Thunderbird One's Angels!

By PhoenixBunny456

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Scott Tracy had only one love, aside from International Rescue, his former girlfriend Phoebe. He was going to... More

Chapter One: Submarine Cuties!
Chapter Two: You Brought More Than Happiness, You Brought Hope
Chapter Three: The Twins Training Has Begun!
Chapter Four: Little Girls Big World!
Chapter Five: The Mean Man Responsible for Grandpa's Accident!
Chapter Six: A Third Tracy Baby!
Chapter Seven: Luna's Space Adventure With Uncle Alan!
Chapter Eight: Sherbert and the Gray Ninja!
Chapter Nine: Daddy's Radiation Adventure!
Chapter Ten: A Family I Love and That Needs Me!
Chapter Twelve: Virgil's Really Big Rescue!
Chapter Thirteen: A World Without Technology!
Chapter Fourteen: Unplugged - The Luddites Vs The Tracy Family!
Chapter Fifteen: Daddy's Runaway Train Adventure!
Chapter Sixteen: It Wants To Play!
Chapter Seventeen: Trapped on Thunderbird Five!
Chapter Eighteen: Genius Twins!
Chapter Nineteen: Quetacha Mountains!

Chapter Eleven: FireFlash!

29 2 0
By PhoenixBunny456

Kayo, Luna and Willow sat on the commercial plane made by Brains named FireFlash. Luna and Willow had been shopping with Lady Penelope and now they were on their way to Tracy Island. However, Kayo had to fly commercial for two reasons. One, Brains was upgrading Thunderbird Shadow. Two, Thunderbird Shadow wouldn't hold all three of them. Kayo gets annoyed when a guy flirts with her. Her comms beeps signaling a call from someone and she politely tells the guy to shut up before she turns to take the call.

"Kayo here. Hello, Scott." Kayo announces.

"Daddy!" Luna exclaims.

"Hi Mommy!" Willow exclaims.

"How's it feel traveling home with the general public?" Scott asks.

"I wish Brains would hurry up and finish his upgrades to Thunderbird S." Kayo explains.

"Well, at least you'll be able to check out his upgrade to FireFlash while you're on it." Scott replies. Bernard burps and then excuses himself.

"I can hardly wait." Kayo states with an eye roll.

"But uh... don't be in such a rush." Scott says, "Grandma Tracy baked you a cake." Kayo raises an eyebrow as she looked disgusted.

"Yuckie." Willow explains.

"Her cakes aren't bad." Luna replies.

"They're so good." Phoebe explains.

"I think this pregnancy is messing with your taste buds." Scott replies.

"Nah, he's a Tracy. Already has an iron stomach." Phoebe explains. Scott raises an eyebrow. Kayo clicks off. FireFlash takes off with ease and Kayo sits back and ignores the guy. Kayo rolls her eyes and sighs in annoyance.

[Thunderbird Five - Thirty Minutes Later]

London Control Tower loses sight of FireFlash after it leaves eyesight. John is shown floating inside Thunderbird Five listening to everything and he catches the alert from London Control Tower.

"We've lost FireFlash." A female voice calls out.

"London Control, this is International Rescue. I picked up your alert about FireFlash. Please confirm." John calls out.

"International Rescue. Yes, it's vanished... into thin air." The female announces.

"Satellite imaging confirms no wreckage, so they haven't crashed." John explains, "Don't worry, we'll find it." He hits the button for Tracy Island.

[Tracy Island]

Scott was feeling the baby boy kick. Virgil and Alan were next in line to feel their nephew kick. Phoebe was eating a snack that rested on her tummy. John appears in hologram form. Everyone looks up as there's a beeping sound.

"Guys, it's John." John says, "We might have a situation."

"What kind of situation?" Alan asks.

"Kayo and the girls' plane has gone missing." John announces and Phoebe gasps in shock, sitting up.

"What do you mean? I just spoke to them." Scott explains.

"I'll try Kayo's communicator." John explains.

[Meanwhile - FireFlash]

"Kayo, I have to potty." Luna explains.

"Alright, hurry and go." Kayo explains and Luna gets up and heads towards the potty.

"So, then, Miss..." The guy says.

"Kyrano." Kayo says thoroughly annoyed.

"Kyrano? You probably don't know this but, uh, from what I hear, this new hypersonic engine..." The guy says, and Kayo pays attention to the changing of the direction shown by the sunlight, "is a real game changer."

"That's odd." Kayo says and looks at the copilot coming towards them, "Pardon me, but why are we changing course?"

"I'm sorry?" The copilot asks.

"The sunlight coming into the cabin is shifting, indicating we're changing course from southeast to east." Kayo explains to the copilot, "Why's that?"

"Uh..." The copilot says, "Will you excuse me?" He walks away, and Kayo turns and checks out what's going on with John.

"John, it's Kayo. Can you do me a favor and check FireFlash's flight path?" Kayo asks but gets static, "No signal."

