The Second Flash And The Wind...

By eddies19

22.3K 391 63

Naruto is a boy that possesses the Nine Tail Fox making the young boy known as a jinchuriki. He was looked do... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.

Chapter 15.

467 17 0
By eddies19

"Welcome to the world of D-Rank missions."  

Naruto hated hearing those words. It's been two weeks since the bell test Kakashi had Team Seven partake in. Kakashi kept his word and started taking missions for team seven the day after the bell test. 

Naruto and his teammates, refused to believe whatever they were doing were missions.

Menial tasks such as fixing fences, painting fences, walking the dogs for a walk, manual labor on the farms, cleaning floors and washing dishes. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were confused onto how these menial tasks would be listed in the D-Mission category, when these tasks are just uninteresting. 

Speaking of which, Sasuke tried to question Naruto about learning kenjutsu, taijutsu and water style and that he should teach Sasuke in which Naruto refused by simply saying one word "No". 

Sakura even tried asking Naruto so she can pass the information along to Sasuke but also refused to tell her as well as Naruto knew Sakura would immediately go to Sasuke just so she could get his attention.

Naruto also kept secret of Kakashi training him at a young age, because he knew if it got out, the civilian council would literally start having a cow and try to remove Naruto from the shinobi program immediately. 

Naruto during the weeks of when there was nothing but D-Rank missions worked on his taijutsu training at his parents mansion and used his father's training room and the results are progressing. In those two weeks his taijutsu has improved and gotten stronger especially also using his chakra element styles incorporating in his taijutsu.

Naruto and the sand siblings keep  in touch as he would tell them about the D-Rank missions and wishes for a mission that isn't D-Rank, as the sand siblings have been doing C- Rank missions, B-Rank and they even had an A-Rank mission as the sand siblings have gotten strong with their training and missions.

Today team seven is on a mission, a D-Rank mission to be more specific. A mission that Naruto has no problem easily completing this mission.

The mission is to capture Tora, the cat of Madam Shijimi, she is the wife of the Feudal Lord from The Land Of Fire.

It was a mission that gave Naruto goosebumps. He could swear that his gramps is a sadist. The old man could see the joy at their pain in his eyes every time the mission to capture Tora the cat was handed out.

So far they caught Tora five times. This will be team seven's sixth time capturing Tora. Naruto was ready to tear his hair out at this point.

Hidden Leaf Forest.

"This is Kakashi, does everyone copy?"

"Sakura here, copy."

"Sasuke here, copy."

"Naruto here, copy."

"Does everyone have eyes on the target?"

Naruto responds "I have a clear visual on the target. Waiting on your go Kakashi-sensei."

"Okay, go!"

A teleportation later and Naruto has Tora secured in his arms.  She was thrashing around, but Naruto couldn't care less. "Got her, Kakashi sensei!" Turning to the cat, he pressed his fingers onto the cat's forehead and removed them, revealing a kanji symbol that says "Sleep." Tora then falls asleep instantly.

Naruto's teammates landed beside him, irritated expressions on their face which Kakashi expertly ignores and asked Naruto through radio, "Does the cat have the red ribbon on the right ear?" 

Sakura then replies through her radio to her sensei "Yes, the red ribbon is on the right ear! We have a positive ID on Tora! Can we please go now?!" Naruto couldn't blame Sakura for being so infuriated with Tora. Naruto looked over to Sasuke and him return to his usual brooding expression, but the clenched fists however say otherwise.

Kakashi then lands beside his team, eye scrunched up in that usual annoying eye smile of his. "Great work Team Seven! Capturing Tora is a success! Mission accomplished!" Naruto then replies "Again." Naruto seriously wanted to start doing actual missions. 

Hokage Tower.

Mission Hall.

After returning to the mission hall, Kakashi asked for another D-Rank mission, much to the team's protests snd dismays.

The Third Hokage scrolled through the missions, "Hm... let's see what I have here for D- Rank missions." "Well for D-Rank missions I do have a couple, there's a fence that needs painting, weddings to be officiated and dog walking."

"Grandpa, how about a real mission? Like I don't know maybe, oh a C-Rank mission." Naruto asking the third hokage his grandfather figure for a different mission, tired of doing the chores these people would call "missions."

