๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘จ๐‘ณ๐‘จ๐‘บ๐‘บ๐‘จ | percy jack...

By vivimadridd

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percy jackson x reader "i'm much more when I'm with you." More

Q U E S T | (percy's pov)


24 1 0
By vivimadridd

(percy's pov)

I couldn't help but feel my heart drop when I saw y/n just ignore me when i entered her cabin.  We had just had a beautiful moment in her cabin and now she's acting like she didn't want to even talk to me. It really made me wonder if she cared at all.  I just looked at her and waited for her to talk to me.

The silence in the room was deafening.  I tried to break it with my voice, but my efforts were pointless. She was refusing to talk to me.  It was awkward, as if someone had just broken up with me.  I didn't know what happened between our conversation about the hair braiding and the silent treatment now.  I just sat there with my hand on my knee trying to talk with my eyes, hoping she'd would break the silence and answer me.

I was confused as to why y/n was acting so distant. I didn't think I did anything wrong, but she was treating me as if everything is my fault.  I couldn't understand her logic or her reasoning.  I was worried and I was afraid that I might have hurt her, but I still couldn't wrap my head around why she was acting like this. The silence between us was unbearable. And I wasn't sure if I could handle it anymore.

"Why are acting like this?" I said.

She finally responded.

"Me? Ask yourself that question."

"What did i do? Tell me. Please."

"Like you don't know, you're obviously still in love with annabeth. You promised me Percy."

Her words hurt me in a way I could have never imagined.  The fact that she thought I was still in love with Annabeth made me feel as if I might explode.  I couldn't believe she thought that, that I would betray her like that.

"I don't like Annabeth. She was crying over Luke. She needed my comfort. She's just my friend, and she needed me. Nothing more, nothing less."

Y/n looked at me with red glossy eyes as if she was crying before I got here.

I knew how hurt she was. I couldn't believe that she thought I broke our promise. I walked closer to her and hugged her without saying anything.

She hugged me back and stuffed her face into my chest.

"I only have eyes for you." I said softly

Y/n looked up at me in our embrace and she smiled
Her smile was so cute, it could light up a room instantly. She finally understood what the reason was for me being with Annabeth.

"Next time you think like that, you tell me. Understand?"

"Mhm. Understood." she said

We broke apart from our hug and she kisses my cheek.

Her kiss was so tender that it made me want to hold her. I looked at her as she pulled away from my cheek and I smiled back at her with a look of pure adoration. One kiss on my cheek was all it took to bring my entire mood up. I hadn't realized how lonely and sad I had been until I felt her kiss against my cheek. I felt my entire body relax into hers as if it was finally at peace again.

"I made something for you" y/n said


"A bracelet, I made it a couple nights ago."

As she handed me the bracelet, I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. It was such a perfect blend of her beautiful personality and her flawless creative abilities. It was elegant and delicate, just like her. The color of the bracelet was such a calming blue and white that it perfectly represented her beauty.

I was standing there with y/n and all I could think about was how beautiful she looked with her hair in braids and that bracelet she made for me. I couldn't help but notice how her gaze looked up at me with pure admiration and love. Then, without warning, she kissed me. I was caught by surprise but then I had a surge of emotions run through me as we shared our embrace. Her soft and tender lips felt magical and I didn't want the moment to ever end. We kissed and I couldn't stop smiling as I pulled her back towards me.

I turn my focus towards the window and notice the sunset.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." Percy said

"I shouldn't go out. Chirons rules."

I noticed that y/n seemed nervous and apprehensive about going out because of Chiron's rule. I wasn't sure if she didn't trust me enough to keep her safe. If we were to go out together, I would make sure to keep an eye on her and make sure she was always safe. I needed her to know I had her back and she didn't need to worry. So after a second of hesitation, I suggested we go out and see the sunset.

"Just to watch the sunset, i'll keep you safe." I said

"Fine, just for you." she said rolling her eyes playfully

I grab her wrist and basically drag her out the cabin, I took her out to long island sound.

We stood there, alone at this beautiful and secluded spot. The sun bathed everything in its golden sunlight and the air was filled with the smell of salt and sea air. It was a perfect setting for just the two of us. A peaceful and calming landscape, just enough to take your mind off the craziness of demigod life. And that was all we needed. Just us, the sunset, and the wind softly blowing our hair.

