The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

Von Amity3775

103 0 0

Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... Mehr

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town
2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again
6 - Laser Tag
7 - The Plan Falls Into Place
8 - It's All Gone.
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold

11 0 0
Von Amity3775

Kaz was sitting on his desk chair, he was working the afternoon shift with Oliver and Skylar.

He was spinning around in his chair. "Ugh! I'm bored!" He complained. "Who knew a slow shift would be so boring!?" He whined as Cody walked in with her clipboard.

"What's up Kaz?" She asked as Kaz looked at her.

"You know just... living the dream. If the dream is working till your brain explodes."

"You're bored again, aren't you?" Cody asked in annoyance and a not at all surprised.

"So bored!" Kaz exclaimed. "Nothing cool has happened in like 3 hours!"

"Well Skylar... this is all you need to know about Kaz." Oliver joked Cody smirked before using her Telekinesis to make a pin fall on him. 

"Ow." Kaz said pulling the pin out and putting it on the counter "why would you do that?" He asked, in annoyance.

"That wasn't me." Cody smirked pulling the front strands of her hair in a small ponytail on the back of her head. She then using her telekinesis to tip Kaz' chair over causing him to fall out of his chair. He hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow!?" He said sitting up and looking at her.

Cody giggled "that one was all me." She grinned evilly as Kaz scrambled to his feet. 

Kaz made a scared face "Stay away from me! stay away from me!" He said running off and Cody ran after him.

"Oh, come on! really?! Come back here!" Cody laughed, immediately running after him.

Skylar looked at Oliver. "Are we just going to let them go?" she asked. 

"Works for me," Oliver retorted as his eyes never left his laptop. 

Kaz ran back into the room minutes later with Cody still chasing him. She rushed to him and tackled him to the floor. "Ha! Pinned you!" She spoke.

"Cody let me up!" Kaz snapped as Cody rolled her eyes. 

"Fine..." She smirked getting off of him. She walked to her desk and sat down. 

Skylar smirked at Oliver who also smirked. They hate each other so much it must be true love. "Yeah, this is so painful to watch! you argue like an old married couple and you flirt 24/7! Just Kiss already!" Oliver complained. 

"What?! first of all, no we don't. second of all, huh?!" Kaz exclaimed in disgust.

"Yeah, you obviously like me! no... I take that back. You LOOOOOVEEE me" Cody teased, with a smirk.

"You should really shut the fuck up." Kaz snapped in embarrassment. 

"Heh heh! you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" Cody laughed.

"Oh, shut up Stray Cat!" Kaz laughed.

"Kaz, don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't think you were that much into girls." Skylar smirked.

Kaz Looked up and made a face tilting and turning his head slightly before straightening it. "Well since we're on the subject I didn't think you were that much into guys." Kaz lifted his arms up as if saying 'really?', taking a step towards her with a grin.

"Kaz!" Cody exclaimed as he just raised both of his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I'm genuinely curious to who's stronger physically, Kaz or Cody? I think it's Cody." Oliver smirked.

"It's definitely me." Cody grinned smugly.

"Don't let your ego skyrocket." Kaz scoffed "Like you're stronger than me," 

"I am... I have super strength." Cody smirked wrapping her hand around his bicep and lifting him up into the air with one arm. 

"A-h..." he stuttered nervously when he realized that Cody was lifting him. he looked around and his feet were no longer touching the floor. 

Cody looked up at him and smiled. Kaz gave her literal heart eyes after that. he was so in love when Cody picked him up, but he immediately snapped himself out of it when his feet were back on the ground.

"Bro was so in love once she picked him up." Oliver said to Skylar who laughed.

Cody rolled her eyes, before looking at Kaz. "Anyway, today I wanted to do something with you, because. Alright so- sometimes-" She was cut off by Kaz.

"I like it when you think of things to do with me. It makes me feel honored, loved, and a part of your life." Kaz said with a small grin.

"Shut up." Cody said in an annoying tone of voice.

"Thank you." Kaz smiled.

"Uh, so anyway-" Cody started. "Since we have all this time, how about we go train... even though you're ready it's still good to practice. and maybe you can help me with my powers too." Cody smiled as Kaz smirked.

