The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

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The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

Ye Who Enter Here

462 12 6
By mmultixaep0

They were born in space. The council told them the ground was uninhabitable, but they were wrong, and the 100 had been fighting for their lives since the moment they landed. Some of them have been broken by it, but most of them are still here, searching for other survivors from the Ark, trying to build something real and lasting out of the wilderness... a home. Their leaders believe that to survive, they need to make peace with the Grounders, but peace is a foreign concept here.

After Jaycee checked in with Abby, she heard from Octavia that they were going to Mount Weather for certain reasons.

It was a long drive, she had finally gotten out with Octavia behind her tail. She groaned as she spoke, "I knew I should've taken my horse."

Jaycee smiled at her friend, she then noticed Gina and Bellamy smiling at each other, Jaycee didn't care if Bellamy moved on, she just didn't want them to do all their lovely dovey crap in front of other people.

As she looked down, Raven spoke, "You guys, did I ever tell you how I saved Sinclair's ass on the Ark?" She smirked.

"Please don't," Octavia said tiredly.

Everyone started walking into Mount Weather, holding duffle bags as they were going to a specific room.

Gina looked in Reyes's girl's direction, "You mean the time you went rogue on a space walk?"

She chuckled, "That depends on your definition of 'going rogue' "

"Really?" Gina looked at her.

"I just hopped on a robotic arm and aimed it at the solar array. The whole time I was out there, the control room thought I was just fixing a loose wire," Raven told them the story that they did not want to hear but didn't say anything about it.

"That is, in fact, the definition of "going rogue." You dangled yourself within inches of an electrified array that could've killed you," Gina reminded her.

"Only time I ever heard Sinclair lose his cool on comms" Raven laughed.

It was good to see everyone smiling,  Jaycee was happy that everything was slightly getting normal.

"So how long were you benched?" Gina asked the girl

"Benched? I got the job done in record time. He promoted me. What can I say? Sinclair thinks I can do nothing wrong,"

Bellamy, Raven, Octavia, Jaycee, and Gina walk to the dining room

Pike walked up to them, "Welcome. Come. Join us," He said smiling like there wasn't anything wrong with staying here.

"Someone's made themselves at home." Raven looked around and saw a bunch of people happy

"There must be 30 of them in here," Jaycee said looking at Octavia.

"36, but the more the merrier," Jaycee rolled her eyes at Pike's statement.

Pike and Bellamy then shake hands.

Octavia looked at Pike, "36? Wow. The Grounders are gonna think we moved in,"

Pike looked at the youngest Blake. "Well. There was no room at the inn." Jaycee rolled her eyes.

"And this is your option?" Octavia bit back. Bellamy didn't want anything to happen, "O..."

Octavia couldn't handle all of this so she put down one of the bags, "I'm out of here," She then left.

Jaycee wanted to go after Octavia but she needed her time to be alone and process.

Pike looked at Bellamy, "Spirited,"

Bellamy nodded his head as he sighed, "Yeah"

"Jordan, Reyes, you're three hours late. We've got no power to medical, fluctuations on levels two and three, and blown fuses all over the place, Get on it," Sinclair had said as he looked at the two mechanics.

"You can do no wrong huh?" Gina smirked at Raven

"Man, I've barely known the guy and he makes me wanna pull out my hair" Jaycee whispered. Raven laughed. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it," She then put her arm around Jay's shoulder as they walked away.


Raven, Jaycee, and Gina join Sinclair. As they were walking, the power kept getting cut off.

"Why the hell are they calling us off? I've got tripped circuits all over the grid," Raven's tone was annoyed.

"Oh, whatever it is supersedes fixing the power problem," Sinclair spoke.

After walking for a while, the four of them went into the dining room with Octavia, Pike, Bellamy, and Echo who was trying to warn them about the summit.

"Okay. If we want to get to Polis before the attack, we have to move." Bellamy stated.

"Attack? Do we have confirmation of that?" Sinclair asked.

