Daughter Of The Fox

By MoonlightXXXWolfie

682 21 22

What will happen when the hottest band in the world, KISS took an interview at the hospital only to find tha... More

The Interview That Took A Wild Turn
The First Step
Erica's First Words And Steps
After Band Practice
A Trip To Chicago
The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Search Begins! (Part 1)
The Search Begins! (Part 2)
The Search Begins (Part 3)
The Search Begins! (Part 4)
The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!
The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 3)
It's Time For The Birthday!
Time Flies By So Fast

Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 4)

33 2 6
By MoonlightXXXWolfie


~The Next Day~

It was a sunny afternoon, and Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, and Bruce Kulick were preparing to catch their 2 p.m. flight back home. They had just finished a successful concert tour and were looking forward to some much-needed rest. However, this time, they had an adorable companion with them - Eric Carr's two-year-old daughter, Erica.

Gene, Peter, Ace and Vinnie woke up first and took the 10 a.m. flight back home.

While Paul, Bruce, Eric and Erica just finished lunch, they were all now gathered at the hotel door. As they left the hotel towards the airport that day.


As they all headed towards their reserved car, Bruce was providing Erica entertainment in the car heading towards the airport as Paul and Eric went over the plan once again with Gene on the line.

Paul called Gene to make sure everything is ready.

Paul: Hey, Gene. Is everything alright?

Gene: Um,....yes. Everything's going great!

Paul: And the place is ready, right?

Gene: Almost. But, don't worry we got everything under control.

Paul: Well, I trust you then. See you there.

Gene: Of course. Same here.

Paul hang up the phone as he saw that Eric was now scrolling through his phone and Erica was looking outside with Bruce.

"We'll be at the airport soon." Paul said. "Good. I'm starting to have car sick now." Eric said as Erica giggled at her father's words.

"She doesn't get car sick that easily, huh, Eric." Bruce said as Erica was sitting on Bruce's lap. "No. She's pretty tough, just like her old man." Eric said as both Paul and Bruce were trying so hard not to laugh.


Then, they all made it at the airport.

As they gathered their belongings and made their way to the airport, they noticed a higher level of security than usual. Paul Stanley had requested the additional security measures to ensure Erica's safety and to avoid any unwanted attention from fans and the media. They wanted this trip to be as peaceful and private as possible.

Paul Stanley, ever the protective one, had insisted on higher security for little Erica. The two-year-old was blissfully unaware of the chaos her presence could stir up among the fans of her father and his bandmates.

"Erica, sweetheart, stay close to Daddy, okay?" Eric Carr gently told his daughter, holding her tiny hand in his. Erica looked up at him with her big, innocent eyes and nodded, her tiny fingers gripping his hand tightly.

Paul Stanley, who was overseeing the security arrangements, walked over to them. "Everything's set, Eric. The security guys will make sure we're not bothered."

Bruce Kulick, who had been quiet until now, chimed in, "That's a relief. The last thing we need is a media circus around Erica."

Erica, being a curious toddler, looked around and noticed the people following them. With her limited vocabulary, she pointed at the crowd and asked, "Why are people following us?" Her innocent question caught the attention of Eric, Paul, and Bruce, who exchanged knowing glances.

Eric Carr knelt down next to Erica and gently explained, "Well, sweetheart, those people are our fans and the media. They love our music and want to take pictures and talk to us. But today, we want some quiet time together as a family, so we're avoiding them for now."

Paul Stanley chimed in, "That's right, Erica. We appreciate our fans, but sometimes we need a break too. We want to spend quality time with you and make sure you're safe and happy."

Bruce Kulick added, "We have a special area at the airport where we can go without being bothered. It's like our secret hideaway. We'll be able to relax and enjoy our time together before our flight."

Erica looked at her father and the two rockstars with wide eyes, taking in their words. She may not have fully understood the situation, but she trusted her dad and his friends. With a smile, she nodded and said, "Okay, Daddy."

As they made their way through the airport, the security team skillfully navigated the crowd, ensuring that Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, and Erica were shielded from the fans and the media. They reached their private area, where they could unwind and have a peaceful moment before boarding the flight.

In that secluded space, the three musicians and Erica played games, sang songs, and shared laughter. It was a precious and rare bonding experience for them, away from the chaos and demands of their rockstar lives.


Finally, it was time to board the flight. With Erica in Eric Carr's arms, they walked towards the gate, feeling grateful for the memorable time they had spent together. As they settled into their seats, they couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, knowing that they had successfully avoided the crowds and enjoyed a quiet moment as a family.

And so, Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, and Erica embarked on their journey back home, cherishing the memories they had created and looking forward to more adventures together.


As the airplane began to ascend, the trio settled into their seats, Erica nestled comfortably in Eric's lap. The gentle hum of the airplane's engine filled the cabin, creating a soothing ambiance.

"Erica, do you want to look outside?" Bruce Kulick asked, pointing towards the window. Erica's eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically. Bruce lifted the window shade, revealing the shrinking landscape below. Erica's eyes widened in amazement as she watched the world grow smaller.

Paul Stanley, who was sitting across the aisle, couldn't help but chuckle at Erica's reaction. "It's quite a sight, isn't it, Erica?" he asked. Erica responded with an excited giggle, her attention still fixed on the window.

As the flight took off, Erica looked out of the window with wonder in her eyes. She pointed at the fluffy clouds and said, "Sky!"

