bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilber...

By RideWithTheDevil

88.6K 1.3K 3.8K

There's a random phone number written in the bathroom stall and Jake is the only dumb ass willing to text it... More

CH.1- How did you get my number?
CH.2 -i wanna get to know you
CH.3- weekend
CH.4- concert
CH.5 we're all gay or?
CH.6 -Can you spend the night?
CH.7 - Party
CH.9 - back to normal
CH.10 - ... trying to keep things normal
CH.11 - I can't continue like this
CH.12 - the truth comes out
CH.13 - Some things never change
CH.14 - Can I say "I love you" without it being weird?
CH.15 - hungover
ch.16 - just fuck off
CH.17 - Getting help
CH.20 - using you (Valentines Day date)
CH.21 - what are we?
CH.22 - A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"
CH.23 - Dance, Dance
CH.24 - All your fault
CH.25 - breathe in, breathe out
Ch.26 - Flesh
CH.27 - bad feeling
CH.28 - N.M.E
CH.19 - Coming out
CH.29 - dose he love me?
CH.30 - Peach
CH.31 - you don't need to protect me
CH.32 - problem solved
CH.33 - end of the year
2nd book

CH. 18 - I feel like dancin'

2.1K 37 66
By RideWithTheDevil

Omg guys!! I'm actually saying something B4 da story!!!! Uh, I've been listening to all time low alot lately and I thought it would b funny to write a chapter Abt this song XD SO like u don't HAVE to listen to the song as u read this (or B4) but like I'd recommend bc I'm using some of the song lyrics :b ANYWAYS enjoy the chapter (or don't) and uh yeah! Xoxo

Jake's pov:

After a while we decided to go to my house. We've been here for a few hours and oh my God does my chest hurt. Whenever I go to he bathroom I stare in aw of all of the hickeys and bite marks all over my body. I start to trace all of the bite marks till I hear a knock on the door.

"Jake, Sam's here. Hurry up." Johnnie yells from behind the door

I put my shirt on then open the door with a smile.

"Ready to go?" I ask

"Yeah." He smiles back

We walk outside and into Sam's car. The car ride to the party was short because the guy hosting it lives pretty close to me. I honestly could have walked here but whatever. As soon as we walked into he party we got drinks and just fucked around. There was already so many people here, I felt like one of us were for sure getting lost by the end of the night.

After being here for an hour johnnie got pretty fucked up. This is honestly the most drunk I've ever seen him. Sam ran after Colby like 10 minutes ago so they could be anywhere by now. I feel a warm hand touch mine, taking me out of my train of thought.

"We should run away!" Johnnie yells over the loude music

"What?!" I yell back, not being able to hear him well

"You look like a guy I used to date." He whispers in my ear with a smile

Johnnie then grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs. He then whispers something in my ear but I couldn't fully understand what he was saying.


"Do you wanna find a room?" He gets closer to me, almost making me spill the beer I have in my hand

"Uh, yeah." I smile as we make our way up the stairs

We find a room and johnnie takes his shirt off. I finish my beer and throw it on the floor then take my phone out of my pocket. Before throwing it on the bedside table I turn it all the way off. I get on top of him and we start making out. Before I could take off his belt all the way people start barging into the room, dancing. Fuck. I decided to pull myself up before getting pulled back down by Johnnie.

"There's people in here, we cant-" I get cut off by him kissing me

"But jakeeee." He whines
"I can walk around know." He says as I look down

"Here let's uh..." I start to blush
"Let's go to another room."

As soon as we open the bedroom door i can hear Ke$ha blasting throughout the house. We walk to the end of the hallway to see if we can find an empty bedroom. After accidentally waking in on a couple full on fucking i think I felt the dude touch my I know how Ke$ha must be feeling. After shutting the door I feel a different arm drag me away and turn me upside down. Within minutes a keg tap is to my mouth but that's okay, I feel like I'm dancing on the ceiling. I start to drink until it's empty. As soon as my feet touch the ground I feel dizzy. I look around past the people cheering, trying to find johnnie. Once I spot him I grab his arm and take him to the couch. I lay on top of him as my head starts to spin. I look down and see that he's still hard, face pink as can be. I don't know if he's pink from the boner or the alcohol. After a minute I look around and find a bathroom. I grab him by than hand and drag him over to the room. I get stoped once again by some guys that look the police. Fuck. Why are they stopping me? I didn't do anything!

