Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood...

By maegan300

2K 88 59

Follow Athena through the choices of life and all the drama that she is about to be faced with. Being the twi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

64 3 1
By maegan300

Not having Elena in our lives has been great. Jeremy soon got over her death and has been hanging out with Ty and I. Most days we hangout at either of our three houses, but we always end up having fun. They have been desperately trying to teach me how to play different video games, or should I say trying to win against me seeing as how I learn very quickly and have fast reflexes.

Today is no different, we are sprawled out on Tyler's bed playing video games when my phone started going off. I ultimately decided that I was too comfy and ignored it until it went off again making me roll over and answer it.

"What could you possibly want? I was very comfortable." I said angrily.

"Come to New Orleans as fast as you can. There is something going on down here and honestly I don't know how to go about stopping it." Rebekah's voice rang out before the call dropped.

I jumped up apologizing to the boys saying I needed to leave and ran out. I am just hoping that they understand that it isn't them. I've grown quite the attraction for them both since we've started hanging out. They are really nice to me and my brothers considering we are evil as my dear twin put it oh so nicely when he met them.

I got to my apartment and rushed in getting everything packed for the trip when in walked the two boys I left while I was in such a hurry.

"We can come with you." Jeremy voiced.

"Yeah, we don't want you going into the unknown alone, Thena."

"Ty, Jer, I have no idea what is going on because she was so vague. If either of you get hurt because this happens to be a trap I would never forgive myself." I stopped what I was doing and was now looking at them with a pained look on my face.

"That's exactly why we want to come with you, Athena.You could be walking into a trap and instead of just saying yes we are sitting here arguing about it. We want to do this for you." Tyler told me as Jeremy was nodding along with him.

"We have already made up our minds so we can go with you and make it a fun trip or we can take our own car and follow you there. The choice is yours." Jeremy said as he crossed his arms. Damn they are stubborn.

"Alright, let me finish packing." I sighed out as I started packing again.

I don't know what to expect when I arrive, but I really hope that my darling sister hasn't set up a trap for me to walk into. I know that I helped her get away from our brother, but she is still hurt by the fact that I didn't do it sooner. I should have, but I know how Klaus is. He wouldn't have let her be happy knowing he couldn't be happy as well.

Tyler decided he was driving us, and Jer and I were more than happy about it. I was up front being the D.J. while Jer was sprawled out across the back seat asleep.

"So, do you really think this is going to be a trap we are walking into?" Tyler asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I don't know. Rebekah has always been one to do things without thinking them through. She also knows how to hold a grudge." I sighed, "I just wish I could have gotten words out before the call dropped. I don't know what could possibly be happening in New Orleans that she needs me and not Nik." I shook my head.

"Maybe it has something to do with witches and she thought that since you were part witch you would be the one to help out and not Nik." Jer voiced from the back seat.

"I thought you were asleep." I turned to look at him.

"I was then I heard your pretty voice and woke up." He opened his eyes and stared into mine as my cheeks went pink. I turned back around in my seat blushing at his words not expecting them.

Before long we were pulling up to the old plantation home Nik and I bought way back when.


As we were walking to bury what we believed to be the Governor's only son we saw a guy sitting on a horse whipping a child. Nik and I had stopped to watch as the child picked an apple up off the ground and threw it at the guy hitting him before the man tried to do it again Nik picked one up and threw it hitting the guy in the head killing him.

I ran to the boy, kneeled down, and checked him over making sure nothing was broken, "Hello young one, may I ask what your name is?" I asked him nicely.

"Don't got one, my mother wouldn't name me until 10 in case the fever took me, then it took her." He said looking down.

Nik kneeled down next to us, "You're a survivor, and survivors need names. How bout Marcellus?" He said to the boy.

"Marcellus?" The boy asked, confused.

"Comes from Mars the god of war, it means "Little Warrior." Nik stood and held his hand out for the boy to take.

We all stood and I looked at the child, Marcellus, "I think it suits you just fine, young one." I told him with a smile.

End Flashback

I was brought back from the memory as I walked into the kitchen where the boys were.

"Where do you think she is?" I heard Tyler ask, not knowing who the question was directed to Jeremy and I looked at each other.

"I have no clue." Jeremy and I spoke together.

"Creepy, but noted." Tyler pointed at us before walking out of the kitchen towards the front door motioning for us to follow after him.

Once again we were in the car cruising through the French Quarter. We stopped when we saw a bar called Rousseau's, we got out and walked in.

"Welcome to Rousseau's." We heard from behind the bar.

"Thanks, we were actually looking for someone. Rebekah Mikaelson, know where she might be?" I asked the bartender.

"With Marcel." She quickly replied.

"Who?" I asked in a weary tone. There is no way.

"Marcel Gerard. Vampire king. Runs this town and everyone in it. The kind of guy you wouldn't want around your sister, I can tell you that much." She said, in an arrogant tone.

"Yeah I know who he is, where is he?" I asked in a bitchy tone, I'm getting annoyed with her.

"Looking for me?" I heard from behind me.

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