Devoted To You || Gilbert Bly...

Od RenAintNoSaint

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827 15 5
Od RenAintNoSaint

Birthday. A noun. Meaning, a day marking or commemorating the origin, founding, or beginning of something.

Aunt Josephine and I were still in deep in conversation, discussing the matters of the trust. It's the late afternoon now, the warmth of the cozy living room enveloped us, shielding us from the crisp afternoon air outside. Suddenly, the rhythmic cadence of footsteps approached, and Gilbert's voice cut through our dialogue.

"Sorry to interrupt you two. Ada," he said, a playful tone in his voice, "close your eyes."

I exchanged a puzzled glance with Aunt Josephine before obligingly closing my eyes. The world plunged into darkness, and the sound of rustling fabric reached my ears.

"Don't peek now," Gilbert teased, his fingers gently securing a blindfold around my eyes. The world became a symphony of muffled sounds, and I felt a gentle tug on my arm as he guided me toward the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked, a sense of anticipation tingling in the air.

"It's a surprise," he replied, his voice full of excitement. "Just trust me."

Guided by Gilbert's steady hand, I navigated the threshold of the door, stepping into the cool night air. The scents of winter and wood smoke enveloped me as I stood on the threshold of the unknown. My heart quickened, curiosity mixing with the thrill of the unexpected.

"Okay, Ada, open your eyes."

With a hint of hesitation, I lifted the blindfold, allowing the world to flood back into view. The first thing I noticed was the soft glow of lanterns, and as my vision adjusted, I saw the flickering flames of a bonfire dancing in the backyard. The warm hues of amber and gold illuminated the scene, revealing the faces of friends and familiar neighbors gathered beneath the willow tree.

A gasp escaped my lips as the surprise unfolded before me. The willow tree, adorned with lanterns, stood as a radiant centerpiece. The bonfire crackled with life, inviting laughter and joy.

Aunt Josephine chuckled beside me, evidently pleased by the turn of events. Gilbert wore a triumphant grin, clearly delighted by my reaction. I felt a surge of gratitude for the friends who had gathered to share this special night, and for Gilbert.

He took my hand, leading me toward the heart of the gathering. The crackling bonfire cast shadows that danced along with the lively tunes of a fiddler nestled in the corner. Laughter and merriment filled the air as familiar faces turned toward us, their eyes sparkling with shared joy.

"Happy birthday, Ada!" echoed the chorus as the gathered friends greeted me with smiles and well-wishes. The surprise party unfolded seamlessly, a tapestry woven with the threads of laughter, shared stories, and the flickering glow of the bonfire.

Aunt Josephine, beaming with delight, embraced me warmly. "Gilbert put a lot of effort into making this a special night for you, my dear. It warms my heart to see such love and care."

I turned to Gilbert, who stood beside me, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the bonfire. "Thank you," I whispered, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness he had poured into this celebration.

His smile widened. "Happy birthday, Ada Faye," he said, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that resonated with the flickering firelight.

Under the willow tree's graceful branches, someone had set up a rustic table adorned with an array of delectable treats—sweets, cakes, and warm beverages. The air carried the inviting aroma of cinnamon and baked goods, adding to the festive ambiance.

"This looks delicious. Who did all this?" I look to Gilbert. Anne, Diana, and Ruby step forward before he can answer. "You girls made all of this?"

"Of course." Anne beamed.

"It wasn't too hard. It gave us great practice for when we are all wives." Ruby says, mostly looking at Gilbert.

I snicker. "Well, thank you." I give each of them a hug. I take a deep breath as I take in the scene. "Let's party."


As the night went on, most of the adults ventured home leaving Aunt Jo and Bash to chaperone. Amid the crackling of the bonfire, the group gathered in a circle, the flickering flames casting playful shadows on our faces. Anne, always the instigator of mischief, proposed a game of truth or dare to add an extra spark to the festivities.

Anne spun the bottle to determine who would face the first challenge. The bottle came to a stop, pointing directly at Josie. She rolled her eyes, already sensing that Anne had something mischievous in mind. "Truth or dare, Josie?" Anne grinned, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Josie, feigning nonchalance, responded with a smirk, "Dare, obviously."

