Permanent Rebellion

By GalacticHime

784 10 0

Sooo I got into Hazbin Hotel. I'm addicted to Adam, as much as douche he is I adore diving into characters li... More

To The Pit We Go
Stained Glass Eyes
As It Was
Why Does My Heart Cry?
Emergency Contact
Death of An Executioner
Back of My Mind
Stress Relievers
Stepping Stones
Bound To You
Close To The Sun
What I Was Made For
Match Into Water
The World We Knew
Hells Coming With Me
Secret Garden
Wrecking Ball
The Ghost of You
Vending Machine of Love
Deep End
Bad Apple
Picrew break pt 1
Shared Trauma
Isn't Lovely
The Only Exception
My Own Worst Enemy
Like I Did Yesterday
The Phoenix
Cough Syrup
Dog Days Are Over
Show Me How You Burlesque
Where Everything Stays
Just One Yesterday
Almost Is Never Enough
My R
Another Life
Get It Right
Picrew break pt 2
The Words
Need You Now
Another Way Out
Radio Killed the TV Star
Little Dark Age
If You Can't Hang
Heaven's Gate
Savin' Me
Always Remember Us This Way
Jaws of Life

Below The Surface

24 1 0
By GalacticHime

POV: Adam

I got back to heaven. what am I gonna do? Ace is not one to fuck with and I turned him against I HAD to push him away... I walked down the promenade my head completely spinning. What was happening to me? I could still feel the soft touch of Ace's hand cup his cheek. My hand instinctively taking place of his phantom touch on my mask. "Sir! There you are!" Lute called jogging up to him. I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned around. "FUCK Lute don't fuckin do that...Sera does it enough to me as it is..." I glared at her and she held her hands up in apology. "Sir it's important, that thing that was at the meeting...they are up here" she looked at him. WHAT? How? Why? Wait....he was here on a contract. He probably had a hit list.

"We need to stop them sir" Lute crossed her arms and looked at him seriously. I can't tip her off that something's wrong. "Lute that's not my job, or yours, we have an execution to plan" he pushed past her and headed to his office. "Sir! We can't just let them run loose up here!" She kept pushing and followed. "Then fucking go then!" He said without thinking. No I can't send her, Lute is strong but not Ace strong. She wouldn't have a damn chance. "Actually, never mind, I'll go with you..." I sighed and she nodded taking off, myself in tow.

We searched pretty thoroughly but nothing. Was Lute even sure she saw Ace up here? Wait...He hides in the shadows...I looked around to a more hidden part of heaven, it was run down and quiet. I pulled Lute up to the top of a building and scanned the area. "Well Well...your pup cried wolf to planned" Ace's voice came from the shadows. "SHOW YOURSELF TRAITOR!" Lute yelled into the darkness. "Me? A traitor? Adam don't you educate your command?" He taunted and suddenly appeared in front of them. Lute had her spear up and growled. "Oh love this is a fight you can't...and won't win" Ace smiled. Adam froze, but grit his teeth in frustration. "I have a target to get, so please stay out of my way" he sighed and turned away. "You ain't running this time!" Suddenly Lute charged at Ace. I screamed out for her to stop but in a flash, Ace snatched her wrist, making her drop her weapon with a clatter. There was a brief pause before a loud snap was heard. Lute screamed and dropped holding her wrist, it now completely broken.

"ACE! WHAT THE FUCK?" He ran to Lute as she looked at me in shock. "So you DO know them!" She yelled at me accusingly. Fuck I was caught...what do I say...what do I do? Ace took a step and chuckled. "Oh he more than knows me...even more so intimately" he boasted and shifted his weight. Lute glared at me in betrayal. No...please don't look at me like that..."Ace please don't do this to me..." "What? You to get a fucking heaping load of humble pie? You to stop lying to yourself? You to see how much we fucking love you? Please enlighten me..." he challenged me. I was speechless and unsure what to say.

"Sir what are they talking about?" Lute asked, voice laced with pain from her injury. "Yea Addy...wanna tell her the truth of us? Of you and Lucifer?" I couldn't speak. I almost couldn't breathe. "Ace...please..." "I don't want to give up on the Adam I fell in love with...why can't you see that?" He had his helmet off now, purple hair blowing in a slight breeze. Those black eyes staring into my soul. Lute looked between the both of us and growled getting her spear, managing to slash Ace's side, gold inchor dripping from the wound. "You little bitch!" Ace in a swift movement, kicked Lute into one of the AC units on the roof.

"Stop living this lie they made you be apart of Adam. Open your eyes and see it for what it actually is. Free yourself...I can only help you...I can't do it for you...Go to Sera yourself" he put his helmet back on and turned away from us. He was gonna take off...I looked back at Lute who didn't look at me. I heard the flap of wings and Ace took off. No...NO! I took off after him. He wasn't just gonna pull some theatrical bullshit and leave again! I followed him as he tried to lose my trail. I pushed myself faster and smacked into him, us tumbling through a window of a building.

