Snowflakes In The Dark

By AvaElliot25

695 33 29

Born to a family who rejected her, Morana Kaida was the result of an affair. Cast out and hated for the loss... More

1: Two Dragons and One Monkey
2: Friends, Teams and A Sweet Admirer
3: Snobby Rich Bastards and A Pesky Fire Dragon
4: Secrets Revealed With A Return
5: Big Sis Erza?!
6: The Dark Guild Eisenwald and Lullaby
7: Once A Dark Mage Always A Dark Mage
8: Do What You Got To Do
9: What It Means To Be A Fairy
10: There's No Time To Sleep In A Situation Like This!
11: Recovering and Relaxing It's My Birthday, I Can Do What I Want.
12: Daring Does and Don'ts
13: The Cursed Island With Secrets To Hold
14: Just What All Do You Know?
15: Who Really Is The Coldest Mage?
16: Where the Trust Lies
17: What The Past Cannot Erase
18: Can We Please Go Home Now?
19: A Break From The Action
20: What's the Worse that Could Happen?
22: You Are My Treasure

21: This Means War

24 1 1
By AvaElliot25

It was early morning, and Morana was resting at the table. Her head rested in her hand's palm as her eyes closed.

"Did you not sleep?" Erza was the first to wake up as she looked at the ice dragon.

"No... Fairy Tail is under attack. I was keeping watch." Morana mumbles softly as she opens her eyes slightly.

"You should have woken me up; I would have taken watch," Erza states as she requips into her typical attire.

"It's fine," Morana straightened as Lucy began to stir in her bed.

"What? Good Morning." Lucy stretches out as she smiles at the two women.

"Good morning, Lucy. Did you sleep well?" Erza asked.

"Man, can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep." Natsu groaned in his sleep as he turned over and squished Happy as a pillow.

"I did," Lucy looked at Natsu, confused.

"Don't bother him," Gray muttered as he sat up.

"Good morning, Gray," Lucy stated as she slipped out of bed while avoiding stepping on Natsu and Happy.

"Just step on them. Maybe they will wake up." Morana muttered as she watched Lucy walk around the two sleeping mages.

"You want to go?!" Natsu mumbles in his sleep.

"Always dreaming of fighting." Gray sighed as he stood up and stretched out.

"Yes, I believe that is in his nature. However, he does need to wake up." Erza stated as she grabbed the back of Natsu's scarf and pulled him up. There was a dark shadow that covered Erza's face as she punched Natsu in his chest.

"What the hell?!" Natsu shouted as he was brought to reality while clutching his chest in pain.

"I didn't see anything." Gray and Lucy stated as they looked away from Erza, not wanting to be punched by the armored woman. Natsu was nursing his wounded chest as Morana got to her feet.

"Shall we get going?" Morana asked as she looked at Erza.

"Yes, that seems applicable." The armored woman nods as Lucy squeals before rushing to get changed quickly.


"Man, can't you let a girl get dressed without rushing?" Lucy wines as the team started heading towards the guild. It was a clear morning with few clouds and birds chirping.

"At least you weren't rudely waken up," Natsu grumbles, still rubbing his sore chest.

"Aye! And you weren't used as a pillow either." Happy adds while flying by Lucy's' head. 

"I slept just fine." Gray snickers.

"Yes, it was the best sleep I have gotten in a while. It was quite refreshing." Erza smiles. Morana walked behind the group as she was watching her surroundings. Her guildmates didn't notice, but she did. The looks of sympathy on everyone's faces left her confused.

They soon reached the Magnolia Southgate park, where a crowd was forming around the central tree within the park. Whispers and murmurs were spreading through the citizens as the mages walked through.

"Excuse us, we are from their guild," Erza stated firmly as they reached the tree's base.

"Levy?!" Lucy gasps as she covers her mouth in horror. Happy stood by her with his jaw dropped in pure shock. The cat couldn't find anything to say about the horrifying situation.

"Jet! Droy!" Gray couldn't believe his eyes as they looked upon their guildmates. Jet, Levy, and Droy hung from the tree trunk, held up by their hands with iron clasps. They looked beaten and bruised. Morana shivered as she remained emotionless upon the sight.

"Phantom Lord did this," Natsu growled darkly. There was a deep-seated anger burning in the fire dragon, and it made Morana question why.

"Would someone get them down?!" Morana heard citizens talk and question what was going on.

"Do you see that mark on her?"

Morana looked around and found that she didn't share the same emotions as those around her. She'd seen this type of damage before; it never bothered her. The ice dragon kept quiet as she glanced over at Erza, who had a grim look on her face. The armored wizard glanced back at Morana, or somewhat past Morana. 

