the truth

By beachsideviews

3.7K 214 12

"I can't even think about someone hurting you." "Aurora, the only thing that can hurt me is you." ~~ in which... More

the truth
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two

chapter fifteen

74 5 0
By beachsideviews

It had been a day since everything had happened and during that day it was discovered that Katherine was using Caroline to try and break up Stefan and Elena. It was also confirmed at a barbeque that Jenna threw at the Gilbert household that Mason was in fact a werewolf and more than likely the one that Stefan and Aurora saw in the woods that night. Mason had been acting very strange around Aurora, almost like he knew what she was. Like he could sense it, so Aurora tried to stay as far as way from him as she could, which was proven almost impossible as the man was everywhere. After waking up and getting ready for the town picnic, Elena, Aurora and Jeremy stood in the bathroom brushing their hair and such while Elena and Aurora updated Jeremy on the supernatural events going on.

 "I can't believe Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf." Jeremy states surprised after hearing the information told to him by his adoptive sister and cousin. 
"We're not sure about that yet. The only thing we know for sure is that Mason Lockwood is." Aurora reminds the boy making Jeremy nod. 
"It should be easy for us to figure it out." Jeremy insists causing Elena to shake her head in a negative response dismissing him.
"There is no "us." I said that I wouldn't keep things from you anymore. That doesn't mean that I want you involved in it." Elena stated firmly. 

"By definition of being in this family, I'm involved." Jeremy argues. 
"This is dangerous, Jeremy. You have to stay out of it, okay?" Elena questions concerned. 
"Alright, just saying." Jeremy shrugs resigning from their bickering. Aurora, sensing the need for privacy, glances at Elena knowingly. Elena nods, acknowledging the unspoken communication, and exits the bathroom, leaving Jeremy and Aurora alone.
"Jer, there's something else you should know." Aurora begins hesitantly making Jeremy look at her. 

"What is it?" Jeremy wonders curiously. 
"The Lockwood's aren't the only possible people in town carrying the werewolf gene. I am too." Aurora confesses 
"What? Seriously? How?" Jeremy inquires surprised. 
"It's from my biological dad. He got the gene from his mother's affair with a werewolf, and it got passed down to me. But I haven't activated it, and I'm not planning on it, so there's nothing to worry about. I just wanted to let you know so you have all the information." Aurora explains causing Jeremy to nod, trying to process the information he was just told. 

"I get it. Thanks." Jeremy responds honestly.
"Of course. As long as you want to be, I'll keep you in the loop on everything that's going on. Just promise me you'll stay out of it as much as you can. I only want you to be safe." Aurora reassures supportively making Jeremy glance at his cousin with appreciativeness. 
"I'll try. Thanks, Rory." Jeremy replied with a determined nod. Aurora smiles at Jeremy before turning around. She leaves the bathroom, heading to her room to finish getting ready, leaving Jeremy to contemplate the newfound information.

The girl continued to get ready for the town picnic and once she was done, she made her way there. Once she arrived she headed straight to where Elena and Caroline where talking apparently Elena and Stefan had gotten into a fight which surprised Aurora as the two never fought. Not like that. 

"You okay?" Caroline wondered concerned as Elena approached them.
"No," Elena replied dully. 
"You know, maybe it's for the best." Caroline suggested with a shrug.
"It's not for the best, Caroline. None of this is for the best. I'm sorry, okay? I...I don't mean to take it out on you. You're just being a good friend." Elena sighed. 
"No, I'm not. I'm not being a good friend at all." Caroline admits under her breath before her eyes land on her mother who was on the phone leaving the park. 
"Is she leaving? Where is my mom going?" Caroline wondered curiously before heading over to her mom to check up on her. 

"What's going on with you and Stef? The other day you guys seemed fine and now you're  fighting?" Aurora questioned confused making Elena shush her and gesture to her ear to Caroline suggesting that she might be listening making realization dawn on Aurora as Elena pulled out her phone and typing out, It's all apart of the plan and showing the phone to her cousin this made Aurora nod understandingly as Elena deleted the text and tucked her phone back in her pocket. Elena then noticed the Sheriff walk away from Caroline making her furrow her eyebrows confused and gesture Aurora to follow her making the two girls approaching Caroline concerned.
"What's going on?" Aurora wondered curiously.
"I don't know. Something's up," Caroline notes making the girls glance at each other worriedly as Caroline started towards the woods causing the two girls to follow her. 
"Where are you going? What's going on?" Aurora repeats as her and Elena follow Caroline on her heels. 
"I need to be able to hear better." Caroline informs the girl. 
"Hear what?" Elena questioned the girl. 
"Something's wrong, Elena." Caroline concluded making Aurora become worried.
"Caroline...." Elena trailed off, trying to get answers from her friend. 
"Shh," Caroline shushed the girl as she tries to focus her vamp-hearing on her surroundings to try and figure out what's going on.

