The life of the Phoenix Queen...

By mya080406

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At one point or another the people I loved left me when they promised they wouldn't . After the death of my... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of Time
Chapter 2: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 3: The Death of a King
Chapter 4: The Birth of a New Era
Chapter 5: The Kidnapping of the Queen
Chapter 6: The Fight for the Crown
Chapter 7: The Power has Awakened
What the characters look like!!!
Chapter 8: The Shot of Light in the Dark
Chapter 9: The Duchess of Death
Chapter 11: Welcome Home, My Queen
Chapter 12: Armless Brother and Star Crossed Lovers
Chapter 13: The Office of New Beginnings
Chapter 14: Friends, New and Old

Chapter 10: The 15-year-old Billionaire's

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By mya080406

I bowed down to the bloodied body before the crowd began chanting, "SHE'S THE DUCHESS OF DEATH!!! YEAHHHHH!!! DUCHESS, DUCHESS, DUCHESS, DUCHESS, YEAHHHHHH!!!"

That was all I heard while I was being dragged away by Frankie. He picked me up by my armpits and dragged me from the dead man's body. He covered my eyes, which I assumed was to calm me down. I felt myself being dragged to God knows where, with my brothers yelling at Frankie to put me down. The sounds of the raging crowd began to fade, and I started to hear Frankie's steps change from the hard concrete to a wooden floor. Tap, tap, tap. I heard each and every step made, not just by him but by 4 others. I knew 2 were Erwin and Jay, the others I assumed where Grandpa Peter and Teddy, but I wasn't sure.

A heavy wooden door was slammed shut a few moments later, and I was thrown on the floor in front of a couch, hitting my back against the cool metal bar at the bottom of the seat. I could see the ruby red couch I was leaning on and across from me it's twin. The legs of the couch were gold and the glass table in front of me had gold vines and red roses holding up the glass top. There was a large dark wood desk with a red velvet and gold rolling chair behind it. Behind that, beautiful old books lined the wall, filled with books of every size and color. Under me was a fluffy chestnut brown rug, that I refused to touch because of the blood on my hands. much blood. It was underneath my nails, on my hands and it coated my right arm up to the forearm. My left hand wasn't as bloody, but I still had some because I had my hand around the bastard's throat, choking him as hard as my grip would allow. Frankie poured himself a glass of the love of his life, whisky, and sat down on the couch in front of me.

He sat there unfazed as Jay and Erwin sat next to me on the couch while I leaned on Jay's leg. Peter and Teddy sat next to Frankie, with Frankie in the center of the two. Peter was holding his left arm as though he was in pain and Teddy sat there in shock, shaking at what I had just done.

Frankie: "I think it's time for you to explain what the hell that shit was! I wanna know whether you tell me Ezra... or you Alex and you too Nardo. Either one of your fucking explain yourselves." He was angry but still managed to call us by our nicknames. I looked at the buff men sitting next to me and I just stared.

Erwin: "Hwat od ew od wno? (What do we do now)" The fluffy eyebrowed man spoke in Phenisum, why'll staring me in the eyes.

Jay: "Uoy sida uoyt lelt tehm tadoy, os usjt tehm. I tinhk ew nac turts tehm wno; nod't uoy tinhk?" (You said you'd tell them today, so just tell them. I think we can trust them now; don't you think?) Jay looked at both Erwin and I, shrugging his shoulders before Peter fell off the couch onto his side. Peter laid there squeezing the space over his heart and sucking his teeth in pain. Frankie got on his knees as I crawled over to where Peter had fell.

Mya: "What happened? Grandpa are you ok? Tell me! Tell me! I can't lose you too." I started to panic, I tried to move his hands out of the way so that I could heal him or do something but he pushed me off. I looked at him horrified and I tried to help him once more but he continued to push me off.

Frankie: "SOMEONE GET A GODDAMN DOCTOR IN HERE!" Jay, Erwin, and Teddy ran out of the room to get someone to help, but Peter put his fragile hand on my face, turning it to him.

Grandpa: "Whatever happens don't revive me. I finally get to see my family again. (coughs) Thank you for making my life... interesting and for letting me finally see that there is good in the world full of evil." With that I heard his heart beat once more and then never again. Frankie pushed me back away from Peter and started giving him CPR.

I pushed Frankie back and he stared at me with disbelief.


Mya: "SHUT UP! ...He's with his family now, let him be happy again... He deserves to rest. *sigh* Trust me he's with his family now. Safe and sound. I can assure you; my father and his people wouldn't keep families apart forever."

Frankie: "You can't know if he's with his family and what the fuck do you mean 'Your father and his people wouldn't keep families apart forever'?," Frankie asked worriedly as his stared at me in disbelief.

Mya: "I'll explain later...Goodbye Peter...Thank you for saving and protecting us. I'll see you around." I stood up bowed to the man that saved our lives and walked out of the office with my head down looking at my bloody hands once more. I leaned on the wall in front of the door, out in the hall, slowly sliding down the wall to the floor. There I sat with my knees to my chest and my head in between. I didn't know what to do. We have lived here for years and the only thing I know is that on the surface society is that's it is surrounded by walls and that to get out of here you need papers to get to the outside. How the fuck do I protect my brothers without a house and without money? Sure, we just won a total of $1,006,500 today but I don't think anyone in their right mind would give a house to 3 15-year-olds on a whim. So, where do we go now?

I sat there for a few moments thanking Peter mentally for everything he'd done for us as well as thinking of what I do to keep my brothers safe now. Jay, Erwin, Teddy and what assumed to be a doctor went running into the office. Before they could make it all the way in, I grabbed my brothers and took them to the dead end of the hallway.

Jay: "What happened? Is he okay?" They looked to me, their older sister, for answers to cure their curious minds. Alas I couldn't offer any because I didn't have the heart, so I shook my head, not saying a word, only looking down. Immediately Jay fell to the floor, in a squatting position, coving his face from us. Erwin just walked away but then turned around and punched the wooden wall, leaving a hole the size of a dinner plate in the concrete.

Erwin: "FUCKKKK!" I had never heard him curse or scream before. He was always the shy, quiet, timid type. His action's jolted my body as I watched his outburst of grief, while tears streamed down him face. I didn't see his face but I could see the tears stain the wood floor. No tears came out of Jay he just sat there with his eyes open and his hand now over his mouth.

I grabbed Erwin and rubbed his back as he fell to the floor. He was so tall I could but he still fit in my arms, as though he'd turned into a small quivering child. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist almost squeezing the life out of me but I just let him let out all his emotions. The anger of what happened years prior, what happened to his parents and ours, and what just happened to Peter. It all flowed out of his crystal blue eyes. Every once of his pain from his entire life came out in those moments.

