Not him, HER

بواسطة InsaneMaker

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{Second Book} In where two best friends since childhood are finally happy in a serious relationship. They end... المزيد

{ Cast }
{Life Aesthetic}
{1- Party}
{2 -Where Is The Dull Truth?}
{3- Sgf2}
{4- Sgf2 Part.1}
{5- Pt.2}
{7- New Crew}
{Cast Pt.2}
{Life Aesthetic pt.2}
{8- Learning Her Past}
{9- Uncovering The Truth}
{10 -Mental Illness}
{11- One Step Closer}
{12- Confusion Strikes Again}
[13- The Return}
{14- Revealing The Truth}
{15- A Break}
{16- Start Of Vengeance}
{17- This Love}
{18- Uncertanteties}
{19- Happiness & goodbyes}
{20- The Good & The Bad}
{21- MAMA Awards}
{22- Mama's pt.2}
{23- Happiness Doesn't Last Long}
{24- Sdgf2 Final}
{25- The Proposal}
{26- Swf2 Concert}
{ 27 - Knowing Bros}
{28 - The Documentary}
{29- The Plot Twist}

{6- Pt.3}

450 28 17
بواسطة InsaneMaker

The tall handsome girl walked around the hall after using the bathroom. Her eyes glued on her phone as she read over a few messages being sent by her manager. Today has definitely been a long day and they were aware that it wasn't over anytime soon. She walked around the corner stopping at the sound of Leah giggling to something Kirsten had said. Bada's brown eyes soften seeing her girlfriend happy. Lately she seemed happier than before and she couldn't help but admire from afar. All she could ever want is for the both of them to be happy. Especially now that rumors are being spread about both of them being in a relationship but no one being able to figure out the ones actually dating. She had read contles of rumors online about how people think Leah is dating Ivy or that maybe she's dating someone else from Swf2. Some conclude it was possible for her to be dating Chocol and others saying it could be Kirsten. There were a few mentioning how touch Leah and Bada are but not to the point of making people suspicious. People made excuses that it was normal when you had a close best friend to be that touchy or affectionate. Yet, no one could figure out that they are the ones in a relationship and how much love they have for one another.

Their eyes told a different story than how they acted on camera. They always tried to be professional no matter the situation or who they were working with. The rumors that did bother Bada were the ones of her dating Howl. She had made it pretty clear to the public and her fans she wasn't dating a male. That her and Howl were just friends and that was it. She could never see him as anything else or more than that. Her heart will alway and only beat for one person. The corner of her lips turned upwards seeing how Leah jumped into Kirsten's back. The silver haired girl ran down the hall while Leah giggled holding onto her tightly. Latrice and Audrey chase after the girls with smiles across their faces. Letting out a small chuckle the tall girl glanced down at her phone seeing a message from Tatter. They will start filming in five minutes once again. She nodded her head making her way down the hall stopping in front of the room Leah was once in earlier. Her brown eyes landed on her duffle bag wanting nothing more to know what the bottle of pills was. Her eyes looked around the hall not seeing anyone as she quickly decided to know what the pill consisted of. She closed the door behind her softly not wanting to alarm anyone or for anyone to see her.

For some reason she could feel a bit afraid to see what her girlfriend had shoved back into her bag. She hesitantly reached for the zipper. She shook her head, retrieving her hand and not wanting to go that route. She has never been one to go behind someone's back but she also felt as Leah has been hiding something from her. One of the things having to do with Howl. She hasn't gotten the strength to ask her why Howl comforted her or why they spoke to each other in such a rude way. Biting her lower lip she decided just to go for it. She unzipped her bag, pulling it open seeing extra clothing, her bag of makeup, a first aid bag and there it was. A bottle of white pills on the far end of the bag. It looked as she tried to hide it underneath her extra pair of clothing. Letting out a shaky breath, she nodded to herself reaching for the bottle. She grabbed it pulling it closer to her, slowly turning it around as she read over the label. SSRI? Take one tablet for times a day as needed. Leah's full name and information is written on it verifying they were prescribed for her. She tilted her head to the side, unsure of what SSRI meant. She has never heard nor read about it before. It's obvious medication for her but for what? As far as she knew her girlfriend wasn't sick nor had got to the doctor in the past few weeks. These were also not the pain killers she was taking for her shoulder pain.

