The Elite Chronicles - Book 1...

By Amity3775

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Cody had always kept to herself, she went to school, did homework, went to work at Mighty Med, and then repea... More

2 - My Bestfriend Ended Up as My Spring Formal date
3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold
4 - Searching for Mr. Terror Behind My 'fathers' Back
5 - Going Behind Tecton's Back... Again
6 - Laser Tag
7 - The Plan Falls Into Place
8 - It's All Gone.
9 - Meeting the League of Heroes
10 - Getting a call to join a Elite Force

1- An Old Friend Comes Back to Town

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By Amity3775

Cody Cosmo had always kept to herself. Ever since she was a child, she had to deal with the stress of being the next Great Superhero. when she didn't meet the expectations of all the heroes who were inspired by her destiny, she thought that going into hiding was the best option.

She moved out of the city when she was very young to protect the people she cared about. She left her best friends Kaz and Oliver, much to Kaz' disappointment. She will never admit to herself how much she missed him in particular. Kaz was one of her first friends and she missed him very much.

Cody moved back to Philadelphia, a couple years ago because she was recommended by the League of Heroes to work at Mighty Med, and she's worked with Horace ever since.

Who knows if he still lives here now...she found herself thinking a lot more often than she cared to admit

Performing surgery on wounded superheroes and being a doctor was not her first choice, but Horace Diaz gladly hired her help. She always felt solitude when she was alone and preferred to work by herself.

Cody scribbled some notes down on a clipboard as she examined Patient 349, who had an unhealable gash wound on his abdomen. She forced back her tears as she cleaned the wound and replaced the bandages. it wasn't her favorite part of the day, but in the end, she was saving the people who save people and that's all that really mattered, right?

It was when the monitor started beeping that made her realize that the world needs saving.

the sound of a heart monitor stopping is a sound people never forget. Cody watched as her older brother, Alex Cosmo faded away, getting pulled into an eternal sleep.

Cody fought back tears as she watched her brother vanish from her life.

She took a deep breath as she exited the room and shut the door behind her. she shouldn't have let her big brother go on that mission alone, but he was a superhero, and she was not. so, she couldn't stop him.

She reached into the pocket in her doctor's coat, expecting to find her key card, but all she found was her f-200 communicator. Cursing under her breath she patted herself down for her key card. when she realized it wasn't there, she closed her eyes as a purple and green portal appeared in front of her. she levitated in the cosmic space closing the portal behind her. the feeling lasted only a millisecond before she stepped out of the portal and searched around, finding her key card on the counter top.

Cody was prone to errors such as misplacing her key card and here she was using her powers to fix the mistake.

Of course. She told herself picking up her key card before clocking herself out. after a long day's work she hoped she could finally get some alone time.

That was until she heard a familiar voice yell "Stop!" which made her freeze in her tracks.


Kaz had just finished judging all the superheroes in setting their new power levels. when he agreed to help Horace, he thought he would get to see some awesome superpowers, but all he got was a clipboard and a lame show.

After seven hours of judging, he finally was able to escape the torture that was the auditions. He rounded the corner and was put in a trance by the black hole outlined with glowing green and purple plasma. When a girl that looked about his age stepped out, he snapped himself out of it so he could see what was happening.

There was a girl with long brunette choppy hair and wispy bangs, standing in front of a portal that instantly closed behind her. she had two baby pigtails on the top of her head and some red eyeshadow on her face. He recognized this girl... he couldn't believe it. Has Cody finally come back?

Kaz had a lot of questions. who was this girl? how old was she? How long has she been working at Mighty Med? What level are her powers?

when she turned to exit the hospital, Kaz realized he may never get the answers to these questions. He rushed after her and said the only thing he could to keep her from leaving.

"Stop!" Kaz yelled as his walking soon became jogging which became running. When she was in arm's length of him, he grabbed her wrist, a little harder than he intended, which instantly gave him an electric shock. he pulled his arm back and brought it to his chest. As the girl in front of him turned to face him.


Cody turned to face him, her beautiful galaxy-colored eyes meeting his brown ones. she was face to face with who she knew to be her childhood best friend Kazimieras or simply Kaz.

"Kaz???" Cody exclaimed as Kaz looked at her with wide eyes.

"Cody!" he said as she ran to him and aggressively threw her arms around him.

"It's so good to see you! Oh my god!" Cody exclaimed as Oliver and Skylar entered the room.

"Wow, someone excited to see Kaz? Something's definintely off." Skylar said as Oliver froze "Oliver?" She asked.

"Is that...?" Oliver said as Cody pulled away from Kaz.

"Look at you! You look amazing!" Cody exclaimed.

"Me? look at you! i've missed you Stray Cat," He joked

"That nickname will never get old." Cody laughed.

"Cody?" Oliver asked as She turned to face him.

"Oh my god! Oliver!" she yelled tackling him in a bear hug.

"What did I miss? You and Cody know each other?" Skylar asked.

"Know each other?" Cody said with a laugh "Sky, Kaz and Oliver are my oldest friends!" Cody said so happily she thought she has to be dreaming.

