Adriens Nightmares

By Anabug3304

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Ladybug gave Adrien Agreste a gift. Everything seemed so perfect! Marinette fixed her mistake from the past a... More

Sleepless Nights
Sleepless nights 2
Fuzzy Memories
Questions and Questions
Late night talks
Accidents happen...
Love is in the air
Time to talk
Authors Note!
Double Trouble
Another Lie
Friends or Foes?
Awkward Encounters
Hello again...
Its coming...
10k reads!
Satisfaction brought it back
The Fox Goes Down pt.1
Discussions Discussions

The Fox Goes Down pt.2

40 2 1
By Anabug3304

While the wheels were turning in the young 17 year olds minds, their stomachs began to rumble. It seemed no matter how much you fed a teenager they were never really quite fully satisfied.

"Listen man" began Nino "all this thinking requires some serious energy. Lack of energy requires some seriously good croissants, maybe a few macaroons, and for sure a red velvet cupcake from the best bakery in the world."

The group chuckled before Adrien began, "I wonder HOW we can find this legendary bakery with the best chocolate covered croissants." Adrien finished before bursting into laughter which- in turn, caused the remaining 3 to burst into laughter as well. By this point, Marinette began to take the hint. Her friends were hungry (practically starving, it was a Friday afternoon, after school when the group met, now it was 10:30pm only surviving off the school lunch and 2 bags of chips (which Nino and Adrien practically finished).

Marinette rolled her eyes as she stood up and began to make her way down stairs. Normally they were always left with at lease a few dozen pastries from the day, the items that didnt sell but the Dupain-Chengs kept for thenselves. Surprisingly enough, while Marinette was making her way downstairs, Sabine and Tom were barely making their way up, which was weird as by this time they were normally laying down getting ready to go to sleep or already asleep.

"Up so late??" Marinette asked her parents in a playful but curious tone.

Marinette's parents giggled in union, "It was a very busy day today" Sabine said as a yawn escaped her lips "Tom and I managed as always, but regardless- it was definitely busy. We dont have any pastries left! Completely sold out" Sabine finished saying.

"Were you looking for a snack sweetie? I can whip something up for you and your friends if you'd like" Tom added. Even after their busy day, Marinette's parents were still willing to stay up longer just to please their daughter. Marinette didnt hesitate before answering that question,

"No thank you papa, I got it from here. You guys go get some rest, okay?" Marinette answered before giving her parents a quick peck on the cheek and continuing her way down stairs into the kitchen.

While in the kitchen, Marinette slipped on a black apron and grabbed her hair in a high pony tail before getting ready to make red velvet cupcakes. Although her friends wanted more things, there just wasnt the time to make everything their hearts desire and it was already late, she needed to make something easy enough to make in large batches but also not make too much noise.

Marinette texted her parents ahead of time she would be making cupcakes so they would be prepared for the noises they may hear (blenders and such). Just before Marinette began, someone entered the kitchen.

"Its okay I can handle this on my own da-" Marinette stated before stopping, making eye contact with the person who had entered the room with her.

"I can help, I dont mind" Adrien said "besides, I dont want to be a third wheel to Alya and Nino" Adrien ended before grabbing a white apron and tying it, making sure it was secured before making his way to stand in front of Marinette.

See, although they were technically having a sleep over at her house (for planning and funsies purposes) Marinette and Adrien were still in a tough spot. They hadnt really had any follow-up conversation on "their" relationship, after the reveal and answering Adrien's questions at the fountain, they had yet to sit down and have a real genuine talk about their feelings for one another. They both confessed and yet they were still worlds apart, they still had to avoid eachother at school in order to try to stop Lila from coming up with any more lies. Even so, regardless of the love confessions, literally what were they??? Just two friends who love eachother but cant be together??? How long were they supposed to remain friends, just friends? Would they ever really have the chance to be together with Hawkmoth still around??

Too many unanswered questions, too much tension in the room with just the two of them, and far too much passion in each others eyes.

"Uh- thank you Adrien" Marinette said "you really dont have to. I can totally manage on my own, its just cupcakes so I-"

Adrien cut her off, "I can help Mari, just take the help okay?" Adrien looked at her, kindness residing behing his dark emerald green eyes. Marinette didnt trust herself to speak another word without turning into her 15 year old self, who was nothing but a stuttering mess. So instead, she just nodded and continued taking out the ingredients needed.

Of course, the last ingredient she decided to get was the one on the highest shelf. As Marinette reached up for the flour, another arm reached up and grabbed it instead. She didnt even hear Adrien behind her, and she didnt realize how close he was until she turned around and her eyes met his.

Truthfully, Adrien didnt realize how close he was either. He was honestly just reaching for the flour until his eyes met hers.

Suddenly, the world just wasnt there anymore, the kitchen wasnt there and Marinette forgot about the flour. It was just them, nothing else and no one else mattered.

"Mari..." Adrien spoke first, barely above a whisper.

Marinette stayed staring at him, there was something in his eyes that Marinette couldnt quite understand. 'What are you thinking Adrien...' Marinette thought to herself, she just wanted to know if he really meant what he said, that fateful night when he told her he was in love with her.

Marinette wasnt lost in thought for 5 minutes before she was at a loss for air, but god she was not complaining.

Adrien gave Marinette all of 45 seconds to respond to him saying her name before completely engulfing her in his arms. He hugged her first then placed his hands on her cheeks and planted a kiss on her lips.

They stayed there a moment, passionately kissing each other like it would be their last kiss, and in a way- it felt like it would be. At least until Lila was taken out of the equation.

There was just- a feeling, that felt like the universe just had an issue with Marinette and Adrien. They had so many forces pulling them apart yet they just couldn't stay apart.

They stayed there after the kiss ended. Not a single word was spoken, they immediately wrapped each other in a warm embrace, no words were needed. In that moment, they silently understood that this hug and that kiss were the answers to all their questions.

Everything would be okay, they just needed to be patient.

Suddenly everything was genuinely okay, so okay it seemed like they were forgetting something???


Hello :)

I promise I will try to update regularly <3

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter🥰


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