Bada pulled her phone out taking a picture of the pills before shoving it back into the bag. She made sure to organize it just how it was. She's aware of how well organized Leah could be and how she could tell if something was out of place. Zipping her duffle bag back up she looked down at her phone as she exited the room. She strutted down the long hall back into set seeing how the girls were all gathered around. A makeup artist fixing Leah's bright red lipstick. She offered her girlfriend a smile as they made eye contact as she rushed up the stairs. Her smile dropped looking down at her phone at the picture she had just taken. The handsome girl took her seat as she locked her phone, placing it into her pocket. "Tata, have you ever heard of SSRI?" She asked her out of the blue wondering if she might know something. As far as she knew the only other person closer to Leah apart from Ivy and Soo Ah is Tatter. The two girls are always attached to the hip. Tatter organized the papers in front of her, she reached over for her water bottle. Her brown eyes glanced at the older girl who's eyes looked to the side. "No, why? I've never heard of it." She watched how Bada nodded her head.

She brought her lips inwards thinking hard about it. "I know I'm aware of how strong of a person she is. I guess she still hasn't told you how much she truly struggled without you." For some odd reason Ivy's words ran through her mind. She remembers the day they were filming for 'Woman' how Ivy looked at Leah so proudly and with love. At that time she didn't know what she meant, in her eyes the brunette girl has always been a strong woman. Taking on the struggles with her head held high. She always made sure to stay happy and positive. Even when they were going through hard moments she managed to make everyone around her laugh. Her eyes traveled to Leah who rolled her head around making her neck pop. She watched how she pulled her phone out messaging someone. Bada couldn't help but think, do I really know her?


The half Korean Mexican girl adjusted her blue bandana as her eyes focused on her phone in front of her. She's looking through the camera at her appearance making sure she still looked presentable for the rest of the filming. Running her fingers through her short curly hair, she could feel someone's eyes on her. She lifted her gaze, her eyes landing on Kirsten who sent her a small heart. Leah winked at her, both of them smiling at one another. "Leah, how? How come you look so pretty today?" Ivy asked out of the blue. Her eyes staring at the beautiful young brunette who fixed the collar of her jacket. She looked at the camera making sure everything was fine. She finally reaches for her phone, locking it and shoving it back into her pocket. Yujin, who had just finished reapplying her lipstick, turned to face the two girls. She raised a brown in surprise hearing the same question once again. Her eyes traveled down to Leah's bright red lips seeing how the corner of her mouth turned upwards. By this she figured what her response was going to be. "Will you go out with me? Will you see me?" Ivy's face felt a bit disappointed by her response once again. She truly didn't know what to expect but she didn't think she would respond the same way as last time.

She looked away from the younger girl, her eyes meeting Bada who happened to be looking there way. "Really, again?" Ivy shook her head in disapproval as she faced away from both girls. Her eyes landed on the camera in front of them. She scratched the side of her head not wanting to go further into that discussion. The thing that made this more funnier is the fact that Leah continued to keep a serious face. She pointed at herself with her index finger as she stared at Ivy waiting for her response. "Yah, unnie! You shouldn't just say it that easily!" Lusher intervened with a cute sweet voice. Even she was surprised by her asking those questions. She wasn't overhearing or listening to their conversation but Leah had been a bit on the louder side. She grabbed a few people's attention, making them look at her. It was indeed no surprise how confident Leah has truly become over the years with herself. She knows what she likes and wants. Her green blue eyes traveling to the beautiful blonde brown girl. She stood up from her seat to get a better view of the younger girl. She pushes her seat to the side with her foot. "Will you go out with me? Will you see me, then?" Lusher's eyes grow big as she covers her face feeling flustered from the sudden question. She squealed in her hands unsure of what to say to her. Bada throws her head back laughing out loud.

Leah made her way towards her standing behind her and she leaned down. She placed her chin on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around her. Both girls swayed side to side as Lusher continued to cover her bright red face. "Moonie, stop flirting with everyone." Bada spoke softly as she reached for her girlfriend's arm. A small pout formed on Leah as she turned around facing her lovely girlfriend. They held hands as they stared at one another. Bada knew she wasn't flirting and it was all fun and games. Both girls trusted one another more than anyone in this world. Leah could never and would never dare cheat on her.

