By BlitzMikaelson

706 38 58

After many weeks of being apart from each other, the Epic Love Soulmates, Klaus Mikaelson and Christy Mikaels... More

intro to characters part i
intro to characters part ii
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Three

20 1 2
By BlitzMikaelson



The next day, Christy is sitting in the driver's seat of her classic Honda Civic hatchback car. Luna is sitting in the passenger's seat and Trinity is sitting in the middle of the backseat.

(Christy's Outfit)

Luna is video chatting with Damien, who's at home with his little sister, Irene.

"Where are you up to?" Damien asked on the phone screen.

"My Mom is taking me and Trinity to the Temple of the Elder Gods and Goddess." Luna told him.

"So, pretty cool." Damien said with a chuckle. "Well, my Mom and Dad are on a breakfast date at St. James Infirmary."

"Hi, Damien." Christy greeted.

"Hi, Mrs. Mikaelson." Damien greeted her back.

"Where's Irene?" Trinity asked.

"In the main room, playing video games." Damien told Trinity. "I'll see you guys around."

"Alright." Christy said.

"Bye, Cuteness." a flirtatious Damien said on the phone screen to Luna and blows her a kiss.

"Bye, Damien." Luna said with a smile.

Christy notices the playful flirting between Damien and Luna as Luna hangs up her phone.

"That's so cute." Christy playfully teased her oldest daughter with a smile.

Luna playful smiles at her Mom. "Mom?"

And Christy smiles to herself.



Later that day, Christy, Luna and Trinity slowly walks atop of the rooftop balcony railing of the temple.

"It feels good up here. The warm gentle breeze." Luna said.

"Do you come here sometimes Mom?" Trinity asked.

"Not much." Christy said.

"Do you know what a Siren is?" Luna asked.

"Mermaid Sirens are the rivals of the Marena and Meri." Christy told her oldest daughter.

"We learned about the Mermaid Sirens in the Orasanian library. There's a lot of library books." Trinity said.

"Like a lot of library books and bookshelves." Luna said.

"Yeah, I know." Christy said.

Christy, Luna and Trinity exchange small smiles at each other.



That afternoon, Christy slowly walks inside the ballroom and sees Klaus with a box of stuff.

"What's with the box?" Christy asked.

"Triotcus and Aediphae came by with a box of ancient souvenirs from the Museum of Orasanian Mythology." Klaus said, gently sets down the box on the table. "And surely, these are amazing."

Christy chuckled softly to herself and gently takes a crown in her hands. "This is a nice crown."

And Christy looks at Klaus with a playful smile and he looks at her as she puts the crown atop of his head.

Christy imitates Klaus's English accent. "I am King Klaus. Ruler of New Orleans."

Klaus chuckled softly and she does too.

"Don't you two look absolutely cute." Marcel said, slowly walks inside.

"Hi, Marcel." Christy greeted him with a smile.

And Klaus gently takes off the crown from off his head. "Do you have something?"

"Fortunately, I do." Marcel said. "Vincent has managed to locate Aurora. She's driving somewhere on the road."

"She's still in New Orleans because she knows we're onto her and she doesn't have much time given the fact that she can flame out at any moment." Christy said.

"Then, we should hurry." Klaus said. And looks at Christy. "Chris? Do you want to come along with?"

"You men go on ahead. I'm gonna play with these ancient Orasanian souvenirs." Christy said.

"Alright then." Klaus said.

And Klaus and Marcel walks away, and Christy resumes checking out the ancient Orasanian souvenirs from the box.


- Third POV -

That afternoon, Aurora is driving on the road. She glances at the red "M" on her right inner forearm. She looks at the rearview mirror and looks back at the road.

Vincent Griffith is standing in the middle of the road and uses his magic to flip over Aurora's car sideways onto the road.

An injured Aurora gently slides out of the driver's car door. And Klaus pulls her out of it.

Aurora smiles at Klaus. "My sweet love. I knew you would find me."

"Get over yourself." said an annoyed Klaus and walks away while holding Aurora by her arm.



After being put to sleep by Vincent's spell, Aurora awakens and finds herself laying on a wooden bench.

She slowly sits up straight on the bench and looks at her ex-boyfriend, Klaus.

"I'm not surprised that you did not destroy me." said Aurora.

"You and I may have ancient history together, but you are no longer in my heart." Klaus said.

"So, you no longer care for me?" Aurora said. "And where is your beloved, Christy?"

"None of your concern." Klaus told her. "But, however, before Esther flamed out, she mentioned you and said that you would cause trouble for Christy. If you come after my wife, I would take great pleasure of watching you burst into flames."

"You would like that very much, wouldn't you, Nik?" Aurora said. "You can keep me here for how long you would like, but you'll be back. I know you will." She added with a sly grin.

And Klaus walks away.



That evening, Ana and Christy are sitting at a table with their drinks of bourbon.

"It's been a little while since you and I shared a drink together." Ana said.

"Yeah, it has." Christy said, taking a small sip of her bourbon. "Everything good with you and Elijah?"

"Yeah, Elijah and I are good." Ana said.

"Have you been on a sailboat?" Christy asked.

"Nope." Ana replied. And then, smiles. "What are you getting at?"

"Do you want to come with me to Mount Orasani. I know a Captain with a sailboat at the docks." Christy said.

"Okay." Ana said.



That night, in the study, Christy is sitting sideways position on the sofa, reading a book.

"You're such a bookworm." Klaus said, slowly walks inside the study.

"Yeah, I am." Christy said.

Klaus sits down on the soda next to her with a bourbon.

"Do you want to go with me and Ana on a sailboat at Mount Orasani?" Christy asked.

"Sure. It sounds fun." Klaus replied, taking a sip of his bourbon. "And just to let you know, I'm not a fool either, I have known what you've been doing."

Christy looks at Klaus, a bit confused. "What are you talking about?"

Klaus gives her a really look on his face. "Taking me to Mount Orasani, talking me into trying new things, and now, a sailboat."

"Okay, you got me, I've been trying to get you to branch out a little from yourself and get you to try new things because you never try new things." Christy told her.

"I'm not saying that I don't like it, I'm saying that I appreciate it. And I love you for it." said Klaus.

Christy small smiles at him. "I'm glad you do, and I love you too."

Klaus and Christy exchange soft looks at each other and they share a kiss.

"What are you gonna do about Aurora?" Christy asked him.

"I don't know." Klaus replied. "She's gonna flame out anyway again, but until she does, I don't know."

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