The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

71.1K 1.4K 193

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

Terms and Conditions

624 17 5
By mmultixaep0

Jay told Abby about the pills, and while she was looking into that, she felt a little more comfortable now with Kane, Harper, and Miller. They were listening in Pike's crew.

Jay was on the other side of the room, pacing as she was listening to Bellamy speak on the radio.

"Go. Our lookouts confirmed another three encampments just over the ridge."

The next voice to speak was Pike. "Well, they're not hiding from us. That's for sure. How many days can we keep our population fed without being able to send out hunting parties"

"Food and water stores were already at less than sixty percent. Now, maybe a week before we go critical. Two if we start rationing immediately." Jaycee knew that was Monty's mom, she met her when Pike's men were ambushing them in the woods.

"Immediately it is," Pike agreed with Hannah

"What about breaking the blockade?" Hannah continued.

"After Bellamy's theatrics this morning, they'll expect that. Regardless, we can't engage the Grounders until we've got our people under control, and that starts with Kane and Jaycee Jordan."

Jaycee winced at Pike saying her name. The last thing she wanted was for people to be watching her every movement. "I need you to suspend access to the prisoners. No contact with anyone in camp. For all we know, they've been providing intel on grounder villages to Kane" Pike finished.

Even if Kane and the others couldn't see it, Bellamy nodded as he said, "Yes, sir."

Pike continued to speak, "And I want you to take over coordination of camp surveillance. We'll need new security protocols at all camp entrances."

Monty was the next one to speak, "Maybe, uh, changing critical passwords every twelve hours." Jay mentally slapped herself on her forehead.

Pike agreed with Monty of course, "Good. Coordinate with your mom but keep the circle tight. Then there's the matter of camp-wide surveillance."

Monty had the idea but he didn't like the camp surveillance part, "Wait, you want us to spy on our people?"

Pike didn't care about anyone's privacy, "We can't do what's needed to defend this camp if every order I give is leaked before it can be executed. It's an old saying, but it's true. The walls have ears we can't afford any more assumptions about who's a friend and who isn't, not your oldest acquaintance. Not your husband, wife, or lover. We're fighting two wars now, and the more dangerous one is here inside this camp. We can't prove it yet. But Kane, Jaycee, and his accomplices passed information to Octavia. I know none of you signed up to investigate your neighbors. But Monroe and Lacroix died because the traitors in this camp sold them out to the Grounders." Pike paused.

He then continued. "Whoever did that will be hunted down and exposed for what they did to their own. For what they did to use. Now you get whatever resources, whatever personnel you need to make that happen." Piked sighed, "Dismissed." Then the radio turned off.

Jaycee rubbed her face with the palms of her hands.

"If they're gonna play that game, we need to play it too," Kane told them.

"Meaning?" Harper asked.

"We don't meet here again, for starters. We change our patterns. Forget our habits. Take a different route through camp each time we go out. Assume that there are eyes on us at all times." Kane looked at all of them.

"Or we could just shock-las Pike's fascist ass and hand him to the Grounders," Jaycee suggested.

Harper nodded, "I like that plan"

"That would be murder. Not to mention treason. And that's not who we are,"

Miller rolled his eyes, "Maybe it's who we need to be,"

Kane shook his head, "Not yet,"

Harper looked around, "Alright, then, what's the plan?"


It had been at least over an hour since the meeting. Jaycee was walking around until someone grabbed her by the arm, her instinct kicked in and she punched the person in the stomach. "Jeezus," Bellamy groaned.

Jaycee sighed, "Come on, you should know never to sneak up on me by now,"

Bellamy nodded, "Yeah, that one is my fault." Jaycee looked at him, she was going to walk away until he grabbed her once more.

"What do you want Bellamy?" She asked pulling her arm away from his grip.

"Came to tell you not to interfere with Kane and his shit," He looked at her while holding his side that might now be bruised later.

But she just chuckled, "I'm not getting into anything, and even if I was, I wouldn't listen to you," She spoke.

"Come on Jay, I am trying to protect you," He told her.

She shook her head, "No, you are trying to protect your sorry ass and Pike's stupid ass. This isn't right and you know it, sooner or later you are going to regret betraying everyone who cares about you," She ended it with that and walked away to meet with Kane, Harper, and Miller.


Jaycee saw Miller and caught up with him, and then she saw Kane, "Hey, anyone followed?" Kane asked

"No, what about you?" Miller asked.