Bellamy sighed, "We radioed, but no answer,"

"They may already be dead, for all we know, and if they are, we need to be ready to respond." Pike looked at Sinclair.

He walked up to Pike, "Don't make this about the missiles,"

Jaycee was confused, there were missles?

"This is about survival. We don't have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field, and you know I'm right," Pike stood his ground, he wanted to protect his people, but not in the right way.

"Even if I did agree with you, we still don't have the launch codes."

Raven looked up at the two men, "No, but we have me, and Jaycee," Jaycee looked at her friend, she didn't want to use the missiles on anyone, she didn't want another war to start.

"And you accuse engineers of arrogance," Sinclair looked at Raven.

"I'm growing as a person," Raven smirked at him.

"Let's go," Pike said as he dragged Echo out of her seat.

Jaycee was walking away when she heard Bellamy speak, "You should stay here, help them get those missiles ready to launch," Jaycee turned around to see Gina and Bellamy kiss.

She just walked away.


In the control room, Raven and Jaycee are looking through files.

"Damn it," Raven said aggressively.

Sinclair smirked, "What happened to that Raven Reyes confidence,"

Raven shook her head, she was annoyed and Jaycee could tell.

"It's a 12-digit code. There are a trillion combinations. It's gonna take me a minute,"

"Gina, what do you got?" Sinclair sighed.

She put her hands up in defense. "Don't look at me. I'm just a grunt,"

Sinclair looked at his last hope, "Jaycee?" 

She looked at him, "I mean besides a massive headache?" She rubbed her face, "Nothing,"

"Oh, come on, guys. It's gonna be dark soon. We're working analog. We're working digitally. What are we missing?" He said as he looked at the table in front of him

"How is the president gonna remember a number that long?" Gina spoke out loud.

Raven shrugged, "Not well."

Gina looked up, "Wanna bet he wrote it down somewhere."

"Oh, come on. That's like setting the launch codes to all zeros," Jaycee looked at the girl.

Sinclair, still looking at the computers, "And yes it's better than anything we've some up with,"

Gina sighed, "I'll check the president's office," she walked away.

"We'll keep working the tech angle. Hopefully one of us will get lucky." Sinclair being optimistic wasn't really helping Jaycee.

"Like that's ever happened," Raven mumbled.

Jaycee for one can agree with Raven.


Sinclair left for a little, it was just Jaycee and Raven.

Raven was getting frustrated trying to figure out the missile problem.

Jay walked up to Raven and put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, we're going to figure this out, okay?"

Raven looked down, "I can't figure this out, I feel like I'm missing something but I don't know what it is, I'm not smart enough to figure this shit out"

Jaycee shook her head "hey, don't say that"

Raven turned to look at Jay. "I feel alone, I get that you're here and I'm grateful but... I don't know if I can do this."

Jaycee grabbed Raven by the shoulders, "Hey, we're in this together. You can't stress over this. You're not alone. And you're the smarter person I know," Jaycee told the girl.

Raven smiled, she then pulled the girl into a hug.

Sinclair then came back after their conversation.


Gina was looking for the code in the president's office, Raven, Sinclair, and Jaycee were trying to unlock the combination.

"I tried everything, still completely locked out of the missile system. They had impressive security, I'll tell you that," Sinclair was frustrated and Jaycee could tell.

"This is useless. I'm better with hydrazine and gunpower," Everyone in the room was tense.

"Reyes.." Sinclair tried to tell her something but she cut her off.

"I give up. We're too late, anyway. It's already dark," She looked down

"Raven.." Jaycee started then paused for a second. "The Raven Reye's I know doesn't give up."

She shook her head, "She does now,"

Sinclair tried to reason with her too, "No, she doesn't. Have you talked to Abby?"

"About what?" She asked her mentor.

"Raven, come on. You're not fooling anyone," Sinclair looked at her.