"Master?" Erza stated as she looked back at their crucified guildmates. Master Makarov walked towards them as he walked with his staff. Morana was shocked upon seeing him dressed in his Ten Wizard Saint regalia. It sent a shiver down her spine as she stepped away from him. His anger scared her, but she knew it wasn't directed towards her. At least, that was what she kept telling herself. 

"I can take our headquarters being reduced to rubble, but I will not let harm come to my children without taking revenge." Makavro destroyed his staff with just a squeeze of his hand. "We have no choice but to go to war."

Morana felt the overwhelming emotions from her guildmates, and something in her seemed to understand the situation. It was foreign to her, and she didn't feel the same way but understood it.

"They hurt Levy, Jet, and Droy... What do you need me to do, Master?" Morana asked as she turned to him. Her expression never changed, but the older man knew what she was implying.

"You are to do nothing, Morana," Makarov stated firmly as he gave her a hard stare. His anger was understandable, and even though it left the ice dragon a bit unsettled, it was never directed towards her.

"Gramps! We need her!" Natsu protested as he turned to the older man. Morana was shocked by the fire dragon's outburst.

"That is enough, Natsu." Erza intervened. Natsu said nothing as he glared at them before looking back at Morana. The ice dragon still held an emotionless expression. It burned a fire in him to think that she didn't feel any anger towards what happened to their guildmates, but he kept it to himself.

"Um... I'll stay behind to look after Levy, Jet, and Droy." Lucy squeaked, a bit unsure by all the anger that was going around.

"That is a good idea, Lucy. Morana, you are to stay with her and make sure no one else brings harm to them. Do you understand?" Makarov nods his head as he looks at the ice dragon.

"Yes, Master." Morana bows before turning towards the tree. She used her ice to create a more accessible platform to get her guildmates off the tree. Lucy hurried after the ice dragon and helped her out, as did Gray, who had been silent the entire time.

"It's for the best, Natsu. We're going to war, Morana's had enough of that already." Gray said while glancing at Natsu.

Sometime later, Lucy and Morana were waiting in a medical room where their guildmates rested in the Magnolia hospital. Lucy was still distressed about the attack; the blonde was sitting by Levy's bed with a troubled expression.

"They aren't dead, Star," Morana stated. She was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"I know... it's just... it's horrible what happened to them. I just don't understand why." Lucy admits as she squeezes Levy's hand once more before standing.

"It's life."

Lucy glanced out the window with a good view of their destroyed guildhall. "Phantom Lord is heartless. How could they do this?"

"Pride... Greed, a hidden motive." Morana walked over to the blonde, not liking how upset she was. The feeling of wanting to comfort the blond wouldn't go away.

"You think there could be more to this than just guild rivalry?" Lucy asked as she looked at Morana.

The ice dragon looked out the window with a cold expression. "I think there is a hidden motive behind it. The Magic Council strictly forbids war against guilds. For Phantom Lord to act as they have, it's clear they are up to something more."

"What they've done is unforgivable..." Lucy started tearing up. "They're gonna pay."

Morana looked at Lucy with uncertainty. "Lucy... may I ask you something?"

Lucy quickly wiped away her tears as she looked at the ice dragon. "Yes?"

"I don't understand why you are getting emotional over this?" Morana admits as she looks at Levy. A sigh escaped her lips as she walked over to the other side of the bed and carefully brushed back Levy's hair.

"Levy's my friend," Lucy answered firmly. Morana turned to her, shocked. "I may be new here, but she became my friend! All because she found out that I was writing a novel. She didn't deserve this kind of pain."

Morana thought hard about Lucy's words. Levy didn't deserve this treatment, and neither did her friends. She was reminded of when she first met the bookworm for a moment.

"She was the first person to approach me once I joined the guild," Morana mumbled as she stepped back from the resting girl.


"Besides Natsu and Gray, yes." Morana nods as she crosses her arms. "She came to me asking for help getting a book she and her team couldn't get for a job. Jet and Droy were against it."

"Did you help?"

"Yes, I did. It was an easy job, and she tried to give me a share of the reward, but I refused. Didn't see it worth my time and effort for that mission." Morana paused before she sighed, "Jet and Droy didn't like me and continued to make rude comments; Levy was the only one who was kind to me."

"That's sounds like them." Lucy smiles softly.

"It didn't bother me, but the bookworm was sweet." Morana looked at the girl in the bed and smiled softly. "So I want to help fight against Phantom Lord. They won't get away with harming them."

Lucy smiled brightly as she saw how Morana seemed willing to protect Levy and the others. "Yeah! Me too!"

