π‚π‡πŽπŠπ„ πŒπ„ || 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐔...

By mireux_hee

81.8K 3.4K 3K

Ever been so horny you gotta just cross you legs. I do it cause of him. My Dominant Master. ... More

Sunghoon - Chapter 1
Squabble - Chapter 2
Revenge - Chapter 3
Disobedience - Chapter 4
Threaten - Chapter 5
Dominance - Chapter 6
Possession - Chapter 7
Acceptence - Chapter 8
Coercing - Chapter 9
Apathetic - Chapter 10
Dating - Chapter 11
Desire - Chapter 12
Diligence - Chapter 13
Blithe - Chapter 14
Invidious - Chapter 15
Tryst - Chapter 16
Rendez~vous - Chapter 17
Feigned - Chapter 18
Affliction - Chapter 19
Labyrinth - Chapter 20
Fear - Chapter 21
Rivière- Chapter 22
Abate - Chapter 23
Pity - Chapter 25
Obeyed - Chapter 26
Ecstasy - Chapter 27
Pretty Doll - chapter 28
Epilogue / Cheeseball - Chapter 29

Tristful - Chapter 24

1.5K 100 105
By mireux_hee

Third person's pov

The days dragged on as Sunghoon remained softly devoted to Sunoo, preparing his meals, tidying up after him, checking on him each night without fail.

Sunoo was aware of it all - Sunghoon coming to his room when darkness fell, leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead, stroking his hair and cheeks with a feather-light touch, tucking the blankets snugly around his frame as the winter is approaching faster. 

Sunghoon's gaze held longing and sadness whenever it settled on Sunoo, and the younger found himself unable to focus on his plans.

Each time they sat together, he would forget he was not supposed to fall in love again, that he is supposed to use Sunghoon this time and then leave him behind, supposed to accept that they could never truly be together. Yet, Sunghoon's sorrowful eyes made it impossible.

"Sunoo-ya. I'll be back in the evening."
Sunoo stared at Sunghoon's broad back as he fixed his hair in the mirror, admiring his handsome features, his face calm and composed as he looked back at Sunoo through the reflection.

It was the weekend, and Sunghoon had to return to his home for some reason that Sunoo didn't dare ask about - in fact, he knew next to nothing of Sunghoon's mysterious past.

Sunghoon looked calm as he checked himself in the reflection, while Sunoo sat nervously on the edge of the bed, clutching the mattress beneath him.

He didn't know where Sunghoon was going or anything about his past really. Sunoo contemplated asking but couldn't find the words, unsure if he should pry. An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach at the thought of Sunghoon leaving for the day.

The older turned, his steps slow and deliberate as he approached Sunoo. Bending down, he left a soft kiss on Sunoo's forehead that made the younger's heart race.

"I'll be back." Sunghoon murmured, his deep, husky voice, Sunoo's eyes fluttered as Sunghoon's face lingered inches from his own, heat rushing to his cheeks.

Sunoo clutched at the sheets beneath him, suddenly feeling shy under Sunghoon's intense gaze.

As Sunghoon stood before him dressed in sleek black, looking unfairly handsome, Sunoo contemplated reaching out to hold him there. He yearned to pull Sunghoon close and savor his warmth before he left, to do something to make him stay a little longer.

But he hesitated, fingers twitching at his sides as indecision paralyzed him.

Sunoo stood back and gently adjusted Sunghoon's collar, whispering "Come back safe," with as much courage as he could muster.

His palms tingled where they made contact with Sunghoon's chest, heart pounding at their closeness. Still, he let his hands fall away.

Sunghoon emerged out of Sunoo's room, having tidied himself up, with the younger following close behind into the hallway.

"Eat up and I'll be back before you know it." Sunghoon said gently, tenderly brushing Sunoo's bangs from his forehead. 

"And put on something warm, okay?" he added, eyeing the shorts Sunoo had on.

Sunoo nodded mutely, staring down at his feet, yearning for more intimacy from Sunghoon. He agonized over whether asking for a kiss would seem too greedy.

Had he simply grown accustomed to Sunghoon's affectionate pecks, or did he truly crave the soft press of Sunghoon's lips on his own?

Sunoo's heart pounded as Sunghoon suddenly turned and left the apartment. He wanted to call out, to keep Sunghoon from going, but the words stuck in his throat. Gripped by longing, Sunoo made a decision - he had to kiss Sunghoon before he was gone.

Rushing to the door, Sunoo yelped in surprise to see Sunghoon still standing there, a knowing smile on his handsome face. "I knew you'd come after me." he said in a low voice, pulling the younger close.

