To Hoenn Once Again

By Otaku_Aryan_18

5.4K 153 49

In this story , after serena leaves kalos , ash becomes sad and he want to go after her . what will he do ? w... More

Author Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

179 6 1
By Otaku_Aryan_18

" Ashy , look my next contest is in Verdanturf Town ." Serena announced as she showed her phone to Ash .

" Oh.....then when do you want to go ?" Ash asked as he wore his jacket .

" oh we can go there today maybe as we have nothing to do here ." Serena replied to which he nods.

 " sure , lets go after eating breakfast ." Ash said as he took her arm and they both went to eat breakfast after fetching their pokemons .

" Man , those were some great sandwiches ." Ash said as he licked his lips .

" yeah , they were... but you make better ." He smiled at her compliment .

" thanks for the praise Sere . " She pecked his cheeks as they walked towards Route 117 .

They walked till the afternoon and stopped for a break as they felt their stomachs growl due to hunger . After eating foo , they thought of resting for some time.

" You know Ash , our life has been so good and peaceful since we moved from Kalos ." Serena spoke out of nowhere .

" I don't know if its because of that or what........ but yeah you are right . I have never felt so happy in my whole life except 1 day before becoming a trainer ." Ash replied and Serena giggled at his last words .

" I just became a trainer at the age of 16 and that also to find you..... so i can tell that i was excited and happy as well to see you ." Serena spoke recalling her memories .

When she looked at the sun , she could recall everything ; Watching Ash on Television , Finding him in Santalune city , travelling with him , trying to get close to him , cheering for him in the battles , fighting with Miette for Ash and then always being teased by Shauna , Bonnie and Miette for her crush on him , her 2 unofficial dates with him and finally finding her own dream just because of him .

As she recalled all the memories , a faint blush along with a big smile formed on her face and then she looked at Ash who was snoring keeping his hand over her .

" so you slept already ? maybe a nap won't be bad ." Serena thought as she snuggled closer to him and kept her head on his chest after giving him a kiss on cheek .

" After all of that , i can't afford to let you go  . i love you for eternity Ash , i always want to stay with you  ." She muttered as she slept in his embrace .

Both of them slept under a tree in each other's embrace along with pikachu who was curled up near Serena's feet on the picnic cloth .

" Meowth , do you know where we are ?" James asked as they were still flying in air.

" we are currently in Hoenn , where that old man fooled us with his fake raikou ." Mewoth answered after reading it in his map .

" DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A CONTEST IN VERDANTURF TOWN ?LETS GO THERE ." Jessie shouted as she read a poster she got from the last stop .

" Jessie , we need to catch pokemons not do your stupid contests ." James replied to her sternly .

" WHAT DID YOU SAY ?" She yelled , anger rising in her .

"  uhh...i-i said nothing . Contests are great , lets go there ." James spoke stuttering , scared of Jessie .

" Ahh man , we must find the twerp's pikachu and you are focusing on these things ." Meowth growled at them .

" but we don't know where the twerp is now ." James replied sadly .

" then we must find him somewhere else . he have already been in this region , can't be here ." Meowth retorted .

" we are going to the contest and then we will go to find that twerp ." Jessie stated to which Meowth sighed and agreed to her .

They flew towards Verdanturf town on Route 117 in their hot air balloon . They were flying the balloon to the town until Jame's eyes caught a glimpse of something .

" Hey look there are 2 trainers sleeping there . lets steal their pokemons first ." James effused .

" yeah , lets go ." Mewoth chimed in .

They lowered their balloon to the ground where they saw the trainers . As soon as they were near both of them , they got shocked .

" is that the twerp and twerpette ?" James asked in shock .

" yeah , they look like them . see , even pikachu is out of his pokeball ." Jessie said .

" Its great , we were finding the twerp and we found them . now , lets get pikachu ." Meowth laughed .

" hey Jessie , don't you think they both are pretty close ?" James asked as he watched Ash holding Serena and her head kept on his chest as they were sleeping .

" Yeah , i have never seen them this close before........maybe i know why they are close , they are a couple now ." Jessie stated as she thought about the reason .

" stop this bullshit , we have to capture pikachu ." Meowth scolded them and they both shivered and nodded .

