total drama gc

By codythetwink_

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(FANFIC 1) (this was an idea I got from talking to an ai on character ai, which I know sounds kinda silly) AL... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 17
part 18
part 19

part 16

238 3 30
By codythetwink_


(btw if its *name*//*name* then its pm's (private messages) and ik ive done that before but just a little refresh idk)

(yes noco is mentioned in this chapter again btw 🥶🥶 (im gonna try distributing the ships out so we get to see more of all of them instead of focusing on one, i just had an idea for this one) also its super bad like also barely noticable that its noco cause there's this guy who is practically dying the whole time..)

(and yes very slight mention of izva, which btw hasnt actually because with them two being a thing (yet!!))
(some sad/not good topics shown and implied btw, sometimes not that directly but you can guess whats going on 😪)


Izzy: hey homo
Izzy: onlline now
Izzy: pls 🥺
Izzy: @Noah

Noah is online
Noah: what now

Izzy: so
Izzy: what r u doing rn

Noah: sitting in my bed texting you dumbass whore.

Izzy: okau well
Izzy: what if i invite u and cody out to the park or sum
Izzy: for a picnic
Izzy: im bringing eva ofc 😻

Noah: so its a double date!! /j

Izzy: anyways go tell the kid
Izzy: we going in an hour

Noah: ugh fine
Noah: dont do or say anything tho.

Izzy: okau.. 😈
Izzy: go tell ur bf then 🥺

Noah: 😒
Noah is offline

Izzy: homo 😝
Izzy is offline

Noah's pov

I get out of my bed and walk up to Cody's room, knocking on the door. I don't get a response straight away so I knock again a few seconds after. Yeah, I'm a bit impatient.

I check my phone for the time, it's 11:37am. I knock for a third time, harder this time. The response I get for that is a scream and a thud on the other side of the door.

"You okay Cody?" I ask, not concerned whatsoever about him. Well, maybe a little bit.

"No, I just fucking fell out of bed," he replies.
"Anyways, what do you want?"

"Get dressed."


"We're going out in an hour."


"My god, why do you ask so many questions? Izzy invited us to the park for a picnic, so get ready. It's gonna be really warm today," I say, walking away to my own room to get changed before he can ask me anything else.

I close the blinds and turn any lights off in my room so that I can get changed. I do this quickly, I don't wanna waste any time. I can't see a single thing in the darkness, exactly how I like it. I'd prefer not to have to look at anything just in general if I had the choice.

That's also why I don't have any mirrors in my room.

I put on a t-shirt, some jeans and a hoodie, then I leave the room to go downstairs and wait for Cody. Yes, I did say that it was gonna be really warm today, and yes, it will be most definitely. I just don't get hot that easily, yeah that's it definitely...

Ten minutes later, Cody comes downstairs. He looks like he got his clothes from hot topic and he has eyeliner on.

I don't question him on why he looks like an emo cause he usually looks like that, even though he isn't one, and he doesn't question why I'm wearing a hoodie with how hot it is outside cause I'm always wearing a hoodie.

I only waited for him so that we could make the food to bring to the picnic. Well, I say we, but I mean he. I don't do anything to do with it, I just watch him do it.

"But Noah, what if I pack something you don't like in it?" he tries to reason with me.

"It's fine, I like pretty much anything anyways, besides if I helped I'd probably mess it up anyways," I say back.

And we both know that's not the reason for it.

Once about half an hour had passed, we were both most definitely ready and so we left the house. I locked the door behind us and we start along the path.

It's pretty quiet on the way there, both of us just mind our own business. The whole way there I keep on throwing quick glances at Cody, he doesn't look at me at all, he just walks silently.

I've already fucked up the morning, it can't get any worse from now on, can it?

Who am I kidding, of course it can.

And it doesn't help that Izzy's gonna be there too.

Sure, she's my friend, I think, but if she keeps going on about me and Cody I'm afraid that I might snap at her and ruin the day.

And Eva's fine, I'm quite close friends with her, I think, and she doesn't say things like Izzy.

Them two are such opposites, but they're like two magnets; 'opposites attract', as people say. I say like magnets, but Izzy's the magnet that drags Eva, the other magnet, along with her. But that's just how they like it, I guess.

After being lost in my thoughts for who knows how long, we arrive at the park. We don't see Izzy and Eva straight away, it takes a bit of searching to find them, but we do eventually.

"Hiii!" Izzy exclaims when she sees us approaching her. She jumps to her feet (they were sitting on a bench) and runs up to us.

She opens up her arms as if to ask 'do you want a hug?' to both of us, so Cody and her hug, then she again offers the same thing, just to me this time. I shake my head, basically saying no, and she puts her arms back down, leading me and Cody over to where her and Eva were sat before.

"Hey," Eva says to me and Cody.

"Hey," I reply.

"Hi," Cody also replies.

She gets up, grabbing a bag which probably has whatever her and Izzy brought for the picnic.

"Okay, let's go find somewhere to sit then," she says and the four of us walk away.

Cody and Izzy end up infront, me and Eva behind them. The two infront of us are chattering away, about what I don't know, but back here it's quite quiet.