"No, no. I'm good." He then looked at Jay, "Any word from Octavia?"

"Been scanning different channels all morning. Nothing. I mean, either she's out of range-" Jaycee was cut off by Miller.

"Or they already got her."

Kane didn't want to believe it, "Or she ran her battery down. Or she needed the radio silence to run the blockade. There are a lot of reasons why she might have gone dark," Kane told the teens who were practically an adult at this point.

"I've been out there patrolling for the last three months. I know this area better than any Grounder. Just let me go out-" Miller was cut off by Harper who the radio.

"Guy's listen to this-" She told the 3

"Results of this morning's missions inventory was sobering. In no way do we currently have the ammo for an extended series of firefights. Not even close," It was Pike, Jay was glad they were running out of ammo, the less ammo the better.

Bellamy was the one to ask a question, "So what's Plan 'B'?"

Jaycee heard Pike speak next. "Our lookouts say the largest Grounder encampment is this valley. So we deploy an assault team in Rover One, and we do as much damage as we can with autmatic weapons,"

Jay shook her head in dissaprovement.

"And they'll just fall back and make a run for reinforcements." Hannah said.

"I'm counting on that. The only way there and back is over this ridge. Now we can bottleneck their warriors and pick them off," Pike wanted this to happen. He didn't care about the innocents, he really was cold hearted.

"We got the firepower for that?" Bellamy asked.

"We won't need it. We have a dozen concussive anti[ersonnel devived in our armory. I've already got a weapons man rigging them with a remote trigger. We load the APDs into the rover and mine the field before we attack. After we strike, we lure their reinforcements onto the ridge. And once we have enough Grounders in the killing box-" Pike was cut of by Bellamy.

"We detonate. It'll but us some time, but-" The Pike cute him off.

"Time's what we need. We move at dawn" Jaycee walked away from te radio, rubbing her neck, trying to think of a plan.

Kane was the first to speak, "All right. We need to disable that rover. If they take it out, it doesn't matter how many Grounders they kill. Ten times that number will descend on Arkadia and no one'll survive"

"You got anny idea how we're gonna stop them?" Haper asked knowing this was a suicide plan.

"I might." Kane looked at everyone.

"I'm in," she looked at him. "No matter what, even if it kills me, even if I get thrown in jail. I am 100% with you Kane," Jaycee looked at him and he looked back, he smiled and nodded.


Jaycee remembered the plan very well. She just needed to stick by it.

She was reading a magazine while Kane was speaking to Sinclair about the rover Pike's team was going to take. What she didn't see was Monty in the corner watching Kane and Sinclair.

Then Bellamy walks up to SInclair who is under the rover. "Sinclair, what are you up to?"

He looked at Bellamy. "Raven said the solenoid is acting up, so I thought I'd sawp it out,"

"You got a work order for that?" Bellamy asked.

"Sure" Sinclair started to get up, "I think it's on my desk,"

As soon as Sinclair could, he started to run away and Bellamy told his team to go after him.

As soon as the guards were able to grab Sinclair, they brought him in front of Bellamy. "There is no work order and there is nothing wrong with the rover, though if you had another ten minutes, I'm sure there would be." He looked at him in the eyes when he said, "You're under arrest. Charge is treason."

Jaycee was angry about this but she couldn't do anything, she needed to stick with the plan.

Jaycee continued to look at them, she saw Pike walk over to Sinclair, she was still able to hear them but not well, "Perhaps you'd like to talk about that," Pike motioned to the hearing piece.

"Never seen it before," Sinclair said, sticking to the plan.

"Really? I thought you engineers like to take credit for your work." He eyed Sinclair. "Give me your gun," Pike told Bellamy.

Pike takes Bellamy's gun and smashes the hearing piece.

"You planning on using that on me, too?" Jaycee was nervous for him, she didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Will it help you give up names," Pike asks. Sinclair said nothing.

"He'll talk eventually, let's put him in lock-up," Bellamy said.

"He's a traitor. On the Ark-" Hannah was cut off by Pike.

"We would have floated him. But we're not on the Ark." He looked at all the guards, "Lock him up,"

They pulled Sinclair away.

Jaycee stood up, she was about to walk away when she heard her name.


She turned around to see Bellamy.

"What do you want now?" She was annoyed.

"Tell me you didn't have anything to do with Sinclairs' plan," He said with a soft tone.

"Not idea what you mean," She said not telling him anything.

