Fire N Gold (Bella Swan)

By Brianna170402

21.1K 1.2K 103

Ronnie is Rosalie's biological baby sister. She was turned by her sister to save her life. After a couple of... More

Fire N Gold
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

1.1K 112 12
By Brianna170402

Bella's POV:

I tighten my jacket on myself and glance down at the little pieces of the wreckage. You would think the school would've cleaned everything up by now.

I glance to my truck where the dent is. The way Ronnie stopped the van with her hand was humanly not possible. The van literally bounced back from her hand. And the way she got to me so fast was unbelievable.

My gaze switched towards the girl in question. She's messing around with her brother Jasper who pushes her head away gently.

It's like she knew I was staring because she looked up and our eyes connected. Involuntarily a smile works it's way on my lips and she gives me her smile that seems to be only for me.

    Ronnie tells her siblings something before walking over. The sight of her gets cut off by Mike going in front me with a smile.

  "Look at you, huh? You're alive," he says in a playful voice at the end making me chuckle slightly.

  "I know, yeah. False alarm, I guess," I respond with a small nod and look around him finding Ronnie coming closer.

   "Now, I wanted to ask you, you know, if, you know, it's like a month away, but-," my attention goes back to Mike who spoke up.

   Whatever he was gonna say gets cut off by Ronnie who gives me a smile before glancing at Mike. "Hello, Bella. How are you?" She softly says then asked as she looked me over.

I blush slightly, "I'm doing fine. What about you? How's your stomach?" My hand moves slightly towards her's but stopped when I think it over.

   She glances down quickly and slid her hand in mine. "Better. I'm not missing our date today again," she reassured me lifting our hands to plant a small kiss on the back of mine.

"Neither am I," I reply with a shy smile and she grins down at me. A loud clear of a throat caught our attention. Oops forgot about Mike.

   "Sorry, Mike. What were you gonna say?" I tell him with an embarrassed blush at forgetting he was here. I can't help it. Whenever Ronnie's around it's like she's the only one in the room or parking lot.

   He glances at Ronnie then to our hands and back to me again. "Uh you know what never mind. I lost it. But it was nice to see you're doing better, Arizona," he says a bit awkwardly and walked away towards the bus.

Ronnie chuckles softly and turns to me. "He's a bit awkward, isn't he?" She asks softly and tilts her head a bit making me swat her stomach gently.

"Leave him be. It's because of you. He's not used to interacting with you," I tell her and she set her hand on her chest with a cheesy smile.

"Why little ole me? I've never did anything to him. How are you really though, Bella? No headaches or pain?" She playfully says and brought her hand away from her chest to gently cup my face.

The blush I had before came back ten times worse. "No, nothing. No pain no headaches. You pushed me out of the way remember? Are you ever gonna tell me about that?" I answer truthfully then ask making her give me a small smile and pull her hand away.

   No that's not what I wanted her to do. I should've just kept my mouth shut. "You're very curious and get straight to the point. One of the things I like about you. I've asked my family for permission to tell you and they said yes but I can only give you hints and you have to figure it out on your own. Just like Angela did," she answers quietly and I opened my mouth to talk when she shook her head.

"And no you can't ask her. She had to figure it out on her own as well. It's not because I want to be difficult but it would be easier if you figured it out so I don't get in trouble," she adds gently and I look at her in confusion.

"In trouble? What kind of trouble?" I ask and she looks away briefly before looking back to me with a small smile.

"It's better if you figure it out first before I answer that," she responds just as Mr. Molina calls for the few of us that are lingering in the parking lot.

I sigh softly at being interrupted. "We're being summoned by, Mr. Molina," Ronnie jokes softly getting a smile from me, "would you like to sit together on the bus?"

I nod quickly and look away when I realized what I did. That seemed a bit desperate Bella. A soft squeeze on my hand made me look back to Ronnie who smiles happily.

   She gently guides us over towards the buses where we meet up with some of her siblings. "Hi, Bella! I'm Alice this one's sister," the pixie like girl happily says and held out her hand to me so I grab it softly and shook it.

She gives me a smile and pulled away to hold onto her boyfriend's arm. "I'm Jasper. It's nice to meet you, Bella. Ronnie doesn't shut up about you," he politely says and cleared his throat.

Ronnie scoffs playfully and punched his arm softly. "Shut it, Jas," she tells him and gives me a sheepish smile.