Sakura was quick to scold Naruto "Naruto! Show respect to the Third Hokage!" What was also surprising was that she didn't try to hit Naruto. It seems Naruto's warning scared her during the day of the bell test two weeks ago.

"Naruto!" Iruka spoke with a frown on his face, "You can't just demand missions like that! Genin teams have to do D-Rank missions for two to three months before they're qualified for C-Rank Missions! And even then their Jonin sensei's-"

Hiruzen then interrupts Iruka with a gentle laugh, "It's alright Sakura. He's called me that name ever since he was little and when I took him in as my own grandson when no one else took Naruto in to raise him."

Sakura's and Sasuke's eyes widen a bit surprised. They both didn't know that Naruto was so close to The Third Hokage to the extent of calling the old man a grandfather figure.

Hiruzen then turns toward Kakashi as he begins to ask the copy cat ninja, "Kakashi, do you really think your team is ready for a C-Rank mission?"

Kakashi was deep in thought when Hirzuen asked him that question. He ponders at the C-Rank mission opportunity as this could get his team to experience being outside of the hidden leaf village and to also experience more of the shinobi world.

After taking everything into consideration, Kakashi then gives his answer to the hokage, "Yes, I believe team seven is ready for a C-Rank mission, Lord Hokage."

The three genin had different reactions to this. Sakura sighed in relief on not having to do another D-Rank mission. Naruto forms a small smile as he spoke "Finally." Sasuke smirked at finally witnessing some action and to experience the ninja world outside of the leaf instead of doing another D-Rank mission as he sought to get stronger while on this C-Rank mission.

Hiruzen nodded and begins to browse through the pile in front of him "Let's see what I have for a C-Rank mission. Hmmm... Here's one that's a C-Rank mission. A simple escort and protection mission to The Land Of Waves. Your client is a bridge builder named Tazuna who needs you to protect him until he completes building his bridge Wave."

Kakashi then takes the scroll "Mission accepted, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen then turned to Iruka, "Iruka, send Tazuna inside."

Iruka nodded as he walks out of the room, two minutes later he then returns with an old man wearing a straw hat and holding a bottle which obviously contains liquor. Naruto wrinkled his nose, the odor wasn't pleasant at all.

Tazuna the bridge builder, looks at the team of young genin as he begins to slur, "This is the team of ninjas that are supposed to protect me? I paid for a real team of ninjas for protection, not a team of genin brats!"

"It's funny you should say that, considering you didn't notice me move old man." A voice came from behind Tazuna. He whipped around with round eyes, but couldn't spot the owner of the voice. 

"I'm right here you drunkard old man." The sam voice drawled, making the old bridge builder turn around again, his eyes then lock on to a hooded figure that showed little of blond hair. The hooded figures intense blue eyes stared back at him, silently mocking him and his earlier statement. Naruto then unsheathed his tanto within a blink of an eye as he then delivers a slash to the alcohol bottle Tazuna was holding, after slashing the bottle he then puts his tanto back into his sheath and teleports to his team as the bottle that was cut in half fell to the floor as the glass shatters into a million pieces as Tazuna was then spooked by Naruto. Naruto smirking at Tazuna, showing the old bridge builder on what he's capable of.

Kakashi who has seen enough then steps in to talk to Naruto after watching him scaring Tazuna "Naruto, that is quite enough, you've proven your point to Tazuna, no need to scare him anymore." he reprimanded in usual lazy tone voice, which didn't sound much like a reprimand at all.

"Hmph, you're no fun Kakashi-sensei." Naruto sighing despondently.

Kakashi approaches Tazuna to assure the old man bridge builder, "Tazuna, you have nothing to be afraid of. My students are among some of the best upcoming ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village. Besides we can easily handle a couple of bandits while escorting you to the Land Of Waves so you can complete building your bridge."

Instead of making the old bridge builder relax, Tazuna began to tense up a bit at the one word Kakashi said and that word was "bandits." Naruto narrows his eyes a bit at that. Protection from a Jonin would be enough to make anybody relax, so Tazuna tensing up didn't make any sense.

"He is hiding, or more probably, withholding some important information, regarding this C-Rank mission Naruto. Be on your guard Naruto and remain vigilant." Kurama advised Naruto about his suspicions.  The fox spirit too, noticed Tazuna tensing up.