Afterward, the two mages headed into town to grab a few things. Morana kept a close eye on the blonde and along with their surroundings. Even though their entire guild left to attack Phantom Lord's' guildhall in Oak Town, she had a feeling that there could be a few Phantom Lord Memebers hanging around Magnolia. She wanted to make sure Lucy would be safe.

"I still can't believe that they all left." Lucy sighs. They were heading to Lucy's apartment after buying a few things at a grocery store.

Morana walked with her hands in her pockets, "It was bound to happen. I will admit, this type of camaraderie is something I've never seen before."

Lucy looked at her, shocked, "Wait, really?!"

"Yeah, The cult wasn't very..." She paused, trying to think of the right word to say. "Caring towards one another."

Lucy smiled sadly, "Hey, you're in Fairy Tail now! If it makes you feel any better, I'll fight for you."

Morana grew soft as she stared at the celestial mage next to her. "Thank you, Star... but I don't want you to fight my demons. I'm afraid you won't survive them."

Lucy pouted as she looked at the ice dragon, "At least let me do something!"

They paused as a light rain started pouring down on them.

"It's raining as the sun is still out?" Lucy held her hand up, confused, as Morana caught a scent. A growl left her lips as she stood protectively in front of Lucy.

"We have company." Morana glared at the woman who was walking towards them. She had a blue dress with a doll pinned to her chest. Her blue hair was curled around the ends in a tube-like fashion. 

"Who are you?" Lucy asked as she clutched the bag in her arms tighter.

"Drip, drip, drop, Juvia is the rain woman." This blue-haired woman stated calmly. "It's always with me."

"What?" Lucy stated wearily. Morana kept quiet as she analyzed the woman intently.

"And what sort of women are you?" Juvia had walked past the two, yet Morana couldn't sense any hostility from her.

"Uh... I'm the normal kind?" Lucy answered.

"I see, and you?" Juvia glanced at Morana.

"Someone you don't want to fuck with," Morana stated darkly. Her arm was held out in front of Lucy protectively as she stayed between them.

"Drip, drip, drop." Juvia pulled out an umbrella and opened it, "Please to meet you."

"What's with the drip drops?" Lucy asked. Morana observed the woman, not liking the magic energy flowing from her.

"I'll be going now." Juvia started walking off.


"Don't shout, Star," Morana stated, glancing at Lucy before looking back at where the rain woman came from. She felt another magical presence, but it was hidden well.

The ice dragon was right as the sounds of a man were heard. It was a strange, repetitive sound as the women watched a man emerge from the cobblestone path. Morana narrowed her eyes darkly.

"I say to you! Bonjour!" The man had dark green spiky hair and a brown suit. He sounded French.

"It's another weirdo!" Lucy cried.

"Lucy... when I tell you, run to the guildhall," Morana mumbled as she let off her magic energy to warn the two mages.

"Morana!" Lucy gasped, now alarmed by the situation, as she watched the ice dragon grow hostile towards the two mages. 

"Juvia-sama, you mustn't abandon your job now!" the man stated as his body wobbled weirdly.

"Monsieur Sol," Juvia mumbled. Sol moved over to Juvia's side quickly, taking Morana by surprise as she instantly put herself between them and Lucy.

"My monocle, it whispers to me, yes. It tells me that this mademoiselle is the problem Monsieur Jose warned us about. The mademoiselle behind this wretched woman is our beloved crible." Sol stated as he held his monocle.

"Oh, so it's them?" Juvia stated. Morana didn't like what Sol said about her; it only left her unnerved as she stood guard before Lucy.

"Crible? That means target." Lucy whispered as she was putting together pieces of information as the problem progressed.

"Lucy, run! Ice Dragon Freezing Winds!" Morana jumped into action as Lucy shouted and dropped her bag of groceries in fright. The rain turned frigid as it became ice shards as Morana lunged for the two mages.

"Oh my!" Sol stated as he melted into the earth, and Juvia jumped back to avoid Morana's' attack.

"Sol! She's an ice mage." Juvia stated as she manipulated the water to ready an attack.

"Yes I see Juvia-sama! You go after our beloved Cribe. I'll take on this brute of a monster." Sol twisted his mustache.

A dark look covered Morana's face as it sent fear down the mage's spine. "You lay a single finger on Lucy's body, and I will rip you limb from limb." There was a dark truth to her words as the Phantom Lord mages glanced at each other.

"My my! This mademoiselle is certainly not to be trifled with. Unfortunately, we are under direct orders from our Master to retrieve your precious Star." Sol chuckled.

"So, that means I get to kill you then?" A sadistic smile pulled at Morana's lips.