"I'm not trying to,"

"If this machine was broken and you knew there was a way to fix it, would you not do it because it might be hard?" Raven looked up at him, Sinclair continued to speak, "Why the resistance? You think you deserve this pain, that this is your cross to bear for your mom or Finn, for all you've been through. It's not. You deserve more, and with the medical equipment in this building, Abby can help you. Let her."

"What if she can't?" Raven had tears in her eyes, "What if I'm just broken?"

"I took a chance on a zero-g mechanic with a heart defect. Why don't you take a chance on her, too?"

Jaycee looked at Raven who was slightly crying.

Raven then slightly nodded.

The radio turned on, "Gina to Raven. Come in,"

Raven walked up to the radio, "Go for Raven"

"I got nothing, no launch codes. I guess our luck is still holding," Gina spoke through the radio.

Raven nodded to herself, "Okay. Keep looking. I'll do the same."

As Jaycee was looking through the files, she heard something on the radio that didn't seem right, Raven also got the feeling so she spoke into the radio, "Gina? Gina? Gina! Do you copy?" Raven asked.

What the three people didn't know was that the assassin revealed some numbers written on his arm and typed them in. The countdown is set for 1 minute.

Raven was still trying to get to Gina, "Gina! What's going on? Gina, are you okay?"

Gina spoke on the radio, but she sounded like something was wrong, "Raven, we've got a problem. A grounder set off a self-destruct sequence. He had the codes on his arm. You have to get them," Then she went quiet.

Jaycee looked at both Raven and Sinclair. Raven knew what she was going to do, "Jay. No, don't go-" But it was too late, Jaycee ran to where the president's office was.

She kept running, she wasn't going to stop until she got the code.

When she turned the corner, she saw the grounder. She took a deep breath.

In the dimly lit hallway, the air crackled with tension as two figures faced each other, their breaths ragged with anticipation.

Without a word, Jaycee launched herself forward, her fists clenched as she aimed a swift jab at the grounder's chest. He deftly sidestepped the attack, his movements fluid and precise, and countered with a powerful kick aimed at Jaycee's midsection.

She blocked the strike with a swift parry, her muscles straining with the effort. With a fierce cry, Jaycee retaliated with a flurry of punches, each strike fueled by determination and resolve. The grounder, however, matched her blow for blow, his own strikes calculated and precise.

The hallway echoed with the sound of their confrontation, the clash of their fists reverberating off the walls like thunder in the stillness of the night. Dust motes danced in the air, illuminated by the faint light filtering through the windows.

As the battle raged on, a silent understanding began to form between them. But as the fight reached its climax, Jaycee found herself backed into a corner, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as the grounder pressed his advantage. With a burst of strength, she launched herself forward, her fist connecting with his jaw with a resounding crack.

He stumbled backward, momentarily stunned, and Jaycee seized the opportunity to deliver a final blow, her fist striking true as he crumpled to the ground, defeated. She looked at the grounder who was on the floor.

As she was going to check his arm for the code, he opened his eyes, grabbed the knife that he had stored in his sleeve, and stabbed her in the stomach. Blood started to pour out her mouth slightly. She looked down at her stomach and then looked at the grounder. He smiled at her as he twisted the knife in her abdomen. She screamed in pain as he then pushed her to the side.

He took out the knife and ran away. Jaycee was looking at the ceiling, she knew deep down she was going to die. She didn't want to of course, but she thought maybe it was better for everyone. She gasped in pain, as she clutched her side to prevent more blood from spilling out. It was no use because she eventually let go of her side as she passed out. Knowing she was going to die.


There was 15 seconds until the place was going to explode.

As they were looking for the grounder, they found him running outside so they chased him outside and the assassin and Sinclair had a fight. The assassin was about to kill Sinclair not before Rave shot him dead

She ran up to them, "Get the numbers on his arm!" She then yelled on the radio. "Gina, Gina! We got the code." There was no response. "Gina, do you copy?"

What she didn't know was that Gina was dead with the countdown still going.