"Alright," Anne declared, her tone laced with a daring edge. "I dare you to compliment someone genuinely without sarcasm or insults."

A hushed murmur rippled through the group, and even the crackling bonfire seemed to hold its breath. Josie, unused to such challenges, hesitated before glancing at the circle. Her eyes landed on Anne, her rival, and nemesis.

"I guess..." Josie began, her tone begrudgingly sincere, "I suppose Anne has a way with words, even if they're a bit too imaginative at times."

Anne grinned triumphantly, reveling in the unexpected compliment. The group chuckled, breaking the tension that had settled.

Josie reached out to spin the bottle. It lands on Moody, who picks truth. "Is it true that you told Billy that your kiss with Diana was the best you ever had." Moody looks down at the ground, blushing. Everyone chuckles. "Well I guess that answers that."

As the bottle spun again, it eventually pointed toward Billy. The smirk on his face suggested he was ready to bring his signature brand of mischief to the game.

"Truth or dare, Billy?" Moody challenged.

"Dare, obviously. I'm not afraid of anything," Billy boasted, casting a defiant look around the circle.

"Alright," Moody said with a sly smile. "I dare you to say something genuinely nice to someone."

Billy's expression shifted, caught off guard by the unexpected dare. He glanced around, weighing his options before settling on Gilbert. "You guys are terrible at this game. But fine," he grumbled, "Gilbert, your... hat looks tolerable tonight."

The group erupted into laughter, the absurdity of Billy's compliment amplifying the amusement. Even Gilbert, known for his unflinching demeanor, couldn't help but crack a smile at the awkward attempt at friendliness.

We decided to change it up a bit. As the bottle spun and landed on Gilbert, the group erupted in cheers. Gilbert, good-humored and ready for the challenge, looked around the circle, inviting someone to issue his next dare.

Tillie, with a mischievous glint in her eye, spoke up. "Gilbert, I dare you to share your most embarrassing childhood story with us."

The anticipation in the air grew as Gilbert chuckled and scratched his head, considering his options. "Alright, let me think," he began, casting a glance towards Ada. "Back when I was about nine, I decided to impress someone by climbing the tallest tree in Avonlea."

I smirked, my eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"The plan was flawless—until I got stuck," Gilbert continued, grinning at the memory. "I ended up hanging upside down for what felt like hours until my father found me. Needless to say, my tree-climbing days were put on hold."

Laughter erupted from the group, and I couldn't resist teasing him, "So, Gilbert, are you still avoiding trees to this day?"

He shot me a playful glare. "Only the tall ones."

The bottle spun again, this time landing on me. Josie smirked, clearly relishing the opportunity to stir up trouble. "Truth or dare, Ada?"

I pondered for a moment before deciding, "Dare."

Josie's eyes gleamed with mischief. "I dare you to dance with Gilbert, right here, right now."

The group erupted in cheers and playful teasing as Ada shot Josie a mockingly exasperated look. Gilbert extended a hand to her, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips.

"Shall we?" he asked, his eyes locked onto mine.

With an amused smile, I accepted his hand, and we began to dance around the flickering bonfire. The surrounding laughter and the soft glow of the fire danced on our faces making me giggle. When we are done we go back to our spots. Desperate to get everyone's attention off of us I spin the bottle. Which lands on Gilbert.

"Alright, Gilbert, truth or dare?" I grinned, mischief sparkling in my eyes.

Gilbert chuckled, glancing around at our friends. "Well, let's go with dare."

A mischievous twinkle danced in my eyes as I contemplated a playful challenge. "I dare you to give Anne a compliment that will make her blush."

Anne, sitting nearby, looked both curious and slightly apprehensive. Gilbert took the dare in stride, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Anne," he began, his voice warm, "your imagination is a treasure that brightens up the dullest of days. Avonlea is lucky to have someone with such a vibrant spirit."

Anne's cheeks turned a rosy hue as she fidgeted with her hair. "Oh, well, thank you, Gilbert. That's... unexpected." The group erupted in laughter, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at Gilbert's smoothly executed compliment.

"Aw the freak has never been complimented before. How sad." Billy remarks making me roll my eyes.

Billy, grinned at me. "Truth or dare, Ada?"