Sitting down they all patiently waited for the next group to come out. The leader of Eternal taking a sip of her water bottle. Her stomach is starting to grumble from how hungry she's becoming over the past few minutes. She couldn't wait until they had their longer break. She really wanted to eat food and possibly take a small nap too. The next group came out being eight members as they smiled making their way onto the stage. Leah picked out one member who didn't smile instead she frowned as she looked down at the ground. She didn't dare look up at the mentors as she walked right behind the group. "One, two, three, hello we are Adore!" The girls excitedly screamed out loud. Her green blue eyes stuck on one member seeing how she didn't even try to smile. Her frown had vanished and now she stared ahead with a straight face. Funky Y took the microphone reading to ask the gorgeous girls questions about their group. Leah glanced down at the file of information as the girls answered questions. Her eyes landed on the last member who happens to also be the maknae. Something about the group didn't sit right with her and she wondered why?

"I am the oldest and the leader of the group. Scarlett is our maknae." The girls from Mannequeen all nodded their heads. They wish the girls good luck seeing them get into formation. Yujin happened to notice the way the leader looked at Scarlett. It was a look of anger mixed with don't embarrass us. Yujin quickly leaned closer to her leader, whispering this small action in which Leah nodded her head. Her eyes never leaving the young girl. Her face back to its poker face as she watched the girls carefully. She saw how most of them moved in sync. As they danced she could feel their strong aura but it wasn't confidence that's for sure. They were cocky about themselves and their skills. Their faces prove her right seeing how they focused on one facial expression as they danced. Her eyes shifted to Scarlett who had moved from the back and was hidden behind another dancer. Leah tilted her head to the side trying to get a better view of the girl only to see how two other dancers covered her. The way the formation was done and placed meant they purposely tried to hide the young maknae. One of the girls winked at Leah seeing how she focused on them intensely. It didn't face the brunette girl, instead it remind her composure. Her eyes flickering down to her journal as she wrote a few things down about the ground.

Ivy leaned her chin on her hand as she watched the front row of the dancers. Her eyes traveling down each member realizing how they had only switched with each other. None of the girls from the back came forwards at all. She found this odd because normally with a dance group the leader of the crew tries to find a way to make all the dancers shine at one point. Even team BEBE they always shared the spotlight and center. Although Bada felt the most comfortable with being in the center she also wanted her members to be in the center and change formations throughout the choreography. Another thing brought onto Yujin's attention is how each member wore a crop top showing some type of skin. Some of their shirts had holes on their shoulders exposing more skin meanwhile the maknae of the group is covered from head to toe. She wore baggy black jeans with a striped turtleneck and a jacket. Yujin made a mental note about it not liking how she's the only odd one out of the entire group. When the song came to an end they posed together Scarlett finally being seen. She stood at the far end of the group with a straight face. She breathed heavily trying to catch her breath as she had her arms crossed over her chest. Sweat rolling down her back from how dancing mixed with the amount of clothing she wore.

Yujin nodded her head offering them a fake smile, and she clapped her hands. She leaned towards the brunette girl whispering in her ear. Leah nodded her head knowing what she meant, she had noticed it too. It wasn't hard not to notice or realize the way they were treating the maknae of the group. In the end the group ended up choosing Eternal because they felt as they fit their vibe and ambition better. The three girls clapped their hands with smiles upon their faces. Redlic glanced at the three girls seeing how Leah smiled at the girls waving bye. Until they left the room her smile immediately dropped as she stood up walking past the crews. The blonde girl leaned towards her group whispering to them of what she had seen. Leah removed one of her earpieces as she spoke to a staff member. "Can you make sure to keep an eye on that group for me?" The woman nodded her head. Her green blue eyes followed how she ran down the stairs to inform more staff regarding the request. The staff member came back raising a thumbs up at Leah who nodded her head. She headed back to her seat with such an angry look upon her face. She walked past Aiki who made a face of shock. The girl truly is scary whenever she is angry.

Seeing her mad on camera compared to in person is two completely different things. In person you could feel the anger radiating from her body. Her brows furrowed deeply and to say the least she had such an intense stare that it would make you feel small. Harimu also noticed how the girl removed her jacket from her body feeling hot all of the sudden. She bit her lower lip moving closer to Lia and whispering to her wondering what was happening. Leah threw her jacket over the back of her chair and processed to take a seat. Tatter and Bada both looked at the brunette girl seeing how she popped her knuckles. She rotated her neck around making it pop in place. Yujin also seemed to have a mean stare as she looked ahead at nothing in particular. Something must've happened to get them riled up like that. They knew Leah wasn't someone to easily get mad unless it had to do with her team members.