"Oh god," Caroline muttered making Elena and Aurora look at each other worried. 
"What is it?" Elena asked concerned 
"Stefan and Damon," Caroline replied honestly 
"What?" Aurora asked worried
"Someone shot them." Caroline answered this caused the girls to run through the woods looking for any signs of  Damon and Stefan when suddenly Caroline stops sensing something. 

"What is it?" Aurora urges 
"They've been here," Caroline announces before bending down and looking at a plant causing Aurora to notice the blood on it making her heart drop worriedly. 
"What?" Elena wondered curiously as Mason approaches them out of nowhere. 
"What are you three doing out here?" Mason questions. 

"Have you seen Stefan?" Elena inquires knowingly 
"Yeah Elena, I've seen him. Seen Damon too." Mason pointedly states 
"Where are they?" Aurora interrogated the man.
"You don't need me for that. I'll let your friend here sniff them out." Mason hums looking at Caroline knowingly. 
"Does your mother know what you are? I'm happy to tell her." Mason scoffs causing Caroline to go towards him but he catches Elena from behind and strangles her with an arm under her chin. Making Aurora go to approach him but Mason glared at her. 
"Don't be stupid! Necks snap easy around here." Mason remarks glancing at Aurora and then at Caroline. 

"I can take you," Caroline challenges surprising Mason. 
"Wanna bet?" Mason remarks, not believing a word the blonde says making Caroline nod.
"Yeah. I do." Caroline huffs before she rushes over to him using her vamp-speed and grabs him before pushing him against a nearby tree. 
"I told you," Caroline sarcastically smiles at the man, making Aurora smirk proud of her friend as Caroline knees him in the groin and pushes him down onto all fours. She then kicks him hard in the stomach which sends him flying against a tree and fall on the ground.
"Come on," Caroline gestures to the girls making them leave and continue their path until they arrive at the ruins when they suddenly heard talking and rustling. 

"What is that?" Elena wondered concerned making Caroline tap into her vamp-hearing. 
"Caroline. Caroline, what is it?" Aurora urges noticing the expression on her friends face. 
"My mom. She's killing them," Caroline informs the girls 
"What?!" Elena exclaims and then begins to move forward but Caroline grabs her arm. 
"No, no, no, no!" Caroline protests 
"We have to stop her!" Elena exasperated  
"No, I can't. Elena, she's gonna find out about me." Caroline urges 
"Sorry, Care." Aurora apologizes before rushing into the ruins.
"Rory!" Caroline shouts desperately only for Aurora to ignore the girl. Once Aurora made her way into the ruins, she kicked one of the deputies in the knee making him fall forward on his face and then begins to go into the main cells when Liz sees her and points her gun at her. 

"Rory! What are you doing?" Liz questions surprised to see the young girl here. 
"You can't kill them. I'm not gonna let you." Aurora states determinedly as a deputy comes up from behind and quickly pushes her forward but as he begins to ready his gun, Elena approaches him from behind and smacks him with a plank making him fall causing Liz to be surprised at Elena's appearance as another guard appears holding them at gun point. 
"Girls, you need to get out of here now. This doesn't concern you." Liz began making Aurora shake her head. 
"If it concerns them, it concerns us." Aurora states determinedly gesturing to the Salvatore brothers when they suddenly hear a noise signaling that Caroline had made her entrance.

"What was that?" One of the deputy's questioned.
"Who else is with you?" Liz asked the girls who ignored her as Caroline then circled around at vamp speed until she then closed on one of the deputies and bit him in the neck. The other deputy fires at her, but only ends up shooting the first deputy instead. When he stops shooting, Caroline rushes from behind and knocks him to the ground making Caroline look up, blood dripping from her mouth, as she reveals her vampire face to her mom. 
"Hi mom." Caroline greets in a soft voice as Liz stares at her daughter in shock. 