" I will, Kurama." Naruto replying to the fox in his mind before turning to his sensei, with a calm and small smile look on his face. "So when do we depart, Kakashi-sensei?" he asked eagerly.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning at seven o'clock A.M. Naruto." Kakashi answered. Kakashi the lazily waved his students away, "That's it for today. Take full rest for tomorrow's mission. Gather everything you'll need for this mission, essentials, weapons, supplies and everything. And remember tame seven, we will be departing to the Land Of Waves at seven o'clock A.M. in the morning. Don't be late everyone. You're all dismissed."

The genin then dispersed to do their own thing for the rest of the day before tomorrow's mission to the Land Of Waves. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura then go their separate ways to prepare for tomorrow.

Ichiraku Ramen.

Naruto goes over to Ichiraku Ramen for a bite to eat since he won't be having Ichiraku Ramen for a while going on this mission. While having his usual Miso Pork Ramen, Naruto converses with Teuchi and Ayame about this new C-Rank mission he and the rest of team seven will be partaking in as he won't be in the hidden leaf for a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks depending on how long the mission will be. 

Teuchi and Ayame wished Naruto good luck and that they will miss him and that they will be ready to give him his ramen when he comes back.

Naruto then leaves Ichiraku Ramen, as he makes his way home to prepare for the C-Rank mission.


Naruto's Apartment.

Naruto walks up the stairs leading up to the front door of his apartment building. He walks over to the front door and gets the key to his apartment door out of his sealing scroll and unlocks the door as he then walks inside to his apartment and closes the door as he then locks the door.

Naruto goes over to his room to grab a map of the ninja world to find where the Land Of Waves is located. He walks over to his living room and sets the map onto the table and looks at the map to find where the land of waves is. 

Naruto then finds the land of waves on the map. As he then speaks to himself with Kurama listening, "So, the Land Of Waves is located on a small island near the Land Of Fire. That means the Land Of Waves is also south of the Hidden Leaf Village." Kurama then replies to his host "Clever. How long will this mission be when we go to the Land Of Waves Naruto? Since we're going to be outside of the Hidden Leaf Village for a while."

Naruto then replied to the fox's question, "Well Kurama, I would say the estimate amount of time we will be in the Land Of Waves is, three to four weeks." Kurama then replies "Then you better get to packing since we're going to be far from home for quite a while kid." Naruto replies "That I'm going to start preparing now Kurama."

Naruto then rolls back up the ninja world map and puts it back in his room. Naruto the begins to gather some clothes and puts them in a sealing scroll, then begins to sharpen his weapons, sharpening his katana's, his kunai knifes, his flying thunder god three prong kunai knifes in case of an emergency, his shuriken and last of all his tanto's. 

Naruto then gets a lot of explosive tags together, as they explosive tags have a bigger bang than normal explosive tags, after becoming a sealing jutsu master, he experimented with tags and made stronger tags than the normal tags that shops would sell. He also made sure to pack enough of his flying thunder god three prong kunai knifes incase of an emergency.

Naruto then finishes packing everything he needed for the mission he will be partaking in tomorrow morning to the Land Of Waves. "Okay, this should be enough to last for the mission and for three to four weeks of being out of the Hidden Leaf Village." he mused. "All of that packing has made me hungry, so time to make some dinner." 

Naruto then walks over to his kitchen to make himself dinner. He grabs his seasonings, a pan, olive oil and walks over to his refrigerator to grab a salmon filet out of his refrigerator to make crispy salmon. After a couple of minutes of cooking, Naruto then eats his crispy salmon dinner.

After dinner Naruto then cleans his dishes and puts everything back where they belong. He then walks over to his bedroom and opens the window from his bedroom to breathe in the fresh air. He looks up at the stars in the night sky for a bit before closing the window and locking it. 

Naruto then walks over to his desk and begins to write a letter to Temari to tell her the news and to let her know that he will write her as soon as he can while on his mission. After a couple of minutes of writing his letter to Temari, Naruto then gets a messenger bird to send his letter to her. After giving the bird his letter, the bird then flaps its wings and begins to fly into the outside world to go deliver the letter to Temari. 

Naruto then changes into his sleepwear, he puts on a black shirt and grey pants, as he then gets in bed and covers himself as he then sleeps preparing for tomorrow morning's Land Of Waves mission. However, Naruto has no idea what he is in for on this mission.


