!" Gordon exclaims.

"John, we need another plan. Now." Scott states, getting more worried about the lives of his daughters. It sounded selfish, but he cared about his daughters more than the rest of the passengers. Rescuing everyone was important but so was family.

"There's no time. I don't even have enough fuel to make another attempt at the runway." Kayo explains.

"Oh, no." Alan whispers.

"Mommy..." Luna says.

"Daddy..." Willow breathes out.

"I'm going to try to ditch it in the desert at least you guys won't get hurt." Kayo explains. Phoebe got extremely worried. Her blood ran cold. Fear was consuming her. It'd been two months since she announced to the group that the reason she was gaining weight was because she was pregnant. She'd been six months then. Now she is eight months along. She sends herself into a stress mode and that'd spell trouble for the baby.

"What about the fuel in the belly of the plane?" John asks.

"I know. Look, if I don't make it..." Kayo says, "Scott, Phoebe, I'm sorry..."

"Kayo!" Alan exclaims.

"No way. I'm not losing my daughters." Scott states, "We'll figure it out!"

"No, Kayo!" Gordon complains.

"Quiet down! Anyway, if I don't make it, I just want you to know I appreciate you all coming to my rescue. I may not have started life with five brothers, a sister and two beautiful nieces but..." Kayo continues.

"Now, just hold one a minute, Kayo." Virgil orders.

"No, Virgil! Maybe the desert sand will stop the sparks." Kayo states, hopeful.

"No, seriously! You need to hold on to something." Virgil demands as he was busy hitting buttons, "It's more than your life. It's my nieces as well as everyone else's on that plane! I love my nieces. They've brought so much to International Rescue. They're our legacy. And we're not going to lose you or them!" He positions Thunderbird Two over FireFlash and looks at the monitor. He presses a button and fires the metal grapples. Virgil focuses on setting down FireFlash. He uses Thunderbird Two's strength to safely land the plane. When he sets it down, Phoebe lets out a squeak over the comms. She looked down at herself.

"Uh oh." Phoebe states.

"Huh?" Scott asks.

"It worked!" Gordon yells out.

"Yeah! Awesome!" Alan exclaims.

"Well done!" John calls out over the comms. Scott lands Thunderbird One and he rushes down and hugs his daughters.

"DADDY!" The girls cry out hugging him tightly.

"Luna, Willow." Scott breathes out. Kayo smiles at her family. Scott looks up at Kayo and places his hands on the twins' shoulders.

"Kayo, those people owe you their lives." Scott tells her, "So do the girls."

"What about the Hood?" Kayo asks, "He got away again."

"He'll get what's coming to him. Besides, you stopped his plot to steal the plane and we did save all the passengers." Scott explains.

"Sounds like a win to me." Alan exclaims. Alan laughs as he looks at Kayo.

"Well, I know one thing. I'm never flying commercial again." Kayo announces.

"Me either." Luna states.

"I don't like it either." Willow states, "Now I have to potty." The group all laughs.

"Yeah." Gordon states.

"Of course we still have a problem..." Willow states.

"What's that, Willow?" Alan asks.

"How's uncle Virgil going to get FireFlash back to London?" Willow asks.

"Seriously?" Scott asks, "How are you gonna get it back?"

"Uh... A really big rope." Virgil says.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Kayo says and the group laughs. Virgil looks back at FireFlash and Scott looks at the twins.

"Let's get you home." Scott explains.

"Uh, Thunderbird One... you've got another situation." Phoebe states into the comms.

"Already? I need to drop the kids off. Can local services handle it?" Scott asks.

"You are the local service." Phoebe explains.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"My water just broke." Phoebe announces. Scott's eyes widened in shock.

"Scott? Did you hear her?" Alan asks.

"Dude, your son is going to be born." Gordon explains grabbing Scott's shoulder.

"I think someone should fly Scott back. He's freaking out." Alan explains.

"Well, this is the first child he'll be experiencing the birth of." Kayo whispers.

"Dude." Gordon explains and hits Scott in the back.

"THE BABY'S COMING!" Scott yells and rushes over to Thunderbird One, "Girls! Let's go! Hurry!"

"Coming Daddy!" Willow exclaims.

"We'll be there sometime later. After Virgil takes FireFlash back to London." Alan explains, "Say hi to our nephew when he comes." The girls get into Thunderbird One. Scott takes off and flies towards Tracy Island.

[Twenty Minutes Later]

Scott rushes over to the birthing room. Brains stood outside and he looked over towards Scott as he approached.

"Max and Grandma Tracy are inside with Phoebe. Grandma Tracy thought it might be her Braxton Hicks." Brains explains.

"Is it?" Scott asks.

"No, her water actually broke this time. Your son is coming." Brains explains.

"Oh thank goodness." Scott explains.