So cute. "It's nice to meet the two of you. I hope to know more about you two. Ronnie only told me a little bit," I softly respond with a nod and they both give me a smile.

"All good things I hope," Alice says raising an eyebrow at Ronnie who raised her unoccupied hand in a defense motion.

"Oh yeah. I told her about that time Alice tripped down two steps. It was hilarious," Ronnie jokes and Alice gasps loudly then pinched her arm making Ronnie yelp in pain.

I giggle softly at them and Ronnie gives me a pout. "Bella, you're supposed to be on my side. I'm telling Rosalie, Alice," she whines cutely to me then tells Alice who rolls her eyes.

I lean up and plant a kiss on her cheek before pulling away but still kept a hold of her hand. "I am since I gave you that kiss to soothe the pain," I say playing along with her and she stuck her tongue out at Alice who chuckles.

   Ronnie lifts our hands and pressed a kiss on the back of my hand. "Hello, Isabella," internally I cringe at the use of my full name especially coming from someone who seems to hate Ronnie for some reason.

   But I have to be polite for her siblings sake. "It's Bella and hi uh Edwin, right?" I respond with my eyebrow furrowed a bit making Ronnie and Jasper smother their laughter while Alice covers her mouth with her hand.

  What? Is that not his name? "It's Edward and forgive me but I just thought Isabella is such a beautiful name that's why I used it," he tells me and gives me a weird looking smile.

It kinda seemed like he's constipated. "Come on, kids. Up up and in," Mr. Molina spoke up and ushered us into the second bus.

I pulled Ronnie with me towards a seat towards the back. "Would you like the window seat or the aisle one?" She softly ask before we could sit down.

   "You can take the window, I don't mind," I respond and she nods before sliding into the seat then I go after her.

   All the other kids came on and took their seats. Jasper and Alice took the seat next to us on the other side of the bus while Edward is in front of us.

Ronnie leans next to me, "for the record I find Isabella and Bella beautiful names. They suit you." I turn my head and my breath hitched at how close we are.

I glance down at her lips then to her eyes only to find them doing the same thing I did. "Thank you," I say and gulp nervously making her smirk slyly.

"Do I make you nervous, darling?" She whispers leaning in closer and I swear my heart's gonna beat out of my chest from how fast it's going.

"I-if I say yes, what would you do?" I stutter slightly and she raised an eyebrow at that.

She hums softly and stops just a centimeter from my lips. "I would do it again and again until you can't handle it anymore," she whispers and her breath hits my lips.

  Oh my god. I tighten my hold on her hand and she glances down then grins before leaning forward missing my lips by a centimeter and pressed a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

Ronnie pulls away slowly and I let out a shaky breath as I try to calm myself down. What is this? Is this what it feels like to be turned on?

    I glance over at her and she's looking out the window with her legs crossed but I can see through the reflection she's still grinning.

   Oh she's teasing me. Well played, Ronnie. But good god, she does it so naturally. Right now I'm more focused on calming myself down.

   Suddenly I sag back against the seat feeling way better than I did before. Okay then? I glance up when I see Edward and find him glaring back towards Ronnie who flipped him.

  I giggle at that and she turns to me again with a smile. "I was wondering where we're gonna eat at tonight? Is it gonna be a fancy restaurant or just casual," I ask and from here I see her swallow slightly.

  "It's gonna be casual and if you want we can eat at the theater while we watch the movie. Only if you want too, of course," she answers and rubs her other hand on her thigh.

Is she nervous? Aw so cute. "We can do which ever. I don't mind," I tell her with a shrug and she thinks it over.

  "We can eat at the movie theater but on our second date I will take you to a restaurant," Ronnie announces with determination.

I smile shyly, "you want to go on a second date with me?" Her head jerks back slightly as she looks at me with an incredulous look.

  "Of course I do. I uh really like you Bella and I'm hoping we will continue to go out if this date goes well," she responds in a soft tone making me blush brightly.

   "I would like that as well," I respond laying my head on her shoulder, "I can't wait for our date." I play with her fingers and she lays her head against mine.

    "Neither can I," she agrees softly and for the rest of the short ride we spoke about different random but funny things.

Like I asked if Alice really fell off two steps and she laughed with a nod. Apparently it was Emmett's fault to begin with but it was funny to the rest of them. I can only imagine that. Poor Alice.