The leader of Eternal intertwined her hands in front of her, her eyes focused on the next group coming out, her eyes slightly widened on seeing a group of seven girls wearing mariachi outfits. She quickly reached over for her microphone seeing how the girls smiled happily. "Hola, hola." {Hello, hello.} One of the girls spoke into the microphone seeing how excited Leah is to see them. The girls one by one bowed their heads in respect as they removed their mariachi hats off. The corner of Ivy's mouth turned upwards in happiness as her eyes focused on Leah who glowed upon seeing the group of girls. "Hola, corazones. De dónde viene?" {Hello, love. Where are you coming from?} Leah organized the papers in front of her waiting for their response. Gabe bit her acrylic nail telling one of her members how she wants the group on her team. Kirsten turns to face Latrice telling her how much Leah was glowing all of the sudden. Her smile reached her eyes making her look even more beautiful. The leader of the mariachi group held onto the microphone tightly. Her hands started to sweat, feeling nervous and anxious on finally standing in front of all the mentors. "Half of us are from Mexico City, some from Guadalajara, Jalisco and two of us are from San Luis Potosi."

Yujin gasped in shock hearing the last part, she reached for the microphone. "Leah unnie, family is from San Luis Potosi, that's so crazy. How long have you guys been together?" Yujin asks in Korean, the girls listening to the earpieces on their ears. They watch how they nodded while listening to the interpreter. One of the girls in the middle chuckled softly knowing about Leah's family. She's actually a huge fan of the girl. She's seen her choreography videos over the years and couldn't help but find a passion for dancing. She's been her role model for years and encourages her to want to do more. "We've been together for a year." The mariachi group seemed to have everyone's attention. All the mentors were interested in what they could offer. They looked so bright and full of joy making them want them on their crew. Leah couldn't stop smiling, feeling proud that she's Mexican. If anything, seeing the girls made her miss her culture and hometown more than anything. "Okay amores, show us what you got." The girls all nodded thanking them. They get ready in position, they place their hats back onto their heads. In synchronization they all took a step back placing their hands behind their backs.

The half Korean Mexican girl bit her lower lip feeling extremely excited to see their performance. Whatever they would be showing them today she knew they would make every Latino proud. Leah's smile grew even bigger once she saw them start zapateando. She nodded her head, dropping her pen and focusing on the performance. She admired their outfits and loved how they looked on them. They truly came all the way out here to represent Mexico. Her eyes widened hearing them hear, they sang from their chest their voices echoing throughout the set. Ivy placed a hand over her mouth in shock, her eyes looking around at the rest of the mentors who were also surprised. The song changed quickly once they had finished singing, they covered their faces with the hats. Yujin jumped up from her seat at the sight of their body rolling and then processed to take their small blazer off. Exposing their white long sleeve shirt underneath it. They tossed the blazers off to the side smiling proudly at the sound of people gasping and screaming all at once. Tatter's were wide open as her mouth fell open in shock, she placed a hand on top of her chest trying to process what she's looking at.

{Watch from 2:08 to 3:36.}

As the performance kept going they didn't fail to surprise them and keep them on their toes. At one point Leah stood up from her seat. She clapped her hands loving the choreography and how confident the girls dance with each other. She rocked her hips side to side having the time of her life. Yujin quickly hit the button, also enjoying the crazy performance. Bada hit the button, also impressed with the young girls and wanting them on her crew. She ended up standing up clapping her hands, Tatter and Lusher also joining. All the crews hit the 'in' button reading to fight for the girls. Leah grabbed the microphone once the song came to an end. "Viva Mexico!" She screamed so loudly that the veins in her neck popped out. When it came to her culture she wasn't afraid of showing the world. She's proud of being half Mexican and half Korean. She will forever tell the world about her Mexican culture. The seven mariachi girls laughed, clapping their hands at the sight of the older girl. "We want to say you guys don't have to fight for us. When we came onto this show we already had a group in mind. We are going to go with Eternal since it's Marianna's wish."