"You have to be joking! seriously?" Skylar asked as Cody nodded happily. "You're best friends with StarGirl?"

"Wait... You're StarGirl?!" Kaz asked as Cody nodded.

"Yeah right like you have cosmic energy-" Oliver began as Cody let cosmic energy radiate out of her fingertips causing Oliver to let out the most feminine scream she has ever heard.

Kaz laughs "You scream like a girl."

"Yes, and I want to live long enough to scream like a woman." Oliver retorted.

"If you were the Superhero everyone was talking about for decades, why did you go into hiding?" Kaz asked turning to face Cody.

Cody sighed. "Because I didn't meet everyone's expectations. I'm powerful yes. but it's not worth everyone thinking you're a failure." Cody replied looking back to her work.

Kaz rubbed the back of his neck. "You know... you never will meet the expectations and you will never be great if you don't keep swinging for the fences. If you stop swinging, you'll never win."

"Those are wise words coming from someone who lacks common sense."

"Hey! that was uncalled for!" Kaz exclaimed in offense before regaining his composure. "Look... I'm still trying to figure out the whole superpower thing. Do you think that you may want to help me out?" Kaz asked.

"You want me... to help you with your powers? Since when do you have powers???" Cody asked, in disbelief "I haven't used my powers in a very long time. I don't think I'm the best person to ask" Cody replied.

"I know I just figured that I'd help you." Kaz replied.

"With what?" Cody questions adamantly,

"Why did you leave?" Kaz asked.

Cody was somewhat shocked that he asked such a personal question. She could tell in his tone of voice that he wanted an honest answer. She didn't want to tell him, but there was something about his mysterious brown eyes that compelled her to want to tell him, and she couldn't stop the words before they left her lips.

"I grew up alone. All I know is how to survive out in the world. I lost most of what was dear to me. My parents... My older brother... my little brother killed... I always felt I can't get close to anyone or else they'll vanish. I left because...if I'm being honest... I didn't want to lose anything else. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died. I had already lost my family, I wasn't going to let anyone take anything else from me," Cody replied.


"No, it's okay..." Cody replied. "I thought I was protecting you by leaving. I just got so afraid that I'd forget you."

Kaz was speechless he wasn't expecting her answer to be she left to protect him. he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her Strawberry Scented locks. "I missed you so much" Kaz whispered as Cody buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm Sorry Kaz..." She whispered.

"It's okay " he said pulling away from me.

"You really want me to help you with your powers?" Cody questioned with a slight smile.

"If you want to... that is. I don't want to force you." Kaz said holding his hand out in defense.

"I'll help you. It will be nice to spend time with you again." Cody said with a small smile.

"that's awesome!" Kaz beamed.

"We can meet here after school tomorrow. I share classes with you. You just didn't know because you sleep all the time." Cody joked with a small laugh.

"Was that a laugh?" Kaz smirked "Did you just laugh Cody?" He teased "But yah. That is true" he smiled "Where do you live now by the way?" He asked.

"I live with Tecton. He took me in ever since my Parents were killed. Tecton was an old family friend. He sent me to a boarding school when I asked to move out of the city, and he paid for it. he's like my father." Cody explained.

"That's amazing! You live with Tecton. I never would have guessed." Kaz beamed grabbing his things and headed towards the door.

"Kaz wait!" She called before writing her number down on a piece of paper and handing it to him. "There. now that you have my number, we can text. "She smiled.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." Cody smiled as Kaz began to take off his doctor's jacket as Alan walked in. Kaz threw his coat on Alan's head as he walked past "Put this away for me" Kaz smirked before walking out of Mighty Med.

Cody smiled to herself. Kaz seemed so grown up since she saw him last. He seemed genuine, sweet, a bit handsome and even no matter how much she wanted to deny it, he was kind of cute. As far as best friends go, that is.

"So, You and Kaz? really? A few weeks into the new school year and we already have to love birds" Skylar teased walking in.

"Oh, shut up Skylar, he's just a good friend." Cody smiled to herself. "A friend..." She whispered softly feeling a warm fuzzy feeling wash over her. She gathered her stuff and headed to her cousin's house. She has been living with Tecton ever since she moved back to Philadelphia.

She walked in the door, dumping her school bag on the floor and quickly ate something before heading up to her room to get ready for bed. After washing her makeup off and changing into something more comfortable, she hops into her bed and thinks about how great having Kaz back in her life is.


The next morning Cody quickly woke up, got dressed in a black and white Electric Circus band t-shirt and a black denim jacket with some jeans and heeled combat boots, before heading into her bathroom. she straightened her hair and putting half of it in a messy bun with a clip high up on the back of her head. She applied some makeup before grabbing her backpack and headed over to Logan High School to meet up with Kaz.

Kaz was at his locker, getting ready for classes.

"So, Cody's Back" Oliver smiled.

"Yeah, things are going to be different now that she works with us." Kaz smirked.

Suddenly Kaz closed his locker, and I was standing right there. "Where did you come from?!" He exclaimed.