Mya: "I would have revived him but he told me not too. He said he wanted to see his family again, so I let him. I know dad and mom are probably still in hibernation but I'm sure dad's employees will let Peter see his family again." I pushed out fake smile, which is something I learned to do. I learned to make a very convincing smile even though I knew it was fake.

Jay nodded and Erwin cried harder before Frankie came out of the office and gestured for us to follow him. Erwin dried his tears and I held his hand in my bloody one, as we walked behind Frankie not saying a single word. The club was now empty except for the few people cleaning up the crowd's mess.

We walked outside and a carriage drove us to the stairs. These stairs led to outside world. There was Marco handing 3 papers to a man from the Military police, which I assumed was our pass up these stairs. Without getting the okay, Frankie walked right up the stairs and we followed him like little puppies. After 5 years, we finally got to breath in fresh air and see the night sky. It was beautiful and it almost made me cry. That is if I could cry. Blue, navy, black, purple, and tiny little star adorned the night sky. But we were ushered into a black limo where Leo, Carlos and Rachel waited for us. Teddy crawled in last and sobbed her eyes out on Frankie's shoulder while he comforted her. Rachel and Carlos did the same but the men didn't shed a single tear, they were strong for their women. I let Erwin and Jay lean on my shoulders as I stared at Frankie dead in the eyes. He was obviously pissed off, hurt, and upset but he understood that I wasn't my fault.

Frankie: "Take us to the penthouse, Kayla."

Kayla: "Right away, boss."

We pulled out of the parking spot and drove into the city. Peter once told me, on one of my sleepless nights, that we were under the city in Wall Rose. Right away I knew where we were but I had no clue that up here it would be this advanced. I smacked Jay and Erwin's arms until they looked out the windows in astonishment with me. There was a city of skyscrapers and people of all types. It was beautiful, the lights, the color, the architecture all of it. Finally, after 30 minutes we pulled up to a huge white building with thousands of blue windows and what looked like a million floors.

We walked into the building, which was clearly uninhabited. The receptionist walked up to Frankie, bowed at the waist, and escorted us to an elevator in the back with golden doors.

Mya: "Excuse me, where are we?"

Receptionist: "Oh, you're at Lorenzo enterprises newest luxury apartment building." She smiled and walked away as we started to enter the elevator. Frankie and the others were standing in the back and even though I could not see their eyes, I knew they were staring daggers at us. I could feel them burning my skin, leaving red marks in the back of my head. When the doors closed in front of us, Carlos pressed the button on the elevator marked PH. I think that meant penthouse.

Erwin's POV

Even with what just happened and the way everyone is looking at as at the moment, I'm not scared in the least. These mafia people don't scare me half as much as Alejandro and his supporters did. What does scare me is having to tell them what we really are and what we are truly trying to accomplish. Will they believe us? Will try to hurt us or just hurt Mya again, since she's queen and the one we follow? Before I could worry more, Mya's little hand grasped mine. Her knuckles were bruised and her had been covered in dried blood from the fight. Her nails were painted the black, a color signifying wealth, power, mystery, elegance and evil. All of which summed up my sister perfectly. Evil not so much, but when she shows no mercy, I guess you could call her evil. Her little hand squeezed mine twice telling me not to worry. Then a moment later, as the elevator hit the 50th floor, Jay grabbed my hand as well. He also gave me two gentle squeezes. The three of us held hands for what felt like centuries, until the moment we dreaded came.

The golden elevator doors opened on the 110th floor, the penthouse. The open doors revealed a beautiful penthouse living room decorated in grays, browns, blacks, and whites. It was beautifully put together. There was a sofa at the back by windows that showed the gorgeous skyline and the wall that encompassed this unknown civilization. To the left was a kitchen and a staircase next to that on the wall. Everyone took off their coats and sat down on the pristine grayish white couch by the window. The three of us, who were still in our fighting gear just walked in and stared around. Teddy and Frankie sat on the white couch leaning on each other, Rachel and Carlos sat on the two arm chairs in front of the table across from the couch and Leo and Marco sat on either side of Teddy and Frankie. Above the coffee table in the middle of the couch and the arm chairs was a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. We stood by the stairs at the head of the coffee table not knowing what to say.

Frankie: "So, I've giving you 4 years and some months till this day, but after what happened tonight, I think it's time you tell us who you three really are. Now I know it's not good what ever happened to you three considering how long you've hid this from us but I will try to be considerate.

I said nothing, but I looked at Mya who was standing on the side closest to Frankie. She had that same stone-cold look on her face that she always had. But then she sighed. Jay and I looked at each other knowing something would happen. She took in another deep breath, exhaling before taking a step forward in her black converses. She tugged on the legs of her shorts and then adjusted her red sports bra and matching red crop top, before leaning on the staircase (which doubled as a book case) once again, crossing her slightly chubby tan arms.

Mya (Ezra): "I could tell you or I could show you." She said staring at her sneakers.

Frankie: "What do you mean? I don't get it how you could show us." He raised his eyebrow.

Mya then pushed away from the staircase and walked over to Frankie. She stood in front of him staring down at him with no fear. My sister lifted her bloodied arms away from her small frame and placed them on either side of Frankie's head, her thumbs sitting on his temples.

Mya: "Are you ready?"

Frankie: "What the fuck are you doing, kid?"

Mya: "You'll finally see what happened to us. SO, are you ready?" She said gritting her teeth.

Frankie: "I guess so." His features relaxed.

Her hands lifted off his head ever so slightly and red mist like flames penetrated his skull. His eyes scrunched up, but not in a way that indicated pain, one that indicated the anticipation of pain. Mya on the other hand, her hair had turned to flames, her eyes had glown bright red as the threw her head back towards the ceiling, her wings came out in a fast motion and her outfit had turned into her golden armor. I hadn't seen this Mya since 2010 and my gods she was beautiful. I turned to Jay and he stared at his sister like he had no clue she was a goddess. He stared at her like a human that has finally met Zeus. His eyes opened wide, his jaw hitting the floor and his hands shaking slightly. I couldn't blame him because I was doing the same thing and so was everyone else.

Mya's now cleaned hands, pulsed in towards his head and out towards the walls, over and over as she continued to show Frankie our memories.

