The Chalk Portals-chapter 1

By winged21

610 13 20

For a science project on hypnotism, Margaret Lisman and Sydney Welhounse draw black and white spirals on Prof... More

The Chalk Portals
TCP-chapter 2
TCP-chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
TCP- Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

TCP-chapter 12

30 0 0
By winged21

This chapter literally wrote itself. One of my favorites, and I hope you like it, too. COMMENT AND VOTE!

Chapter 12

Ever since the Semi encounter, Sydney hasnt been talking about the Spirals and Hartwick has been avoiding us, not telling us why. After class one day, I walked up to him. I needed some information.

"Professor, I really don't mean to intrude, but can you please tell me how you encountered a Night Demon?"

His face went pale white. I thought I had said the wrong thing, until he took a deep breath and put a cigar in his mouth. He didn't light it, however. "It was thirteen years ago. I had known about Spirals for three years, I was what you would call an expert. I'd always love going into them, meeting the souls, learning their stories.Then, I met Michelle."

He opened his desk and brought out a picture of him and a pretty young woman on a rowboat. "I tried keeping her from knowing, but she found me coming out of a Spiral one day. I denied all knowledge about them but I don't think her curioisity was quite yet over. The next day, I went to her house." He faltered a bit, like it was painful to go on. "A Spiral was open. I went in and found a ND hovering over her body. Luckily, I was able to pull her body out and close the portal. After that, I promised myself not to get mixed up in Spirals again. That's what I'm so concerned about you kids."

"Thank you, sir," I choked out and rushed out of the classroom before I let any tears fall.

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