Hidden Sand Village.

Kazekage Estate.

Today was a normal day for Temari and her siblings, there were no missions for them that day so they trained with their sensei Baki, after training with Baki they then head home to relax after training, Kankuro worked on his puppets in his bedroom, Gaara worked on his sand and talked to Shukaku the sand spirit as the two have been getting along and Shukaku also aiding Gaara on his training as well. Temari earlier was in her room reading over some books on wind style, Kenjutsu and Tessenjutsu.

 After reading her books, Temari goes to the rooftop of her home to overlook her home, the hidden sand village, to feel the breeze of the wind and to watch the sunset. While watching the sunset she hears her name being called "Temari." Temari turns around and sees her brothers Gaara and Kankuro. Temari forms a small smile seeing her brothers as she replies "Hey Gaara, Kankuro." The two brothers walk over to where Temari is at to watch the sunset with their older sister "The sunset looks nice this time of the day." said Gaara as he admires the sunset. "You said Gaara." replied Kankuro.

The three siblings watched the sunset for a couple of minutes until their names were called. "Gaara, Kankuro, Temari. Dinner is ready." It was their mother Karura calling her children as her and her husband Rasa were in the dining room waiting for their children to join them for dinner. "We're coming mom." Kankuro replied as the three siblings then leave the rooftop to go inside to have their family dinner.

While the kazekage family were having dinner, Rasa asks his children "So, how did training go with Baki, during your day off from your missions?"

"Training went good, we've been working with Baki sensei so that we would be ready for the next mission." said Kankuro.

"That's good to hear Kankuro. A shinobi must always be ready for anything." said Rasa.

"Speaking of missions, I wonder if Naruto had any new missions that aren't D-Rank missions?" said Gaara.

"Beats me Gaara, the last time I heard from Naruto, him and the rest of team seven have been doing just D-Rank missions. Hopefully, Naruto will have a different mission this time that's not D-Rank mission material. But, only time will tell Gaara." replied Temari.

After dinner, the Kazekage family clean up the dining room and wash the dishes. After cleaning the dishes and dining room, the siblings go to their respected bedrooms as it is now nightfall in the Hidden Sand Village. Temari changes from her kunoichi outfit into her sleepwear, her sleepwear being a white shortsleeved hoodie and black pants. After changing she grabs some books on tessenjutsu, kenjutsu and wind style jutsu to sharpen her mind and to learn more techniques as she begins to read. 

After reading a couple of pages from her books, Temari then puts the books away. After that, she then reaches for her hair bands holding her four pigtails as she begins to take them off, allowing her to go down behind her neck. She's rarely seen without her signature pigtails as she only takes off her hairbands when she's going to sleep. The only people that have ever seen her without her pigtails is her family. She is also remarkably beautiful with or without her signature pigtails.

Temari then decides to go to the rooftop of her home to get some fresh air and to also look at the view of the hidden sand village at night and to take a look at the stars in the night sky.

She heads to the rooftop of her home as she overlooks the view of her home, the hidden sand village and breathing in the fresh air from outside and feels a cool breeze from the wind. She reaches for her hood stock from her short sleeve hoodie to conceal her face a bit and keep her warm as she then sits down and looks up into the sky and gazes upon the stars at night and smiles.

After a couple of minutes go by, Temari gets up from where she was at as she was going to leave the rooftop of her home until she hears the sound of a bird. She turns around to see where the noise of the bird is coming from. "Who's there?" she said.

She then sees a shadowy creature flying towards her, she couldn't tell at first what the creature was, because it was far away. But once it got closer, she could see it's a bird, but not an ordinary bird it was a messenger bird. She sees the bird holding a letter as the bird then lands near Temari's location. 

Temari walks over to the bird smiling as the bird gives her the letter, she then nuzzles the bird as she says "Thank you." The bird then begins to flaps its wings and as it begins to fly away. Temari then looks at the letter as the front of the letter read, 

"To: Temari.

From: Naruto."

Temari smiles looking at the letter Naruto sent her, the kunoichi always love to get Naruto's letters, just as he loved getting her letters as well. She then leaves the rooftop of her home as she makes her way to her bedroom to read Naruto's letter. After walking into her room and closing her door she then goes to her bed to sit down and opens the envelope as she begins to read Naruto's letter. 

