This is my destiny (Spider-Ma...

Da wildxshark

6.4K 174 23

Y/n had been Spider-Man for a few years and have save the city from many villains. Until one day Y/n was recr... Altro

The Avengers
Part 2: Loki's plan
Part 3: New york
Part 4: we won
Spider-man: a city on fire
Part 1: take down Fisk
Part 2: the goblin
Part 3: my path
Part 4: A city on fire
Captain America: the winter soldier
Part 1: the Lemurian star
Part 2: S.H.I.E.L.D compromised
Part 3: the truth
Part 4: an old friend
Part 5: your my friend
Avengers age of ultron
Part 1: hydra take down
Part 2: party crasher
Part 3: visions (🍋 lemon)
Part 4: birth of Vision
Part 5: together
Spider-Man the great hunt
Part 1: a sandstorm
Part 2: revenge
Part 3: goodbye
Part 4: A rescue

Part 1: Recruitment

671 15 1
Da wildxshark

Y/n narrator POV:

OK let's do this one last time.
My name is Y/n L/n I was been by a radioactive spider and for the last five years I have been the one and only Spider-Man. During my time as Spider-Man I saved the city numerous times. But it turns out I'm not the only superhero.

There's a man in a metal suit, Iron man. And a man that turns green when he's mad, Hulk and there's a man who a super soldier with a vibranium shield, Captain America. And there's a guy with a hammer, Thor.

even though there are other heroes I still love being Spider Man I mean who wouldn't. But it came with a cost...I lost my dad and it's my fault...Before he died, he tried telling me with great power comes great responsibility. I lived by that every day.

I hope you're proud of me dad.

Y/n POV:

I had just gotten home from work. As I sat down on the couch my radio went off saying shocker was robbing a bank. "Can I not just relax bro." I got up putting on my suit swinging out the window.

I finally made it to the bank landing on a pillar. "Hey Herman is this like your fifth time breaking out of prison." Shocker used his gauntlets at me but failed. I webbed his hand together preventing him from using them. I jumped down kicking him in the gut. Shocker I got his hands free hitting me sending me flying at a wall.

"This is where you die web head!" He shot a shock wave at me but missed hitting the pillar. He threw a desk at me but I threw it back at him.  I did a roundhouse kick sending him back hitting a wall causing his gauntlets to glitch I webbed him hands together.

(I wrote this late at night, so I was tired. I didn't want to write a long fighting.)

"I think playtime is over now." I grabbed him handing him over to the police.

"Thank you spider man." The officer said.

"No problem." I said before swinging back home.

I climbed through the window taking off my mask. "I can finally relax." I flopped down on the couch closing my eyes. I was relaxing until I heard my phone ring.

"Hey Y/n, what's up." I heard Eddie said over the phone.

"Hey, what's up man how things going."

"Things are going good. I heard what happened at the bank. like how many times is he gonna break out." I chuckled.

"Yeah don't worry he'll stay away for good this tim-" I then heard a noise down the hall. "Hey Eddie i'm going to have to call you back." I hung up and started investigating the noise. I checked all the rooms and nothing.

"It finally nice you to meet you Spider Man." I turned around and saw a red head woman standing in living room with my cat in her arms. "It's nice to see someone else take the names after spiders."

"Who are you? Are you one of kingpins goons sent to kill me." I could sense two more guys outside the door.

"No, I'm here to ask for your help." She put down the cat. And took out a file handing it to me. I opened it looking through it. "A man name Loki stole the tesseract from the shield facility. he's not from around here."

"So what do you want for me?"

"We can really use your some help. You were the first super hero to exist and saved the lives of thousands."

"Listen this seems all like cool superhero stuff but I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." It's no that I don't want to help it just that New York needs it's hero here.

"I understand. It bigger than what you're used to but it is for me to. But I do it because it's my job and I want to make up for my mistakes."

I don't if I should get involved. I would want to help but this is way different from what I have done.

I thought about it for a moment. I was usually aways fighting for the city and the little guy. My dad always said 'you help whenever the opportunity comes, you do it for everyone.' If this Loki guy has a weapon that can kill millions I can't stand by and let it happen. "...I will help you." She smiled.

"I'll give you some time to pack up." She walked out the front.

I started packing up some extra clothes and changed out of my suit packing it up. After packing we headed to jet and headed off

"I never got your name?" I realized that they had to know my Id for a while.

"Natasha Romanoff."


Me and Natasha arrived on a the aircraft carrier as we walked out I see Steve Roger's and Dr. banner. "Hey there Steve Roger's it honor to meet you." We both shook hands.

"It's honor to meet you too."

"It's a honor meet you to doctor." I held out my hand shaking his.

"Yeah I'm just glad it's on better terms than last time."

I then remembered our last encounter was fighting the abomination.

"Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."
The carrier began to lift up to the air. Bruce was a little worried about them being in the air. Since if he turned into the Hulk.

We walked into the ship seeing people working on computers trying to find Loki. "Mr. L/n I'm glad you decided help." A man with an eye patch said to me. "I'm Nick fury. I have kept an eye on you for sometime."

"Yeah a lot of people do." I remarked.

"Miss Romanoff can you show Y/n were he'll be staying."

"Of course." She led me to my room. I set down my things on the bed. I was in something bigger than I was used to but I have a responsibility. "I know this is a new to you but if you need anything feel free to ask me." She said with a caring smile.

"Thank you." She said left the room. "Oh shit, I didn't tell mom that I wouldn't be around for couple days." I said to myself I quickly grabbed my phone calling mom.

"Hey honey how are you." I heard her over the phone.

"Hey mom, I forgot to tell you, but I won't be around for a couple days."

"Why? Is everything okay."

"Yeah everything's fine you remember how MJ is moving out of her parents house, she just needs me to help her pack something's."

"Oh ok, don't strain yourself. But say hi to MJ for me I love you."

"I love you bye." I hung up and called MJ.

"Hey MJ I need you to lie for me."

"About what."

"If my anyone calls you asking where I'm at I need you to say that I'm helping you move out."

"Why? Is everything all right?."

"Yeah, everything's fine I'm just helping out a couple people from possibly a world ending event."


"Don't worry it's not gonna happen. I won't let it. you trust me."

"Yeah, of course I trust you." She still sounded a bit worried.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't let what happened to Peter happened to you." I remembered what happened Peter my best friend. He's gone because of me.

"I careful."

"I will, MJ." I hung up. MJ means so much to me. I see her as my sister. She was there for me when my dad died and I was there for her when Peter died.

I finished putting my stuff away and headed into the main room sitting down at table.

"First super hero to exist. Never thought I would be able to meet you." I looked up seeing Steve sitting down on the chair next to me. "I've heard what you've done for the past five years as Spider-Man."

"Hope all of the good ones." We laughed. "At first I thought I could use these powers to my advantage but it came at a cost." I paused for a second.

"I went to a wrestling gig to win some money but the guy cheated me out. Then a guy robbed him so I wanted a little revenge. So I let the guy get away." I remembered that day...every day. "Then he killed my dad trying to steal his car."

"I'm sorry for your loss." I gave a small smile.

"Before he died he told me that 'with great power comes great responsibility' that's why I do what I do."

"Sounds like a wise man wish I got to meet him."

"He was. Even after becoming Spider Man I couldn't save everyone I lost my best friend." Old memories of Peter and me hanging out together resurfaced.


Me and Peter were hanging out at an arcade having a fun. "Bro let play fire ball." I suggested.


I put in some tokens into the machine and began to play. We made it a tradition to go out to the arcade every weekend.

This is how we bonded together. We first met back in school. We were assigned as scientist partners. We both realized we had a lot in common.

We hung out every other weekend and decided to go to the arcade. I saw him as another brother to me.

As we hung out. I felt my spider sense going off. Then two trucks crashed through the wall
and came out were men with guns, in black armor.

"Pete, Get the hell out of here I'll deal with this." He nodded and ran.

I quickly changed into my suit swinging in taking the men down one by one.

"you guys could've just walked in instead of driving through. it ain't drive-through" I continued taking them out.

"I got the package let's go!" I heard a man yell out. I turned around and saw they had Peter in the truck.

They drove down the street I quickly gave chase after them. Some men opened the back doors and started shootings at me.

I dodged all the bullets and landed on the truck pulling out the men. I got behind the truck and webbed it trying to stop it.

It came to a stop I quickly looked in for Peter but nothing. I quickly started chasing the other truck. I quickly landed on it pulling out one guy before I could pull out the other guy my spiders sense went of.

Before I could react we crashed into an oil tanker truck cause an explosion sending me flying back. "PETER!!" I ran into the flames hoping to find him. But all I found was his glasses. I then heard police sirens in the distance. I quickly swung away before they could arrive.

I landed on a building taking off my mask. Tears streaming down my face. "...I'm sorry, Peter. I'm s-sorry." I sobbed letting all of my emotions out.

Present day

"Every day I wish I could've done more." A tear slid down my face. It's my fault that MJ lost her boyfriend, it my fault why aunt May lost her nephew, it's my fault why I lost my best friend.

"I know how it feels...I lost a to friend." I look up at him. "His name was Bucky...we were fighting together in the war, Until one mission. We were sent to capture Arnim Zola a German scientists working for the red skull."

He paused for a second. "Until one of men on the train shot a hole on the side of the train. Bucky tried blocking the next shot but was blown back."

"I took down the guy and ran trying to save Bucky but the railing he hung on to gave out....I couldn't do anything about it." I felt so sorry for Steve knowing he had lost a friend like me.