End of POV

I saw everything from the second when I had opened my eyes. Jay and I running through mama's flower garden behind the castle. Dad picking us up and swirling us around in his large arms. Our parents putting us to sleep. Baking with mama. Meeting Erwin for the first time. Comforting him when his father died, with Jay doing the same. The day Erwin smiled again after his father died, when our parents adopted him. Sebastian teaching us to play instruments, languages, how to cook and how to paint. Us having food fights in the kitchen when we were left unsupervised. The balls our family used to host. The festival held for Astella, with all the fireworks and music. The three of us flying till we thought we were close enough to touch the moon. Our last good Christmas. Dad getting sick. Layla's birthday party. Dad's death. Sebastian and I's conversation on the peak of the tower. Comforting my brothers before the funeral for our father. My coronation. The reception afterwards. Alejandro killing my mother. Her last words. The three of us running for our lives. Waking up away from my brothers chained to a ceiling. All the swords shoved within my tiny 9-year-old body. Alejandro's maniacal laugh. Every single moment of torture. The planning to escape. The killings. Meeting Starfire. Burning the house of horrors. Surviving on the streets for a week, not knowing when we'd get food or if someone would hurt us again. Peter saving us and everything since then.

My whole life up until the point right now, flashed in front of my eyes and was transferred to Frankie, in a matter of seconds.

When I let go of him, he hunched over on his knees as I fell to the floor in front of him. Tears of flames coming from my eyes burning the flesh on my face in crimson streaks. My wings flared upwards towards the sky even though they were still made mostly out of damaged feathers. (Yes, even after 4 years since they were ripped out of my back, they are still healing. This is because the wings are the second place in a phoenix's body that holds the most power, first being the heart. They are all healed but my feathers are damaged, meaning I have to pluck them out so that new healthy ones can grow in their place.)

Frankie picked his head up as I just knelt in front of him with one hand on the floor holding me up. His hand came to my armored shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

Frankie: "I am so sorry, Mya."

That was the first time Frankie had ever said my real name and coming from him it sounded beautiful. He hugged me as though the world was going to end. I held him the same way a parent would protect his child. That was exactly how he held me.

Frankie: "I will help you get home, hermosa." I have no clue what he said because it was muffled but, ok. All I did was nod, in response to whatever he said. I could feel his pain through my body. His heart hurt from what he had just seen. After a few moments I felt a wetness on my neck. Frankie, the most feared Capo within the walls was crying on my shoulder because of my life. I felt a tightness in my throat as though I was going to cry but the tears never came. I don't know how long we stayed like that but I could feel Teddy's eyes as well as everyone else on me. I heard guns clicking indicating they were gonna shoot.

Mya: "Don't move you two." I said in a dead calm voice.

Jay: "Yes, ma'am." He said with a sarcastic tone.

Frankie sat up and dried his eyes before telling his men to stand down.

Leo: "Why should we? What did you do to him? What are you?" He said in a panic. All Frankie did was stand up and hug me to his chest again.

Frankie: "I'll calm them down but you may have to do whatever that was again." He said looking down at me in a fatherly way. I nodded as he pulled away. He walked over to Leo and snatched the gun out of his hand, dismembering it in seconds. He did the same to Marco and Carlos, while Teddy and Rachel sat there in disbelief. Frankie stood by the stairs where the three of us were and crossed his arms.

Frankie: "They aren't a threat. I saw her whole life flash before my eyes. Now, I don't know exactly how she did it but still she just a kid whose parents died. Her parents died when they were 9 and she got kidnapped and tortured into giving them something important. She didn't give it to them and they killed all of the kidnappers. They ran away and for a week they lived behind Peters house and then he took them in, that's all. "

Teddy: "How do we know they didn't, I don't know, brain wash you?"

Frankie: "I think your gonna have to do it again." He said with a remorseful face. I nodded walking to the island in the kitchen. It was a beautiful limestone countertop, which is perfect for transferring memories.

Mya: "Sit over here, with your hands flat on the table, please." No one moved but my brothers and Frankie. Jay and Erwin sat down with their hands flat on the table. "Why are you here you already know what happened?"

Erwin: "We know what happened from our eyes, but not yours. We don't truly know what happened to you and we want to know."

Mya: "And you will never know. That's not something I will ever show you."

Jay: "Why not? What are you so afraid of?" He said in a calm almost scary voice.

Mya: "Because you don't need to know what really went on in that room. No one needs to know; I'm only showing them because they can handle it and its for our safety." I didn't make eye contact, I just stared at the floor. Jay and Erwin didn't respond because they knew it was pointless because I win the argument. "One day when we get back, I'll speak to the fates and erase that tape, so that no one will ever see it." The fates tapes were the way that they kept records of everything. Every person had one cassette like tape for every chapter of their life. So, when I see them again, I will burn the tapes from mom's death to when we met Peter.

After some convincing, Frankie got them to move to the table. Everyone sat down as Erwin and Jay got up. Hesitantly they laid their hands flat on the table. As I did the same, Frankie and the boy's moved behind me. The same red flame like mist came from my hands and ran along the countertop. It went up their hands, to their shoulders and into their temples. Some of them threw their heads back and others started to sweat. I however, stood with my eyes open at the front of the island. They were glowing as though there was a candle inside with its wick lit. My hair was growing brighter by the second, threating to erupt in flames. My black claws came out and my wing flared, turning a bright red- orange color. I must have looked like a demon, but I knew I'd have to stop soon because I was over heating and fast.

When I finished, everyone was in tears. Carlos was crying into his hands, Rachel was crying on his shoulder, Marco had tears streaming down his face even though he looked calm, Leo was bawling his eyes out like a fool and Teddy was hugging Frankie's waist while she cried into his shirt. Teddy's hands were balled into little fist with pieces of his shirt in the center of the, I felt bad for showing them but I had too. Just as fast as I finished, I started to get a nose bleed. Amber colored blood fell from my nose and onto the floor. When I noticed I covered my nose with my hand and ran over to the roll of paper towels. I carefully ripped one off and covered my nose hoping it would stop soon.

Everyone turned to me as I almost collapsed on the floor, catching myself on the kitchen counter. I was panting heavily. Frankie let go of Teddy and ran to me and tried to catch me from falling again, but the second her touched me he let go. Frankie ran to the sink and ran his hands under cold water as I was hunched over in pain on the floor, with blood streaming out of my nose.

Jay: "We need to get her into a bath tub with ice and cold water. NOW!"

Everyone ran to get ice from the freezer, while Jay struggled to hold me because of how hot I was. My temperature had rose to at least 2,000 from its normal place of 150. But that's what happens when a young phoenix uses its power too much, its temperature raises to a high degree. They tell kids not to do it because this happens. With adults however they can go up to about a million degrees without problems, but any higher and they will go into a coma from overheating. This is what Jay's trying to prevent, by throwing me into cold water. It's rumored that the Starfire phoenix at its peak and reach up to 1 trillion degrees. But, I'm nowhere near my peak yet.