"Seriously?" Ace growled and got up, getting cuts from the glass of the window. I did as well as I got myself up and panted. "You don't...just get again" I looked up at him and he dropped his rifle to the side, fists up. "And you plan to stop me? Ain't I just some fag bitch?" He threw Adam's words at him. I shook my head and put my fists up as well. "You know that isn't me!" I charged in and threw a hooked punch, Ace ducked it just by a hair. "Do I? Cause this fucking facade is almost laughable!" He swiftly swung around placing a kick to my side and I flew into the nearest wall.

"Do you think I want to be here?! I don't even know how I even fucking got up here!" I charged and managed to catch his jaw, sending him back again. His mask dripping inchor from underneath, Ace grabbed me by the wrist and flung me over him landing on a dusty desk, breaking it in two. "To live their lies?! What they did to me? What they did to Lucifer?" His voice strained in anger. My mask was cracking and so was his. "WE HAD NO CHOICE! ADAM I DID THIS FOR YOU!" He screamed at me and I just stared at him. "Why?" "You know why..." he stood over me fist raised, luckily I caught it before it landed and flipped him over me. "I'm so FUCKING sick of people using me!" I yelled back. "Then leave here! It's blinded you for millennia! You're just too fucking stubborn to do it! Open your fucking eyes!" He spat inchor on the floor before charging at me again.

"I cherished you so damn much! I was protecting you! If it was for me taking that FUCKING would have ended down in Hell with us anyway!" He straddled my lap and grabbed my robe, pulling me up then smacking me on the floor. I coughed out, inchor spattering on Ace's mask. "Listen to your SOUL! All those years...I get it Adam! You think it didn't hurt me? Of Lucifer? Having being thrown away like that! Knowing I could never see that smile of yours?!" He choked out and I looked up at him, a shaken hand slowly taking his helmet off. Tears...Ace was crying...

"I'm...sorry..." he said softly. He shook his head, hands still grabbing his robe. " staying up here really worth it?" He asked. I stayed silent before whispering "No...but you have your contract..." He dropped his head. "What if I can break it?..." I looked at him in surprise. "Sera would cast you down for good..." "So be it...and what of you Adam? If the council found out you snuck off to come to hell to look for me when its very clear we are not to even know each other existed...?" His fists clenched around the fabric. "Fuck...does it matter now?" I threw my head back and sighed. We stayed there for a minute and he finally spoke. "Come back to us...please...I know it will be rough...but..." he reached over and removed my helmet. I looked up at him before he leaned down over me, kissing me hard. So many emotions were in it. Despair, loneliness, anger. I kissed back, the rush of memories flooding my head. Ace...I missed you...

Ace ran a hand through my hair as I did to him, the kiss deepening. My chest swelled up and my stomach burned. I missed this feeling. The pure raw emotion behind this intimacy. We parted to take a couple shallow breaths and locked eyes. Ace could always see through my bullshit, as does Lucifer.

"I love you Adam..."

I inhaled sharply. Hearing something like that over so many years. I could feel it in my whole body. He smiled sadly at me and rested against my chest. He was a lot bigger than he was before. Well as was I, I let myself go pretty damn bad...but hey I adored this man since I still did with Lucifer as much as I use my walls to distance myself from who I was....who I cared about.

"I love you too..."

Ace quickly looked up at me. I smiled back a little. I was really doing this...risking it all for that sweet face that plagued my dreams for years. "I'll come visit more...but I will be put to trail for this if Lute tells Sera..." I said quietly. "Knowing Sera, she'd have me there too...what uhm...about the execution?" He glanced over at me concerned. "I won't agree to lead it...Lute probably still will..." "What about her...don't yall have like..?" He pointed fingers back and forth. "Huh? Oh no...she was like my best friend..." "Was?" "Yeah after what happened on that roof...probably not any more..." I sighed again.

"I'll help however I will know that." "I know...well should probably get out of here Ace..." I sat up as he got off of me, picking up his helmet. "Let him know...knowing Lucifer he's completely over worried..." I chuckled a little. Ace turned back to me smiling as he touched my cheek. "Will do Addy...see you soon" with that he took off. I hated seeing him leave but knew he had to.

"Sir?..." I jumped hearing Lute's voice behind me. I hung my head and sighed. "I'm sorry..." I turned to her. "I know I have to report this..." she didn't look me in the eyes. I nodded and picked up my helmet. "I'm done playing pretend...I'm done being a misguided tool..." I muttered. Lute sighed and turned to leave. "Maybe you can't but I can..." she huffed and took off holding her broken wrist. I stood there and sighed before fleeing back to my place, body bruised and sore.

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