"What's wrong Auntie Kayo?" Willow asks.

"Shush." Kayo whispers and pulls Willow close to her.

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen. Our instruments are indicating a depressurization in the cabins, so please put your oxygen masks on." The captain calls out.

"It must be those new engines." Bernard explains.

"I know what depressurization feels like. This isn't it. And turbulence at 75,000 feet?" Kayo asks.

"That doesn't sound right." Willow explains, "Luna's not back from the potty yet." Everyone begins to pass out. Kayo hears someone approaching. She whispers into Willow's ear for Willow to close her eyes and pretend she's sleeping. Willow does so and Kayo also pretends she's sleeping. After the captain leaves, Kayo removes the rebreather and takes a deep breath. Willow peeks her eyes open at Kayo. They head back to the bathroom where Kayo stows the girls.

"Stay here and don't come out until I tell you to." Kayo explains.

"Okay, Auntie Kayo." Luna replies. Kayo nods at them. She heads to the cockpit and looks around. She finds the copilot out cold.

"Copilot out cold and the captain up to no good." Kayo says, "This isn't exactly normal." Kayo looks around and spots a signal jammer.

"And neither is this thing." Kayo says before she rips it away from the controls and hits the buttons on her comms, "Thunderbird Five, it's FireFlash. You there?"

"There you are. Where's the girls?" John states.

"Safe. We've got a situation aboard the plane." Kayo explains.

"You've been invisible for the last half hour." John announces.

"Invisible?" Kayo asks.

"You're back on visual and radar now. You had us worried." John says.

"It must be some kind of cloaking device." Kayo points out.

[Tracy Island]

Scott sat holding Phoebe's hand. They were relieved that the girls were okay, but at the same time, they weren't out of the woods yet. Virgil exchanges a look with Alan who had a confused look on his face.

"Listen, this is weird, but Hanson has hijacked his own plane. He used the oxygen masks to knock everyone out." Kayo explains.

"It's not Captain Hanson." Scott announces, "They found the real Captain Hanson just a few minutes ago, tied up in a crew locker."

"Well, if it's not Hanson, then who is it?" Kayo asks.

"Someone in disguise steals a hi-tech plane." Alan says, "Who do you think?"


Kayo cracks the door and watches as the captain is returning. Suddenly, the captain turns into the Hood.

"The Hood." Kayo whispers, shutting the door.

"Kayo, get out of there now." John says.

"Easier said than done." Kayo says as she was trapped in the cockpit with the Hood heading back towards her.

[Tracy Island]

Gordon walks into the room and he sits down next to Alan as he begins to speak.

"You found Kayo's plane?" Gordon asks.

"Yeah, but she's in trouble." Alan says, "The hood is in there. Time to deploy?"

"F-A-B, little brother. I'll intercept in Thunderbird One." Scott says, "The rest of you wait here until I pinpoint their destination. We don't want you on a wild goose chase."

"Scott..." Phoebe pleads.

"I'll bring our daughters back." Scott assures her and Phoebe looks at him with a nod.

Scott pulls down on the lights which acted as a lock for accessing his outfit. He gets spun around before he steps forward into the little area that will take him down to Thunderbird One. His eyes are shown up close as the machine puts his outfit on. His arm and leg braces are put on as he steps into his boots. He's taken over to Thunderbird One as his chair sat waiting. Thunderbird One pulls the chair in after he sits down in it and the hatch closes. Thunderbird One moves into position to launch and the pool begins opening above him. Scott launches Thunderbird One and he flies up into the sky before Scott switches to horizontal flight.

"Virgil." Phoebe explains.

"He doesn't actually expect us to wait here, does he?" Virgil asks. Phoebe watches as the three remaining guys rush to Thunderbird Two.

[Later - FireFlash]

Willow and Luna peek their heads out of the bathroom. They sneak into the room after the hood. They peek down into the room that the Hood went down into.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Hood states, "If you surrender now, I won't hurt you... too badly." Luna looks at Willow who looks at her.

[Thunderbird One]

Thunderbird One is shown flying trying to find FireFlash. Scott is shown inside. Scott was worried about his daughters. At Tracy Island, Phoebe was reading everything there was to know about FireFlash while Scott focused on flying.

"I'm not seeing why the Hood would want this plane." Phoebe explains.

"Could it be that it's not the plane but what's on the plane?" Scott asks.

"What? Our daughters? What would the Hood want with two innocent little angels?" Phoebe asks.

"They're my father's legacy. Just like me and my brothers." Scott explains.

"They're geniuses." Phoebe explains, "But how would he know they were flying on it."

"That's a good point." Scott explains.

"I'm calling Kayo." Phoebe explains. Scott nods and Phoebe calls Kayo.

[Meanwhile - FireFlash]

"Your timing is terrible. You'll lead the Hood right to me." Kayo whispers, "Give me 15 seconds and call back." She hangs up on a very confused Phoebe. Phoebe does what she asks and calls back.

