Girl With Blonde Hair ( GxG )

By goodieaddamswife

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Jayden's life is very interesting with street races and drugs there's absolutely nothing that could bring her... More



23 3 15
By goodieaddamswife

Jayden POV

This morning is going to be really boring . I hate Tuesdays they are so bad my classes are terrible . I think I'm gonna skip today .. my attendance is so bad I have like 320 lates and 201 absents . I missed so much last year . Almost a whole year but atleast I learnt how to make money instead of learning how to analyse a stupid poem . I skip almost every Tuesday anyway .

I notice that Isabella woke up "Good morning ,princess " i pause realising what I called her . We call each other baby and babe and stuff but it's still a bit weird since we aren't together ..yet

"Good morning baby " her morning voice is literally making me wet ... she sounds so hot omg . "What time is it ?" She sits up and looks at me as her eyes are slowly closing again .

"It's ok we still have time you can go back to sleep if you want " feeling her warmth against me ,she rests her head on my chest and wraps her arm around my stomach . I put my hand around her waist I can't help but feel a sense of contentment, despite my earlier grumbling about the day. Maybe Tuesdays aren't so bad after all, especially when they start like this with Isabella.

As she moves closer I can't help but smile . With her in my arms everything feels right . Our silence got interrupted by a certain someone walking into the room . God this kid annoys me more than anything . I hear him sigh but I don't do anything and neither does Isabella , I know she's awake because I can feel her breathing against my neck . Jason sighs again even louder .

" What do you wantttttt" Isabella throws a pillow at him and lays her head back onto my chest .
"I need a ride , I know yall ain't going to school today " he's not wrong I was planning on staying but I don't want to drive this early , I can't be asked .

"And what makes you think you can stay home ?" Isabella is clearly annoyed , she gets off me and walk towards her brother she pushes him out of her room and leans against the doorway . "If you don't go to school I'll tell mum " this makes Jason look down in defeat

" You're so annoying " He huffs and walks away back to his room muttering something under his breath . Isabella shuts the door locking it this time. She comes back to the bed and lays down next to me . I'm on my phone replying to friends , I can feel her eyes on me but the position I'm in is too comfy so I don't turn around . " Jayde " her voice is low and I ain't even gonna lie it turned me on .

"What" I say as soft as possible not trying to come off as rude , I turn around to face her.

" your just so cute " she whispers , she almost immediately turns around and picks up her phone.

"What ?" I smile at her comment
"Nothing " her face turns red
"Why'd you look away "

She turns back around to face me , I run my fingers through her hair . "Why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend yet " she asks in a sad tone .

" do you want me to ?" I smirk at her slowly inching closer . She nods her head once but slowly .

I get on top of her and straddle her "will you be my girlfriend ?" I pull her chin up and place my lips onto hers , we start making out . Her lips are so soft they're addictive, this is better than any drug you could take . She starts to sit up slowly , our lips still connected . She's leaning on her headboard and I'm still straddling her , one of my hands finds it way around her neck and the other gently caresses her cheek . She pulls me in closer by my shirt and starts to rub my thigh up and down . I put both my hands under her shirt , resting one on her stomach as the other finds its way to her bra .

She slowly pulls away " I'm sorry I can't " she gently pushes me away . (it's for the plot trust) Her eyes go everywhere except from mine . "Hey it's ok I get it " I get off her and sit next to her I rub her arm as she lays her head on my shoulder .

"You're not going to get mad at me right ? " she looks scared . I don't know if I should ask questions or if I should just comfort her ."why would I get angry at you baby ? Whatever you're feeling, I'm here for you. You can always talk to me." Worry fills my eyes , is it something I did ?

Her shoulders relax a bit, and she lets out a small sigh. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible. I hold her tighter.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while . The tension that had filled the room begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of closeness and reassurance. I run my fingers through her hair.
After a few moments, she lifts her head from my shoulder and meets my gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions.

Isabella's POV

She gently places a kiss on my check . The ringing of my phone pierces through the air, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. I reluctantly pull away from her embrace to check the caller ID, my heart sinking as I see the name of my ex flashing on the screen. A wave of apprehension washes over me, threatening to undo the sense of calm I had just found.

With a shaky hand, I reach for the phone quickly , hesitating for a moment before finally answering. "Hello?" I say, my voice trembling slightly despite my efforts to sound composed.

"Guess who Izzy " comes the familiar voice on the other end of the line. Instantly, memories of our past flood my mind . I glance over at Jayden she's going through her phone , not paying attention to my conversation. I text Jason , he knows everything about my love life I know it may be weird but he's just that type of person where you can be yourself. Not even seconds later he comes into my room , Jayden looks over at him then me clearly confused . I don't say anything while handing the phone to Jason .

"It was for Jason sorry " I don't know why I'm lying to Jayden all of a sudden . As Jason takes the phone and begins speaking to my ex, I feel a pang of guilt for not being entirely honest with Jayden. She shoots me a questioning look, but I quickly avert my gaze, unable to meet her eyes. The tension in the room becomes palpable, and I can sense Jayden's confusion growing with each passing moment.

After what feels like an eternity, Jason finishes the call and hands the phone back to me with a knowing look. I take it gratefully, relieved that he was able to handle the situation. However, the unease in the air lingers, and I know I need to address it before it becomes a bigger issue but I just can't find it in me to tell her . I don't want our relationship to be ruined by a stupid call .

Jayden stays silent for a while and doesn't talk to me for what feels like hours " I'll be back soon I have to go somewhere " i look up from my phone and shoot her a look . I knew I just lied to her but come on clearly she's going to go somewhere or see someone she shouldn't be .

" oh .. ok " is all I could come up with in the moment . I watch helplessly as she gathers her things and prepares to leave, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. Despite my attempts to rationalize her sudden departure, I can't shake the feeling of unease that settles over me.

As she heads towards the door, I struggle to find the right words to mend the rift between us. "Jayden, wait," I call out, my voice tinged with desperation. But she doesn't turn back, her steps resolute as she disappears from view.

Alone in the silence that follows, I'm left to grapple with the consequences of my actions. Regret gnaws at me, a constant reminder of the trust I've betrayed and the bond I've jeopardized. With a heavy heart, I realize that I may have just pushed away the one person who means the world to me.

It's been about 2 hours and Jayden is still out . As I reach for my phone, I hesitate before dialing Jayden's number, my thumb hovering over the screen . Instead of pressing call I almost switch my phone off before I get another idea , I delete Jayden's number and call someone else instead .

" so you called back ? Your brother was very clear on what you wanted " she laughs through the phone , I should be calling her I know better but for some reason I can't hang up .

"Ye well he isn't me , come over ? " I go silent . Why would I say that ? What am I actually doing , this girl killed everything in me and yet it's her on the other end of the line .

"You must be playing me , what you like me all of a sudden ? " guilt rushes over me . She's right . I'm playing a dangerous game, one that could destroy everything I've built with Jayden. But even as I wrestle with my conscience, I can't bring myself to end the call. There's something intoxicating about the familiar voice, drawing me in despite my better judgment.

"I know what I'm doing," my voice barely above a whisper. " I need to see you." The words slip out before I can stop them, betraying myself .

There's a pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment, I hold my breath, fearing her rejection. But then, her laughter rings out, warm and inviting. "Well, look who's come crawling back," she teases, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of triumph. "I'll be there in ten."

As I hang up the phone, a sense of dread settles over me like a heavy cloak. I know I'm walking into a minefield, risking everything. But deep down, a part of me can't help but wonder if maybe me and Maya were never suppose to end .

Sorry for ending like this 😭😭 please don't get mad at me this book will have a good ending I promise !! 1760 words

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