They descended their balloon towards the ground a bit more to get pikachu but James had a different plan .

" hey look , i got this smoke bomb . if we throw it , they won't be able to see us stealing pikachu ." James told as he showed them the smoke bomb .

" its great , lets do it ." Meowth agreed and took out the pin of the bomb and threw it at the ground .

As soon as the bomb landed on the ground , smoke started escaping from it due to which Ash and Serena woke up including pikachu .

" Whats happening ?" Ash asked while coughing due to the smoke .

" i can't see anything . where are you Ash ?" Serena shouted and Ash tried to find her .

" lets go , we need pikachu ." Meowth whispered , James and Jessie both got a sack and dived in the smoke and came back after a time .

" we got it , lets go now ." Jessie said and Meowth grinned and flew the balloon high in the sky .

Here , the smoke finally started to disappear and Ash was coughing till now . He used his hands to disperse the smoke and when the smoke finally disappeared , he breathed clean air .

" Serena , are you fine ?" Ash asked but there was no response . 

When he looked around , he could not see neither pikachu nor Serena . His got nervous and scared when he couldn't see Serena .

" SERENA ! PIKACHU !" He shouted to get a response but there was nothing .

His anxiety was growing and he was remembering his nightmares due to which his breaths got heavier .

" No , she said she will not leave me , it can't be . she has not gone ." Ash spoke to himself , anxiety taking over him .

" Serena ! Serena ! SERENA !!" He shouted and a tear escaped his eye .

" where are you ? i need to find her ." Ash uttered and put the picnic cloth in his backpack . 

He ran here and there in the way but there was no sign of Serena , he was loosing hope to find her  .

" where are you ?" He fell on his knees and tears flooded from his eyes .

On the other hand , Team Rocket have descended their balloon near a old warehouse somewhere near route 117 . They got off their balloons and James who was carrying the sack was having difficulty .

" I don't know why but pikachu has grown heavy . " James uttered .

" Shut up and head inside ." Jessie scolded and he nodded .

They got inside the warehouse and James kept the sack on the floor and breathed heavily . The warehouse was fully dark , only the light of sunlight was presiding in it through some windows . the floor was creaky and broken , the walls were all spoilt and the roof was almost broken . 

" open the sac up , we finally got pikachu . Boss will be so happy to see him . " Meowth ordered and James nodded .

James opened the sac and pikachu jumped out of it only to be caught by Meowth in a glass case . pikachu gave a thunderbolt but it was of no use and Team Rocket laughed .

" Pikachu , it has been so long and you are still trying to break this cage . you should know that this is electric proof ." Meowth commented on pikachu's helplessness .

" ahhh man , where am i ?" a voice was heard behind them .

when they looked behind , they saw Serena groaning holding her head in pain .

" THE TWERPETTE !!"  The 3 exclaimed in shock .

" TEAM ROCKET !" Serena exclaimed and then her eyes fell on trapped pikachu .

" Pikachu ! you 3 never learn , do you ? leave pikachu this instant ." Serena picked one pokeball from her belt and enlarged it .

" oh , we also have pokemons ."  Jessie said but was interrupted by meowth who snatched her belt as well as the pokeball .

" now , you don't have any pokeballs twerpette ." Meowth laughed and the other 2 laughed too .

" oh no , leave pikachu ." Serena pleaded but was pushed back by Jessie .

" tie her ." Jessie ordered and James tied her arms and legs together and put a tape on her mouth .

"lwwerame" Her muffled voice was heard .

" oh , don't worry . we will keep good care of your pokemons and pikachu ." Jessie laughed and Pikachu cried to let go of Serena .

" What is going on here ?" Another voice was heard and when they looked towards the direction of voice , they saw 10 men wearing black uniforms .

" who are you ? " James shouted .

' oh no , they are team outlaw members .' Serena thought and got scared .

" who are we ? we should ask you who are you ."  One member yelled back .

" Prepare for trouble ." 
" Make it double "
"To protect the world from devastation ." 
"to unite all people withi-" They were cut off by a member .

" I know them , Sir Archer once told about 3 members of Team Rocket who were completely useless and said some stupid intro ." The member told and They grew angry .