I had never seen anything more beautiful than seeing her lying on her side, facing me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her and the glow of the setting sun made her even more beautiful. The way her soft blonde hair blew in the wind added an extra layer of softness to her beauty. In my opinion, every moment with her was one worth remembering.

"Can I redo my whole confession, i know i told you how i felt in the wrong moment." Percy said

"Yeah, of course."

Percy cleared his throat, "I know you better than I know myself. I have fallen completely in love with you y/n. And I hate to say it took me so long to realize it, but i've loved you my whole life. And I cannot stress enough of how much i want you. Every single part of you, good or bad. I wanna be yours. I want to be able to call you mine

"Oh, my good looking boy. I know you love me, and I love you too. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Her words took all the air from my lungs. As she stared at me with her big, beautiful, blue eyes, I couldn't help but fall more in love with her. Her words filled me with a sense of peace. I couldn't believe that someone so perfect would love me, a demigod with an abundance of mistakes. I felt so lucky to have a someone like her. And I was gonna do everything I could to make her as happy as she made me. And that meant making her smile, laugh, and love who I was. I was going to make this girl my everything.

"I need to ask you something."

"Go for it."

I tucked her hair behind her ear and popped the question.

"Can I be your boyfriend? I can't imagine life without you."

she smiled before saying


I couldn't believe it. I was finally with the girl I loved and she had just accepted my proposal.

We sat there for a while, taking in the beauty of the sunset and each other. We laid back on the soft sand and looked up at the clouds and stars. It was a perfect night to be outside. I didn't mind sitting there forever but I knew that our curfew was soon coming. Once it was time to head in I took her hand and we followed the lights back to the cabins.

I was in such a good mood after the night that I couldn't help but have a big grin on my face. The beauty of the night was unmatched and I had spent it with the girl I loved the most. Our curfew was coming up and I began to take her hand. She was so beautiful and I hoped that this would be the start of something wonderful and meaningful with her.

I couldn't help but gaze at her in awe. Her blond hair blew gently in the wind and her big beautiful eyes just seemed so enchanting. I didn't want to stop walking with her ever. She was so sweet and gentle and I wished this moment would last forever. I let go of her hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Are you going to spend the night with me? I know you're not supposed to, but it's make me feel a whole lot better." she asked

Her unexpected question surprised me. I was a bit caught off guard by her request. I knew there was a strict curfew, yet she was asking me if I was going to spend the night with her. Was she willing to break the rules just for me? I couldn't believe it.

Then again, I was willing to do anything for her safety and I also wouldn't want to miss out on this. I thought about what would happen if we were caught but quickly shoved that thought from my head for now.

We walked inside the Cabin and I looked over at her as she began getting to bed. I thought she looked so gorgeous in her pajamas and the dimmed lights only added to her beauty. I couldn't help but stare at her as she got to bed. She made it hard for me to look away. She truly was a sight to behold.

"Do I sleep on the floor?" I asked

"No silly, here"

She pointed to the right side of her bed and before I could respond, she began lifting her comforter. We always used to sleep in the same bed as kids but I was a bit hesitant, due to the fact that it was be against the rules. But I didn't care, I wanted to be as close to her as possible and this was my chance.

I climbed into the bed beside her. She was already curled up and looked so peaceful. My muscles relaxed as I lay beside her and I had this feeling that I had wanted for so long, to feel safe with her next to me. The fact that she was in the same bed as me made me feel so peaceful and relaxed. I couldn't wait to fall asleep next to her and dream of our future together.

"Good night" she said as she kissed my cheek

Her kiss sent butterflies through my stomach and my heart was racing. Before I can say anything, she had already closed her eyes. The sight made me smile as I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

Just like that, the two of us fell asleep in each other's arms. It was the best night I had ever had. I felt so safe and comfortable in her bed with her next to me. I hoped that this feeling would stay with us forever because I didn't want our love to be tainted.

~ 12 am

I was awoken by the sound of glass shattering, causing me to jump out of the bed and towards where the window had shattered. I quickly checked the door to see if it was still locked. As I opened the door I heard voices coming from outside.