Frankie told all of us to follow him. He led us up the stairs and to the left, all the way down the hall way. He opened the door on in the center, which led to a beautiful black marble bathroom with a white sink on the left, a shower stall in the back and a white bathtub on the right that sat in front of the window. Frankie, pushed the plug in and turned the water on to the coldest setting. Jay sat me down on the counter space next to the sink. I leaned on his chest, while he wrapped up a towel and placed it between him and me to keep the heat off him. That didn't work because the towel disintegrated in a matter of seconds, turning to dust on the floor. I don't know much of what happened, as I was out of it, but I could hear people running back and forth dumping ice into the bathtub. I could hear Erwin asking Jay if I'd be ok, every 30 second and I could hear Jay's heartbeat. My nose was still bleeding and it was falling onto the floor because the paper towel also turned to ash.

A few minutes later, Jay had taken off my armor, leaving me in my underwear and my bra, as he placed me into the freezing cold water. I laid their barely able to move as my head laid back on the edge of the white tub. Jay and Erwin sat on either side of the tub holding my hands, because if they didn't, I would have fallen in. Yes, I'm just that small. The moment my body touched the ice it melted, sizzling, and making the water hot. My body was cooler than before but not cool enough. After 10 minutes, Erwin had to empty the water because it had started to boil. He filled it up with fresh cold water, which instantly became hot once it touched me. A few moments later and everyone else walked in once again.

Leo: "You're lucky that there's a store across the street, kid." I couldn't really open my eyes, but I could feel ice being gently poured over me. It felt amazing. My body started to finally cool off. 1 bag after another was poured over my limp body. When I was finally able to open my eyes again, I saw a mountain of ice on top of me. I think everyone brought a bag and put it on me. That means on top of me there were 6 bags of ice on top of me. That's a lot of ice. I looked to my left and saw Jay cleaning the blood off the floor and I looked to my right to see Erwin half asleep on the edge of the tub holding my hand. I stayed there under the ice just watching Erwin snoring lightly. Frankie saw him and picked him up, I guess to bring him to a bed where he could sleep. Jay followed Erwin as Teddy walked in with a fluffy gray towel. She helped me up and wrapped the towel around me. She helped me walk to a door way, next to the sink, which wasn't the door we came in through. She opened the soft gray door which led to a closet. It was a big gray, brown and black closet. It was filled to the brim in clothes and shoes.

Teddy: "I didn't know your size so I asked Peter. He actually went with me to pick these out since he knew your style. So, if you don't like anything blame it on him." She giggled a little but you could see the sadness in her eyes. "Go on pick out some pajamas. There on your right." She pointed to a small set of wooden draws. I opened it up and pulled out a black set of silk pajama shorts and a matching cami. Teddy helped me get dressed, seeing as I was a little unbalanced and dizzy.

After getting dressed Teddy helped me into the bedroom, which was connected to the closet. The room was huge and the walls were a beautiful black color. The back wall and the wall to my right was all glass, showing off the beautiful city and the midnight sky. There was a circular bed, pressed up against the wall, with black sheets and about 1000 pillows stacked on top. There was a fire place and a tv sitting on the mantel. The room was dark and yet still elegant and beautiful. I laid down on the soft sheets, almost falling asleep right away but then my mind began to wonder where my brothers were.

Mya: "Hey, Teddy. Where's Jay and Erwin?"

Teddy: "Don't worry they're just down the hall. The first door is Jay's and the second is Erwin's. The doors to the bedrooms are matte black, the bathrooms are matte gray and the closets are sliver. That's how you can tell what's, what from the hallway."

Mya: "Oh ok. Teddy?"

Teddy: "Yes, Mya."

Mya: "Who's house is this?"

Teddy: "It's yours now. We were going to move you, your brothers and Peter up here, but that's plan has changed in light of recent events. So I guess this house is now yours." Her voice trailed off at the end as she sat down next to me on the bed.

Mya: "So, are you and Frankie gonna stay here too?"

Teddy: "No, sweetheart. We have a house for ourselves and our kids. But we can stay here for tonight if you want."

Mya: "Don't go yet. What if something happened?"

Teddy: "Nothings gonna happen, baby. The security is so tight not even the scouts could get in here." She giggled, looking at me like I was her child.


Teddy: "Yes." She giggled. "Remember when I wasn't at training for 4 months?"

Mya: "Yeah."

Teddy: "I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl who is 4 years old. Her name is Lilly and she's so... amazing." Her eyes light up like stars. She was shining just talking about her baby girl.

Mya: "So, does that make her the next Capo?"

Teddy: "Yes, it does. But I think Frankie's gonna give the roll of Capo to someone else, he just... doesn't want his baby girl to be in danger or hurt in anyway. She's a daddy's girl." She laughed but I could tell she's relived that Frankie's gonna give the title to someone else. She's scared that her baby will get hurt and believe me I understand.

Mya: "You said you had kids, so does that mean you have another kid and they might get the title of Capo?"

Teddy: "I have a baby boy named Robert who's 2, but I think Frankie might give it to his strongest soldier when he's ready to retire. But then again, he changes his mind every 30 seconds." She genuinely laughed while I forced a laugh. Like I've said I have learned to make my 'emotions' look real when they are forced. "Go to sleep, beautiful. You'll need your energy for the morning." She smiled and walked towards the door. I stood up to follow her but she looked back at me confused. "What are you doing?"

Mya: "I don't sleep. So, I was just gonna go lay down next to Erwin."

Teddy: "Your scared you'll wake up and their gone, but they won't be. I will make sure of it. SO~, stay here and try to sleep or watch the stars I don't know." She smiled, shrugged her shoulders, and walked out. I waited till I heard her footsteps downstairs and then I created small little shields about an inch above the floor. I walked on the small clear shields out of my room, closing the door behind me silently and into Erwin 's room.

The tall blond boy laid there on the bed in this beautiful emerald green room. It had a bathroom and a closet just like mine did. The head board was a silverish metallic color and the sheets were the same. On top of the silver sheets was a green blanket and a black throw blanket. The room was a sliver color with black and silver accents. I loved it, but mine is still better because of the view.

My brother laid there looking like a very overgrown baby, curled up into a ball, with his hair all messy and his hands half bawled up like a baby. He looked so small and innocent. I didn't want to bother him so I ended up going to Jay's room. I walked over there on the tiny floating shields and saw him sitting on his bed on his phone. His room was big and spacious. It was mainly grey with brown and black accents. His bed was fluffy and gray with brown and black sheets. There were two lights hanging from the ceiling, on either side of the bed. I opened the door quietly and mind linked Jay to talk in our heads, so that Teddy wouldn't hear us. I air walked my way over to him and he just giggled, realizing what I was doing.

I plopped down on his bed sighing, as I cuddled up on his lap. He continued to play on his phone while I just laid on his lap like a little cat, snuggled up comfortably.