" How dare you call us useless ?" James and Jessie glowered and the members gave a laugh .

" So , looks like you caught some pokemons . thanks for the help ." One member said .

" help ?" They were confused .

" now , they are ours ." Another one said and Serena's eyes widened .

" no way , they are ours . who the hell are you black - dress people ?" Meowth shouted .

" you speak too much , go zangoose " All the members sent their zangoose and they surrounded team rocket and they shivered .

The members tied them and threw them against the wall without anything on their mouth .

" hey , open us . you will pay ." Meowth shouted but the members paid no attention .

" So you also got a beautiful girl for us . you are really beneficial for us at least ."One of them stated and Serena growled at him within the mask .

" Hey , isn't she that Ash Ketchum's girlfriend who stopped our plan in Mauville City ?" One member mentioned and the others agreed .

" Its a jackpot everyone . i bet when we will play with her , that Ash will cry like a baby ." Serena's eyes widened on hearing that and she tried to escape .

" hey , don't you dare  touch her . she is a girl and you can't do anything to her ." Jessie shouted totally disgusted by what the man said .

" you can't do anything to us , get lost and watch when we have fun with her one by one ." Serena was totally horrified and was trying to release from the grip . Pikachu was crying to leave Serena and continuously firing thunderbolts but they were useless as he was trapped in the case .

" lwmmmeuuuuguunss" Serena muffled and the members smirked .

" who is going first ?" one man asked and Serena couldn't believe it .

' no , it can't happen . Ash please come and save me .' She pleaded in her mind and tears flooded through her eyes .

Here , it was like if Ash heard her voice and instantly looked everywhere to find her .

" Serena ,where are you ?" Ash asked in hope to get an answer .

" she is in danger , i can sense it . Lucario , come out ." Ash tossed his pokeball and lucario came out .

" Lucario , can you sense Serena with your aura ?" Ash pleaded .

" i can try Master ." He responded and closed his eyes to find her .

" please work . i am coming Serena ." Ash muttered .

After about 1 or 2 minutes , Lucario opened his eyes and nodded to Ash who grew happy .

" You lead the way ." Ash said .

Lucario started running where he was sensing the aura and in a moment Ash's eyes turned blue and he ran behind lucario .

One grunt came towards Serena and she tried to move away from him . the trio was too scared for Serena and now they were also gagged by the duct tape . 

" where are you running pretty ? i will give you your fun of lifetime ."  The grunt came in front of her .

She cried to leave her but it was of no use . he kept his hand on her top and in one movement , he tore it apart leaving Serena half naked . She couldn't see it happen , she was continuously begging for Ash to come and was trying to move her legs but it was not working .

" wow , you got a good body . it will be bad if we don't use it . " the guy said and groped Serena's breasts with the bra on . her muffled cries could be heard and Team Rocket was helpless at that time . they hanged their head in shame as they could not help her to escape from those evils .

" now , lets get something else ." The guy spoke and his hand went near her bottom skirt and she shook her head and cried to leave her but the man did not stop. 

As he was about to touch the skirt's fabric , the door of the warehouse blast open .

" SERENA!!" A voice was heard and Serena grew happy at the same time .

Ash stepped in the place and when he saw what was happening , he couldn't believe it . He saw tears flooding through her eyes , her arms and legs tied  , her top torn and one guy almost touching her skirt .

" Serena..... " He muttered shedding a tear after seeing her condition .

He hanged his head which confused Serena , team rocket and the members but Pikachu and lucario could sense what was coming .

" You touched her ?" Ash's voice was heard and the members laughed .

" Of course , we did . can't you see fool , we were about to enjoy if it wasn't for you to come now ." The guy replied who was about to tear her skirt . he got up and stood in front of Ash .

"  YOU TRIED TO TOUCH HER . HOW DARE YOU ?" Ash yelled with his head still hanged down . Lucario backed off a few steps after hearing him .

" master...." he mumbled in fear .

The members were scared at first but then they laughed and lucario along with pikachu gupled in fear .

" yes , we did and you can't do anything about it . go get him out and then we can continue ." One member from behind ordered .

" sure ." the guy replied who was standing in front of Ash .