As I cautiously walked outside, the voices became clearer and it sounded like demigods. A few of them were laughing and joking about something and I could hear someone call for Chiron.

I suddenly heard y/n scream from inside the cabin that sent chills down my spine.

I snapped my head up and ran back inside the cabin.


It was Luke. The sight of Luke grabbing her instantly filled me with rage. I immediately broke out into a run towards the both of them. I was not letting that jerk take her away from me, especially not after the night we had shared together.

As I ran at him, I couldn't help but shout at him.

"You'll never learn. Let go of her. Now."

Without hesitating, I continued to charge at him. I was so pissed off that I didn't care if I got hurt or not. I just wanted this guy to get off of her at whatever cost it would take.

I pulled riptide out of my pocket, and made a cut into the arm Luke was holding her with. As I watched the blood dripping from his arm and he immediately let her go.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Luke yelled

"Are you insane? What's wrong me?! You're trying to hurt my girlfriend." I yelled back standing in front of y/n

"She's not your girlfriend." Luke replied.

Even listening to that jerk talk infuriated me more. He seemed to have no care for her feelings at all. The way he was treating her felt like a stab to my heart.

"She is—"

"Leave before you'll be sorry." He said cutting me off

"You're the one who should be watching their mouth. Don't you ever touch her again." I felt like punching the jackass in the face, but I kept my demeanor as I stared him down. He was the one who should back down at this point.

Luke smirked and laughed uncontrollably. He took out a glowing object from his pocket

"See you soon" He said turning his attention towards to y/n
He vanished in a flash. As soon as he left, the cabin door slammed open, It was Chiron.

When Chiron walked into the cabin, I could feel the tension in the room skyrocket. He didn't seem too happy about the state of things in the room. He had already heard the shouting between Luke and I and now he was coming to get to the bottom of things.

Chiron glanced around the room, the cabin had be completely trashed.

"Come with me percy."

I didn't hesitate to follow Chiron when he gave the command. It was obvious that my actions weren't in the right and Chiron was going to give me a stern lecture. I didn't care however. I didn't care if he was going to kick me out of the camp, it was worth helping you. I would face my consequences. The two of us walked out of the cabin and to the Big House.

"You're not in trouble. What did Luke say?"

"How did you know Luke was here?"

"Answer my question Percy."

In a quiet voice I explained the story to Chiron. I told him how you screamed and how my mind instantly thought of him pulling you away from me. I knew I probably shouldn't have let my emotions take control of the situation but I couldn't help myself. When I finished telling my side of the story, Chiron let out a sigh.

"Luke is a strange case. I tried to counsel him when he was here. He is aggressive. Luke is constantly pushing buttons, so it was no surprise to me that you two had gotten into a conflict. However, you must be careful when it comes to how you handle his type of behavior. Try not to lose your cool in the future, but I don't blame you for what had happened.

"He's more than a strange case, he needs to be put in an asylum." I said

"A bit extreme, don't you think?" Chiron asked. "While I agree that Luke can be a bit impulsive and arrogant, he is simply a representation of the god of war. Luke was just being himself. You should accept him the way he is."

"Luke literally attacked my girlfriend"

"I am aware of that. He has been known to pull stunts like this before. But you still have to accept that this is just his personality. I'm sure he doesn't mean any harm, but he just likes to mess with people. You should try to ignore them sometimes."

"He kidnapped her, and betrayed the camp. That says enough. Are you feeling okay? Am I missing something?"

"Yes, I understand. This is just how Luke is. He likes to be provocative. He also does his duties to the camp. You should forgive him. What he did wasn't very nice, but you should forgive him and move on. I know you two are new at camp, but this kind of behavior is normal for Luke. He tends to piss a lot of people off."

My jaw slightly dropped at his words. I couldn't believe him right now. That's when it hit me, Chiron had to have be brainwashed. I knew something was off. What Chiron had said sounded bizarre. Why did he keep defending Luke's behavior as if what he did was normal? It wasn't normal behavior, it was borderline psychotic. It seemed like Chiron was not the same Chiron that I knew.

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