Sunoo melted into Sunghoon's strong embrace as their lips met hungrily.

Stumbling back into the apartment, the door slammed shut behind them. Sunghoon's kiss was dizzying, his soft lips coaxing Sunoo's apart as his tongue delved inside.

Sunoo reveled in the intoxicating taste of Sunghoon, the hard planes of his body pressed against him. He wanted nothing more than this, to get lost in Sunghoon, to love him with abandon.

Yet a small voice within gave Sunoo pause. As much as his body craved Sunghoon, his heart was still uncertain.

Oblivious to Sunoo's inner turmoil, Sunghoon kissed him deeply, greedily, his hands roaming possessively. Sunoo responded in kind, pouring his conflicted emotions into each searching kiss.

Their heated makeout session turned languid, almost painfully slow. Lips dragging across lips, they nipped and pulled at each other teasingly. Sunoo sighed into Sunghoon's mouth, losing himself in the bittersweet kiss, pain and pleasure mingling.

Slowly they pulled away from the kiss, Sunghoon breathing hard while Sunoo panted softly against his chest.

Sunoo could feel the rapid thump of Sunghoon's heart against his cheek, the rhythmic beat both thrilling and soothing. He closed his eyes, losing himself in the vibrating timbre of Sunghoon's voice as he spoke, the sound reverberating through Sunoo's body.

He wanted to melt into that feeling, to drown in Sunghoon's warm embrace.

"Are you okay, baby?" Sunghoon murmured, brushing back Sunoo's hair.

"Yes." Sunoo whispered, the single word filled with emotion.

As they parted from the hug, Sunoo turned older one towards the gate, unable to meet Sunghoon's gaze, suddenly shy under the intensity of his stare. A fierce blush heated his cheeks as he gently pushed Sunghoon outside the door, closing it behind him.

Sunghoon stood confused for a moment before calling out a soft goodbye. As he walked away, Sunoo leaned against the door, heart racing.

The lingering feeling of Sunghoon's arms around him, his steady heartbeat and deep voice enveloping Sunoo in calmness and comfort. Sunoo's blush deepened as he replayed every sensation, hugging the memories close.

But the dreamy haze clouding Sunoo's mind was shattered as his phone buzzed in his pocket. Jungwon's message snapped him back to the cold reality - he was not supposed to fall for Sunghoon again.

As soon as his wicked plan succeeded, he had to cut all emotional ties and leave Sunghoon behind.

"Don't forget that you have to delete the videos." Jungwon's text read, making Sunoo's heart pound wildly in his chest. He knew what he had to do.

Sunoo flung open the door to Sunghoon's room, the familiar, comforting scent enveloping him.

"I need to find his laptop." he muttered, rushing to the study table and ripping open the drawers. No laptop.

He glanced around the room, mind racing.

The wardrobe!

That's where Sunghoon keeps something so private. Slowly, carefully, Sunoo crept to the wardrobe and reached up, holding his breath. His fingers grasped the key that he found hanging on the lock hole.

With no time to lose, Sunoo unlocked the wardrobe and frantically searched between the clothes and boxes until finally, his hands closed around the smooth, hard lines of Sunghoon's laptop.

Sunoo's hands shook as he gently placed Sunghoon's sleek laptop on the study table. Sitting down, he took a deep breath to steady his nerves before opening it, only to be met with the dreaded password screen.

"No, no, no." he muttered, raking a hand through his hair. Who knew what kind of password Sunghoon would use? He pulled out his phone with fumbling fingers and called Jungwon. 

"I found his laptop but there's a password and I don't know what to do!" he whispered urgently down the line.

Jungwon's panicked voice came through the speaker. "What, you already found it? Try his birthday date. What if that's the password?"

Sunoo grimaced. "But who uses their birthday as a password nowadays?" Still, with no other ideas, he carefully typed in the numbers.


"Think Sunoo is there any kind of particular date he talked about or ever mentioned the password accidentally."
Jungwon words immediately reminded him of something.

Sunghoon had changed his password a few days ago. Sunoo had caught a glimpse of the screen.

"Wait let me check." His mind raced to the day they started dating. With bated breath, he typed "1130".

It opened.

"It worked!" he yelled to Jungwon.

"Jungwon-ah, it's worked." As his friend reacted in shock, the reality sunk in.

Sunghoon had used their special day as his password. 

"What? You did? What's the password?" Jungwon asked, unaware of the storm brewing in Sunoo's mind.

Sunoo froze, his breath catching in his throat as the realization hit him like a punch to the gut.