"It's not your turn Billy. You didn't even spin the bottle." I reach out to grab it but he puts hit hand on it.

"Truth or dare?"

I rolled my eyes, already sensing the impending mischief. "Truth."

Billy leaned in, a sly grin on his face. "Admit it, you're secretly in love with someone in this group."

I chuckled, taking it in stride. "Sure, Billy, I'm madly in love with your impeccable manners." The group snickers at my sarcasm.

Josie joined in, a wicked gleam in her eye. "Alright, Gilbert, truth or dare?"

Gilbert raised an eyebrow, a sense of foreboding settling in. "Truth."

Josie, with a dramatic pause, asked, "Is there someone you can't stop thinking about when you're not with them?"

I shot Josie an exasperated look, and Gilbert's expression tightened. Sensing the tension, the group fell into a momentary hush.

"Well, Gilbert?" Josie pressed, a smug smile playing on her lips.

Gilbert's jaw clenched, and his gaze turned sharp. "Enough with your games, Josie. We're here to have fun, not engage in your nonsense."

Billy chimed in, stoking the flames of mischief. "Oh, come on, Gilbert!"

My eyes narrowed, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "Okay seriously, your obsession with stirring up drama is tiresome."

Josie's probing questions lingered in the air, each one an arrow aimed at unraveling the unsaid truths. Ruby, casting furtive glances at Gilbert, seemed uncomfortable with the direction the game was taking. I couldn't ignore the turmoil beneath the surface, knowing Ruby's feelings for Gilbert and feeling a pang of guilt.

As Josie continued her relentless pursuit of "truth," she turned the spotlight back on me. "Alright, Ada, truth or dare?"

Ada hesitated, acutely aware of the weight behind each choice. "Truth."

Josie, with a knowing smirk, leaned in. "Is there someone you've been keeping a secret from?"

The question hung in the air, and I felt the weight of Ruby's unspoken feelings adding to the complexity of the moment. "No, Josie. There's no secret."

Billy and Josie, seemingly unsatisfied with the lack of scandal, redirected their attention to other members of the group, leaving the more sensitive matters unexplored. Gilbert sensed my unease. He gently nudged me, silently asking if I was okay. I managed a small smile in response, appreciating the comfort he provided.

As the night progressed, Anne seized control of the game, steering it away from uncomfortable territories. Truths and dares became lighthearted once again, with Anne's whimsical prompts leading the way.

"Alright, Cole, truth or dare?" Anne asked, a mischievous glint in her eye. Cole, caught off guard, pondered for a moment before deciding on "dare." Anne grinned, "I dare you to serenade Ruby with a love song!"

Ruby blushed, and the group erupted in laughter. Cole, always the good sport, alerted the fiddler, and began singing a playful tune that had everyone in stitches.

The atmosphere lightened, and I felt grateful for the comic relief. The lingering tension began to dissipate as the group embraced the whimsy of the moment. Despite the earlier awkwardness, they reveled in the joy of camaraderie and friendship.

As the final notes of Cole's impromptu serenade faded away, the room erupted in applause. Ruby, though still blushing, couldn't help but laugh along with the others. Anne, ever the orchestrator of fun, shouted, "Let's dance!" With that proclamation, she grabbed Tillie, and the two of them twirled into a lively jig. Soon, the entire backyard became a makeshift dance floor, with couples and friends joining in the merriment.

Diana caught my eye and grinned, extending her hand. "Care to dance, Ada?"

"Why yes, fair maiden." I couldn't resist the infectious energy, so I took Diana's hand, and we joined the swirling dance. The music played, and laughter echoed through the field as we twirled and spun, celebrating the bonds of friendship that had endured the test of time.

As the dance continued, I found myself briefly locking eyes with Gilbert. The laughter in his eyes mirrored my own, and for a moment, the world outside this joyous gathering ceased to exist. The flickering fire and the lively tunes became the backdrop to a shared moment of connection, unspoken yet deeply felt.

As the dance continued, Anne, with her infectious enthusiasm, shouted, "Switch partners!" The lively music provided the perfect backdrop for the cheerful chaos that ensued. Couples spun and twirled, laughter filled the air, and the room buzzed with the carefree spirit of the festivities.