"I'm sorry Steve I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." I apologized. I can tell he felt guilt about his friend's death.

"It's okay and sorry about yours." I was just happy to have someone to talk to about this super hero stuff.

"this is not how I saw my week going off I originally had plans in place to celebrate my 21st birthday." I haven't been able to celebrate my birthday since I became spider man. I was  hoping to celebrate my birthday this weekend but I guess not.

"What were you planning on doing?"

"Well, since I'm turning 21 I wanted to get my first drink."

"How about this after we're done I'll buy you a drink." I chuckled. I shook his hand in agreement.

"Sir we found him." Phil Coulson said.

"Captain your up." Steve got up heading out the room. "You go to Y/n in case he needs back up." I nodded and headed to my room to get my suit.


We were in the Quinjet heading to where Loki was. Steve got out the jet and waited for an opportunity. Meanwhile Loki was down there with everyone on their knees. Loki was about to kill an old man until cap jumped down using his shield block the shot.

The Quinjet revealed its self aim its gun at Loki. "Loki drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha said through the microphone. Loki ignored her order and shot at the jet. Cap jumped into action attacking Loki.

Loki was beating Cap in their fight. "The guys all over the place."

"I'm going down there." I was about too exit jet until a man's voice came over the radio.

"Agent Romanoff miss me." I knew instantly that was Tony stark. He flew down hitting Loki with his repulsors knocking him down. Loki put his hands up in surrender. Cap quickly cuffed him and walked into the jet placing him down on a seat.

We started heading back to base. Natasha informed Nick they had Loki in custody. Tony and cap talked. "I have a weird feeling about The man he can throw hard hits so why would he just give up so easily?" I then felt my spider senses going crazy. Lightning started coming out of nowhere.

"Where is this coming from."

Loki looked a bit worried.

"What's the matter, are you scared of a little lightning"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Then a loud thud came from on top of the jet. Tony, Steve, and I quickly put on our masks. Tony goes over to the door panel opening it.

"What are you doing." Cap said to Tony. But then a the thor entered the jet. Tony raised his hand ready to shot but was hit with the hammer knocked him me and Steve down. He then grabbed Loki and flew off.

"And now there's that guy." Tony said getting up.

"Another Asgardians." Natasha yelled from the cockpit.

"That guy's a friendly." Cap said.

"Doesn't matter if he frees Loki or kills him the tesseract is loss."

"Stark we need a plan of attack."

"I have a plan attack." Tony then flew off after the Loki a the man. Then cap quickly got a parachute ready to chase after them.

"I'd sit this one out cap." Natasha tried warning him.

"I don't see how I can."

"These guys come from legends they're basically gods."

"There's only one god, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." He then jumped out the jet.

"Shit, if he's going I'm going to." I went to grab another parachute.

"No you don't, you're staying here kid." Natasha said.

"First off I'm not a kid I'm 20 about to be 21 and two they might need my help." She let out sigh.

"Fine just...just be careful." She said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, how do you think I'm alive." I then jumped off the jet. I pulled the pin landing safely down before hitting the ground. I spotted Loki on the cliff overlooking Thor and Tony fighting. I quickly webbed Loki to the ground preventing him from escaping.

"This time you stay put." Loki just stared at me with menacing smile. This made me feel uncomfortable and suspicious on what he was planning. Then Tony, cap and Thor landed behind me.

"You good." Cap asked me. I nodded in agreement.

"How About him." I pointed at Thor. He nodded. "Hey Natasha we need a ride." I spoke into my earpiece. After a minute the Quinjet landed behind us Thor picked up Loki and walked into the jet. We then headed back to base.


We were in the room together while Nick was putting Loki in his sell. He was talking to Loki.
I was watching it with Natasha though the camera while looking was making remarks to banner.

Then the recording stopped. "He really gross on you. Doesn't he." Banner said.

"Loki's gonna drag this out so. Thor what's his play." Steve asked Thor. He explained that he had army from space.

We discussed what Loki was planning and why he needed the cube for. Then Tony then walked into the room and made a couple of jokes and remarks. After a bit more discussion Tony and banner walked off to the lab.

I decided to call it a night and headed to my room to get some rest. "You did good today." I looked my right and saw Natasha.

"I didn't really do anything but thanks." I gave her a smile.

I looked at her for minute and never realized how beautiful she was. She caught me and snapped her fingers catching my attention. I turned away in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed I get this a lot."

"Sorry I didn't mean to seem like a creep or anything."

"It's okay, you're not bad looking yourself." I felt a blush on my face. She could clearly see it on my face. "I'm gonna let you get some rest, good night." She walked away.

I walked into my room taking off my suit and change into more comfortable clothes. I laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. "It's been a wild day." I said to myself before falling asleep.

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