"that's a great idea lets go" Kaz said as he and Cody walked into the training room. 

Cody led Kaz to a secret room that is built to train powers. it was a large obstacle course.

"Alright Kaz, I will show you how this works and then you have to complete the obstacle course" Cody smiled as Kaz nodded.

Cody pressed a button to turn on the contraption. She jumped into the maze, and she got to a door that has five circles. the one on the left glowed purple for electrokinesis. she shot a blast of electricity at the circle and the door opened.

she then dodged moving targets with her enhanced agility and used her gymnastics to dodge projectiles. another wall appeared with a yellow glowing circle in the middle. Cody blasted cosmic energy at it and the wall disappeared.

Then she opened a space portal to bring her across the gap in front of her, then using her super senses to dodge more moving attacks. There was now a machine that fired ceramic discs at her and she used her proton rings to destroy all three fired. 

She then used her power of flight to fly through the tunnel, emerging at the other side. then flying up back to where Kaz was standing.

"Okay, you're turn." Cody smiled as Kaz smirked.

he went through the same process as Cody except he used his fire powers on the projectiles and as Cody was timing him, He came out not much slower than her, 

"So... how'd I do?' Kaz asked as Cody's mouth was hanging open.

"Kaz, I'm impressed. that was not much slower than me. good job!" Cody smiled.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this." Kaz smirked smugly,

"don't get cocky, Kaz. never underestimate your enemy." Cody advised as Kaz nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind." Kaz chuckled as Cody and Kaz walked back into the lobby of the hospital.

"Now that we're done training, do you maybe want to go to the movies with me?" Kaz asked Cody and Oliver and Skylar said simultaneously. 

"Duh!" as Kaz raised both his eyebrows at them and Cody gave them an annoyed glance.

"Oh... her..." Oliver said raising his hand up horizontally as if he were presenting someone or something.

"I would love to go to the movies with you Kaz," Cody smiled with a small blush. 

"Great. you want to head out now?" Kaz asked as Cody smiled.

"I'd love to." She smiled following him out of Mighty Med, leaving Oliver and Skylar there alone. 

"How long do you think it will take for Kaz to realize Cody's in love with him?" Skylar asked.

"Hard to say, he seems pretty oblivious." Oliver said with a shrug.


After the movie Kaz and Cody walked out of the theatre. It was pouring down rain, and there was a chill in the air. Kaz and Cody started walking down the street. Cody pulls the hood up on her jacket, and Kaz did the same. his jacket was somewhat waterproof, so he was dry and warm. 

Cody walked side by side with Kaaz, her body pressing against his because he was warm. The rain started to pick up speed and the amount of rain falling from the sky increased dramatically. Cody's was cold and wet and hungry. She crossed her arms shivering slightly. 

Kaz glanced over at her and saw she was shivering. her hair was soaked, and her clothes were soaking wet. "Are you cold?" Kaz asked as Cody looked at him. 

"No." she said without hesitation.

"You're literally shivering."

"I said I'm fine, Kaz" Cody snapped as Kaz took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. 

"Wrap that around you..." Kaz said as Cody smiled a bit. he wrapped his arms around her.

"My house is right around the corner... we can chill in there until the storm passes." Kaz said as Cody nodded. 

He led her inside his house and up to his room. he sat her down on the bed and rushed to his dresser to get her some dry clothes. He grabbed her one of his warm and soft sweatshirts and a pair of pajama pants. he walked over and handed them to Cody. 

"Here put these on, and I'm going to make you hot chocolate." Kaz said, with a smile as he walked out of the room.

"Kaz?" His mom asked. 

"Mm?" Kaz responded, warming up the milk for the hot chocolate and preparing the condiments.

"Make sure Cody doesn't catch a cold." she smiled as Kaz nodded.

"Uh huh." he said as he went to finish his task.


Cody took her wet clothes off. throwing her shirt, her pants, her jacket, and her socks to the side. she slipped Kaz' hoodie over her head. It was a navy-blue fabric and it felt like sitting in a puddle of puppies, or swimming in a cloud. it was so soft she doesn't think she wants to take it off.

she put on the pajama pants, sitting back on Kaz' bed. 