"You've got the right to remain -" one coo starts

"Fuck, did I do anything? I can't get-" I get cut off by the other

"You have the right to remain on the dance floor, so show us what you've got cause you know that you got more!!" The other yells

"What the fuck?" I question

The two "cops" then take off there shirts and start dancing. What the fuck? Who gets fake cops for a shitty house party? Whatever. I rush into the bathroom and johnnie follows me in. After I shut the door I put my back against it and slide my way down. I let out a deep breath as I put my head on my knees.

"You okay?" Johnnie asks as he puts his hands on my shoulders

"Yeah,'s been hard trying to get us some privacy." I laugh

"Who would have thought so many people can fit into one house." Johnnie laughs back

"Yeah!" I smile as he crawls into my lap

"So...where did we leave off?" Johnnie smiles as he bites his lip

"I think I was on top last time.."

"Hmmm well looks like we're switching that up." Johnnie then leans into a kiss

We kiss for what only feel like seconds before I feel him take his shirt off then I he starts tugging on mine. I let him slid my shirt off then unbutton my pants.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean we're pretty drunk?" I question as he starts struggling with his own belt

"I mean it's eather this or I walk around with a boner." He laughs

"I guess." I laugh as I help him undo his pants

I then catch him as he almost falls back, close to hitting his head on the bathtub.

"I don't think we should continue.." I pause as he really can't sit still

"Jake, please." Johnnie whimpers
"You help me or I do it myself."

"Johnnie...." I start

Johnnie then drags himself up, now sitting on the toilet. He then takes his pants to his ankles and slightly lowers his boxers until his dick comes out. I blush at the sight of him touching his hard member. Fuck....I can't just sit here and watch, that's fucking weird. But I also...I can't join in. He's drunk out of his mind. What do I do? Leave? No, what if someone sees him like this? Fuck. I get kicked out of my train of thought once I hear moans committing from Johnnie. Shit. His moans get louder and louder, eventually I hear a knock on the door.

"Guys I think someone is fucking in here." A girl laughs

I rush over to Johnnie and cover his mouth.

"Dude, you need to keep it down. People can hear you." I blush as I look down and see him still playing with his dick

"Fuck, Jake." He moans as I move my hand
"I can't fucking help it."

I cover his mouth again, whimpers and moans now muffled. I feel my dick twitch as he starts moving his head back.

"Jake!" Johnnie whimpers as he's closer to finishing
"Fuck." He moans as he starts moving faster

As he finally finishes I let go of his mouth and let his moans fill the room. Johnnie starts panting, arms dropped to his sides. Fuck, he looks so good like this. I look around and get a towel to clean him off. After wiping him off I look up to seeing him smiling.

" look so cute." He blushes as he looks down to my lap
"Do you..want help with that or?"

I blush as I look down at my boner.

"Um.." I blush even more

"I mean, I can help." Johnnie smiles

I fall back to the door and watch as Johnnie, who's still naked barely wearing his boxers, crawl closer to me. He sits between my legs, bitting my neck. My pants are already unbuttoned but I sit and watch as he pulls them down.

"Fuck, Johnnie." I moan as he touches my dick

He then pulls down my boxers, I twitch as my ass hits the cold bathroom flooring. A smile forms on his lips as he looks at my member. My eyes go wide as he leans down and starts sucking me off.

"F-fuck." I moan as his head moves up and down
"Johnnie!" I stutter

I grab his teased hair the faster he moves. Fuck, I'm already embarrassingly close to cumming.

"Johnnie, I'm close." I moan as I close my eyes

He then lifts his head up and gives me a kiss. As we make out I can feel his hand on my cock. He gives me a handjob until I finally cum.