The password was the date they had decided to take their playful flirtation to the next level - the day that, for Sunoo at least, marked the beginning of something far more serious than just a intimate relationship. 

"Mine and his dating date." Sunoo whispered under his breath, too softly for Jungwon to hear. A wave of guilt crashed over him, making him feel like he was betraying Sunghoon, the man he was supposed to love.

Why did Sunghoon have to use that date? Sunoo agonized.

Is he really serious about me, about us? Or is this just a game to him still? What's going on in his head? How could he not realize how much this would hurt me?

Sunoo grabbed fistfuls of his hair in distress, overwhelmed by the guilt and confusion swirling within him.

"How am I supposed to break his heart?" Sunoo thought miserably.

He knew he had to end things with Sunghoon, but the thought of inflicting pain on someone who is clearly now harbouring real feelings for him filled Sunoo with even more anguish.

The weight of his mistakes sat heavy on his shoulders as he tried to figure out what to do next.

Jungwon spoke in a firm yet caring tone, "Stop overthinking, Sunoo. It's all infront of you now. This is your chance to break free from his control."

"What if he is serious? What if he is sincerely apologetic?" Sunoo's fingers trembled as he opened the mail drive, videos of him and Sunghoon flashing onto the screen.

He vividly recalled that traumatic day - Sunghoon forcefully kissing him, violating his body, threatening and abusing him.

Though Sunghoon had hurt him deeply, his heart still ached with love for the man who had used him so cruelly.

"He will never genuinely apologize for what he did to you," Jungwon said, trying to make Sunoo understand the danger of returning to Sunghoon. "He isn't normal, he is a psychopath."

"Fine." Sunoo nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. With a shaky hand, he clicked on each explicit video of his and Sunghoon, having to witness the violations again before permanently deleting them.

Sunghoon's smirking face taunted him from the screen, reviving the pain and humiliation.

"How cruel." he whispered and erased every copy of the videos, desperate to remove the last traces of Sunghoon's abuse. From mail to recycle bin, he erased them from any possible place.

After checking for any remaining files, he let out a sobbing sigh of relief.

"I did it." he told Jungwon, lips quivering as Jungwon comforted him gently until he had calmed down.

Careful to leave no evidence, Sunoo put back Sunghoon's belongings before retreating from the room.


Time ticked by fast as it's already evening, Sunoo waited in his room, the minutes dragging into hours.

He sat huddled on his bed, phone clutched to his chest. Blankets were wrapped tight around his legs due to the chilly evening.

Fear arose in him. What if Sunghoon somehow found out that Sunoo had deleted their sex videos off his laptop? What if he realized someone had been on his mail?

Sunoo dreaded facing Sunghoon, dreaded seeing the anger in his eyes.

The sky outside grew dark as night fell. Sunghoon said he'd be back by evening - it was already after 9pm. Where was he?

Unable to stand the suspense any longer, Sunoo crept to his door and cautiously peered out. Just then, he heard the click of the lock and Sunghoon typing in the password of the entrance door.

Panic surged through Sunoo and he scurried back into his room, leaving the door halfway open.

He waited, tense, for Sunghoon to yell or accuse. But instead it was dead silence, followed by soft groans of pain.

It was Sunghoon's pained groan.

Sunoo froze, alarmed. Those groans tore at his heart, despite everything. Unable to stop himself, he rushed out of his room toward the sound.

"Hyung." Sunoo's heart dropped as he walked outside the room, seeing Sunghoon sprawled out on the floor with a pained groan escaping his lips.

"Hyung!" the younger cried out in alarm, rushing to Sunghoon's side and gently pulling his limp body onto his lap. He gently lifted Sunghoon's head onto his lap, hands trembling as he took in the damage.

"What happened to your face, yo-your lips-" his eyes widened in horror at the sight of Sunghoon's battered face - a nasty cut on his brow dripping blood down his cheek, his bottom lips had a cut.

Sunoo's hands trembled as he delicately traced his fingers over the wounds, hot tears welling up in his eyes.

Sunghoon's breath came in short, agonized gasps as he weakly clutched at his ribcage and Sunoo hastily lifted his shirt, gasping at the dark purple bruise across his ribs.

Panic seized Sunoo's heart. "Hyung, please wake up!" he begged, cradling Sunghoon close. But Sunghoon had already slipped into unconsciousness.

Sunoo's mind raced, thinking only of getting help. He scrambled to the kitchen, frantically splashing water on Sunghoon's face, but it was no use. Sunghoon remained limp and unresponsive.