Jay's POV:

After around half an hour, Mya fell asleep in my lap. She looked so young but so much more mature than she really was. It was like she looked 15 but also looked like a soldier. Scars covered her small frame. Scars covered her from the neck down, some slightly visible if she wore a V-neck tee-shirt. Scars that were 2 shades darker than her natural caramel skin tone. Not only did the scars make her look older but just the way she moved. She'd groan in pain every time she'd stand up because her back and her legs hurt, I guess her bones are still getting used to the hard work outs from the trauma she endured.

She's strong so I know I don't need to worry about her but at the same time she stubborn. If you tell her to sit and stop working herself to the bone, she'll just look at you with her stone-cold face, roll her eyes and then go back to what she was doing in the first place.

I've noticed that she works out when she's bored or upset. Once I heard her wake up after one of her 10-minute naps and she was huffing and puffing. I assumed she woke up from a nightmare, following her to hole in celling, near Peters house in the underground city. She had a whole set up there. Things to train her flames, like melt with different melting points. She has some old weights off to the side and she has an old mattress in the center.

I watched, quietly behind one of the piles of discarded junk, as she stood on the mattress before she opened her wings. Her wings were so small instead of her normal full, bright and fluffy ones. Her and her wings looked so fragile. She stood there mustering up the courage to take flight and after a few moments she jumped slightly and flapped her wings. The wings generated wind blowing up the dirt from the ground and causing a big cloud of dirt. After a few seconds I noticed that Mya had put up a shield causing the dirt to stay within a 10-foot radius of her. The little bubble of hers had contained the dirt near the floor preventing it from blowing up in her face. She's smart.

Gently flapping her wings, she had hovered in the center 20-feet above the mattress, for a few seconds. I saw her put her hands out at her sides as though she was going to fall. My back had started to hurt, which led me to believe her wings were cramping. Everything stopped in a matter of seconds. Mya let out a single hiss of pain and then 1-2-3 her wings locked and she fell to the floor, right on the mattress.


She sat on the mattress with her head in the hands as she shook her wings to unlock them. I ran over to her and hugged her.

Mya: "Why are you up? You should be asleep." She looked at me embarrassed and worried.

Jay: "I heard you breathing heavy and then you opened the attic door so I followed you." I shrugged my shoulders, before pulling her up by her hands. She stood up with me and I spun her around before pushing my thumbs underneath the bone connecting her wings and her back. My sisters head fell forward as she let out a small groan, telling me this made her wings feel better.

I rubbed circles into that one spot before stopping. I spun her back to face me, before I pulled her into a hug once more.

Jay: "We're gonna do this together."

From then on, we'd train with Erwin, when he wanted to, for an hour before bed. We'd train our powers at night and our bodies by day.

Now, her wings may still have dead feathers but she can fly now. She just now needs to train her wings to fly at top speed, since we are up here, we have more room to fly. Maybe I'll ask Frankie if there's a forest or a field nearby, so she has obstacles to train with.

I must have been thinking for a while because the sleeping beauty on my lap woke up. She sat up on her knees and cutely rubbed her eyes, before stretching and flopping back down on the bed. She rolled up in my blanket like a little sushi roll and then the living sushi roll crawled over and sat behind me with her chin on my shoulder. I picked up my phone which had turned off from the 10 minutes I had sat here thinking. I opened it and continued to play cut the rope while Mya watched.

End of POV

I watched Jay play on his phone until he fell asleep at around 2 am. I unrolled myself from Jays blanket and left his room and went to Erwin's to check up on him and he was still sleeping in the same position as he was last time I checked, still looking adorable. I felt the cold wood floor on my tiny feet as I chose to explore the house, since Jay and I heard everyone leave at 12 am and Teddy and Frankie went into another room at 12:30. I opened my wings and gently floated down the stairs and into the kitchen. I snapped my fingers and lit my pinky finger on fire for it was really dark, except for the city lights coming through the window.

I grabbed a fresh bottle of water from the fridge, quietly cracking it open before walking around the penthouse. I'm guessing this was the first floor, so I wandered around finding out what else was here. I leaned up against the book shelf/ staircase again and felt the shelf push back. I turned around and stood up straight as the door popped open. I slid the door to my right and it revealed a small room with a short wooden table in the center, with guns of every kind and shape lining the walls. I figured it was some sort of panic/ meeting room and it was also used for gun storage. Now knowing what was inside I closed the door hoping there were no alarms that I tripped.

I walked over to a glass door that was directly across from the kitchen. I opened the white lined glass door carefully, waiting to hear an alarm, before walking outside after not hearing anything. Outside was an outdoor pool and a garden/ lounge area that was created on top of the building. The pool was 3 feet on one side and 6 feet on the other. There were rose bushes and faux grass that felt real and soft. There were 2 long outdoor black couches opposite each other, on the side of the 6 feet area of the pool. In the center of the two couches was a round fire pit and next to the couches on either side were two wooden tables. I knew I'd be sitting out here more than being inside.

I saw a door 10-feet to the right of the one I exited. I opened the door and walked into a home movie theater, complete with a screen and 2 rows of recliner chairs. On the side was a popcorn machine, with popcorn inside it, so of course I took some. It was buttery and salty just how I like it. After staring at the beautiful gray movie theater with stars on its ceiling, I continued my journey.

I left the theater out of a door in the back, which lead me into a hall way with 3 doors, spaced apart. I walked into the door across the hallway from the theater and it was a game room. It had arcade games like skee-ball, Pac man, and space invaders. It also had darts and billiards and a basketball game. In the back there was a long bar full with alcohol just like in HQ. I played a game of skee-ball wining top prize before I moved onto space invaders, which was my favorite ever since my dad had taken us to an arcade on one of his days off before he passed. I played one more game, which was my dad's favorite, street fighter. Yes, I was playing a two-player game by myself but then again who was gonna play with me, a ghost? I don't even think the ghost would play with me; they're probably sleeping.

Anyway, I walked out of the room and to the beginning of the hallway to the last door. I opened it and I was a full workout center just like in HQ but with only 1 machine of each instead of 3 or 4 like in HQ. I walked out of the work out room because it was boring.

I threw out my empty water bottle before quietly walking upstairs. I had seen my room fully but I hadn't seen the boy's rooms so I made my way over to Erwin's and I gently closed his door before walking over to what I assumed was his closet.

His closet was just a big as mine but his had a bench in the middle whereas mine had a dresser. His closet was gray with green and black accents, just like his room. The closet was full of clothes just like mine but his were of course his size and his style. I stole one of the tee shirts because why not. I threw it on and wore it as a dress because it was so big as I walked into his bathroom. The bathroom floor was black and green tile and the wall were the same except for two while walls framing the shower. On one wall was a sink and mirror and on the other was the toilet. In the far back was the shower and dead center was a large white bathtub. This bathroom was beautiful. I might be using it more than mine.