"Fuck, babe." I moan

I look at him and see a smile on his face as he looks at the mess now on the lower half of my body. He then gets the same towel that I used on him and wipes up the mess. Johnnie then stands up and I blush as I take a good look at his body.

"Let's get you dressed, hmm?" He humms as he puts his hand out to help me up

I take his hand and pull up my pants and boxers. He then gets my shirt and throws it to me. I then watch him as he sitch back down on the toilet and puts his boxers on. I throw him his shirt like he did me and he gives me a cute smile. He then slowly puts on his pants and I help him with his belt. I've sobered up by now but he's still pretty fucked. I take his hand and walk us out of the bathroom. No one is paying us any attention soni decided to take us to the couch.

"Should we get more drinks?" Johnnie asks before we sit down

"You've had enough alcohol for the night." I laugh

"Just one more." He frowns

"... God your lucky your cute." I smile as we walk to the kitchen to get drinks

We both fill a red solo cup with whatever we could find. By the time we down our drinks Sam walks up to us.

"Guys we gotta go. I had to throw Colby in the car because he wouldn't stop running away from me." He frowns

"Shit, okay. " I laugh
"Ready to go?" I ask as I look down at Johnnie

"Mhm. He smiles as he holds my hand tight

We walk outside and into Sam's car. Colby is already sleeping in the front seat. Sam decided to take us all to my house, probably because it's the only house without any parents home.

"Are you sober enough to help me get Colby inside?" Sam asks as he parks in the driveway

"Yeah, johnnie you stay here for a second okay?" I ask as he nods his head

I get out of the car and open the front seat door. Sam picks up Colby first, putting one arm over his shoulder. I do the same as he walks him to the door. I open the door and quickly try and carry him up the stairs. We take him to the guest room and lay him on the bed. After Sam takes off his shoes, colby quickly covers himself up with the blankets.

"Do you want me to help you get Johnnie?" Sam asks as he takes his own shoes off

"No I should be fine. Can I have your keys though? So I can lock your car."

"Yeah, here." Sam then tosses me his keys and I make my way out the door

Once I get to the car I can see Johnnie drifting off to sleep.

"Sorry I left you out here, you know how Colby gets when he's drunk." I frown as I open the door so Johnnie can get himself out

"It's fine." He hiccups

I smile as he wraps both his arms around one of mine.

"You know I can carry you inside if your struggling to walk." I blush

"No, I'm fine." He stutters

"If you say so." I say as I lock Sam's car

Once we get inside the house I turn around and lock the door before making our way upstairs. We pass by the bathroom and johnnie turns to look at me.

"Jake I gotta go to the bathroom first." He laughs as I look at him

"Then go piss?"

"I-i can't stand up on my own." He frowns

"What do you want me to do? Hold you?" I question as he just looks at me with a drunken smile
"Fuck, fine." I groan as I take him to the bathroom

I grab his waist as he goes to the bathroom. This is probably the gayest shit that I've done. Witch is crazy because I just let him suck my dick. Whatever, once he's done he washes his hands as we finally make our way into my bedroom. I flop on the bed as I hear Johnnie messing with his belt.

"What are you doing?" I ask, not lifting my head from my pillow

"My pants are uncomfortable." I hear Johnnie grown as a pair of what I assume to be his pants hit the ground

I sit up and blush. God, he's so cute. I watch as he crawls in bed next to me.

"I can't believe that your sleeping in jeans." Johnnie frowns
"I'm drunk as shit and I'd NEVER." He giggles

"Whatever." I roll my eyes as I take my pants off

"Mhm" Johnnie smiles as he snuggles up closer to me
"Goodnight, love." He muffles into my chest

"Goodnight." I blush as I give him a kiss on the forehead and drift off to sleep

To the few of u who wanted smut....ur welcome weirdos
To everyone else...I'm so very sorry (no I'm not)

Uhhh anyways! I might to more chapters "inspired" by songs if u guys like this one! There will also B a Valentines chapter, not 100% sure if it will posted ON Valentine's but whatever. I already have an idea for the next chapter just don't know how to make it a full on thing (idk)


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