The Mafia and his angels

By mothra99

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Tommy Shelby fells in love with a girl he met at a pub~ she then becomes his properity. More

The Mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The Mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels~
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
the mafia and his angels
the mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angles
The mafia and angels
The mafia and his angels
The Mafia and his angels.
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels.
The mafia his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and is angels~
The Mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels~
The mafia and his angels~
The mafia and his angels~
the mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels
The Mafia and his Angels
The mafia and his angels
The Mafia and his angels
The mafia and his angels

The mafia and his angels

20 1 0
By mothra99


"Darling, I want you know this, I love you more than you ever fucking know." Tommy said.
Maryanne looked at him, she kissed his bare chest, placing her hand on his heart, to hear his heartbeat.
"Do you feel me heartbeating darling?" Tommy asked her, as he placed her hand on his to have her feel his heartbeat for her. "Yours is almost a song, singing to me." Maryanne told him, looking at him. "My darling, you know how you are with me, I want you to be this way all of the time with me." Tommy said, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him, she kisses his sexy lips. When Tommy was  in World War II, he got more messed up in the head. Tommy looked at her, kissing her lips, holding her in his eyes. "Darling, you have a sexy way of looking in me eyes." Tommy said. "I do?" Maryanne asked, as he hold her in his arms, while he proped her up on his lap. "Yes darling." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "Tommy, I will never leave or lose you ever in my life, it's bad enough you were unable to see me, when I was on the battlefield with you, and you were out there fighting to the peace of Ireland." Maryanne said to him. "Aye." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him, holding him in her arms. "I feel like I'm one the edge of love, where you were kissing during the battle, I was remembering back then, I was dealing with pain, from not seeing you in me sight all of the time." Tommy said to her, as he kissed her lips, looking at her, wrapping his arms around her, grinding her hips on his. "Darling, you have something I could never let go of." Tommy said to her, holding her closer to him. Maryanne looked into Tommy's eyes, kissing his cheeks, holding his hand, placing it on her heart. "My darling, you know how much I-I-I- I love you." Tommy said to her, holding her face in his. "When there is something going wrong my darling, you can tell me everything, I will be there to hold you, and to make sure, you're safe." Tommy said to her, kissing her neck. Tommy looked into her eyes, "I never want to leave or lose you, I can't bare that pain for long my darling, whenever you're gone away, I can't bare it, it pains me when you're not around me, I get so terrifed, that something is something to you, that I can't find you, when you're lost, you keep yelling out for me, I will come find you, and take you in me arms my darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him. "I love you too Tommy, forever." Maryanne said, looking into his eyes. "My darling, you have something you don't even know, what others tell you to say or do fuck them, look at me only my darling, only me. No one else, but me darling, got that?" Tommy asked, looking at her, kissing her breasts, and kissing her pussy, kissing her lips. "Darling, I can't leave you again, that's how I live now." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. That night, it was raining badly in Ireland. Tommy loved the rain, he felt it was better to hold Maryanne closer to him when it was raining.
"Darling, it's raining outside." Tommy said to her, as he lfited the window. "Oh it is?" Maryanne asked him, as she held him in her arms. Tommy looked at her, kissing her forehead. "Do you wanna kiss me in the rain darling?" Tommy asked her. "Aye." Maryanne said to him, as she puts on her best long gown, that she does not care for anymore. Tommy wore his shirt that he does not care if it gets wet or anything. "Let's go darling." Tommy said, as he opened the door, seeing the rain wate drip from the tin roof, seeing the darkness of the clouds, and the cool air breeze blowing the trees softly. "Come on, over by the great ol' blue sea, we have a beter chance of getting wet from that more darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her hand. Maryanne looked at him. Once in the rain, Tommy and Maryanne were in the rain, Tommmy grabbed her face, to kiss in rain with his wife. "Darling, stay close to me, the wind is strong." Tommy said, looking at her. Maryanne looked in her husband. Tommy looked at her, grabbing her face, kissing her lips, in the rain. As the rain hit harder, the strom got colder, the wind grew furious, the clouds grew darker, the thunder got firece. Tommy looked at her. Maryanne does not like thunder.
