Sycamore Tree {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

439K 14.9K 729

The Queen is dead and her best friend is angry. Elowen Redfort, Queen Aemma's Lady-in-waiting and close... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Part Three
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Four
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Forty-Eight

4.2K 209 1
By rainbowkiller0

Three days after Aemond and Rhaena's wedding, while the new King and Queen eased into a life of marital bliss a ship waving flags with a black stag in the middle of a field of yellow. Wheelhouses had been sent to wait at the docks with strict instructions to bring the new arrivals straight to the Good Wife.

Elowen's feet itched to pace the length of the Great Hall as she waited for whatever news had been brought to her doorstep. She stood alone with only members of the kingsguard to keep her company, Elowen had urged Aemond and Rhaena to enjoy the beginnings of their marriage, promising she would deal with whatever was needed.

Her hand reached up, adjusting the new crown that sat upon her head. Following Aemond and Rhaena's wedding ceremony, Elowen had gifted her new daughter Alysanne's crown. Within two days, Aemond was presenting his mother with a new slimmer diadem. It mimicked the shape and peaks of Viserys's crown, at the forefront rested a large ruby encircled by two golden dragons. Elowen had teared up at the gift, pressing a kiss to her son's cheek before ushering him back to his wife.

"Lord Borros Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands." Ser Harrold announced as the thickset noble entered the Great Hall, followed by his daughters. "And his daughters, the Ladies Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn, and Floris."

"Your Grace," The large Baratheon greeted Elowen, bowing in respect to the Queen Mother. "It is with my house's deepest regret we were unable to attend King Aemond's wedding."

"Your absence was deeply missed," Elowen lied, placating the man. In all honesty House Baratheon's absence went by unnoticed. "If you had hoped to meet with His Grace I must inform you he is not taking visitors at this time."

"I do not show up empty handed, Your Grace. I believe King Aemond will want to see me."

"As I said, His Grace is not receiving visitors at this moment. However, I would be happy to see this gift and tell the King of it."

Lord Borros bristled for a moment, angered by Elowen's refusal to allow him to see the King. "Very well." He grit his teeth, turning back to the doorway to call out.

Several knights of House Baratheon's household guard entered the Great Hall, a short figure hanging loosely in their tight grips, his feet dragging behind him. A burlap sack had been thrown over the captives head, hiding his face and features from Elowen. Even the rags he wore gave her no indication of the prisoner's identity.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Borros?"

A loud, cruel laugh bubbled up from the lord's chest as he ordered one of the knights to remove the sack. A head of dark brown hair limply fell forward. "I bring you the traitor, Prince Lucerys," Borros tightly gripped the brown locks, yanking Lucerys's head back so that Elowen could see him. "The boy came to Storm's End to remind me of my father's oath."

Elowen's hands flew to her lips, covering her mouth as shock, concern and disgust radiated through her. Lucerys's face was a mess of bruises and flakes of dried blood, his right eye was swollen shut and the left side of his neck was covered in dried blood. Nausea welled up in Elowen, as bile threatened to climb up her throat.

She forcibly swallowed, tearing her eyes away from the young teen to look at the monstrous man that had ordered his torture. "Thank you for your service to the Crown, I shall alert His Grace of this at once." Elowen turned to the Castle Guard that still surrounded her. "Escort House Baratheon and their knights to their guest chambers." The knight nodded, moving forward to usher the Lord of Storm's End forward.

Lucerys slipped from the hands that had been holding him, falling onto the cold stone floor. Elowen waited until House Baratheon had left the Great Hall before she fell to her knees beside her grandson. She ached to reach out and comfort him, but feared she would cause him more pain.

"Ser Harrold help me bring Prince Lucerys to my apartments," Elowen ordered as she looked to the two kingsguard with her. "Ser Erryk, call for Orwyle and tell him it is urgent, but give him no more information."

The younger white cloak nodded, rushing from the room while the Lord Commander knelt beside Elowen and gently lifted the unconscious prince into his arms.


The Air was tense within Elowen's private apartments. Ingrid and Gretchel silently dressed the young prince, taking care not to cause him any more harm than he had already sustained. Orwyle stood beside the large round table, quietly mixing more herbal poultices and salves.

"Will he be alright, Orwyle?" Elowen asked, though her eyes remained locked on the sleeping boy.

"He has sustained a great amount of injuries, Your Grace." Orwyle responded. "He might maintain some of the hearing in his left ear, I will not know the true extent of the damage until Prince Lucerys awakens and is able to share the truth of what he experienced."

"And his leg?"

"Time will tell, but most likely it will need to be amputated if the bones do not heal correctly."

Tears welled within Elowen's eyes as she thought of the pain Luke had sustained. "Who could do such a thing?"

"Lord Borros has always been temperamental and belligerent." Orwyle laid a hand over Elowen's shoulder. "The King will need to be informed."

"I know," Elowen sighed. "It cannot be avoided."

"It would be best to tell him before word reaches him through someone else."

Elowen merely nodded, agreeing with Orwyle's advice. She knew he was correct, that Aemond needed to know.


Night had fallen over King's Landing, an inky darkness spreading over the city that was kept at bay by the lights in the squares as the small folk continued to celebrate a new King and Queen. Elowen watched as the lights danced in the distance, she had been unable to find sleep, instead choosing to keep watch over Lucerys's sleeping form.

The sound of a door being thrown open interrupted the peaceful quiet of the night, frightening Elowen as she turned from the window.

Aemond's gaze was sharp as he stormed into his mother's apartments, his eye wild as he searched for his reason for entering.

"Aemond, what is the meaning of this?" Elowen questioned, moving away from the window to meet her son in the middle of the room.

"Where is he?" Aemond barked.

"What are you-"

"Borros brought Luke and I want to know where you have hidden him!" Aemond yelled, causing Elowen to flinch. For a short moment he faltered, apologies pooling on his tongue.

"Have a seat." Elowen directed, moving to the settee facing the extravagant fireplace. Flames danced on the wicks of candles scattered around the room, chasing away the shadows cast by the fire burning in the hearth.

Aemond sighed following after his mother. He waited for a moment as Elowen poured two goblets of wine and passed one to him. "Mother-"

"It is true," Elowen interrupted, sipping at her wine in an effort to gain courage. "Lord Borros brought Lucerys to the Red Keep."

"Why was I not made aware?"

"I had every intention to tell you."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Luke arrived at Storm's End the day after Jace arrived here," Elowen paused, giving Aemond a moment to process her words. "Borros had Luke sharply questioned, whether that was for the good of the realm or as a balm for his wounded ego, I do not know. What I do know is that Luke has endured immense pain."

"Why tell me this?" Aemond questioned.

"I know you have held onto this anger for what happened on Driftmark," Elowen leaned forward, taking Aemond's hand in her own. "But you are a man grown, and I worry for you if you hold onto this resentment."

Aemond sighed, relaxing into his mother's touch. "What would you suggest I do then?"

"Forgive him." Elowen gently suggested.

"What of my eye, mother? What shall his punishment be for that?"

"Your father and I dealt with that years ago," She squeezed his hand in her own, she wanted to be both a comforting figure but also urge Aemond to release his anger and resentment. "If you want to order his eye to be removed in return, I cannot stop you. You are King, Aemond. I only wish for you to be kind like your father was." Elowen sighed, staring into the flames dancing in her hearth. "Luke is not your enemy, Rhaenyra and Daemon are if they do not bend the knee."

Silence followed her words as Aemond processed his mother's suggestion. 

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