Sobs wracked Sunoo's body as he fumbled for his phone with shaking hands, he called Sunghoon's friend Heeseung and Jake, voice urgent and afraid.

Heeseung and Jake raced up the stairs to the apartment shared by Sunoo and Sunghoon, panic rising in their chests.

As they rounded the corner and entered the open door of apartment, the sight before them made their hearts drop.

Sunghoon was passed out cold on the floor, his head resting in Sunoo's lap. Tears streamed down Sunoo's cheeks as he looked up at them with terrified eyes.

"Sunghoon-ah!" Heeseung called, rushing to their sides. Jake knelt down and gently lifted Sunghoon's head. A nasty gash cut his brow, blood dripping down his pale face. Dark bruises were formed around corner of his lips.

"What happened?" Jake asked, his voice tight with concern.

"I-I don't know." Sunoo choked out between sobs. "Help him Hyung."

Heeseung's hands fluttered helplessly over Sunghoon's passed out form. After a moment, he steeled himself and hooked his arms under Sunghoon's shoulders.

"Help me get him inside." he said to Jake. Together, they carried Sunghoon to his room and laid him on the bed. Sunoo trailed after them, tears still flowing.

"Go grab the first aid kit and some ice." Jake instructed him gently. Nodding, Sunoo rushed from the room.

Jake examined Sunghoon's injuries, relief flooding him as he determined the cuts were not too deep. But Sunghoon would still need antibiotics and bandages.

Moments later, Sunoo returned with supplies in hand. He hovered anxiously as Jake cleaned the blood from Sunghoon's brow and carefully disinfected and dressed the wound.

Once he was patched up, they could only wait for him to regain consciousness and explain what had happened.

"Sunoo, don't worry, he'll be fine." Jake and Heeseung's attempts to reassure him did little to calm his nerves as he fussed over Sunghoon, adjusting his pillow and smoothing back his hair.

Sunoo sat anxiously beside Sunghoon's unconscious form, worry etched into his delicate features.

Time crawled by at a snail's pace as the three boys waited with bated breath for any sign of Sunghoon stirring.

Jake and Heeseung's eyes grew heavy, their heads nodding off periodically before they startled themselves awake again.

Sunoo remained vigil, refusing to look away from Sunghoon for even a moment.

After what felt like an eternity, a pained groan echoed through the room as Sunghoon slowly regained consciousness.

His face was contorted in agony, brows furrowed and jaw clenched tight as he struggled to open his eyes. Sunoo, Jake and Heeseung rushed to his side, alert and worried for their friend.

"Hyung." Sunoo said softly, gently helping Sunghoon sit up and propping a pillow behind him for support. Sunghoon winced, tenderly holding his ribcage. 

"Sunghoon, what happened?" Jake asked, concern etching his features. Sunghoon sighed deeply, finally looking up and fixing his gaze on Sunoo's anxious face.

Sunoo stared back, fretting over Sunghoon's condition. But then a spike of fear shot through him as Sunghoon peered at him with cold, piercing eyes, as if he had found out - that Sunoo had deleted their intimate videos.

In his worry for Sunghoon's wellbeing, he had forgotten his original intention to confront the elder about the video that he deleted and leave him.

Sunoo's heart pounded, worried that Sunghoon had caught on to what he did.

"Heeseung hyung, Jake," he croaked. "I'll explain...later."

"Can you leave me and Sunoo alone? I need to talk to him."

Sunoo's palms grew clammy with fear as Sunghoon's icy stare pierced through him. Heeseung and Jake shared knowing glances, their eyes filled with pity as they left Sunoo to face Sunghoon alone.

An oppressive silence descended upon the room. Sunoo shifted nervously, struggling to find his voice under Sunghoon's harsh gaze.

"H-hyung, W-" Sunoo managed to stammer out before Sunghoon pressed a slender finger to his lips.

"Shhhh..." Sunghoon hushed, his voice smooth yet commanding. The younger trembled at Sunghoon's cold touch against his warm lips.

"Why don't you listen to me, Sunoo-ya?" 

"You've been very stubborn these days."


Thank-you for showing your love on my previous chapter so I decided to bring this one faster, since i can't keep you waiting.

I love the responses you all gave me.

I must say, it lightened up my mood, I guess a simple word of motivation does makes you want to do better. And I wanna do better, thank you my readers.

The word "my" feels so good.
Wish i was good with flirting but here you go -

Good girl, let's be together.*Heeseung's tone.*

I'm sure you can imagine his tone.😏

I'm obsessed with this pic of him.

Love you.😘

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