"If you can try, mademoiselle," Sol smirked. Morana lunged as Juvia darted around and after Lucy.

"Don't even think about it, water pest!" Morana shouted as she twisted her body around while casing her next spell, "Ice Dragon Frozen Blizzard!" A freezing blizzard started forming as Juvia found it hard to move.

Morana threw her coat off quickly and tossed it to Lucy, "RUN!"

"ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU SET OFF A BLIZZARD IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER!" Lucy shouted as she immediately bundled herself up in Morana's coat, but that didn't mean she wouldn't run away. "And I'm not running away! We're a team, remember!"

"Not this time, Star." Morana kept her attention on Sol as the blizzard had frozen Juvia's body completely. She couldn't heat her water body enough to overpower the cold. Sol, on the other hand, was a bit more confident as he dodged Morana's attacks. The frozen blizzard aided in her power as he melted into the earth.

Morana was looking around, searching for Sol's magic energy, as she turned and saw Lucy struggling against the firm, freezing winds of the blizzard.

"Damn it, Lucy! Go! I got this!" Morana stated as she turned to the blonde.

"I'm not leaving you!" Lucy protested as she could barely see Morana through the snow and ice. Yet she did see something behind the ice dragon. "MORANA LOOK OUT!"

Morana turned around, but it was too late. "Merci la Vie!" A golden magic circle appeared as pressure forced Morana to her knees. A horrific scream left her lips, leaving Lucy petrified as the blizzard came to a complete standstill in a matter of seconds. The clouds were gone, and the sun slowly melted the ice and snow. 

"My my! How unfortunate! A poor little girl hated by her own family for being born." Sol laughed cruelly as Juvia started to thaw out.

"Morana!" Lucy shouted. The ice dragon gripped her head and smashed it to the ground. Blood could be seen forming on her face and the ground. An agonizing fear penetrated her body as she was reliving her nightmares.

"This should do the trick, not a feared assassin but a pathetic little girl." Sol laughed cruelly as Juvia broke free of the ice.

"Monsieur Sol." Juvia mumbles a bit angered at the ice woman.

"Do what you must. This little girl will be no more in a few minutes. The petrification process is beginning!" Sol adjusted his monocle as he looked down at a struggling Morana. Her tear-laden eyes went wide as the memories hit, taking away her breath as her senses were brought back to a place of suffering. Sounds, scents, and emotions consumed her as her heart pounded with fear. It consumed her with a force, petrifying her like the stone she was slowly becoming.

"What are you doing to her?!" Lucy demanded as she pulled out a key.

"Mademoiselle Kaida here is not who you think she is—a horrible woman in my terms. But do not fret! You are the only one we are after, so we will not kill you. However, I can't say the same for her." Sol laughs as he bends strangely.

Before Lucy could say anything, Juvia raised her hand, and a water sphere encased Lucy, who started banging her hand against the water.

"Let me out of here! MORANA!" Lucy screamed for the ice dragon, yet the woman's body slowly turned stone.

"Save your energy; my water lock spell can't be undone," Juvia stated. A few seconds went by, and Lucy fell unconscious.

"Wonderful Juvia-sama!" Sol claps his hands.

"Shall we go now that we have the target?" Juvia asked as she glanced at the half-stoned ice dragon slayer.

"We shall!" Sol stated as the two left Morana to be petrified entirely in her terrors.

Her chest heaved as she struggled for the slightest bit of air, but all hope seemed lost as the heavy stone invaded her lungs and body, crushing them slowly and inexorably as the horrors of her memories consumed her. The stone spread throughout her entire frame, bringing the most horrifying and vivid images of her nightmares to life as she was forced to relive each horrific moment of torment, pain, and suffering that never seemed to leave her.

"Shadow Chimera!" A shout called out as the whips of a shadow darted towards the petrified ice dragon and consumed the woman's mind.

"Sugarbear!" Another shout and the sounds of rushing footsteps rushed to the woman.

"Don't touch her just yet, Aspen." Kai skidded to a halt beside Morana as he looked at Morana's frozen face. It pierced his heart to see the horrified expression that seemed to be permanently etched into her soul.

"Kai! What's happening?! Who would do such a thing?" Aspen cried out as she looked at her friend in so much sadness.

"I don't know." Kai looked at his girlfriend in despair before looking back down at Morana. "Come on, Morana, you have to fight back."

The petrification process stopped as Kai's shadow spell helped the ice dragon regain control over her mind. It was a slow process, but the stone on her body started to crack before slowly turning to ash. When Morana was free, she collapsed; her strength vanished. They weren't even sure if she was breathing. 