In minutes, Stefan and Damon were awake and Damon was now feeding on one of the deputies. Once he finished he then went and checked on Stefan who Elena was sitting with as Aurora stood nearby watching the scene play out next to Caroline. 
"You need to drink some deputy blood." Damon suggested to Stefan who shook his head. 
"No. I'm gonna be fine. It's just gonna take a little bit longer." Stefan reassured 
"Damon's right you know. If there's ever time to break your diet..." Caroline trailed off knowingly.
"He said he didn't want it, okay?" Elena interjected. 

"This is a most unfortunate situation. Two deputies dead and you." Damon recognized turning towards Liz changing the subject "What am I gonna do with you?" 
"You won't tell anyone, will you? Mom? Mom? Please. Look, I know that we don't get along and that you hate me but I'm your daughter and you'll do this for me, right? Mom, please. He will kill you." Caroline pleaded desperately.  
"Then kill me," Liz spoke dully clearly still in shock from seeing her daughter as a vampire.
"No!" Caroline exasperated tears filling her eyes.  
"I can't take this. Kill me now." Liz begged making Damon bend down to look her in the eyes. 
"But you were gonna drag it out so painfully," Damon taunted before suddenly grabbing her making her stand up quickly. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Caroline pleaded 
"Damon, don't!" Stefan and Elena shouted 
"Damon, please!" Aurora begged making Damon turn and look at the group.
"Relax guys. No one is killing anybody." Damon reassured them before looking at Liz. 
"You're my friend," Damon reminded the woman before looking at the deputies. "We've got to clean this up." 

At the Salvatore boarding house, Elena and Aurora waited for Caroline to return with some of Liz's stuff since they decided that it was best that she stays with them until the vervain clears from her system so she could be compelled to forget the situation. When right on cue, there was a knock on the door making Aurora go to answer it to see Caroline with a suitcase. 

"Hey, sorry that took forever. I just didn't know how long my mom was gonna be here." Caroline apologized making Aurora glance at her sympathetically. 
"Damon says it'll take three days tops for the vervain to leave her system. Maybe even sooner." Aurora informed the blonde making her nod as Stefan and Elena joined them. 
"Hey! You get some bunny in you?" Caroline questioned Stefan concerned. 
"Yeah, I'm feeling much better, thank you." Stefan reassured the three before the group then went down to the cellar where Liz and Damon where. As they were about to make their entrance, Caroline hears her mother talking to Damon about the situation making her stop and listen causing the other three to stop as well.  

"Can you keep Caroline far away from me please? I don't wanna see her." Liz pleads making Damon sigh. 
"She's your daughter, Liz." Damon reminds the women knowingly.  
"Not anymore. My daughter's gone." Liz denies making Caroline's expression sadden. 
"You have no idea how wrong you are about that." Damon recognizes glancing at Caroline making the blonde turn around and leave causing Aurora to follow after the girl concerned for their friend. 

"Hey, you know she didn't mean that right. She's just overwhelmed -" Aurora began only for Caroline to shake her head dismissing the girl trying to hold back her tears making Aurora look at the girl sympathetically as Elena approached them. 

"Can I take you home?" Elena offered 
"I can't go home," Caroline muttered shaking her head. 
"Why not?" Aurora wondered confused 
"Because I'm scared." Caroline admitted 
"Why are you scared? Caroline, you can talk to us." Aurora reassured 
"Katherine's gonna be there and she's gonna want me to tell her everything that happened today." Caroline confessed before turning towards Elena, "She told me I had to spy on you and report back to her." 

"I know and I've been so mad at you. But then, I tried to put myself in your position so that I could understand why you would do this to me and to Stefan because he's been such a friend to you. Who did she threaten?" Elena questioned 
"Matt, she threatened Matt and I'm so scared of her Elena! I am so scared of her." Caroline informed the girl 
"And you should be. Caroline, we all should be." Elena admits, sighing in defeat. 

"Why is she doing this? What does she want?" Caroline wondered her voice cracking. 
"That's the million dollar question." Aurora mutters out uncertainly making the three girls embrace each other for comfort. Elena went to check up on Stefan and Caroline decided to stay the night at the Salvatore's and begged Aurora to stay with her, not wanting to be alone. Aurora agreed and the girl soon ended up passing out so Aurora tucked a blanket around Caroline before getting up and heading outside to get some fresh air. As she leaned up against the wall looking up at the night sky Damon approached her. 

"Caroline's sleeping on the couch," Aurora informed the boy sensing his presence. 
"I heard and you?" Damon wondered making Aurora shrug. 
"I'm staying, if that's okay." Aurora admitted 
"Of course it is, you know you should give yourself more credit Rory. You aren't the worst company to be around." Damon replied with a small smile on his face. 