Leah threw the microphone on the table as she ran past the other crews. Yujin and Ivy chased after her as they also ran down the stairs. The brunette girl smiling brightly as she opened her arms, the seven girls hesitated on hugging her but ended up doing a group hug. "Is there anything you want me to do or do together?" Leah asked, as she held Marianna's hand. The younger girl tried so hard not to scream in excitement as she felt her thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand. Yujin and Ivy joined the group hugging them one by one and congratulating them. They also thanked them for picking them and wanting to be part of their crew. Ivy stood next to Leah wrapping an arm around her waist as they faced the younger girls. "There is one thing, I recently lost my grandfather about one month ago. The sole reason I got the strength to come today is because of him. He was my main support and motivation when it came to dancing. He had been such a huge fan of yours because of the type of person you are and how much you represent our culture." Marianna started to tear up at the mention of her own grandfather. Leah understood more than anyone how that felt. Her grandfather was everything to her, without him everything has been really hard.

The brunette girl nodded her head, she wrapped an arm around her shoulders rubbing her arm. "He actually wanted you to have this. It's handmade by him and me." Marianna took her mariachi hat off handing it to Leah. The olde girl pouted as she held onto the beautiful sombrero. Normally small gifts meant a lot to her but when they had meaning behind it. They meant the entire world to her, her eyes flickered to the gold ebrary of the virgin mary at the very front. Tears started to form in her eyes as she turned it around, seeing in the inside of the hat was her grandfather's name. "Mi niña, gracias." Leah didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the younger girl. This meant a lot to her, knowing fans and supporters care for her deeply. She rubbed the girl's back holding onto the mariachi sombrero tightly. She couldn't imagine how long this must have taken her grandfather. This is definitely a piece of love and art in her eyes. "I'm sure your grandfather is extremely proud and happy that you came out here." Marianna nodded as tears rolled down her face. Leah had no idea how much she had changed the young girl's life. Thanks to her, she's able to find her purpose to keep living even after she lost her biggest supporter.

The older girl ended removing her bandana wrapping it around Marianna's wrist. She called it an exchange, wanting both of them to keep something. The young Mexican girl couldn't help but cry appreciating the gift and interaction with her favorite idol. The seven girls waved goodbye happily as they walked into a different room. Yujin turned to look at her leader seeing how tears rolled down her face. Her face angled up trying to stop the tears from rolling down her face. "Oh, unnie?" This caused Ivy to glance at Leah seeing how tears rolled down her face. The raven haired girl rushed to the side to grab a tissue, she made her way back wiping her tears. She wasn't one to cry but knowing how Marianna must've felt the same or similar feelings as she did when her grandfather died broke her heart. It made her miss her grandfather more, she truly missed him more than anyone in this entire world. There wasn't a day where he didn't cross her mind. Both Ivy and Yujin brought the girl into a tight embrace. They weren't sure how she was feeling but one thing for sure. They knew how much she missed her grandfather. I mean the girl has always talked about him with such a bright smile. The girls of Eternal headed back to their seats with Leah wiping her tears. She made her way up the steps waving her hands in front of her for some air. Walking past Team BEBE the three girls immediately noticed her glossy eyes.

She could feel Bada's brown eyes lingering on her as she made her way to her seat. She didn't lift up her gaze or looked at anyone in particular. Instead she took a deep breath in and regained her composure. She reaches for her water bottle, tossing her head back and taking a huge sip. At that moment both Miyeon and Daniel made their way on set. Each crew that had made it past the first round walked on set standing in front of the group they had chosen. "Let's meet the teenage female students who went over the high hurdle and passed the Team Trials." Miyeon spoke softly onto the microphone as the young teenagers went wild cheering themselves off. Yujina chuckled, looking at the girls in surprise. Her eyes shifted to her leader making sure she was alright. Ivy stood up cheering with the girls not wanting anyone to notice the sudden change of mood in Leah. "A total of thirty four teams have been selected through the Team Trials. However, it's not over yet. Those who'll get to advance will be only seven members each team." Miyeon nodded as she looked at Daniel with a kind smile. Her eyes glanced at the girls on set who all were shocked by the sudden statement. Somewhere confused and others frustrated that only seven members would process into the next round.

Leah ran her fingers through her short curly hair feeling a bit better now. She wasn't sure what came over her but tears started to roll down her face without realizing it. To her it was clear she needed to start taking her medication again. She remembers the emotions and symptoms she felt when her depression started to get worse. She truly did not wish to go through it let alone let her members see her in that state again. "And from now on the crews.. The crews will be disbanded." Miyeon spoke into the microphone, making some teenagers scream in disappointment. Leah bit her lower lip and was also a bit surprised knowing that the girls would have to disband. She couldn't ever imagine disbanding from Eternal. The girls were not only her members but her family. "You'll form new teams through an on-site mission called the Impromptu Battle. It will be solely based on the master's decisions. A theme may be different for each team." Everyone was dismissed to different rooms waiting for their mentors who would be informing them more about the challenge. The three girls went over the different battles and what they would want to see from the dancers.