"Sugar!" As Kai turned the woman on her back, Aspen grasped the ice dragon's shoulders. "Come on, Morana, please!"

"Aspen... give her time," Kai stated softly. Tears were building up in her heterochromia eyes as she looked down at the unconscious woman. Seeing the usually happy woman so saddened was an unlikely sight, yet they weren't expecting this on their afternoon walk. 

"She... she looks so sad." Aspen pointed out. Kai understood what she meant as the ice dragon's face was scrunched in fear and sadness. Morana was struggling to find her breath as her mind raced with thoughts. It was a fight for her life to know what was real and what was fake. 

"It's okay. Morana is a strong woman. She'll bounce back." Kai did his best to reassure his girlfriend, yet he had doubts.

"Lucy..." Morana stirred as her watery eyes opened up; blood still trickled down her face from her banging her head against the cobblestone ground.

"Sugar!" Aspen smiles as she throws herself at the ice dragon.

"Aspen!" Kai attempts to stop her, but it is to no avail as the baker is sobbing on the woman's chest.

"I was so scared! You were turning to stone!" Aspen cried out as it took Morana a moment to realize what was happening. Kai was worried the ice dragon would negatively react to Aspen's physical affection and concern.

"Aspennie?" Morana whispered as tears flooded down her face. Her arms shook violently as she desperately wanted to wrap them around Aspen's warm body. The woman's scent brought Morana back to reality as the weight of her failure crushed the ice dragon. 

"Morana, what happened?" Kai saw how the woman was crumbling and wanted to get information out of her before she broke.

"I failed." Morana's voice cracked as Aspen helped Morana sit up.

"You failed what?" Kai asked as Aspen grasped Morana's shaking hands.

"I couldn't protect Lucy. She's gone; they took her. Phantom Lord took Lucy." Morana cried out as shock and horror spread through Aspen and Kai.

"Why?! Why would they take Sunshine?!" Aspen gasped as she realized how much this was affecting Morana. The ice dragon resembled a child as she cried uncontrollably with her balled fists, rubbing her eyes furiously. Her tears were mixing with the trickling blood that got in her eyes as she cried.

"I don't understand... why would another light guild do such a thing? Could it be part of the Fairy Tail's guildhall being demolished?" Kai started thinking of why as he watched the ice dragon break. To see the usually formidable ice dragon break down as she tore his heart. It was harder for Aspen to watch.

"Sugar, it's okay." Aspen pulled the broken girl into her arms as Morana's shaking arms wrapped around the woman. The gentlewoman was careful to caress Morana's' hair as she went through the bloodied hair and looked at her head wound. Kai admired how thoughtful and attentive his girlfriend was towards Morana. 

"NO! It's not okay! I failed to protect her! That man! Sol! He used a spell on me. It made me remember everything. It was scary." The woman was reduced to a child as she buried her face into Aspen's chest, trying to seek the warmth that was offered. Morana didn't' even realize she was getting blood all over Aspen's' chest, but neither she nor Kai pointed it out.  

It was clear now what Morana needed. Not wanting to invade the woman's space, but with Aspen holding onto the ice dragon, Kai gently patted the woman's head. He continued until he managed to pull Morana's' scarf loose and tied it around her head to stop the bleeding. His softness didn't' go unnoticed by Aspen, who smiled thoughtfully at his actions. 

"Everything is going to be alright, Morana. Just because you were caught off guard doesn't mean you still can't win. You need to get back up and try again." Kai's words were gentle as he looked at Aspen, hoping that what he was saying was right. The proud, loving smile on his girlfriend's face told him that he was.

Morana sniffs as she looks up from crying; his words struck home, reminding her of a long-forgotten voice. She looks at both Aspen and Kai with a newfound spark. "You're right... They took my friend, no... Lucy isn't my friend... She's my best friend." There was a fire in her snowflake eyes as Morana removed herself from Aspen's embrace. "Those Phantom Puppets won't get away with taking what's mine. Lucy is my best friend, and no one takes her like that."

Kai chuckles as he helps Aspen to her feet as the ice dragon stands up. The broken woman now resembled an angered dragon whose treasure was taken from them.

"I know you can do it, Sugar! You go get Sunshine back!" Aspen cheers, relieved to see the broken dragon putting herself back together once more.

Morana turns to them and smiles, "Don't worry, I will. If it's the last thing I do."

Morana looked around for clues, and to pick up any scents, she found Lucy's celestial keys abandoned and picked them up. It was easy to pick up Juvia and Sol's scents and figure out a plan of attack. The keys that Morana found were secured to her belt as the ice dragon started tracking the mages that took Lucy.

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