Daughter Of The Fox

By MoonlightXXXWolfie

768 21 22

What will happen when the hottest band in the world, KISS took an interview at the hospital only to find tha... More

The Interview That Took A Wild Turn
The First Step
Erica's First Words And Steps
After Band Practice
A Trip To Chicago
The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Search Begins! (Part 1)
The Search Begins! (Part 2)
The Search Begins (Part 3)
The Search Begins! (Part 4)
The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!
The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 4)
It's Time For The Birthday!
Time Flies By So Fast

Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 3)

28 2 0
By MoonlightXXXWolfie


It was the evening and everyone was in the living room as Erica was now asleep.

"Ok, guys, she's asleep now." Eric said as he sat next to Bruce.

"Hit it away, Paul!" Gene said.

"Sure! So, as we all know, we hired a few people to decorate Eric's house for her birthday party. So, all we have to do is make sure that Gene, Ace, Peter and Vinnie goes there first which means there's going to be a different flight schedule." Paul said.

"So, Paul, Eric, Erica and me have to stay behind for a while then?" Bruce asked. "Well, yes. Because it's also another way to avoid our fans and Erica doesn't need the fans and the media all over her after what happened. It might overwhelmed her." Vinnie said. "Point taken." Bruce said, agreeing with the plan.

All of them continued to discuss about the party and the next step of their plan as Bruce and Eric made them all some coffee.

"Question!" Peter started. "What is it?" Paul asked. "Why can't we just call room service and drink a couple of beers?" Peter asked. Then, everyone glanced towards Eric as Eric made sure that Erica was still asleep.

Then, he let's out a sigh. "What's the harm?" He asked and said as Ace got up and quickly called room service as they kept on talking while drinking a couple of beers.

~After drinking a couple of beers~

They all headed towards their room and rest for the rest of the night.

~3 a.m.~

It was a typical quiet night in the hotel as everyone was now asleep. Eric and her daughter shared a room there. His two-year-old daughter, Erica, was sound asleep besides him, the hotel filled with the tranquil rhythm of her soft breathing. Suddenly, at 3 a.m., the peace was shattered by a loud clap of thunder. The sudden noise startled Erica, causing her to wake up crying.

Eric Carr, her loving father, quickly scooped her up into his arms, his heart filled with concern. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid. It's a harmless thunderstorm." Eric said as he was trying to comfort Erica back to sleep.

As Eric held Erica, he noticed that she was shivering, her tiny body trembling against his chest. He gently placed a hand on her forehead and realized that she was not well. His worry deepened as Erica's cries continued, making it challenging for her to find comfort.

Then, he placed a hand on her forehead again and he immediately felt the heat radiating from her skin. His heart sank as he realized she had a high fever.

Not knowing what to do, Eric called his friends - Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent. They were not only his bandmates but his closest allies, and he knew they would be there for him and Erica in this time of need.

As Paul came forward and he placed his hand on Erica's forehead too. His hand instinctively went to her forehead, confirming his worst fears also - the little girl that was always cheerful was now burning up with fever.

Paul, with a caring tone, said, "Eric, let's make sure Erica feels safe and comfortable. We'll do everything we can to help her through this."

Gene, known for his resourcefulness, suggested, "Eric, how about we create a cozy pillow fort in the living room? It could provide a comforting and safe space for Erica."

Ace, always ready for a playful idea, chimed in, "Yeah, a pillow fort! We'll make it the coolest fort ever, Erica! You'll feel like a little queen in there!"

Peter, with his gentle nature, added, "Then, let's gather all the softest pillows and blankets we can find. We'll create a warm and snug space for Erica to rest."

Bruce and Vinnie, with their creative minds, began arranging pillows and blankets, building a fort in the living room. They carefully constructed a cozy haven, ensuring it was inviting and secure.

The bandmates continued their conversations, their words filled with love and reassurance. They stayed close to Erica, offering comfort and support as she slowly began to calm down. But, Erica's fever was still preventing her from getting a good night sleep.

Then, Gene, known for his resourcefulness, suggested, "Eric, we should try to bring her fever down. Let's find a cool cloth and gently place it on her forehead. It might help cool her down."

Ace, always ready to bring a smile, said, "Hey, Erica, how about we tell you some funny stories? Laughter is the best medicine, right?"

Peter, with his gentle nature, added, "Let's create a calm and peaceful environment for Erica. Soft music and dimmed lights might help soothe her."

Erica was still crying in Eric's arms. Suddenly, a thought came to Peter's mind. But, before he could say it, Gene said something to lighten up the mood.

Gene, known for his larger-than-life personality, tried to lighten the mood. "You know, thunderstorms are just Mother Nature's way of playing the drums. It's like a rock concert outside!"

Both Bruce and Vinnie let out a sigh as they were actually trying to hold back their laughter.

Ace, always the joker, chimed in, "Yeah, Erica, those thunder claps are just the sound of the rock gods jamming!"

Peter, with his gentle nature, joined in, "Don't worry, Erica. We'll sing you a lullaby to help you feel better. How about 'Beth'?"

Paul, Gene, and Vinnie with their musical talents, added soothing melodies on their guitars, creating a calming atmosphere.

As the bandmates serenaded Erica, their voices blended harmoniously, filling the room with a sense of comfort and tranquility. Gradually, Erica's tears subsided, and her fear began to fade away.

Bruce, Peter and Ace with their creative minds, began arranging pillows and blankets, building a fort in the living room. They carefully constructed a cozy haven, ensuring it was inviting and secure.

Finally, the fort was ready. It was a towering structure of cushions and blankets, a castle fit for their little princess. They gently placed Erica inside, surrounding her with her favorite stuffed animals. Gene started to sing a soft lullaby, his deep voice echoing in the room, while the others joined in, their voices blending in a comforting harmony.

As the night wore on, the storm outside seemed to mirror Erica's health - both slowly calming down. The men stayed by Erica's side, their conversations a soothing background noise as she drifted back to sleep, safe and secure in her pillow fort. The fever had subsided, and the thunderstorm had passed, leaving behind a sense of peace and unity among Eric and his friends.

To be continued

(PS: I just wanted to thank you all got reading until this chapter. I know I haven't published a chapter yesterday, but, I promise to keep updating if I have some free time in my hands. Again, thank you all for reading until here. And, sorry if there are any mistakes. That's all. Enjoy reading.☺️☺️♥️♥️)

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