"I'm good at sneaking up on people." Cody smirked, leaning against the lockers with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, I realize that."

"Come on, let's get to Class." Cody smiled as she walked off with Kaz. Oliver and Skylar set off to class together too.


After the dismissal bell rang, the four of them went to Mighty Med. They all went to do their assignments. And later Cody went to bother Kaz for no apparent reason.

"Hey Kaz!" she smirked.

"Not now Cody, I'm Studying!" Kaz said. not lifting his gaze from his medical textbook

"No be serious! since when do you study?" Cody laughed "What happened to you? You're not as dumb as you look." Cody smirked as Kaz made a 'seriously' expression and threw up his arms at her offensive words.

"Okay, Rude!" Kaz scoffed as Cody put on a cute pouty face. She rested her head on his shoulder and hugged him from behind, trying to get him to give her attention. "I'm reviewing Medical stuff. I don't want to be treating someone and then accidently kill them."

"Kaz, you promised we'd train. I want to see your powers." she whined "please?" she begged like an attention starved puppy.

"Alright! fine! god you're like a puppy!" Kaz sighs as he gets up from his chair and the two of them head to the training room.

"So, what are your powers?"

Kaz walked in "Well, I have Fire and Heat powers and Oliver has Water and Ice, and we can both fly."

"That is awesome! how did you get them?"

"We made indirect contact with something called the Arcturion Space Rock. It gave us powers." Kaz explained shooting a blast of fire at a water bottle.

"So... you touched a magic witch pebble, and it gave you powers?" Cody laughed.

"Yeah, pretty much" Kaz replied with a chuckle. He levitated himself in the air before blasting a fire grenade at the wall.

"Nice!" Cody laughed.

"Thanks!" Kaz smirked with a smug expression.

"Well today's training was me seeing your powers, so I know what we're dealing with. I'm Impressed Kaz." Cody replied with a slight glance as if she was pretending to check him out.

"My eyes are up here Cody" Kaz laughed, biting his bottom lip with a smirk.

"I know" she grinned before giving him a wink "Tomorrow we start the actual training, today was just kind of a survey of sorts."

"Kaz!" Oliver called as Cody and Kaz walked out of the training room.

"Hey Ollie" I smile.

"Skylar and I are going to watch a movie... I hope you don't mind." Oliver said insensitively.

"Oh, I don't mind. I have Cody." he said turning to her "Oh by the way... do you want to come over to my place tonight?" Kaz asked as Skylar and Oliver leave the hospital "We could watch a movie or something..." Kaz asked looking at his phone.

"Damn man... you really need friends who aren't Oliver." Cody says bluntly.

"I have friends who aren't Oliver." Kaz responded still on his phone.

"Uh huh. like who? don't say me."

"You. alright what friends do you got? Don't say me." he asked looking up from his phone and into her eyes.

"you" Cody replies

"See? neither of us have friends." Kaz said putting his phone down and pointing his finger at the floor. He made eye contact with Cody and an awkward silence falls over them before they both burst out laughing.

"Alright, I'll come over!" Cody laughs before playfully swatting at him.

"Great!" Kaz said with a smirk.

"I'm going to head home and change into something more comfortable, and I'll meet you at your house at 5." Cody said grabbing her bag and clocking herself out of work.

"Okay, see you then." Kaz said as he gathered his stuff and cleaned his room so we wouldn't be disturbed by one of his 10 siblings.


Cody went home and put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. She put on her Nike Air Force's and grabbed her phone, as she started the walk to Kaz' house.

She approached the house that seemed all too familiar in her mind. She and Kaz shared so many good memories here.

She felt butterflies of nervousness in her stomach and her heart fluttered in her chest as she knocked on the door. Kaz' mother answered the door.

"Oh, hello Cody! It's so good to see you again!" Kaz' mom smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Kristina, Is Kaz home?" Cody asked as Mrs. Kristina yelled up the stairs.

"Kaz! Cody's here!" She called as Kaz ran down the stairs.

"Hey Cody!Come on in!" Kaz smiled welcoming her inside. Cody took her shoes off and left them at the front door. "I'm planning on ordering some wings and sauces. you want anything in particular?"

"Just order everything. and ranch." Cody laughed as she plopped down on Kaz' bed in his room "you cleaned your room for me?"

"Yeah, I figured you didn't want to be bothered by my siblings." Kaz smiled sitting next to her,

"Well, thank you." Cody smiled.

"No Problem." Kaz smiled as he turned on the new Tecton movie. He ordered door dash and Cody pounced on top of Kaz and the two of them cuddled together but not in a romantic way. it's been so long since they've seen each other that they might have gotten a little clingy.

Kaz and Cody watched the movie while chowing down on a variety of wings with a variety of rubs. "Ranch me." Cody said as Kaz knew exactly what that meant. he held out the ranch and Cody snagged some on her wing. after a while the two of them got comfortable and were close together laying in Kaz' bed as they enjoyed the movie and spending quality time with each other.

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