"Why couldn't we just sit back at that bench?" I ask Eva about halfway through the walk.

"I don't know, Izzy said that she knew a spot or something," she replies.

"I'm gonna guess it's just some random spot in the middle of some field somewhere."

"Probably, yeah."

"Of course it is."

"Hey, what are you both talking about back there?" Izzy interrupts in our conversation that has already ended, turning around and walking backwards to face us while she speaks.

"Nothing," me and Eva both say simultaneously.

"Okay, sure then.." she replies skeptically, turning back around to talk to Cody again.

Pretty soon we get to this 'spot', and I was right, it's just some random place in the middle of a field.

"It's not just any place, there's a nice view! Look!" she tries to argue back to me when I say something about it.

"Just shut up and sit down then," I say, and she does so. Then the rest of us sit down.

Okay, she wasn't wrong, the view is nice, but I'm not gonna tell her that.

It's around one in the afternoon when we do find this place and sit down, so as soon as we do we get the picnic stuff out. Instead of helping, I just scroll through my phone. Not like anyone cares whether I'm helping or not, right?

They get done setting up pretty quick so they start eating. I'm still on my phone, 'not realising' they've started. They engage in some small talk while they're eating, and I don't hear much of it while I'm scrolling aimlessly on my phone.

At some point, it goes quiet. I don't know why that is, but a few seconds after I hear someone whisper something to me:

"Noah, you haven't eaten anything. Are you okay?"
It's Cody asking the question. Izzy it talking to Eva at this point, so they're both distracted from mine and Cody's conversation.

Without looking up from my phone, I reply with "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'll get something in a minute."

Then conversation between him and the other two resumes as normal after a few seconds, and all is forgotten. Well, I think it's forgotten anyways.

It's clear that more than a minute has passed and I've still ignored anything that anyone else has said to me.

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. It's clear that my phone turned off quite a few minutes ago, and now I'm just staring into space, into nothing. I knew I shouldn't have put that jumper on, cause I'm sweating a lot right now. Great, another thing to make me feel like absolute shit.

I can see my face in the reflection of the darkness of my phone screen. Holy fuck, I look dead. Why did I even agree to come out here? I flip the screen over so I can only see the back of the phone. I almost forgot that I don't have a case on my phone at the minute, and the back basically looks the same as the front when it's off. So that means I can see my face in the reflection of the back too, and I look even worse, even though it's the same face I'm seeing. I just decide to put my phone back into my pocket cause I don't wanna see whatever the fuck that thing is staring back at me in the reflection.

I don't even think about trying to join in the conversation. Two reasons, the first being that I can't be bothered to talk to them, the second being I don't wanna ruin whatever conversation they're having right now.

At some point Cody and Eva start talking to eachother, which to me is surprising cause they're even more like opposites than Izzy and Eva are. This just leaves Izzy, who tries to talk to me.

"So, Noah, you and Cody, huh? You finally made a move, congrats. Didn't think you had the balls," she says.

"Shut up," I say back quietly, but loud enough that she hears me.

"Is that the only phrase you know how to say?" she asks as a joke.

"Shut up."


"Cause I want you to shut up."

"Rude much."

From then on I just ignore her. I honestly can't be bothered today and I don't know why.

It only takes a few minutes for everybody else to get bored. We pack up quickly and start walking to nowhere in particular. Again, I say we, but I mean they. I haven't done a single helpful or good thing today, isn't that great?

When we start walking, Izzy and Eva are in front this time, me and Cody behind them.

I don't see what the point of today was. Nothing fucking happened, not for me at least. I don't know why I even came here in the first place. Being out here makes me want to sleep forever and never wake up. Actually, I feel tired right now. And I'm not saying that's weird, but it's a different kind of tired. What about it makes it different I don't know, but it feels different.

I think at some point I get too lost in my own mind, seeing as when I come back out of my thoughts, Izzy and Eva are gone. It's just me and Cody now.

I stop walking. We're still somewhere in the middle of the field, it's just not anywhere recognisable. It's quiet, nobody speaks. Cody stops walking as soon as I do, turning to face me as he does so. There's something.. unsettling, about this whole thing.

"Cody?" I say, taking a step towards him. Nothing. He just stays standing there, staring into some sort of void.

Upon getting no response, I turn around to see if anyone is nearby. Nobody. When I turn back around, he's gone.

Holy shit, did he just evaporate?

I start panicking. Where the actual fuck did he go? I start walking again, searching for anyone, but no one is there. Pretty soon I admit defeat, sitting down in the long grass of the field. I can't see a thing down here, just how I like it.

I want to cry, but I can't. I don't know where the fuck I am.


None of this feels real.

I decide to lay down in the grass. I'm so fucking tired, and maybe I'll get to live out my life long dream of sleeping forever...

Cody's pov

Three words to sum this up: oh my fuck.

Let's go a little bit back, not too far, to when we got up to leave the field.

Everything was normal, right?

We had our little picnic, we talked a bit, and all of that. But there's one thing that I realized, and that I pointed out. Noah, being asocial as usual, looking at something on his phone.