"Why am I not surprised it's you?" Hood asks.

"Ruining your plans is the best part of my job." Kayo says and throws things at the Hood and hits him with one, "Oh? Did that hurt? Want some more? Well, try this!" They keep fighting.

"Why does everyone else get to have the best toys?!" Hood asks.

"You're after the new engines." Kayo exclaims.

"Rather than go through a bunch of tiresome corporate espionage, I just decided to take the whole plane." Hood says, and Kayo dodges his attack, but the Hood hits the fuel storage lodge.

"Warning! Fuel leak detected! Warning!"The computer yells.

"Quite a chip off the old block." Hood says.

"You leave my family out of this!" Kayo snaps.

"Don't you mean 'our' family?" Hood asks, "It's high time you stopped this hero nonsense and came to work for me!" Luna and Willow look at each other.

"What does he mean by 'our' family?" Luna whispers.

"I dunno." Willow replies, "I thought Auntie Kayo was our family?" Luna shrugs.

"Not now, not ever." Kayo says, "Your cloaking device is shot. Everyone knows where we are. International Rescue is on their way and when we land, the Global Defense Force will be waiting for you with handcuffs."

"Well, that's certainly not gonna happen." Hood says, "And who's gonna land this thing? You?"

"Yes, me." Kayo says.

"With damaged avionics and a leaking fuel line?" Hood asks after gaining the upper hand by knocking Kayo down. He rushes to the escape pod and Kayo's eyes widen in shock.

"I may have lost the plane. But International Rescue is going to lose so much more!" Hood says, "Good luck with that landing." He escapes, and Kayo narrows her eyes. Kayo calls John after the Hood escapes.

"Thunderbird Five, you there? I have a situation." Kayo calls out.

"Satellite reading indicates you're still at Mach 5 headed east, much further north than you should be." John explains, "Thunderbird One I'm sending you her position and projected route."

"On an intercept course now." Scott announces before he continues, "What about the Hood?"

"He got away." Kayo says.

"I'll alert the GDF of his last known position." John says.

"What's the status of the passengers?" Scott asks.

"Oxygen's now feeding the emergency masks. Passengers should be waking up soon." Kayo announces.

"And the girls?" Phoebe asks.

"They should be hiding in the lavatory but they're standing here with me, take your seats girls." Kayo orders. The girls scamper off to their seats and buckle in.

"FireFlash, I suggest you adjust your course back south." John suggests.

"Negative." Kayo says, "I'm leaking fuel and need to put this thing on the ground."

"We need to find you a landing strip long enough to handle FireFlash." John announces and starts looking at nearby airports, "Got one. It's a decommissioned space port in the Gobi Desert."

"I see it. I'm disabling autopilot." Kayo says, "And dropping down to subsonic speed."

"Good luck." John tells her.

"FireFlash is cruising at 10,000 feet, air speed of 300 knots." Kayo explains.

"Thunderbird One is over the Gobi. On my scopes, One. You should have visual contact with FireFlash in Five... Four..." John says and gets interrupted.

[The Sky Over the Gobi Desert - Thunderbird One]

"Contact." Scott says, "I'm just gonna perform a fly-by to make sure there's no visible external damage." Scott begins moving Thunderbird One around FireFlash and checks it out, "Well, everything looks okay."

"You should be coming up on that landing strip." John announces.

"F-A-B." Kayo replies.

"Looking good, FireFlash." Scott explains.

"Deploying landing gear." Kayo says and hits the switch for it. Only one comes down but Scott doesn't notice it until she's moving to land.

"Kayo! Only one wheel came down!" Scott warns, "If you land like that, the plane could pinwheel and disintegrate! Pull up, abort the landing!" Phoebe looked at the group in hologram form.

"Kayo, I'm sorry. I should have had you check the landing gear first." Scott apologizes.

"It was my responsibility." Kayo replies.

"Can you lower the landing gear manually?" John asks.

"Afraid not." Kayo says, "The copilot is still out cold after his encounter with the Hood. I'm the only person on the plane awake. Unless you count the twins."

"Ooh, never mind." John replies.

"Uh, guys? Not so good news." Kayo says, "My fuel tanks are really low, maybe ten minutes left."

"Can you put her down without landing gear?" John suggests, "Empty the fuel tanks to make the plane lighter. There might be relatively little collateral damage."

"The Hood punctured a fuel tank in the cargo hold. All that fuel's in the belly of the plane." Kayo says, "A spark there could turn FireFlash into fireball."

"Ugh. We need Thunderbird Two." Scott says, "They'll never make it in time."

"Scott, don't be mad." Phoebe explains.

"What is it?" Scott asks.

"Actually, we left right after you." Virgil announces, "Sorry, we didn't really feel like waiting."

"Uncle Virgil!" Willow exclaims.

"Yes!" Luna exclaims.

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