Maryanne looked at him, as they kissed in the rain, the sky grew darker, the wind grew colder. Tommy looked at her. kissing her, as he held her in his arms. Tommy looked in her eyes, Maryanne latched herself around him. Maryanne kissed Tommy's neck. "Darling, you have nothing to fear when you're in my arms." Tommy.
said. Maryanne looked into his eyes, Tommy held her from behind, kissing her neck. "Darling, this feels so nice being here with the one I love the most." Tommy said to her kissing her jawline. "Darling, your jawline is so sharp you can cut someone." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looks at him, kissing his nose. Tommy kisses Maryanne, until a clap of thunder, makes her fall to her knees. "Shit, darling, you alright me love?" Tommy asked her as he lifted her up in his arms. "Darling, you don't like thunder don't ya?" Tommy asked her, Maryanne nodded, looking at him, she sees a bright light when she is with Tommy. Tommy knows how he was with Grace, she would never let him talk about Maryanne when was around, Grace only talk abou her only. Tommy was not going to let her control her, she was never going understand why Maryanne was so much better for him, than her. Until the day Grace was shot, Tommy was depressed, but at the same time, he knew he had his side angel with him. Maryanne, back then when they met...
Maryanne was in the Gysylands, where deaths occured all of the time, where Maryanne's parents died, from the battle of the Gyspylands. Maryanne nearly killed....
this is her half the story-
of how Tommy never almost met Maryanne, his only Peaky Blinder----
One day, Maryanne saw her mom and dad get killed, by thr Billy boys.
Maryanne ran and ran until she got to Camden, where she saw a life she really wanted. Someone yelled "A gypsy is here, let's kill her!"
Maryanne ran for the life. Tommy was going to be in town that day, when he was in town, he saw a woman run towards his car, Tommy lurched and slammed on his brakes, nearly hitting her!
Maryanne ran again, Tommy followed her, until, she got shot but not killed, she nearly died! Tommy stopped his car to a total dead stop! "Help! HELP! SOMEONE help!" Tommy yelled, Maryanne looked at him. "Do I know you?" Maryanne asked... looking into his eyes. "Don't worry about that right now, you're injured. Where did they shot you?" Tommy asked. "In me side." Maryanne said. Tommy looked at her side.. "I see it." Tommy said. Someone came to the scene, to help out Maryanne. Once in the hospital, Tommy looked at her, "You're going to be alright." Tommy said. Tommy looked at her, nearly crying. A nurse came in the room where Maryanne  looked at him.. "Do I know you?"  Maryanne asked. "I am Tommy Shelby, I saved you. I nearly- I nearly- nearly hit you, then you got shot. I took you here for you to get checked by the nurse. Tommy looked at her, he kissed her hand.
"Darling, I nearly wanted to cry when I almost hit  you." Tommy said, as he grabbed hand. "Ready to go back home my darling?" Tommy asked her, Maryanne looked at him, kissing his lips again. Once back home, Tommy took off his wet clothes, Maryanne took off her dress. "Tommy can you help me take off my dress please?" Maryanne asked. "Darling of course I can." Tommy said, as he took her dress off her body. Maryanne latched her arms around him, as he took her dress off her, as he stroked her waist, down to her hips. Tommy laid down on the bed, as Maryanne was naked, on top of him. "Darling you are so fucking beautiful." Tommy said to her, kissing her breasts. "Let get in the shower." Maryanne said to him, as she reached to touch his hair. Maryanne touching Tommy's hair, is a comfort thing for him, he loves it when she touches his hair. Once in the shower, Maryanne turned on the water, Tommy grabbed the towels, as Maryanne got in the shower, Tommy helped her wash her back; as Maryanne stroked his neck, Tommy's hand was on her breast. Once they were done in the shower. "Can I lay with you naked darling, please?" Tommy begged. "Of course." Maryanne said, as she kissed him neck. Tommy moaned, as he grabbed her ass. Once the bed, Maryanne looked at him, holding his hand closer to her heart.
"Darling, you have the most beautiful body I've seen." Tommy said to her. Maryanne lifted the covers of the bed, as she crawled in the bed, Tommy sat up on the bed, as Maryanne got on top of him, for him to guide her hips into his body.
Tommy kisses her all over her body, as he's slowly pulling her hips to him.. looking to her eyes. "Darling, I never loved anyone more than I love you." Tommy said, looking at her. "You're saying I'm better than Grace?" Maryanne asked. "Aye, darling you are." Tommy said.