I walked out of my youngest brother's room and made my way to my twins. The time was now 3:00 am and I could feel the eyes one me. Melinoë always said the ghost liked to come out at this time and since she was the goddess of ghosts, I trusted her judgment. When I had made it to Jay's room I sat down on his bed cause, well just cause. I got up when Jay snored and scared the crap out of me. I made my way to the only other door in the room and I opened it to find a big beautiful brown, cream, and black closet. It was once again filled with clothes of my brother's style and size; Peter knew us well. I walked through his closet to his adjacent bathroom. His bathroom wasn't as big as mine or Erwin's but it was still a decent size. It was all black marble, from the floors to the shower and the sink. The bathtub in the corner was a white porcelain which somehow matched everything. I walked back through Jay's room checking up on him before I walked back out to the hall.

Down the hall to the right, there was 3 doors. I walked towards the doors assuming it was another bedroom with a closet and bathroom attached. I opened the door in the center and it wasn't a bedroom, it was an office. A gorgeous black, brown, and cream-colored office. The office was mainly black with cream, brown and grey accents. There was a bookshelf in the back and the black table in front of it and a rolling chair sitting between the two. On the left side of the table was all windows and, on the right, up against the wall was a small brown couch. Next to the couch was a little cart with empty bottles and cups. In front of the desk were two chairs. The office was perfect, I loved it. After a while of just standing there in awe, I walked out and went into the next door.

The next door was another smaller office in the colors brown, gray, gold, and nude. It was set up perfectly with the desk in the back with a large brown leather rolling chair behind it and two grey and brown arm chairs in front of the desk. There was a greyish nude leather couch on the wall and the floor was all white marble. The office was smaller than the first but it looked huge. After once again staring at the office in awe, I went to the last room.

The last room was once again an office but this time instead of it being neutral it was an emerald green. It was smaller than the others with two windows on the back wall, a bookshelf behind the small little wooden desk and on either side of the desk was one single chair. The desk was a dark wood with gold accents. The room was painted an emerald green with brown, gold, and grey accents. There was a big brown chair behind the desk and then there was a smaller grey chair sitting in front of the desk. Then I realized that each office matched our rooms. The first one was mine, matching with the black, grey, brown, and cream. The second matched Jay's room with the brown, grey and nude. And lastly the emerald green office was matching perfectly with Erwin's. I wondered when and why we would need offices? I'm sure Frankie would tell us what his plan was later.

I walked out of Erwin's office and walked up the remaining staircase to the third floor. As I reached the landing on the third floor, I heard snoring coming from the left hallway. In this hallway there were a lot of doors, I think most of them are bedrooms. I walked towards the source noise and opened the door to find Teddy and Frankie dead asleep in what I assumes was a guest room. I quietly closed the door and continued on. I walked up to the next door which was painted all matte white. Once opened the door I found a white and sliver room. The walls were painted white and the floor was a light wood color. The furniture was white and grey. The bed frame had sliver trim on it while the bed sheets were grey, silver, and white the room was beautiful. In front of the foot of the bed there was a little bench that was grey with clear legs. On the left side of the bed was a night stand with a lamp and some books on top. To the right of the bed, up against the wall, was a dresser with a mirror. All pieces of furniture matched the bed. The walls were a pale champagne peach color. On the side near the bathroom was a tall white wardrobe with silver handles and 4 doors. This room wasn't as big as our 3 rooms, but it was still pretty large. Next to the wardrobe was a small bathroom fit with a shower and bathtub combination, a single sink, and a toilet. The whole bathroom was white marble and had light wood accents. I walked down the hall and found 5 more rooms exactly like it, putting the total of guest rooms to 7. But even with the 7 guest rooms the hall still had more doors on the right side of the long hallway.

All the way in the back of the right hallway, I opened the first door. Inside was a huge music room. Windows lined the side wall while there was a black piano in the center, 2 silver and black couches opposite each other, 2 white chairs sat opposite each other and sitting in front of each other was 2 grey and black chairs. On either side of the couches was a little grey table with a lamp on it. In the center right above the piano was a beautiful crystal chandelier. The room however was set up with big beautiful columns, blue and white curtains, and white walls. As for instruments there was the piano, a violin, a cello, flutes, trumpets, and a guitar. Which is funny because we know how to play all of them. All of the instruments besides the piano were hanging on the wall in a perfect manner. This room was smaller than the music room we had back at the palace, which was really just a ballroom that we had no use for. But nonetheless this room was picture perfect.

After touching literally all the instruments and forcing myself not to play them, I moved on to the next room. The next room was to the left of the music room. Opening the white door led me to a beautiful art studio. The walls were white and it was set up in a loft style. On the top was a drying table with racks. There were wooden sliding doors for storage that held paint, glue, clay, canvases, brushes, and a sink for cleaning off the supplies. There was a canvas that was set up on an easel and across from that was different sized canvases on shelves. I knew I'd stay in here forever. Maybe one day I can paint a family portrait.

On the left of the art studio, was a navy-blue door. Inside the big beautiful door was a work shop. It had a computer with little gadgets and gizmos, tools to fix things and create whatever our minds desire. It looked like it was underground even though it was on the highest floor of the building. It had an unfinished ceiling with brick walls that were painted over with white paint and a tiny window next to the working computer. I think this room was also for tracking agents and repairing guns because there was a bucket of bullet shells and I saw what looked like the tracking dots that the guards used to put on our family before we went out. The only difference was that it looked like an older model, which was to be expected since Ginovia is way more advanced than the rest of the world.

After the small and strange workshop, I walked into the last room. Inside was a big beautiful library. There were big bookshelves that lined the walls from floor to ceiling. There were 2 navy blue arm chairs next to a grey ottoman and a matching couch. The room was beautiful and it had large windows that showed off all the city in wall rose. I knew Erwin was going to love this room because he's a giant book worm.

I poked my head out of the library checking to see if anyone was there, before I had gone back inside and looked at the bookshelves. I ended up pulling out a book filled with stories from Greek mythology. My dad and I liked to read them together just to see if what was written in the books was accurate and when it wasn't he'd laugh and tell me what really happened. Sometimes my mom would yell at him for telling little me all the graphic details, while my brothers and I reenacted what happened. They would both stop and look at us and laugh.

As I sat on the large couch, I felt my sides start to hurt but I just pushed it to the side saying it was stress from the fight and my body overheating. But then again, I had never felt this kind of pain before, but oh well. I sat on the couch peacefully reading my book until I heard someone come out of Teddy and Frankie's room. I place the book on the marble table in front of me and walked out into the hallway. I saw Teddy standing at the top of the stairs, ready to start her decent. I power walked over to her, leaning my chin on her shoulder.

Teddy: "Good Morning, Your Highness. How did you sleep?"

