Fable: Shadows Among Us (Book...

By KurtDestin

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#642 in Adventure (Since 3/19/17) This is about a young girl who travels through Albion which starts out as a... More

Chapter 1: I'm Ready
Chapter 2: Jack of Blades
Chapter 3: The Future Mayor of Bowerstone
Chapter 4: Amanda (Part 1/2)
Chapter 5: Elirva (Part 2/2)
Chapter 6: Whitney and Michael
Chapter 7: The Sprites (1/2)
Chapter 8: The Sprites (2/2)
Chapter 9: Abandonment
Chapter 10: Entering the Guild
Chapter 11: Training Part (1/3)
Chapter 12: Training Part (2/3)
Chapter 13: Training Part (3/3)
Chapter 14: Welcome Back to Bowerstone
Chapter 16: A Forbidden Love
Chapter 17: The Mark
Chapter 18: Twinblade and Theresa
Chapter 19: Peter or Phillippe
Chapter 20: Finally Home
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Bargate Prison
Chapter 23: The Explanation
Chapter 24: The Destruction of Oakvale
Sequel Info

Chapter 15: A New Path

49 6 2
By KurtDestin

A Year Later
(Lyllianna's POV)

Its been a year since graduation. Kylie, Peter, and I are all working hard as heroes. Whitney bought a house and moved down to Knothole Glade where she and Ben have decided to marry. Mia stayed in Bowerstone and is now a full time barmaid living in the tavern. Johnathan also is living in Witchwood as a guard down at the Arena. Peter and I haven't talked since we visited Bowerstone after graduation while Kylie and I visit each other when we get the time.

I woke up in a tavern bed with my hair knotted up. So I hopped out of bed not completely sure where I was and started brushing my hair with the brush I had in my bag. I pulled it back in a ponytail and headed down the stairs to find that I was in Oakvale. A lot has changed since I was young. I hear that my cousin, Chicken Chaser, has graduated and recently slaughtered the Wasp Queen in the Picnic Area by Lookout Point.

Then as I sat on a bench in the town, the Guildmaster rang "There's a new quest card!"

So I used my seal which can also be used as a cullis gate and teleported to the Guild. As I appeared, I noticed Thunder, Whisper's older brother, was chatting with Briar Rose. So I calmly ignored them even though they were literally my all time heroes and took the quest card which was on the map table.

The issue was in Oakvale. Apparently, a woman has claimed of something in the graveyard there and wishes a hero to see it rid of.

I hadn't been to Oakvale since... Ever! I made it to Barrow Fields but never actually went to Oakvale. The only time I ever saw a part of it was after its destruction. And all that I think about when my mind goes back there is that I failed my aunt.

I failed Scarlet Robe!

Then I stopped thinking about the past and hopped into the Cullis Gate.

When I got out, I was in Barrow Fields because you can't teleport somewhere you've never been and you can rarely teleport somewhere without a Cullis Gate too.

So then I think stepped out of the Cullis Gate and began o walking down to where the people are. As I walked, I saw the Grey House entrance and it sent shivers down my spine. Then I ran down the bridge and saw a newly rebuilt Barrow Fields. As I walked around, I saw a weird guy with a blue mushroom behind him and then walked into Oakvale.

It was so peaceful walking through those gates. Just as I fantasized that night in my dreams that last night before I left with Scarlet. I was so excited to know that I, Lyllianna White, actually had a family. But of course it was ripped away from me along with my mother and father. I miss them so much sometimes but I swore to myself that I would find them that day that I found out that they had left Bowerstone. Now I was in the center of the town. The people going about their daily buisness, kids running around, merchants selling items in their shops, all of it!

Then I looked down at the address that was written on the quest card and finally found the house that the woman who complained lived at.

Then I entered her house and said "Hello? Is anyone here?"

"I am." A man said. "Can I hel... Lyllianna?"

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Phillippe?! Is that you?"

"Yeah. Why are you here?"

"A woman said she needed a hero."

"Are you talking about Darla?"

"I think."

"She'll be here in a... Oh there she is!" He said as a brunette walked past me.

"Hey honey!" She said as she kissed him. "Who is this?"

"My old friend Lyllianna. By the way Lylli, Darla here is my fiancé."

"Oh, congrats! And I'm also the hero you requested at the Guild."

"Oh, okay. See you in a minute Phillippe." Darla said pulling me away.

"Bye Phillippe!" I managed to say before we were in the graveyard. "Okay, so what's going on?"

"Well, last week I was visiting my dad's grave when I heard a scream from beneath me. I heard a scream from his grave! It came from in his grave! So I need you to dig up his grave and see what happened. Can you do that?"

"Quests are hard and I like challenges."

"Thank Avo! Here's a spade and I'll reward you once the job is complete."


Then Darla walked off and I started digging. After 2 hours of digging, I hit something with me shovel. So I uncovered it and it was an ancient door with odd symbols carved into the metal.

"This is odd, is this his coffin?" I said in my head.

Then I saw a small insertion and I remembered something from a long time ago but highly doubted it would work. So I pulled off my locked and placed it in the compartment. It cracked open. Then I pulled it open and saw that it opened up an old chamber. So I walked in and it had this stuff on the walls that glowed which allowed me to see. Then I looked to my left and saw the coffin that Darla's dad was in.

So then I kept walking toward and was on my edge to make sure I wouldn't get ambushed. After about 5 minutes. I walked into an area and it lead to a huge opening. In it were pillars and carvings. Then I walked in further and tripped. When I got up, I looked to see what I had tripped over and realized it was a skeleton. It looked as if it's been down here for centuries at the least. Then I looked past the pillars and saw multiple thrones.

"Where in Skorn's name am I?" I thought in my head.

"Hello! Is anyone here?" I yelled.

"Who approaches?" A deep voice rang.

"My... My name is Lyllianna White."

"Lyllianna White, why are you here?"

"Someone, or something, was heard screaming from down here..."

"Well that was the Court calling for souls. Now since your here you may not leave alive."

"Who are you? You can't keep me here!" I said as I drew out my sword.

"We are known as the Shadow Court!" The spirit said as a bunch of white eyes appeared in the darkness surrounding me. "And perhaps there is a way to, negotiate your leave..."

"What do you mean?"

"You have been struck." Then a bolt of magic struck my chest and I started shrieking in pain. "You must take the stone of destruction and give it to your cousin Theresa. She is the only one who can destroy it and make sure the sword isn't used. Then you will remain in Albion until you are called. Now go!" He said as I hit the ground and passed out.

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