The bus slows to a stop in front of a large greenhouse. I stand up and moved into the middle with Ronnie following.

We all exit the bus and meet up with the others in the middle. "Alright let's go. Please don't damage the plants while we're here," Mr. Molina announces giving a few looks to some boys.

Ronnie chuckles softly and holds out her hand to me so I grab ahold of it with a shy look. Mr. Molina took us through the greenhouse.

  Ronnie pulls a small pink flower from a plant and gave it to me. I grab it with a blush, "thanks." I hold it carefully on my hand.

  "No problem," she says with a small chuckle and we continued walking down the middle of the plants with the others.

  "Eggs shells, carrot tops. Compost is cool. Now, stuff that in there, Eric. Very good. Very good. Now, I am gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea," Mr. Molina spoke up and held up a cup of dirty water. He hands it over to Tyler who looks it over.

  "So uh if you weren't gonna tell me the truth then what would you have told me about the incident? The whole being able to stop the van," I softly tell Ronnie who chuckles.

  "Uh yeah. I would have told you I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can google it. Although now that I said it out loud, it kinda sounds stupid," she answers truthfully and I nod slowly.

  Makes sense. "Yeah it kinda does," I agree and giggle when she gives me a mock hurt look, "I'm sorry but it's the truth. So when can I have a hint?"

   She hums softly, "well all I can say is pay close attention to some things about us. That's.." she stops when Jessica bounds over happily, "all I can say."

  "Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom," Jessica happily says making Ronnie let go of me and walked forward leaving me along with Jessica who's smile dims a bit when she passed her.

"Who?" I ask while trying to mask my annoyance from being interrupted with my time with Ronnie.

"Um yeah, I actually totally thought that Mike was gonna ask you. It's not gonna be weird though, right?" She answers as we walked down the isle.

I watch as Ronnie walk next to Angela who smiles at her then the two began talking amongst themselves. "No. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together," I respond with a small sigh.

"I know right," she says beaming a smile at me and I nod slightly, "so uh what's up with you and Ronnie Cullen?"

I lick my dry lips slightly and softly touch the flower Ronnie gave me. "Yeah uh we're actually going on a date tonight. Lucky me right?" I inform her and she gasps loudly making me flinch slightly at the unwanted attention it brought us.

"OMG! You should count yourself lucky. Ronnie Cullen hasn't showed any interest in anyone since they moved here," Jessica tells me with an awe look.

I nod slightly with a smile. I am lucky. I've never thought anyone would actually ask me out. Well I thought Mike was going too but he's not my type.

But what struck me as a bit odd is when she said Ronnie hasn't shown any interest in girls until I showed up.

Wonder why. "Hello again," Edward spoke up as he walked next to me and Jessica pursed her lips while raising an eyebrow at me before leaving.

  Internally I sigh in annoyance. "Hi, Edward," I respond with a nod to be polite. What is it with this guy?

Ronnie's POV:

    I glance back towards my mate who's being talked to by Edward. That prick. "You shouldn't be worried about Edward getting into Bella's head. I've seen you two together happily and she's changed," Alice spoke up softly and I give her a confused look.

"How did you," I cut myself off with a groan, "ugh! Cowboy, stop telling your crazy wife my emotions!" He glances at me with an apologetic smile.

"I'm just worried that when I do tell her about my not so little friend, she'll think I'm a freak and reject me as her mate. You know how persistent Edward is with trying to tell her my secret thinking she'll run off to him," I quietly tell my sister and Angela who hold onto my hand in a comforting way.

   "Look I know I barely know Bella but she's becoming a good friend of mine and we've been texting. She cares about you a lot. And between the two of us, she's bisexual. So that should distinguish your fear," Angela softly informs me and winks at the end making the rest of us chuckle.

   I smile at her, "thank you. You're the best little sister I've had the pleasure of knowing." She blushes and pushes her glasses up her face.

  "That means a lot," she shyly says and I giggle softly while letting go of her hand to wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"You know this means our family's gonna have three babies. You, Angela, and Bella," Jasper quips and grins when I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Sorta but it does mean I'm not the baby anymore. Aw man! Don't you try and take the attention from me, girl," I say then playfully warn Angela who giggles softly.

"I'll try not to," she says playing along and I chuckle softly with a nod. I love Angela. She's perfect for my sister and our family.

Hope you enjoy
Sorry for any mistakes
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