Mya: "I didn't sleep, I explored. This house is really nice."

Teddy: "Of course you didn't sleep, you never listen to anything we tell you." She giggled and started to walk down the stairs. "Go brush your teeth, I'll make breakfast. How's pancakes sound?"

Mya: "Sounds good to me. Thanks Teddy."

I ran to my room and changed into a pair of light grey sweatpants and I kept on Erwin's shirt. I brushed my teeth and hair before running downstairs to see my bothers sitting at the marble kitchen island eating the pancakes Teddy had made. I sat down next to Erwin who was still half asleep and I stuffed myself full of Teddy's amazing pancakes.

Teddy: "So, what did you think?," she said smiling as she turned around after washing the dishes.

Mya: "They're really good, thanks...Um Teddy?"

Teddy: "Yes? Is something wrong, you look like you're in pain?"

Mya: "My sides hurt, but I think it could be from the fight yesterday."

Teddy: "Are you sure it's not your period?" he looked at me confused as Erwin whipped his head in my direction and Jay just sat there confused, and not caring.

Mya: "What do you mean a period?" We all looked at each other confused as all hell except for Jay who was still eating his pancakes and playing on his phone.

After Teddy explained to us what a woman's period was, I just sat there in silence and stunned as Erwin and Teddy waited for me to respond.


He sat there shocked and confused while the rest of us just laughed. Teddy reassured him that I'd be ok and that I wouldn't die. But Erwin's next words shocked the hell outta me.

Erwin: "I don't know why your shocked we read it in a book in the library during one of our snack breaks."

Jay: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

Mya: "You WHAT?!"

Erwin: "It was a book about the body and how it functions. It was very interesting, but strange at the same time."

Mya: "You really always have your head in a book, don't you? Well, I guess you are lucky because I found a library upstairs."

Teddy: "So, that's where you were this morning."

Erwin and Jay were stunned with silence, their eyes glowing with happiness and excitement. They always used books to escape the real world. When we were kids to when we lived with Peter and even now, whenever they were overwhelmed, they would read and escape to the world within their book. Sometimes the books were educational but other times they were just fantasy books.

Erwin and Jay: "Take us!" They said with excitement.

We ran upstairs being careful not to wake up Frankie. When we reached the library, the boy's had sparkles in their eyes. Of course, the library in the palace was bigger but this one had some books we'd never read before. They ran over to book lined shelves and pulled out books they wanted to read, before plopping down onto the couch and beginning to read the stories. I knew they'd be there all day so I stayed with them to finish my book.

I opened the page to the chapter I left off on, THE KING OF THE UNDERWORLD. The book was set up with every major god/ goddess having their own chapters and within the chapters it detailed their lives, who their children are, their ups and downs, fears, etc. I was reading this not because it was interesting or because I wanted to know more about the gods I knew so well, I was reading it to see if the stories were correct or if they were just that, stories.

My brothers and I read from 7am till 12pm, when Teddy had called us down for lunch. We all book marked out books before running downstairs for fried chicken and oven baked potatoes. It was delicious. Teddy said that this was her kid's favorite meal and that she had to make it all the time because it was the only thing they'd eat. My brothers were surprised that they had kids because they didn't seem like they would, nor did they ever talk about their kids. Frankie chuckled at their confusion while stuffing a piece of fried chicken into his mouth before washing it down with his pure black coffee.

Frankie: "So, do you guys wanna live here by yourselves or do you wanna have some of the team stay here with you? We'd stay but we have our own kids like Teddy said. But, don't worry we will come every week, if you want?"

Jay: "I think that we can manage by ourselves, but I think you need to show us how to turn the lights off because I haven't seen a light switch since we got here." Everyone laughed except me, I just sat their eating.

After dinner, the boy's along with Teddy went up to the library, while Frankie showed me all the gizmos and gadgets. He showed me where all the guns were stashed in the house ( he put one in each room), he showed me how to turn off the lights with a special pad that was outside the doors of each room, he showed me how to use the projector to watch movies, he gave me the passcode to tell the receptionist should we invite people over(whether that be for deliveries or friends, should we make them.) and he set us up with the computers throughout the house with all of our school lessons and other things.

Before they left at 10:30pm they hugged us all and promised that they'd be back in 3 days with their children so that they can meet us. They left after double and triple checking that we'd be ok on our own. Teddy hugged me like I was her one of her own children. Her hug was warm and soft, which in turn reminded me of my mother. I calmed at her touch and rested my head on her shoulder. I suppose she noticed this and let me hug her till I felt comfortable enough to let go. The hug seemed to last hours but was really a few second. Next was Frankie, who wasn't much of a hugger but hugged me as well. He left with promises that he'd protect us no matter what came our way.

After they left, I locked the elevator from to prevent dangerous people from coming up and continued to my office to catch up on my online school lessons from the last 2 days, while the boy's explored the giant apartment. After an hour or so the boys came into my office and said goodnight to me before going to bed. stayed up finishing my school work before going into the tiny workshop. For some reason I wanted to do something. My hands felt the need to move but not with a pen or pencil. My hands began typing and creating while my brain was on autopilot. I mimicked codes that Christopher taught me during training, but I changed them to make different variations. I sat there for hours typing code, welding metal, taking apart spare cameras, all to get to an elusive end goal. It felt as though my body knew what it was doing by my brain had no clue what it was trying to achieve.

The sun came up high above Wall Rose and I knew I had to stop whatever the hell I was doing to make breakfast for the boys, since they would ransack the fridge if they didn't get food fast enough. I saved what I was creating and went to make a simple breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs with extra crispy bacon. The boys came down at 7:30 to see what the smell was and once they noticed it, they devoured the warm food. We ate and talked about what we'd do while Frankie and Teddy were gone for the next three days. The three of us collectively decided to go out and explore the world up here. I called Frankie before doing anything to tell him our plans and turn on the secret tracker I knew he'd installed on my phone. Chuckling he gave us the ok to explore as long as we were home before sunset, which I agreed too.

Going up to my ginormous closet, I put on a white button down and tucked it into a pair of black jeans and pairing it with black leather combat boats. I threw my hair up into a pony tail of long auburn hair before silently thanking Peter for getting us this far. I met the boys down by the elevator, throwing on my long black trench coat. Jay had a similar outfit to mine except his jeans were blue and he was wearing high top converse sneakers. Erwin however had worn a black hoodie instead of a button down. He just stared at us as if to say what the fuck are you two wearing.

Erwin: "Ya'll are over dressed for a walk around the city but ok." He said as he walked into the elevator that just arrived. Jay giggled and I just shook my head, knowing he was right by hey this is my style so I don't care.

Grabbing our wallets which were filled with the money we'd earned last night, we exited the building seeing the bright ass sun, which temporarily blinded us, considering we'd been underground for so long.