Eric Carr smiled proudly at his daughter's growing vocabulary and replied, "Yes, Erica, that's the sky! It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Paul Stanley, sitting next to them, joined in the conversation and said, "Erica, do you know what's up in the sky? There are birds flying high up there."

Erica's eyes widened, and she squealed with excitement, "Birds!"

Bruce Kulick, sitting across the aisle, couldn't resist joining the conversation. He leaned over and said, "You're right, Erica! Birds fly in the sky. They have wings that help them soar through the air."

Erica giggled and flapped her little arms, pretending to be a bird. She looked at Bruce and said, "Wings!"

The three rockstars chuckled at Erica's adorable imitation. They were delighted to see her curiosity and enthusiasm.

Paul Stanley, always the entertainer, leaned forward and asked, "Erica, do you want to watch a cartoon?"

Erica's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. Paul selected a child-friendly cartoon for her, and they all watched as she giggled and clapped along with the characters on the screen.

Throughout the flight, the four of them engaged in playful conversations, sharing stories and laughter. They talked about their favorite songs, funny moments from their tour, and even silly jokes that made Erica burst into fits of laughter.

At one point, Erica looked at Bruce and said, "Guitar!"

Bruce, being a talented guitarist, couldn't resist the opportunity to showcase his skills. He reached over and pretended to strum an imaginary guitar, creating a delightful melody. Erica clapped and danced in her seat, thoroughly enjoying the impromptu performance.

As the flight neared its destination, Erica started to grow tired. Eric Carr cradled her in his arms, gently rocking her back and forth. She yawned and said, "Daddy, I'm tired. Erica wants to sleep."

Paul Stanley, with a warm smile, said, "It's time for a nap, Erica. You can rest now, and when we wake up, we'll be home."

Erica snuggled closer to her father, feeling safe and loved. Within minutes, she drifted off to sleep, her dreams filled with music and adventures.


A few hours later, the plane touched down as Eric carefully carried his daughter out with security still there helping to shield Erica from the crowds of fans and medias.

Then, Paul's phone started ringing as he picked it up, Gene was calling him.

Paul: Hey Gene, what's up?

Gene: Paul, I've got some exciting news! Everything is ready for Erica's surprise birthday party at Eric Carr's house!

Paul: That's fantastic! I can't believe she's turning two already.

Gene: Definitely, Paul. We've got everything covered - decorations, games, and even the foods are well served. It's going to be a rockin' celebration!

Paul: That's fantastic, Gene! I can't wait to see the look on Erica's face when she walks into the party. She's going to be so surprised!

Gene: It's going to be a moment she'll never forget. And hey, don't forget to bring your guitar. We might just have an impromptu jam session later!

Paul: Haha, you know I never leave home without it. I'll make sure to bring my guitar and get the party rockin'!

Gene: That's the spirit, Paul! Let's make this a party to remember for our little rockstar Erica.

Paul: Absolutely, Gene. Thanks for taking the lead on organizing everything. You're the best!

Gene: No problem, Paul. It's all for the love of family and music. See you at Eric's house in a few hours.

Paul: Can't wait, Gene. See you there!


Paul then hung up on the phone conversation.

Then, Eric hits Bruce a bit, giving him a signal as Bruce caught up on the signal. "Oh,....man. I really have to go now! I promised a couple of my friends that I'll meet up with them the moment I arrived here." Bruce said as he glanced towards Paul.

"Yeah. Same here, I have to go meet up with our manager first! I'll see you soon, okay, Eric! And, goodbye, Erica." Paul said as Erica waved them both goodbye.


Paul and Bruce made their way towards Eric's house first.

"Alright, guys, let's make sure everything is ready for Erica's surprise birthday party. We need to be discreet and make sure she doesn't find out until the big moment." Paul said as he entered the house.

"Absolutely, Paul. We've been planning this for weeks, and it's going to be a special celebration for Eric's little girl." Bruce said

"I've arranged for Eric and Erica to stay a bit longer at the airport, so the surprise won't be ruined. They won't suspect a thing." Gene said as he showed Paul his phone.

"That's a great idea, curly. We want Erica to be completely surprised when she walks into her own party." Ace said as he did his signature laugh.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face! It's going to be priceless." Peter said, excitedly.

"Alright, let's get everything set up. We've got the decorations, the cake, and even a special gift for Erica from each one of us ready. We want this to be a day she'll always remember." Bruce said as he walked towards the group.

"I've brought my guitar along. Maybe we can have a little jam session later to add some rock 'n' roll to the party." Vinnie said as he pulled out his guitar.

"That sounds awesome, Vinnie. We'll definitely make some time for that. But first, let's focus on getting everything prepared." Paul then said.

"I'll take care of setting up the sound system and making sure the music is ready to go. We need some KISS classics playing when Erica walks in." Bruce said as he helped Peter with the sound system.

"And I'll handle the logistics. Making sure everyone knows their role and keeping the surprise under wraps." Gene said.

"I'll be in charge of capturing the special moments on camera. We'll want to remember this day forever." Peter said as he and Ace were holding out their cameras.

"Perfect. Everyone has their tasks. Let's work together and make this the best surprise birthday party ever until Erica shows up." Paul said.

As they all work together to set up the party, they share stories, laughter, and reminisce about their time together in KISS. The excitement builds as they anticipate Erica's arrival and the joy that awaits her.

To be continued

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