Kaz walked in with a mug of hot chocolate, "here you go." He said trying to hand her the mug.

"Did you add whipped cream?" Cody asked.




"Warmed up for 2 minutes?"


"Chocolate and caramel syrup?"






"I love you!" Cody said snatching the mug from him. Cody started to drink the hot chocolate and had marshmallowy, chocolate delight all around her mouth. 

Kaz chuckled.  "Trust me, even after all these years I still know how you like your hot choclate." he then noticed her face.

"Cody, you have a little..." He began before using his sleeve to wipe the chocolate from her mouth. 

Cody giggled as she offered some of her hot chocolate to Kaz. 

He smiled and grabbed the mug of hot chocolate. Kaz doesn't notice that this was the first time he didn't even bother scanning the mug someone else gave him before taking a sip. He trusted Cody so much, that his usual habits didn't even cross his mind.

"Kaz... do you realize what you just did?" Cody asked with a smile.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"You didn't scan your cup before you drank after me... you used to be finicky when it came to drinking after people."

"Well, I grew up. I drink after Oliver sometimes... and sometimes Skylar, but don't tell her that." Kaz chuckled.

Cody smiled for a second before she sneezed. she has been shivering this whole time.

Kaz' head snapped towards her. She sneezed again. as much as Kaz wanted to say her sneezes were cute, he was worried, nonetheless. Cody drank the last bit of her hot chocolate and set the mug down on the side table.

"You're sneezing." Kaz said sitting next to her. 

"Yeah, no shit!" Cody said sneezing again. she started shivering and crossing her arms to try and warm herself. 

"You might have a cold..." Kaz said as Cody's shivering got worse. he sat next to her and put a hand on the back of her neck and one on her forehead. "Your body temperature is very low." He said as he grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around her. 

"T-thank you." she said her teeth chattering.

"The cold might be messing with your powers. your body temperature is dropping fast." Kaz said. he is a doctor. he knows what he needs to do. He removed his shirt and throws it aside. Cody's eyes went wide as she noticed his subtle 6-pack and his toned body. he wasn't extremely muscular, but he wasn't unfit either. he sat on his bed his back against the headboard. 

he holds out his arms. "Come here Cody," he said as Cody knows he was only trying to warm her up. she scoots next to him, and he wraps himself and her in the blanket. Since he was a superhero with fire powers his body temperature was naturally warm. she got comfortable in his warmth, and it made her feel a little better. 

"Thank you, Fire-Boy" Cody says softly as Kaz chuckled. 

"No problem, Stray Cat." he replied kissing the top of her head. he turned on a movie for both of them to watch while they were laying there.

"You know, you're the only person I would let cuddle me like this. and only because I had hypothermia." Cody points out,

"Yeah. I don't mean anything by it... I just want you to be safe" Kaz smiled as Cody smiled to herself.

About an hour later, Cody was feeling warm again. She sat up and looked at Kaz. "Thank you." she blushed before getting his shirt from the corner of the bed and threw it at him. "Now get dressed!" she demanded playfully as Kaz followed her order.

They headed out and went back to Mighty Med and walked into Oliver and Skylar sound asleep.

"This is why we can never leave Oliver to work here alone." Cody sighed. 

"Well, it is Oliver..." Kaz pointed out.

"True, we should let them get in trouble," Cody pointed out.

Then Cody's phone rang. Tecton was calling her. "Let me take this..." Cody replied answering the phone "Hello?"

"Cody, do you have a minute?" Tecton said on the other line.

"Yeah. is something wrong?" Cody asked, recognizing the voice.

"Cody, I'm calling on behalf of the League of Heroes. Mr. Terror is on the loose. she is causing Havoc around the city, and she is looking for Oliver. I had a chat with them and told them you were ready to be a real hero. They told me they want to recruit you in the league of heroes to help stop her and other villains." Tecton answered sounding happy.

"Wait what?" Cody asked, her eyes widening.



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