"Jay, I am trying to protect you, I don't need you to get the same sentence as Sinclair did," He told her.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you gave him his sentence." She said.

"Jay, I don't want you or Octavia to die, I am trying to protect you," He said, now grabbing onto her arms.

She scoffed and pushed him back, "You know we wouldn't need protecting if you didn't side with Pike," She told him truthfully.

Bellamy only looked at her, "See, deep down you know I'm right"

"Don't do anything stupid unless you want to get arrested," He told her.

She rolled her eyes and walked away, the last thing she saw was Bellamy walking up to Kane. She didn't stick around to hear their conversation though.


Jaycee was pretending to read again, she started to think, when was the last time she actually read a book? It had probably been forever.

She was then cut off from talking to herself when she saw Pike and Kane talking.

She barely heard them but was still paying attention.

She then heard Pike yell "Go," at his guards, she then got up and held the shock baton behind her as she quickly walked behind him as she heard, "As a matter of fact, I do," That was Jaycee's signal to shock-lash Pike. She did it until Pike fell to the floor unconscious.

"Nice work," Kane said.

"Yeah, well, I was going to do it no matter what, glad this was part of the plan," Jaycee smirked.

Jaycee had her earpiece in when she heard Harper, "It worked. We're clear. The guards have their hands full,"

Jaycee smiled, "Come on," Kane told her.

"Is the gate open?" Kane asked through the earpiece.

Miller was the next one to speak, "Waiting on you,"

Jaycee put Pike in the back of the rover with the help of Kane.

Miller spoke again, "Cargo locked and loaded?"

Jaycee got into the passenger side as Kane got into the driver's side.

"Affirmative. On the move" Kane said.

Kane starts to drive, as he speeds up near the gate he stops when Bellamy shows up in front of it, "Shit..." Jaycee mumbled.

"Get the hell out of the way, Bellamy!" Kane screamed out.

"Should've killed me yourself," Pike spoke from the back. Kane gives up and stops the rover, Jaycee wasn't giving up though.

Jaycee turned around, "You're right," Jaycee grabbed her knife and stabbed Pike in the shoulder, she was aiming for his neck but he was too quick for her. He groaned in pain.

She then hopped out of the rover to make a run for it, but she was soon stopped when someone shocked her with the baton. She screamed in pain, and Kane could see it as he was put in handcuffs.

They kept shocking her, she kept screaming

Bellamy looked at her to see Hannah being the one shocking her.

Jaycee fell to the floor, knees first in the mud, then she felt forward.

She passed out from the pain, she was then lifted up by some of the other guards, Bellamy just stood there looking at her. He then walked up to Pike and saw him grip his shoulder, "You okay sir?" Bellamy asked the chancellor.

"I'm fine, lock them up," Pike said to the guards.


Jaycee was the first one to be put in the cell, she was unconcious, Kane was in the interigation room. Sinclair and Lincoln looked at her, "What the hell happened?" Lincoln asked the guards who brought her in. None of them gave them an answer.

Lincoln walked up to Jay and looked at her, she was sweating like crazy, "Jay? Wake up," Lincoln told her.

Sinclair kneeled down, "Come on, Jay, Raven needs you, Jasper needs you, there are still people who need you," Sinclair checked for a pulse and she was still breathing, he looked at Lincoln, "Whatever they did, she's sweating like crazy, but she should be okay," Sinclair looked back at Jay.

Lincoln looked at the girl, they had a relationship like siblings, he treated her like a sister and she treated him like a brother, he was glad he met her.


Then Lincoln and Sinclair see the guards and Kane, they put him in the cell.

Kane looked at Jaycee and saw she was laying on the floor ontop of a makeshift bed.

"How long as she been out?" Kane asked Sinclair.

"Since she got here, I don't know what's wrong," Sinclair told him

Kane nodded, "Hannah shocked her until she passed out, maybe that's why,"

Lincoln whispered to them, "That could've killed her,"

Kane nodded, "They don't care, they saw her help me, she stabbed Pike, she's in deep, maybe more deeper than us,"

Lincoln looked back at Jay, she was still sleeping but she was looking better, less sweat, her breathing looked more normal.


Okay! So Jay is now uh.... yeah.

Lincoln really cares for her!

Kane does to as you can tell.

Bellamy for one cares but wont show it.

Vote and Comment! Thank you for 12k reads!

(Word Cound 2614)

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