total drama gc

By codythetwink_

11.1K 158 1.1K

(FANFIC 1) (this was an idea I got from talking to an ai on character ai, which I know sounds kinda silly) AL... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 19

part 18

168 1 4
By codythetwink_

total drama gc

Heather is online
Heather: hey any1 online?

Gwen is online
Gwen: i am now
Gwen: hi

Heather: hi
Heather: so hru?

Gwen: im good, you?

Heather: im good thx
Heather: so uh hows life been?

Gwen: its been good yeah
Gwen: ...
Gwen: yeah i hate small talk.

Heather: same.
Heather: idk why i started that.

Gwen: lol
Gwen: anyways so how have you and ur gf been?

Heather: weve been good yh
Heather: hmm
Heather: you in a relationship right?

Gwen: yeah.. why?

Heather: how about, if ur fine with it, we go on a double date? ill bring my gf and you bring ur s/o?

Gwen: ill go ask if they wanna, but id love to do that!
Gwen: ill brb!

Heather: okay :)

.  .  .

Gwen: i asked and it was a yes :D

Heather: yay
Heather: so when can you do it? i have a clear schedule for the whole week so im fine with whenever!

Gwen: how about this afternoon?

Heather: that would be good yeah lets do it
Heather: what time?

Gwen: 7:30pm?

Heather: okay! ill go tell my gf

Gwen: okay!
Gwen: pm me where we gonna meet up!

Heather: okay

.  .  .

Heather's pov

When the clock hits six-thirty, I go to my bedroom and get ready. I put on a nice dress, makeup, ect. and when I go back downstairs, my lover is already there waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" she asks.

"Yeah!" I reply, also checking my watch. It says that it's now seven o'clock.

We go outside, I lock the door behind us, and we get in the car. I'm driving, obviously, so I start the car and start driving.

"Where exactly is it that we are going to?" she asks.

"I can't quite remember the name, but some restaurant," I reply.

"I thought you were the one who booked it, though? And you don't know the name?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure how I could forget..."

"You're just like me, I guess!"

I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so!"

It's mostly quiet after that, but pretty soon we reach the restaurant. I stop the car and we both get out, I lock the car and we both approach the restaurant. We confirm the reservation I made and we are led to our table. The other two haven't arrived yet, so we sit down and wait for them, talking to one another until they finally arrive.

Gwen notices us first, looking over at us with a smile as they both approach the table. When they get close enough, she greets us:

"Hey Heather! Hey Lindsay!"

"Hi Gwen, and hi Courtney!" I say. Lindsay just waves at them and smiles.

Gwen and Courtney sit down in the two remaining seats at the other end of the small table, both looking as happy as ever to be here.

The four of us all engage in conversation for a while, that is until we have to order.
It's only after we do order that I notice the rings that are one each ones 'ring finger'. As soon as I notice this, I mention it and ask them about it.

"Hey, I noticed you both have rings," I say, pointing to both of their hands where the ring is on each person. "By any chance are you two engaged? Sorry if that seems like a weird question..."

"Oh, it's not a weird question at all! And yes, we are engaged!" Courtney says.

Gwen smiles at her.
"Yeah, I'm the one who asked her," Gwen adds.

"Aw, that's so great for you two!" I say.

"Thanks," says Courtney.

After that, our food arrives, so we eat. It's quite silent while we eat, because obviously nobody's going to talk with their mouths full. Once each of us is done eating, we talk for a few more minutes, but then we decide it's time to leave when nobody can think of anything else to say.

"Wasn't that so fun!" Lindsay says on the car ride back home.

"It was, them two have such a nice life together," I reply.
"I wish we could have that.." I say under my breath.

"What was that Heath?" Lindsay asks.

"Oh, nothing! Don't worry about it!" I say.

The rest of the ride home is silent.

And yes, what I said did mean something. I've been hinting at her for a while now abut engagement and marriage. It doesn't seem to be getting into her head, but I'm not blaming her for that.

My attempts as of yet have been quite shit:

- I've shown her cute wedding dresses I've 'randomly found' (I've searched for them, but she doesn't need to know that).

- Everytime we go shopping I make it so we always end up in the jewellery shop, and I always go over to the rings section.

- ...That's all I think.

As you can tell, they haven't worked.
The thing is, I'm scared to propose to her myself. Will she say yes? Most likely. Why am I scared? I don't know. I'd just like to know if she thinks the same of me, and I don't know that until she asks me the question.

Anyways, moving on..

It's dark out when we get back, so we go to bed straight away. Obviously I don't go to sleep, instead I just scroll on Tiktok on my phone until it's 2am, then realize the time and regret even going on Tiktok in the first place, then put my phone down and 'go to sleep', and by that I mean stare at the ceiling for an hour before actually probably falling asleep, not knowing the point between being awake and falling asleep.

Wow, what a great life I have.

ehh not the best chapter ive written..

idk where i was going with this, like most of my chapters on anything tbh..

why do i always have to make shit like near the end of this like mf shes basically dying (but its so relatable surely)

idek what im doing with this anymore..

1011 words written

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