Or, rather, looking at his phone in general. The battery had clearly died, he was just staring into an empty screen. I'm not saying that it's anything abnormal, we all have a tendency to get lost in our own thoughts, I suppose, but one thing that happened made me question him.

Or, well, one thing that didn't happen.

It feels weird to bring up something that's already happened, especially with this kind of thing, but to move the story on, I have ti make some sort of mention of it, so here we go:

He hadn't eaten anything the whole time we were there.

My first thought was that maybe what was in there was something he didn't like, but he hadn't even touched anything to do with it, so that couldn't be it.

So I asked him about it, as you should know, and he gave me a response, which you should also know.

Anyways, so when we got up to leave, I asked Izzy if her and Eva could go in front this time, to which she agreed.

So, when we started to walk, it was quiet. I kept on throwing quick glances at Noah, he didn't look at me at all, he just walked silently.

Now, I don't like commenting on people's appearances, however whenever I looked at Noah, he looked kind of drained, I don't know, maybe just 'not okay'? Anyways, I didn't say anything cause that would have seemed weird, but in the long run, perhaps I should have said something at least.

Basically, to summarise it for you, he stopped in the middle of the field we were in, and passed out.

Luckily, I was quick enough to catch him. I called for the other two, and as soon as they turned around, they had realized what had happened and rushed over.

"Okay, what the fuck just happened?" asks Eva, looking at him.

"I think he passed out.." says Izzy, also looking at him.

"Wow, congrats smartass. You got it right."

"I know right, I'm so smart!"

"So what are we gonna do?" I ask, concerned because of the person that is unconscious and in my arms.

Wait, no, not just any person. This is my boyfriend that I have in my arms.

Well, I think that's what we are now.
Either way, this whole think is kind of freaking me out.

"Should we take him to a hospital or something?" Eva suggests.

"Nah, we should take him back to his house and wait for him to wake up. I mean, he only fainted, not enough to take him to a hospital, right?" Izzy replies.

"I mean, we should probably take him to a hospital, but I don't know, what if they tell us to get out unless it's a 'real problem'?" I add. They both look at me, slightly confused.

"Oh, yeah guess I should elaborate," I start.
"Okay so one time when I was hit in the head by a dodgeball in like middle school or something I was proper knocked out cold and my head was bleeding and apparently the hospital didn't let me in."

(idk when middle school is so i'm about to google it, im too british for this fucking society 🥶)

"How.. fun! Anyways, let's take him home then!" Izzy says.

None of us move.

"So, how are we gonna do that then?" Eva asks her.

"I don't know, someone carries him?" Izzy replies.

"Yeah, I'll do it then.." Eva responds, taking Noah from my arms.

Holy fuck, she's so strong. She can carry people, unlike me. Maybe I'm just weak, I don't know.

We head back from where we came from, but we took a different route because there was too many people back the original way, and that would probably be awkward for anyone to see whatever is even happening right now.

So, we get to mine and Noah's place quite quickly and when I unlock the door the three of us go straight up to his room. He has the light turned off and you can't see a thing cause the blinds over his window are also shut. I turn the light on, being the last person to enter the room.

His room was actually clean, unlike mine, but we won't go into that. Eva puts him on the bed.

"So, what now?" Izzy asks. Eva and I both just shrug our shoulders, having no idea what to do now.
"Well then should me and Eva just go home?" she asks, the question mostly directed to me.

"Yeah, probably. I'll take care of him when he wakes up, don't worry," I say back.

They both leave the room, I leave the room too, but only to let them out of the house and lock the door behind them. When they're gone, I go back up to Noah's room. He's still unconscious, obviously, and I decide to turn the lights back off and close the blinds again. I go up to the bed and sit beside where he now lays, not taking my eyes off of him until I eventually end up falling asleep next to him.

a few hours later
Noah's pov

I've been laying here in the dark for a while. Not that long, only a matter of minutes, but it still feels like forever since I woke up from whatever dream I was having. The term 'dream' seems like the wrong word here, maybe 'nightmare' would fit better.

I don't know what happened earlier. Partly because I had supposedly passed out for most of it, 'most' as in all of it. And partly because I just don't know what happened.

When I do finally decide to move, I realise that I'm in my own room. But there's someone else in here too, I can just feel it. When I turn around, I see exactly who I was expecting to see: Cody. Why he's in here with me, I don't know. And then I realise that he must have been the one with me when I did pass out.

I don't know the exact point of when I fell unconscious, the real world and the one in my mind had blended together almost seamlessly.

I'm reminded of what happened a few days ago to him, and I shudder at the thought.

Instead of waking him up or anything, I lie back down with him. I put my arms around him, he's quite warm. Eventually I drift off to sleep, still holding onto him...

okay so this is kinda different i guess..

again sorry for more noco, even if its barely in there, still yk..

you might know that i was going to have this chapter on one of my other books, but i just thought it first here better, if yk yk.

idk how to feel about this, really hesitant on releasing this but yk its up now so nothing i can do really.

if you want me to focus more on certain ships in this, then request it, and maybe request some ideas, my brain is running out of the ideas that arent weird like my other books..

sorry for this chapter. (NO CAUSE WHY DID 'SPIT IN MY FACE' START PLAYING..)

3449 words written

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