Mya: "Shit! I don't remember the sun being so fucking bright," I said as I covered my eyes with my hand, to shield my burning pupils from the bright ass fucking sun.

Jay and Erwin laughed and agreed before we turned to walk down the street. Exploring this city within the large ring, we realized it was a modern version of Ginovia. In Ginovia there were little houses of brick and stone, whereas here they were living in skyscrapers, which back home would only be found in big cities. The people here dressed the same as back home, dressing in medieval attire such as cotton pants and white button downs or tee shirt looking shirts. It was like the opposite of Ginovia. We wore fancy clothes and had humble houses but they had fancy houses and wore humble clothes. To use it felt like a backwards way of life but hey if that's how the roll then so be it.

After exploring the city for a while and meeting the locals, we went shopping. I went to the grocery store while also keeping tabs on Erwin and Jay who had gone to other stores nearby. I came out of the store with bags of fruit, snacks, soda, and meat before noticing Jay and Erwin holding what looked like gift bags. I ignored their dumb smirks and made them hold some of the bags of groceries while we walked back to the apartment.

The receptionist saw us and smiled before unlocking the elevator for us. We stocked the fridge and ordered pizza from the number Frankie left us. The pizza came shortly after and we popped some soda and had a small party for making it to the surface.

Jay: "We got something for thank you for everything," he smiled before they both gave me their gift bags. I opened Erwin's first and pulled out a blanket which was the same color as the walls in Peters house. I instantly calmed when I looked at the grayish blue blanket. I raised the soft material to my face and buried it into the fluff. Pulling away I thanked Erwin and he smiled wide.

Erwin: "I saw the color of the walls calmed you and I saw that blanket and I knew you had to have it." My heart clenched at his words and with a straight face I hugged him and kissed his forehead, whispering a thank you again.

I opened Jays gift next. It was a teddy bear in the same grayish blue color. I hugged it and put it on the table before hugging Jay.

Jay: "I guess we had the same idea," he said to Erwin who laughed. I sat back in my chair, opening the blanket and wrapping it around me and putting the bare in my lap before eating more pizza.

The next 4 years went by fast. We meet Frankie and Teddy's children, Lilly, and Robert. The kids had taken a liking to me and from what I heard they want me more than Frankie. On weekends they'd drop the kids off before picking them up on Monday, so that they could have weekends to themselves. I loved hanging out with them and I had no problem taking care of them and teaching them a few things. I taught Robert how to read and Lilly how to cook simple things. Frankie and Teddy thanked me for doing all I could for them and their kids, but I just knew I liked kids and I wanted to repay them for their kindness. I felt like an older sibling to them and Frankie and Teddy treated us like their own prodigy. The boys loved playing with Robert and Lilly and teaching them how to pay games and reading with them for hours on end.

Every Friday night we'd go back down to the fight club where we'd fight more big-league fighters. We'd make about 7 million each a night, which totaled 7 fights a night. Frankie set up bank accounts for us and in now time they were at max capacity. Jay had 180 billion, Erwin had about 170 billion and I had around 200 billion from just fights alone.

When were 16, Frankie inducted us into his mafia. We were his ACE's who could do anything. Frankie called on us whenever he needs extras for a mission or when he knew we were the only ones who could do it right. We always got a portion of the cut while totaled at minimum a few thousand and at max about 5 million.

When I was 17, I snuck into a club with the boys and danced the night away. Having had this fun, I built my own. In wall Maria I had over 200 clubs, lounges, bars, and strip clubs. In Wall Rose I doubled that and in wall Sina I was a house hold name with how many establishments I had there. Military police, Scouts, nobility, and the fucking king, knew my name better than they knew Lorenzo's. EZRA LEON was my name and everyone knew it. Every woman wanted to be me and every man wanted to be with me. Everyone feared me and wanted what I had at the same time.

At 17 years old I was the riches woman in the walls, even richer than their king. Erwin and Jay had their own corporations. Erwin supplied my establishments with the design portion and glassware for the liquor filled places. Jay became a lawyer, getting me Erwin and Frankie out of harm and jail many times. With out combine net worth's and cash we could rule the fucking world within these walls. We helped the Scouts, Military Police and Garrison by leaving duffle bags of cash outside their HQ's every month. They never knew it was us by they had a feeling. Erwin always gave the most to the Scouts because he liked that they risked their lives to help the people in the walls reach the outside world. The civilians here didn't know anything outside the walls existed, besides titans. We knew better.

At 18 Frankie sat me down and told me he wanted the 3 of us to take over his mafia. He said he trusted us the most and that he knew his men and women would be in good care with us. He stated his reasons. Reason 1 being he missed his kids with how much he was working. Reason 2 was that he had a 3rd child on the way and he wanted to see her grow up, see her first steps and words since he couldn't for his first 2 babies.

Frankie: "My third reason for giving my empire to you is I know you know how to protect, manage, and rule. You're the only one I want to give it to. You like a daughter me and trust you wholeheartedly", I nodded and accepted his proposal.

Just like that I was on every newspaper and magazine in the walls. The titles rolled in, GIANOFRANKO'S ADOPTED DAUGHTER, EZRA LEON. HAS TAKEN OVER THE WALLS!, and I couldn't be more proud. I knew this media coverage would get me found by Ginovia sooner or later so I kept it up.

Everything Frankie owned became mine. Every store, company, business etc. was all mine and I changed the names to say LEON CORPORATIONS, instead of Lorenzo Inc.

It was now September 19th 2018. The three of us were richer than ever, prospering like flowers in spring. I had just come home from work and found Jay and Erwin watching tv in the living room. They said hi to me and I poured them a drink. We took our drinks out by the pool and sat on the couch, talking about our days, and watching the sunset.

Mya: "Wanna go for a swim?," I asked them as I crossed my right leg over the other, hearing it squeak as the leather thigh high boots rubbed together.

Erwin: "Sure," he said and Jay agreed. We finished our whiskey and turned to back inside the house to change into bathing suits when we stood stunned.

After 10 years we saw the one person we thought we'd never see again. Sebastian Fucking Michaelis. He stood there in all his demonic glory. Clad in his signature black suit, gloves, and dress shoes with his longish black hair and bright red eyes. He bowed at the waist and smiled his wicked smile.

Sebastian: "Took me a while but I found you your highness's. It's nice to see you all are alive and well. I must say your plan to get into the media's spot light was quite smart. But then again you are a smart bunch aren't you?," he said sarcastically. We didn't respond we all just ran to him, squeezing his thin frame as we hugged him. He smiled and stroked our head while the boys cried and I stared at him in astonishment. Then I heard the words I wanted, no need to hear after 10 years, "Lets go home your highnesses", he whispered through soft lips. 

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