In the whirlwind of the dance, I found myself now partnered with Cole. He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Hope you're ready for the best moves Avonlea has ever seen!"

I chuckled, appreciating Cole's light-heartedness. The dance floor became a canvas of twirling figures, each step a testament to the joyous celebration of friendship. I glimpsed Diana dancing with Moody, their laughter blending seamlessly with the lively music. Gilbert danced with Ruby, which made her blush a deep red.

"One more time!" Anne yells.

Gilbert and I found ourselves face to face, our eyes locking in shared amusement. With a playful smirk, Gilbert extended his hand, and I couldn't help but accept the challenge. The fiddler adjusted the melody, and we seamlessly joined the rhythm of the lively tune. Laughter and merriment surrounded us, our steps falling into a harmonious dance.

With a final spin and a flourish, our dance concluded. Gilbert, with a grin, offered a mock bow, and I curtsied in response, both of us enjoying the playful moment that had added a delightful twist to the festive celebration in Avonlea.


As the last guest bid their farewells and the sounds of the night settled, Gilbert, Sebastian, and I found ourselves in the quiet aftermath, helping Aunt Josephine get settled into the guest bedroom.

We guided Aunt Josephine to the cozy guest bedroom in Gilbert's house. Sebastian ensured that the room was well-heated, adding a few extra logs to the crackling fire in the hearth. Gilbert, with a subtle smile, adjusted the curtains, allowing the soft moonlight to filter through and cast a gentle glow over the room.

As Aunt Josephine settled into the room, she expressed her appreciation for the thoughtful details. "You've made me feel right at home," she remarked, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

With a sigh of contentment, Aunt Josephine sank into the quilted armchair by the window, gazing out at the moonlit landscape. Sebastian, leaning against the doorframe, added, "It's our pleasure to have you here, Aunt Josephine. Anything you need, just let us know."

Gilbert nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. Make yourself at home, and if there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, don't hesitate to ask."

Aunt Josephine, touched by their genuine hospitality, smiled warmly. "I'll let you young ones get some rest. Thank you for everything."

As we bid Aunt Josephine goodnight and closed the door to the guest bedroom, the house settled into a tranquil calm.

"Tonight was a success," Sebastian remarked, his eyes reflecting the satisfaction of a well-executed plan. "Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves."

I nodded in agreement, a smile playing on my lips. "It was indeed a wonderful night. I'm so grateful for everything you both did to make it special."

Sebastian leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "And what about you, Gilbert? What's your take on the night?"

Gilbert, who had been quietly observing the exchange, joined the conversation. "Couldn't have asked for a better celebration. Ada deserved a fantastic birthday and I hope that's what she got."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow playfully. "And did you enjoy yourself, Doctor Blythe?"

Gilbert chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, it was definitely an eventful night. I did enjoy it, though."

As our conversation meandered into reminiscing about the highlights of the party, Gilbert turned to me, his eyes holding a mixture of warmth and affection. "Ada, I hope the night lived up to your expectations."

I nodded, touched by his consideration. "It exceeded them, Gilbert. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday and Christmas celebration. Thank you."

Sebastian, ever the observant friend, excused himself, leaving us alone in the moonlit corridor. Gilbert and I exchanged a knowing glance, the unspoken connection between us weaving through the shared moments of the evening.

"I should let you get some rest," Gilbert said softly, his gaze lingering on mine.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you for everything, Gilbert. It means the world to me."

As we stood there, the quiet intimacy of the moment enveloped us. Gilbert's hand reached up to gently cup my cheek, and he pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.

"Goodnight, Ada," he whispered.

"Goodnight, Gilbert," I replied, as I watched him disappear into his bedroom. The warmth of his kiss and the shared moments of the evening lingered in my thoughts, and I retreated to my own room with a heart full of gratitude and contentment.

I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the wonderful people in my life. Surrounded by the love of family and friends, I reflected on the magic of the season and the joy that comes from sharing it with those who hold a special place in our hearts. The warmth of the fire, the twinkling lights, and the laughter echoing in the cozy room were the perfect backdrop for a Christmas and birthday celebration that surpassed all expectations.

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