Maryanne looked at him, "I'm so glad that you have in your life now Tommy." Maryanne said to him, kissing his neck. Tommy laid her on her back, as he caressed her body, with his fingers.
"Maryanne you have the body of an angel." Tommy said to her, kissing breasts. Tommy looked in her eyes, as he laid on the bed more, to cuddle Maryanne close to his heart. "You know, when you left, to the war. I was never the fucking the same." Maryanne said to him, holding her hand in his. Maryanne laid close to him. "Darling, I care about you so much, I want you to have the rest life you can." Tommy said to her, kissing her neck, down to her leg. Maryanne looked at him. "Lay on me chest darling, I want to feel your skin on mine, the way we did for the first time, when I met you." Tommy said to her, kissing her hand, down to her arm, wrapping her in his arms. Maryanne laid on his chest, feeling his skin on hers, felt good to her, always. This was a moment they wanted to make it last. Tommy's love for her, will never be stopped, Tommy would always be there for him, when he needs her, when he has days of PSTD.
Maryanne will never let him go. Not after how he was when he came home from the war. Maryanne has tried to bare a child many times, but nothing was ever successful for her to ever bare a child, she wanted to have a child with Tommy, but she was unable to have one, when she tried when they got married, she was not able to have a child in her womb to become a mother. Tommy wanted to have a child, after Ruby Shelby passed away, but she was unable to have a child, she wanted one as well, just as much as Tommy wanted a child, but she was not able to ever have one.
Tommy knew that. Maryanne knew that aswell. That night, Tommy was laying on her chest, listening to her heart again, when Tommy fell asleep, he began to have these odd dreams, where he would see Grace in his room, with Maryanne laying by his side. Tommy snapped out of bed, Maryanne felt the bed move, Tommy was hunched over, crying, nearly screaming. "Shh-shh, it's okay, you had another on of them dreams didn't you Tommy?" Maryanne asked, rubbing his back, kissing his neck. "You want lay on me fully?" Maryanne asked, Tommy looked at her. "Please darling, let me lay on you. Please. Don't make me fuckin' beg ya darling. Please." Tommy begged her. Maryanne lifted the covers on their bed, Tommy layed down fully on her chest, cradling her in his arms. Maryanne touched his hair. "Nu te pot pierde așa cum am pierdut-o pe Grace, nu mă pot vedea fără tine lângă mine. Pur și simplu nu pot, dragă. Nu te pot pierde. Aș muri, dacă ai pleca vreodată sau ai muri." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him, she held him in her arms all night lone, until he was asleep again.
That morning, Tommy woke up, to see Maryanne still asleep. "Darling." Tommy said, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him. "Morning my darling." Tommy said, kissing her hand. "Morning Mr. Shebly." Maryanne said. "Darling, your formality when you speak to me, is so lovely to me." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips.
Tommy and Maryanne had to be in Birmingham, for Tommy's gin distillery. "Darling, we need to be in Birmingham, for the Shelby Distillery, you are coming with me." Tommy said to her, holding her in his arms, kissing her neck.
"Aye." Maryanne said, as she went to get ready. Once she was ready, Tommy saw her. "How do I look?" Maryanne asked. "Darling you look beautiful." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Once in Birmingham, Aruthr was there. "Tommy boy!" Arthur boomed. "Hello Aruthr good to see you." Tommy said, as he opened the car door for Maryanne. "Is this the lovely Maryanne?" Arthur asked. "Aye, it is." Tommy said to him, holding her hand.  Tommy looked at her. "Are you happy with her Tommy?" Arthur asked. "Arthur, of course I am." Tommy said, smiling. Once in the distillery, Tommy looked all around him, there bottles of gin all lined up and set to go out.
"Darling, you have always to see what it's all about, and the gin business, well here are darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her hand.
"Tommy this is so incredible." Maryanne to him. Tommy looked at her, smiling. "Ready to go?" Tommy asked, "Aye." Maryanne said to him, holding her hand in his. Maryanne latched her arms around his neck, to kiss his lips. "Come on darling." Tommy said. Once back home, Tommy took off his shoes, and his suit.
"Lay down with me darling." Tommy said, as he pulled the covers from the bed on them both. Maryanne looked at him, pulling him closer to her.
"You alright darling?" Tommy asked her, touching her hair. "Aye." Maryanne said, holding his hand on her breasts. "Try to sleep my darling." Tommy said, burying his face in her chest. Maryanne looked at him, kissing him.

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