He walked 2 or 3 steps but then his legs stopped dead in the tracks confusing the members as well as him . he tried moving his legs but couldn't , he looked at Ash who was slowly raising his head .

" you touched her so now be ready to face the consequences ." Ash spoke in a cold tone sending chills down everyone's spine .

" oh no....." Lucario shuddered .

" what is happening ?" The guy asked as he couldn't move his body .

As soon as he said that , strong winds start blowing in the warehouse causing everyone to fall . when they saw Ash , dark red aura was surrounding him . Serena's eyes widened as she knew that it was dark aura .

"  SEE YOUR DEATH NOW !!" Ash yelled and glared at the guy but with his bloodshot red eyes not brown .

Everyone present there was scared to bits after seeing him . he moved towards the grunt slowly and the grunt was too scared to even move his eyeballs . When Ash finally got in front of him , he laughed .

" so you were the one who touched my Serena . weren't you ?" The man was seeing his death in front of him nodded without his will .

" so you were , DIE THEN !!"  Ash shouted and in moment , he punched the man's stomach sending him to a wall of the warehouse . when everyone watched the guy , they saw that he was killed and blood was leaking from his mouth continuously .

Now , everyone was in shock as well as fear after seeing him . the members quickly sent their pokemons to defend themselves .

" attack him . hyperbeam !!" all the zangoose prepared their attack and then fired it together .

' NO ASH !!" Serena thought .

The hyperbeams were quickly combined in 1 single beam and headed straight for Ash . he raised his hand in front of the beam and as soon as the beam touched his hand , it was dispersed in particles . 

" i-its impossible !!" they all exclaimed and the pokemons were in fear for their life .

"  YOU ARE WEAK . LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING . GRENINJA !!" Ash yelled and tossed the pokeball of greninja .

Greninja came out and stared at his opponents then looked back at Ash . He immediately knew what is going to happen and synced with him . Everything was seen by Team Rocket and Serena already but this time , instead of blue water veil it was purple veil and instead of Ash-greninja there was Dark Ash-Greninja .

' Is this the dark aura Ash was talking about ?' Serena thought in fear .

" w-what is that ?" One member stuttered .

" let me show you , KILL THEM !!" Ash shouted and as soon his words left his mouth , greninja disappeared .

Soon , only screams could be heard and when they saw what was happening , they all gasped in fear . all the pokemons were getting sliced in 2 parts one by one . in 5 seconds , there were dead bodies of all the pokemons in 2 parts .

' Ash , control yourself . what is happening to you ?' She was in shock as she could not believe Ash just killed their pokemons .

" You k-killed our pokemon ." the members stuttered to which Ash laughed .

"  YEAH , NOW YOUR TURN !!" Ash screamed and two red blades appeared in his hands .

' no , this can't be . the twerp is going to kill them !! ' Jessie and James thought .

Ash in one second got in front of the grunts and then sliced them in 2 parts like greninja did with the pokemons . when he sliced the last grunt , he held him by his uniform .

" DON'T TRY TO TOUCH MY SERENA OR ELSE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO IN HELL TOO !!" He spat on him and let his body fall .

Lucario and pikachu were both shaking in fear but then returned to normal as they felt Ash's aura depleting .  in some seconds , his aura became normal and his eyes turned back to brown colour .

Ash saw Serena and stepped towards her with tears in his eyes . she smiled within the duct tape on seeing him . he untied her ropes and then removed the duct tape from her mouth , he immediately hugged her .

" i am so sorry.....its all my fault " Ash said and hugged her tightly .

She was shocked on this but hugged him back and cried on his shoulder .

" why are you apologizing , you saved me and at the right time ." She patted his back and rubbed her cheek with his to relax him .

" I-i thought you left me....." Ash cried and Serena gasped .

" i told you i will never leave you... don't worry about that . " She whispered in his ear and he hummed .

They parted away after some time and Ash took off his jacket and covered it around Serena .He then went to pikachu and released him from the case . After that when he looked at Team Rocket , they shivered in fear when he stepped to them .

When he got in front of them , they were scared to bits but he untied them and then removed their duct tapes .

" i am just gonna say one thing , leave or you will pay ." He spoke coldly and in a blink , the trio was gone .