Yujin glanced up as she underlined a challenge she felt would fit best. Her eyes landed on her leader who bit the end of her pen. Her green blue eyes staring at the journal in front of her. "I think we should go with three different options." Ivy chipped in as she underlined another battle challenge. They really wanted to see different sides of the dancers. They needed to know some of the dancer's strengths and weaknesses. Licking her lips her eyes lifted up to Leah who nodded her head. She scratched the bridge of her nose writing down three options. Next to the options she wrote down the names of dancers who fit each category. She really wanted to get to the bottom of who should be part of their group. They only got to choose seven members. Unfortunately they weren't able to choose crews or more dancers which made it a bit harder on their part. The three girls nodded to one another coming in terms of what they want the girls to battle. They were escorted to the practice room where all the crews were gathered around.

The girls all gathered around, some of them gasping in shock at the sigh of the three beautiful girls. Leah ran her fingers through her hair as she smiled at the girls. They stood in front of them as she chuckled as one girl began to scream the loudest excited to be in the same room as them. "Alright my loves. We have decided to give you guys three options. We have chosen SMF for the song." She watched a few girls jump in happiness excited about the song choice. This song was an easy pick for the girls when they heard of this part of the challenge on Street Girl Fighter 2. They couldn't help but immediately jumped into action and created choreography. "You guys have three options, learn the choreography we have come up with, two make your own choreography or three you are allowed to freestyle. With that being said we wish you all good luck and fighting!" All the girls also jumped in yelling 'fighting' as Leah waved at the girls. The three of them bowed their heads exiting the room.

The brunette girl made her way down the hall heading straight to the back room where her things were. She grabbed her purse and her medication heading out the door. At the very moment she wishes to be alone. Being around too many people at once is starting to get to her and make her extremely exhausted. Bada, thankfully, caught up with her grabbing her hand and stopping her from leaving the set on her own. "Let's go eat, I know somewhere quiet." Leah nodded her head, not having the energy to argue with her. Instead she allowed her to drag her wherever she wanted to take her. The tall handsome girl drove them to a nearby lake. A calm location where there wasn't anyone around nor much noise. Leah took a seat at the edge of the lake, her eyes staring ahead at the moving water. Bada took a seat next to her, turning to look at her wondering what was going through her mind. "Is there anything in particular that you want to eat?" Leah shook her head no as she continued to stare at the small waves crashing against the borderline of the concrete. The older girl nodded her head in agreement and leaned down kissing the side of her head. The corner of Leah's lips turned upwards into a soft smile. She turned to face Bada seeing how she offered her a kind smile.

"I'll run to the corner store and get us some food." Without receiving an answer she stood up from her spot. Her eyes glanced around in search of a corner store. Her eyes fell upon one across the street where she could buy food. She ran down the street entering the corner store where she got a variety of food. She even bought a mask to cover up her face as she continued to shop in the store. Leah let out a shaky breath unsure of how to feel. She truly wanted to be excited about being part of Street Girl Fighter 2 but all of the sudden she felt this huge gray cloud over her head. The same feeling she felt years ago when she was first diagnosed with depression. Licking her lips she took the bottle of pills from her pocket, her green eyes staring at it. In her mind all she could see is 'antidepressants' while in a regular person's mind they read the word SSRI. She's aware she should be taking them and never should have stopped but for the longest she thought she was finally doing okay. But I guess, she was just lying to herself. She wanted to finally be okay and feel normal without taking them. Deep down she knew she wasn't normal.

She's ill from the mind all thanks to all the stress and suffering she went through growing up. She truly wanted nothing more than to blame her mother for it. Yet, deep down she couldn't. She knew it wasn't all her mother's fault because her mother was raised differently than she was. Letting out another sight, she stood up from the ground. She made her way towards the nearest trash can, throwing the bottle into it. She would make sure to make a mental note to text her therapist again. Those pills wouldn't help this time, she could feel it was getting worse than the last time. Walking back to her spot she threw herself onto the ground. Her feet dangled from the side as she stared at her own reflection through the water. To her it never made sense how every time she finally allows herself to be happy her old friend seems to come back. Wanting nothing more than to eat out all her wonderful happy feelings. Gulping down she tossed her head back, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath in the fresh breeze allowing part of her body to relax. Bada bit her lower lip standing a few feet from her carrying a bag filled with food. Her face fell seeing how her friend looked the slightest happy. If anything she seemed upset over something and she wasn't sure about what.