"It will still be a few hours. Try not to pass out. I've provided breathing aids in case you do." Brains explains.

"Why would I pass out?" Scott asks, "This is only the birth of my son. The first child I get to see born. I'm not mad though. I'm thrilled. I love Willow and Luna. They're perfect angels. But we're about to go from a family of four to a family of five. We're already a family of five. That makes us a family of eleven!" Scott rambles a little too much. Brains stares at him.

"B-Breathing aids." Brains explains holding it out.

"We read that the labor could take hours. What if we get a rescue during that time and I'm not here?" Scott rambles.

"Scott." Phoebe's voice calls out.

"I don't want to miss his birth. Our precious little boy." Scott continues.

"Scott." Phoebe calls out again. The door opens.

"Scott, Phoebe's calling for you." Grandma Tracy announces and Scott looks towards her and his eyes widened. He practically rushes into the room.

"Pheebs." Scott says and takes her hand.

"You're freaking out." Phoebe tells him with a gentle soothing voice.

"She's only three centimeters. It's going to be awhile." Grandma Tracy explains.

"I think he wants to meet his uncles." Scott explains and smiles.

"When will they be back?" Phoebe asks.

"It'll be a few hours. Virgil towing FireFlash back to London." Scott explains.

"I'm sorry I freaked out too much." Phoebe explains.

"You didn't know you'd send yourself into labor." Scott explains, "Plus he's our third child. He was probably going to come early. Virgil and John were both early. I was really late. Alan was the only one on time."

"The first and only time he's been on time for something in his life." Phoebe teases and giggles. Scott laughs as he kisses Phoebe's head.

"What about Gordon?" Phoebe asks.

"Gordon was actually really late too." Scott explains.

"That tracks." Phoebe replies.

"Yeah, it does." Scott says, "Have we decided a name for our son yet?"

"I've narrowed it down to a few options. I love the names Miles, Michael and Anders." She explains.

"Michael Anders. A famous astronaut." Scott explains.

"You've got our vote on that one." Grandma Tracy states.

"Yeah, everyone's named for Astronauts, space or the Earth in this family." Phoebe explains.

"I mean, you are too." Scott explains.

"Oh?" Phoebe asks.

"In Greek, Phoebe is a girl name for the God of the Sun, Phoebus Apollo." Scott explains.

"It means radiant, shining one." Phoebe explains.

"And you're radiant, you shine like the sun." Scott explains. Phoebe giggles as she holds his hand.

"I like Miles." Scott explains.

"We don't have to name him right away. We can play with those names for a little while." Phoebe explains.

"That is true." Scott replies as he thinks about it.

[A Few Hours Later]

The others arrive and John comes down from Thunderbird Five. He wasn't going to miss the birth of his nephew. The family was chatting as they listened to all the screaming first being done by Phoebe and then by the baby boy.

"A healthy baby boy. He's 3.5 kilograms and just at 50 centimeters long." Grandma Tracy announces to Phoebe and Scott. Scott's blue eyes widened in shock. He had the Tracy looks but unlike his sisters who had brown hair, the baby boy had his mother's beautiful black hair.

"He's beautiful." Scott breathes out. Scott gets to hold him after everything is taken care of and the baby boy is wrapped into a baby blanket. Scott looks down at his son.

"Miles." Scott breathes out.

"You want to go with Miles Tracy?" Phoebe asks.

"Yes. Miles is his name. He looks like a Miles." Scott explains.

"Oh he does, does he?" Phoebe asks and Scott gently helps her hold him. He sits beside her holding them both.

"When you're ready, the girls are excited to meet their baby brother." Grandma Tracy explains.

"In a little while." Phoebe explains. They do all the firsts with the mother with having him fed and everything after several hours. Finally, they were ready to have Miles meet the girls. Luna and Willow came into the room and climbed into the bed with their mother.

"It's so tiny and squishy." Luna says.

"He." Scott explains.

"We have a baby brother?" Willow asks, "How are we going to teach him to play with us? He'll want to play with boy things."

"He's too little to play right now but I don't think you'll have a problem figuring that out one day." Scott explains.

"I wanna hold him." Luna pleads.

"With Daddy's help." Phoebe says and the girls take turns holding their baby brother. Finally, the uncles get a chance to hold their nephew. Miles was calm with Virgil and John but cried when Alan and Gordon held him, after all, they didn't know how to hold a baby. It was awkward for them. Virgil and John didn't know how either but at least they understood instructions to make it comfortable for Miles.

"What did you decide on for a name?" Gordon asks.

"Everyone, meet Miles Tracy." Scott explains, "Miles, these are your uncles. It'll be a while before you understand them. Remember, your uncle Gordon is not funny."

"Hey! That's rude." Gordon replies.

"But it's true." Scott teases and they all laugh together except Gordon, who didn't find it funny.

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