Ash returned lucario and greninja and then went to Serena who finally stood up but was unable to see blood all around her . he kept his hand on her eyes and then held her hand .

" don't look at it , lets go ." Ash said and she hummed .

Pikachu got on top of him and they got out of the warehouse . Ash called charizard out and commanded him to burn the warehouse . After doing that , Ash set Serena on charizard's back and then sat behind her .

" take us somewhere to camp for tonight buddy ." Ash said to charizard and he nodded .

He flew up in the air and then after some time , he got a place and then descended there . Ash recalled charizard after landing there and then set up the camp with lucario while greninja was guarding Serena and mewtwo was busy meditating behind her .

" you were quite lucky today ." Mewtwo started the conversation .

" huh yeah ." Serena was surprised but then agreed to him .

" its quite surprising that when he sees you in pain , his aura awakens otherwise for dark aura to rise , Aaron trained for almost 2 years . " Mewtwo told her and she was surprised .

" i know you are scared after seeing those deaths but you must know that he really loves you and thats why he killed them all just because they tried to molest you ." Mewtwo stated and Serena nodded .

" it really shocks me that you are sticking with him otherwise if it would have been any other girl , she would have left him alone if she knew that he killed people ." Mewtwo praised her and she looked at Ash .

" i don't care whatever he do , he have already done enough for me that i can't even repay . most boys are only after a girl's body but he was not . he rejected many girls because of me and after that he not only cared for me but also made me realize my passion , dream and talent . if it wouldn't have been him , i would still be in my home trying to be a ryhorn racer ." Serena replied to mewtwo .

" so are you telling me that you are just his girlfriend because he helped you get out of your home ?" Mewtwo asked and Serena shook her head .

" definitely not . i had a crush on him since the childhood but when i travelled with him in Kalos , i fell for him even more . i don't think there can be anyone better than him and even if there is , i don't care because he is the best for me . " Serena answered and his lips curved to a smile .

" you are true about that , Ash is the only human who have connected with hearts of pokemon as well as humans . he have helped everyone without wanting something in return . He is the one who have even the god's trust upon him and then even the coldest pokemon like me thinks  him as a friend . " Mewtwo commented and Serena nodded .

" I don't know if he will ever acknowledge that he is the best and is good in everything but for me , he is everything and i am proud of him . i don't care now if he kills anyone because he will only do it for good or for me and i want to do the same but i am not used to it so i am a little scared nothing more than that ." Serena said and he hummed .

" i can see that , you will get used to it after some time but for now , you must go to him ."  Mewtwo pointed to the tent and then Ash who just finished making food for everyone .

She nodded with a smile and went to him who was just about to call her . She laid the mat down and then Ash sat on that . she helped him arrange the dishes and then sat on his lap .

" are you not gonna eat ?" Ash asked .

" i will but i feel comfortable here ." Serena answered and Ash smiled .

" sure , i will feed you if you are sitting here ." Ash told her and she nodded excitedly .

Ash fed her the food and she fed him some times too . The pokemons who were watching them smiled .

" pika" ( perfect couple .)

" sylv " ( can't ask for something better . ) 

" gren nin . " ( Ash is in the right hands . don't you think ? )

" i can tell that . Master was not happy with that Dawn and Brock too that much ."

" I can finally say that Serena is perfect for Ash and it is definitely a match made in heaven ."  Mewtwo commented and everyone agreed .

After eating food , they got in their tents and Serena after changing got in Ash's sleeping bag ,he he held her tightly and stuffed his face in her hair .

" Ash , something wrong ? " Serena asked as he was not speaking anything .

" no....its just that i am scared to let you go . this is the 2nd time you almost got molested and i can't forgive myself if something bad happened to you ."  She also hugged him and patted his head to ease his mind .

" i won't leave your hand next time if something happens and you don't have to forgive yourself as i know that you won't let anything happen  to me ."  She said and kissed his cheek .

"mhmm." he hummed and closed his eyes .

" i think you should sleep , you must be tired after using that much aura ." Serena told him and he nodded .

" goodnight Sere ." he fell asleep as soon as the words left his mouth .

" goodnight teddy - you already are asleep . whatever , sweet dreams Ashy ." She said and ruffled his hair last time before falling asleep .


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