Letting out a breath she nodded her head encouraging herself to place a soft smile on her face. She took a seat next to her girlfriend taking out the two cups of ramen. "Here, I bought ramen. I added cheese and sausage into yours. I also got you some vitamin water." Her green blue eyes fluttered open. She picked up her head looking down at the food in front of her. For once today she didn't feel hungry at all, she had lost all her appetite. Regardless, she thanked Bada and carefully grabbed the cup of ramen. Bada handed her some chopsticks seeing how she blew on the noodles. She took a huge bite from them, closing her eyes letting out a small moan of enjoyment. The corner of Bada's lips turned upwards as she stared at her beautiful girl. Leah chewed on her food carefully, she took big bites wanting to finish the food. Although she wasn't hungry she still made an effort on eating properly. Her mind might give up on things but she wasn't going to allow her body to give out because of the lack of food or water in her system. "Is there something on your mind? You're not usually this quiet." The tall handsome girl asked, as she stirred her noodles. She grabbed a big bite shoving it into her mouth as she chewed on it.

Leah finished her foot, throwing the trash into the plastic bag. She grabbed the vitamin bottle throwing her head back as she chugged some of it. She drank half of the juice as she continued to stare ahead. "One of the girls from the mariachi group told me about how she recently lost her grandfather and I guess that.. That took a toll on me and made me realize how much I truly miss him. I really wished he could have been here with me all this time. He would have loved attending the final." A single tear rolled down her face as she spoke about her grandfather. She quickly wiped it away looking up at the sky watching how the sun was starting to set. It wasn't entirely the whole truth but it wasn't all a lie either. Bada set her food down as she wrapped her arms around Leah. The brunette girl leaning against her chest closing her eyes holding back her tears. The older girl kissed the top of her head as she rubbed her arm comforting her. "I'm sure he's proud of you and he loves you with all his heart. I can't say much of how he felt since I didn't get the chance to meet him. All I can really say is that he would have held you tight and praised you with so many compliments." Leah nodded her head as tears rolled down her face.

She lifted her head from her chest facing her. She wiped her tears, her sad green blue eyes landing on her girlfriend. "Bada, you want to know the crazy part? You actually remind me so much of him." Bada moved her right hand up brushing a few hair strands behind her ear. Leah leaned her hand closer to her, always feeling safe and comfortable around her. Not only did she remind her of home but she has become her home. Leah had always thought a home was a place but in reality it could also be a person. A person who loves you so much and you can feel safe around. Someone who never judges you and stays with you through thick and thin. Someone who would never dare to leave you. Bada rubs her thumb against her soft warm cheek seeing her eyes flutter open. "How come?" Her brown eyes turned soft filled with love as she stared at her.

Nothing or no one could ever make Bada hate her. Not even after she left her without a world, she still couldn't hate her. Instead she yearned for her, she yearned for love, for her gentle touches and for soft glances. The short haired girl leaned her head against her shoulder as she stared ahead at the crashing waves. "I'm not sure.. I would say your kind words. To the way you always say the right things at the right times. How you never pressure me to talk about things when I don't want to. Giving me space when I needed it the most. Always welcoming me with open arms and a bright smile."

As she spoke softly, Bada placed her chin on top of her head. She could feel her playing with her fingers as she spoke. To tell the truth the tall handsome girl knew there was more to it than just that. She could tell it wasn't just missing her grandfather that bothered her. But like Leah had said, she wasn't going to pressure her into telling her. She's aware with time Leah would open up and eventually tell her everything. "You know I love you and I'll always be here." The younger girl nodded her head as she intertwined her hand with hers. Her brown eyes glanced down at her phone reading over the message she had sent one of her friends. Now all she had to do is wait for their response.


Hey, is there any chance you know what SSRI stands for?

It was written on a bottle of pills I found in my kitchen drawer.

-Thank you to all the people who shared there thoughts on this story. I really wanted to know if you guys actually liked the story as it goes. I really enjoy writing this story and can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned. Again thank you for all the luv and support! I hope you had or have a great day! - Luv L <3

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