"Got to go back in there," Raven yelled out, "No Raven! no!" Sinclair yelled, trying to stop her.

"Jaycee is still in there! And we can't just let them die!"

Before Raven can try and run in, the explosion occurs and all the people inside are killed. Raven and Sinclair are blasted back.


Sinclair and Raven sat up from their laid-back position. Everything was gone.

The people were gone, and Jaycee was gone. Raven started to cry for her friend. Sinclair put his hand on her shoulder.

She then grabbed the radio to contact Bellamy.


Octavia, Pike, and Bellamy were in Polis during the summit, trying to get their people out because Echo told them it was a trap, but they were wrong.

"Bellamy, maybe we were wrong about this," Octavia said to her other brother.

"I don't understand," Bellamy looked around.

Kane had his hand up, "Stand down,"

Kane takes the gun from Bellamy.

The radio turned on, "Bellamy, Bellamy, come in. The Grounders attacked Mount Weather." Raven was crying through the radio.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked frantically.

"It's gone, It's all gone," She was crying really hard, not because of Mount Weather, but because Jaycee was dead now too. "They're all gone. Sinclair and I are the only ones left." She sobbed into the radio. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Bellamy looked down, he had tears in his eyes.

One of the grounders spoke up, "You should have never moved your people back into Mount Weather. The Ice Nation did what Lexa was too weak to do."

"This is an act of war. Sentries arrest the Ice Nation delegation, including the prince," Lexa yelled out at her men.

"We need to get home. If they attacked Mount Weather, Arkadia could be next," Abby told Kane in a low tone of voice.

"I agree," He spoke softly, Jaycee was dead and he was upset about it.

Lexa was the one to speak out loud to them, "Go. Marshal your forces. We'll avenge the attack together."

Indra spoke up, "I'll escort them." She looked at Octavia. "I hope you kept up with your training. You'll need it,"

Bellamy looked at Clarke, he wiped his tears before he said, "Clarke, we need to leave now,"

She looked at him, then Lexa stood between them, "We need an ambassador from the 13th Clan to stay here in Polis,"

Bellamy looked at her, he just lost Jaycee, he wasn't going to lose Clarke.

"It's not safe here."

"Clarke will be safe here under my protection." Bellamy looked at Lexa, then Clarke.

"I have to stay,"

Abby walked up to her daughter. "I have to make sure she keeps her word." Clarke looked at her mother.

Titus then walked up to them and said it was time to leave.

Abby and Clarke hugged.

Everyone said their goodbyes.

Bellamy was walking away when Clarke called him for a second.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Jaycee," She said as she looked at the man.

Bellamy nodded, "Stay safe," and he walked out.

Bellamy couldn't believe Jaycee was actually dead. He should have tried to make things right between them, but he was so stubborn. He regret's it, and he is going to make them pay.


It was a cold night, Mount Weather was destroyed, everyone was dead but Raven and Sinclair. The wind was blowing the tree's, there were so many stars in the sky.

There was a figure pulling someone along the ground. They had a hood on, their face could not be seen. The person was seen with someone a lot smaller than them. They had dragged the body into a cave. There was a fire built in already, fur that used to belong to some animal.

The smaller figure had put pressure on the person's wound. While the older person had put a cold rag on their forehead.

The person had opened their eye's for a split second, she was confused, she didn't know who these people were "You're okay," The smaller person said

"Just stay with us, Jaycee" The older person said.

Jaycee closed her eye's once more, she thought she was dead, she doesn't remember anything passed after the grounder had stabbed her.

But she was alive.

Jaycee Jordan was f*cking alive.


WOAHHH she alive guys

Did yall really think I would kill her off?!

Y'all are crazy if you thought I'd do that

Anyway ALMOST 10k READS!

Amazing. I am so proud of myself for being able to keep up with my story and posting every other day.

Anyway thanks for the love and stay safe babes.

(Word count 3054)

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