Love & War

By ChrisElizondo7

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Spencer and Olivia are happily married and life couldn't be better for the couple these past 6 years. They ha... More

Ch. 10


225 9 10
By ChrisElizondo7

Spencer's P.O.V

"What about Kiara, Liv? You said you cheated on me while we were married. Was that another lie to mess with my emotions?" Spencer asked with tears falling from his face

"Spencer..." I said not able to control my emotions and Spencer cut me off.

"It's not that hard of a question Liv. Either you did or you didn't have an affair.

"Ok. So here's what happened..."


Olivia's P.O.V.

"I can't believe you, Spencer. You promised me you would be at my award ceremony."

"I know and I'm so sorry. Tonight was a big deal for you and I planned on being there tonight, but I got held up in practice and my coach wouldn't let me leave practice early. If I did, he would've suspended my next football game."

"You see. That's your problem, Spencer, all you care about is football. Lately, you've never been around me or Gianna. When I accepted my award tonight and gave my acceptance speech, it didn't feel right because you weren't there. I wouldn't be in this position without you Spencer. I've accomplished these things in my life and it doesn't feel complete because you're not there. Then when it comes to Gianna, you're hardly even home. It's like we're divorced and I'm doing everything as a single mother."

"Liv, I'm providing for our family when I'm not here. We are taken care of financially, we have a roof over our heads, and I try to be here at home when I'm not away for a game. I want to spend as much time with you guys as I want to, but whenever the season starts, it's out of my hands."

"I don't care, Spencer, you need to need to do more than that. You were always saying you wanted to be a better father than Corey, well you're doing the same thing he is."

"Don't you dare disrespect my father Liv. I would never abandon my daughter."

"Then do better Spencer. You almost missed her graduation from kindergarten a few weeks ago, luckily she didn't notice, but I sure as hell did."

I went to pick up my purse and work laptop as I wanted to go to the office to get away from Spencer for a little while because I just need some space from him."

"Where are you going Liv?"

"I'm going to the office to finish some things. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

With Spencer and I still arguing, I thought it would be best to get the bounty scandal article finished. It's not due for another week, but I needed something to distract me from all the drama I've been with at home.

I look to the side of my desk and see the picture of Spencer and Gianna. Every time something feels off while I'm working, I can always look back at them because they give me the encouragement and support I need to get my work done. Only if Spencer was the same back then as he is now.

Tears started falling from my face.

Out of the blue, I hear a noise and see Malcolm walking into the office.

"Hey Liv, what are you doing here?"

"Um, just catching up on some work."

"Catching up on some work, shouldn't you be celebrating your award for best writer of the year with your family."

"Well surprise, surprise, Spencer never showed."

"Oh Liv, I'm sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?"

"Sometimes I think I'm not enough for Spencer and he will leave me for someone else."

"Liv that's crazy talk. If anything, he's the lucky one."

"How so Malcolm?"

He steps closer to me.

"Well, if you were my wife, I would make sure you feel special every day and our kids would have the father they deserve." He says as hugged me.

"Thanks, Malcolm. Very generous of you."

"Anytime." We look into each other's eyes and he kisses me without hesitation.

Once our lips connected, I instantly pushed him away as I was caught off guard.

"Malcolm, what the hell are you doing?"

"Liv, I've been keeping this from you for a really long time, but I love you, and deserve a husband who's loyal to you as you are to him." He says as he moves in closer and kisses me again.

"Malcolm stop!"

"Tell me you don't feel the same way. We've worked together for a few years now and we have a connection."

"Malcolm. You're a great guy, but I don't feel the same way. I'm a happily married woman. Yes, my husband and I have our ups and downs, but that's marriage. I should get going." I try to escape, but Malcolm doesn't let me go and kisses me by force.

"Malcolm I said stop!"

"Olivia, I'm a better man than Spencer. I can prove it to you, if you'll let me."

He then tried to undo my top, but I managed to knee him in the balls and get away from him.

I ran to my car and made my way back home as I couldn't believe I cried on the wrong shoulder about my personal life.

Spencer's P.O.V

After missing Liv's award ceremony, I felt like the worst person in the world. She has gone out of her way for me and our baby girl.

Something has got to change. From here on out, I want to do better.

I saw Gianna asleep, and I couldn't help but look at her. I know it's been a few years since entering fatherhood, but it's worth it. There is more to life than football, and my family is my future after football. They're my priority.

A few seconds later I hear Liv come in the door and from the looks of it, she seems to have panicked from something.

"Hi, Liv. Are you ok? You look like you saw a ghost."

"I'm fine Spencer. I'm just gonna go upstairs."

"Liv. Wait. Can you please let me get this off my chest?"

"Can't it wait until morning Spencer?"

"Just 5 minutes. And after that, you don't have to hear from me for the rest of the night."

"All right."

"Liv. I was wrong about everything. You didn't deserve this. I want to do better not only for you but for Gianna. My life is not complete without you Liv and lately, I've been taking you for granted and I never want you to feel like I don't care about you. If I have to step away from the game I love to help things with our family, I'll do it because I'd rather lose that than lose our family. I want to be a better father than Corey and I know he would want me to do better if he was here. I know it'll take some time to regain your trust back, but I'm not going anywhere Liv. I'm all in. Right here. Right now."

"Spencer. Yes, today meant a lot to me and I want to share my achievement with you, but some things were out of your control and hey, shit like that happens. I never should've disrespected  Corey's name the way I did. For you willing to make those sacrifices if needed, has already shown how much you're willing to do for us. That's one of the many reasons why I'm in love with you Spencer James and I'm happy to be your wife."

I walked up to her and kissed her with passion.

"You know the night is still not over. There's still time for you to start making it up to me for my award ceremony."

"I think I have an idea." I smiled as she kissed me.

"Then show it to me."

I picked Liv up and kissed her while she wrapped her legs around my waist. We made our way to the bedroom and made love to each other for the rest of the night until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

End of Flashback

Tears were falling from Liv's face as she finally confessed what happened all those years ago.

"So you have been lying to me this whole time? You wanted me to feel the pain that you did when I was going through the cheating accusations. Well hey, mission accomplished. But why didn't you tell me that Malcolm made a move on you?"

"Because I knew how much you hated his guts from the beginning and I didn't want you to go after him that could be your life at risk if he sent you to jail had you put hands on him. I'd always remind Malcom I was married, but he didn't care. Spencer, you have to believe me that I would never do anything to jeopardize our family."

"She's telling the truth, Spencer. She told me a few days after it happened." Simone added.

"Liv, no matter how much anger I had towards Malcolm, you are my wife and if he made you uncomfortable, there shouldn't have been any hesitation from you telling me the truth."

"I was going to eventually tell you but..." Spencer cuts me off.

"What could have possibly stopped you from telling me the truth? Are you sure you didn't fuck him?"

"No!!" Liv started to get emotional. "The reason why I didn't say anything is because a few weeks later I was late and that's when I found out I was pregnant."

"I want to believe you Liv. I do. But to be honest, there's only one way to be sure that the girls are mine."

"You want a paternity test?"

"Doesn't get any simpler than that."

"Ok. Let's schedule a time to do one."
Hey guys. So sorry for the delay. Been going through some personal matters and had writer's block at the same time. Hopefully, this chapter doesn't throw you guys off. I'll try to upload it again when I have some time on my hands. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. As for All American, what are your thoughts/predictions on the season 6 trailer? All I know is the writers better not mess this season up the way they did in season 5. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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