"Dear Temari,

Today was just another day of dealing with D-Rank missions, the mission we had was getting Tora the cat. The pet cat of Madam Shijimi, who is known as the wife of the feudal lord from the land of fire. It wasn't too difficult getting the cat but I defiantly don't want to get scratched by that cat as that cat always runs away from Madam Shijimi since she's crushing her cat by hugging it too tight.

Gramps then tried to give us more D-Rank missions which were painting the fence, officiating a wedding and dog walking. In which I talked to him about getting a real mission that's not D-Rank. He then explained the whole purpose of why we get D- Rank missions, after his explanation he then asked Kakashi sensei if we're ready for an actual mission, a C-Rank mission to be precise. In which Kakashi sensei tells gramps that we're ready for a C-Rank mission.

The C-Rank mission we're assigned to is escort a bridge builder named Tazuna to the Land Of Waves, his home land where he must complete the construction of his bridge. We did also meet the bridge builder Tazuna, however Tazuna reeked and smelled like alcohol especially also showing up drunk when we met him. 

When Kakashi sensei was explaining to him that we will protect him from bandits, the guy Tazuna started getting tensed by the word "bandits". Usually protection from a Jonin would make anyone relax knowing they're in safe hands. Tazuna however seems to be a different story right now. Temari, I have a feeling Tazuna is hiding or more probably withholding valuable information that will be crucial to this mission. I'm starting to think that this "C-Rank mission" might end up not being a typical normal C-Rank mission, but something else entirely. Kurama has informed me to remain vigilant and on my guard as well while being on this mission.

I've already packed everything I need from change of clothes, to supplies and weapons. I've also made sure to sharpen my weapons as well and I have packed my explosive tags as well as these will be giving a bigger bang than what a normal explosive tag would provide. I've also taken the liberty to pack my "special weapon" as well in case of an emergency. I will only use it if I'm all out of options while on this mission. 

I've also taken a look at the map to see how long I will be out of the hidden leaf village for, after some calculations, my estimated time I will be out of the village will be three to four weeks. Temari, I promise that I will write to you whenever I can, either when we rest on the way to the land of waves or while we're in the land of waves even when coming home from the mission and when I'm officially back in the leaf. Regardless, I promise I will write to you. I will also keep you informed on how the mission is going and I will be careful, I promise. Keep me in your prayers as well Temari.

Your best friend and always,

Naruto Uzumaki."

Temari could understand Naruto with how boring D-Rank missions could get but understood what the whole purpose of D- Rank missions being for genin and was glad Naruto is going to be doing a C-Rank mission but at the same time was being concerned for her childhood friend when he told her about how the bridge builder Tazuna was and with Naruto's suspicions about the mission. She then walked over to her desk and began to write a letter back to Naruto as she was hoping Naruto will get her letter before he departs to the Land Of Waves for his mission tomorrow morning. 

After she finished writing her letter she then gets a messenger bird as she then heads up to the rooftop of her home with the bird on her shoulder as she then gives the bird her letter and instructs the bird "Deliver this letter to Naruto as soon as possible. He needs to get this before he leaves the hidden leaf village. I'm counting you and please." The bird then chirps and nods its head as it takes the letter. Temari then nods her head and nuzzles the bird, as the bird takes her letter and prepares to fly "Okay, go." The bird then chirps as it takes off into the sky to go deliver the letter to Naruto as soon as possible.

Temari watches the bird fly away into the distance to go deliver the letter to Naruto and watches it keep flying until she couldn't see the bird anymore. She then leaves the rooftop of her home as she then makes her way to her bedroom. 

She then goes into her bedroom and closes the door, she then walks over to her desk and picks up the picture frame containing Naruto's ninja registration picture, she looks at the picture of Naruto as she then speaks "Naruto." She then puts the picture frame back at her desk as she then says a quick prayer. After her prayer she then goes to bed as she then starts to slowly fall asleep. She then says her last words before she falls sleep as she says "Naruto, please, please be careful on your mission." After that Temari then falls asleep and hopes that Naruto gets her letter in time before he leaves the hidden leaf village for his escort mission, of escorting Tazuna the bridge builder to the Land Of Waves to complete the construction of his bridge at his home land.

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