"I'm staying for Care, Damon. Nothing else." Aurora reminded making Damon's smile fall slightly. 
"I know," Damon replied as Aurora pushed herself off the wall and headed back inside, she went to open the door but hesitated. 
"What you did for Caroline's mom, that's the Damon who was my friend." Aurora recalled knowingly making Damon look at her sincerely. 
"Have I really lost your friendship forever?" Damon wondered concerned 
"No, but if you keep screwing up like you did with Jer. Then you will." Aurora warned before opening the door and heading inside. 

Aurora woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes, confused she followed the smell until she reached the kitchen and noticed that it was Damon cooking. 

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Damon greeted making Aurora send him a sarcastic smile before approaching him. 
"I didn't know you cooked." Aurora noted surprised observing the ingredients laid out in front of her on the kitchen counter.  
"Rarely, but pancakes are my specialty, want some?" Damon offered making Aurora nod in agreement resulting in Damon to put some on a plate for her. He then continued to place some blueberries before using whipped cream to draw fangs creating a vampire face. Aurora glanced at the pancake and up at Damon unamused as Damon smiled knowingly. Aurora rolled her eyes a small smile on her face before she began to eat. 

The pancakes were surprisingly really good and Aurora complimented Damon on them as he continued to plate some for Liz as well. He took them down and then came back to the kitchen to clean up when there was a knock on the door bell causing him to go answer it. Aurora heard a familiar voice talking to Damon in the other room causing Aurora to get up and head over to see Jeremy. 

"Jer? What are you doing here?" Aurora questioned confused. 
"I could ask you the same thing," Jeremy responded looking between his cousin and Damon skeptically. 
"I'm here for Care, she asked me to stay with her. Your turn." Aurora answered honestly redirecting the conversation to him. Jeremy hesitated causing Damon to speak up. 
"Little Gilbert here has some information about the Lockwood's. Apparently he's been doing a little investigation on them." Damon responded making Aurora's shoulders drop. 
"Jer, I told you --" Aurora began only for Jeremy to cut her off. 

"Look, you and Elena are the reason that I'm in this mess in the first place, so I'm sorry, but you really don't get to tell me what I'm gonna do." Jeremy scoffed making Aurora raise her eyebrows surprised. 
"This isn't her fault, you know." Damon chimes in defending Aurora causing Jeremy to shoot Damon an unimpressed look making Damon continue, "She's just looking out for you."
"Well, I can look out for myself." Jeremy defends himself glancing at Aurora, frustration in his eyes. 

"I know you can, but sometimes knowing too much can be dangerous." Aurora continues in a softer tone. 
"Don't you want to know more about your werewolf heritage? This is the way to do it." Jeremy suggest trying a different approach causing Aurora to hesitate, torn between curiosity and concern.

But before she could say anything else Jeremy turned to Damon, "Tyler Lockwood has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet." 
"Wow, fascinating. Not enough." Damon huffs unsatisfied before attempting to close the door again, but Jeremy pushes back. 
"But Mason Lockwood is and he's looking for a moonstone, a special rock connected to the werewolf legend. That's why he's here." Jeremy informs the man causing Damon and Aurora to glance at each other confused and then back at Jeremy. 

"A moonstone?" Aurora repeats confusion laced in her voice. 
"And I know where it is." Jeremy finished 
"And you're bringing me this why?" Damon wonders curiously 
"Do I need a reason? Look, I just want to help, okay? So, are you going to let me in or not?" Jeremy inquires looking at Damon who steps aside and Jeremy walks in and Damon closes the door behind him. 

The group ended up calling Alaric for help and in minutes he arrived, carrying a box of Isobel's research. 
"Ric!" Damon greets letting the man in and as he stepped in Alaric's gaze shifted to Jeremy. 
"What are you doing here?" Alaric wondered curiously 
"Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone." Jeremy responds making Alaric glance at Aurora and Damon who shrug causing Alaric to look back at Jeremy. 
"Does Elena know you're here?" Alaric questioned 
"Not exactly," Jeremy answered honestly 
"What you got?" Damon inquired before beginning to dig through the box and taking out a book. 

"This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." Alaric informed the group making Aurora walk over to look at the items in the box. 
"Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie." Damon hums causing Aurora to roll her eyes as Alaric takes the book out of Damon's hands. 
"Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" Alaric recalled questioning Damon. 
"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah blah blah." Damon mumbled as Jeremy walks over to them. 
"An Aztec curse? Cool." Jeremy comments an intrigued look in his eye.

"Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun." Alaric informs the group glancing at Aurora and Damon who wiggles his fingers, showing his daylight ring. 
"Most of them, anyway." Damon smirks proudly. 
"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone." Alaric continues showing the group a map, Aurora takes it and looks at it while Jeremy observes it over her shoulders. On the map it had pictures showing the story of the Sun and the Moon curse. 
"What do you mean sealed?" Jeremy inquired curiously. 

"It's a witch thing, whatever seals the curse is usually the key to unsealing the curse." Aurora informed her adoptive cousin making him nod understandingly. 
"Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse." Alaric suggests 
"If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots." Damon states. 
"Are we? I mean think about it Damon, the books were right about my ancestors and they were right about the vampire bite being fatal to vampires. Would it be so crazy to believe that this curse is real too? Because if you think about it, if the moonstone is binding the curse on werewolves what makes you think it can't break it too?" Aurora challenged Damon making him glance at her before turning to Jeremy. 

"Who has the stone now?" Damon questioned Jeremy knowingly. 
"Tyler." Jeremy responds honestly. 
"Can you get it?" Damon asked curiously 
"Yeah." Jeremy nods
"See, now your life has purpose." Damon remarks making Aurora slap him on the arm causing Damon to roll his eyes. 
"So, do you believe it?" Jeremy asked Damon curiously. "It's the same book that says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Besides, if this one believe it, then ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot." Damon confesses gesturing to Aurora glancing over at her sharing a look "Let's go." Damon concluded before finishing his off his drink and walking past the group causing Alaric and Jeremy to look at Aurora who just shrugged in response, unsure of what to say before turning around and following Damon out. 

The group ended up stopping by the Lockwood mansion where the Salvatore's ended up convincing Bonnie to help them use Mason to find the moonstone, since Jeremy discovered via Tyler that Tyler had given it back to his uncle. Bonnie ended up discovering with her powers that the moonstone was in a well on the edge of the old Lockwood property. So Stefan and Aurora ended up going together to try and get it out of the well when Elena runs up behind them. 

"What's going on?" Elena questions the duo. 
"You shouldn't be here," Stefan reminds the girl referring to Katherine thinking they were in a fight. 
"I know, but I am. What's going on?" Elena wonders 
"Bonnie thinks the moonstone is down here." Aurora responds honestly as Stefan pulls the lock off the iron grating. He then takes the grating off the top of the well before turning on the flashlight, letting him, Aurora and Elena look down the well. Stefan exhales and looks at Elena and Aurora before he jumps onto the edge of the well and Elena hands him the flashlight. 

"Hey, be careful." Elena pleaded concerned. 
"I'll only be down there for a minute." Stefan reassured the two girls before jumping into the well. Elena holds her breath, but when she hears Stefan safely splash at the bottom she breathes out. After a few seconds they hear Stefan shout out in pain. 
"Elena!!!!" Stefan shouts "Rory!!" 
"Stefan?!!" Elena exclaims back worried as Rory pears over the edge but she can't see anything. 

"Elena!" Stefan repeats in pain 
"Stefan, what's happening?!" Elena calls out concerned 
"What's going on in there?!" Aurora shouts desperately. 
"Vervain. Oh, god! Help!" Stefan pleads 
"Stefan!" Elena exasperates before jumping off from the edge of the wall where she was trying to see over, Aurora doing the same the two girls tried to pick up the heavy chain off the ground. The two girls struggled until they heard their friends voice. 

"Elena! Rory!" Caroline called out before rushing over to Elena. 
"Caroline, Stefan's down there and the chain is rusted." Elena explained panicked making Caroline start to climb into the well but Aurora stopped her. 
"No, no, no! You can't, it's filled with vervain. Caroline, we've got to get him out. Now!" Aurora ordered making Caroline grab the chain from the ground with her while Elena climbs on the edge of the wall. Elena wraps the chain around herself and hooks it against one of the links before looking at her friends. 
"We've got you, okay?" Caroline reassures 
"Yeah," Elena nods as Bonnie runs up to them. 

"What's going on? You just took off in a blur." Bonnie questions Caroline concerned 
"I heard Elena and Rory screaming. Help her, now!" Caroline gestures to Elena to which Bonnie grab's Elena's hand and helps lower her into the well. 
"Are you ready?" Aurora wonders 
"Yeah." Elena nods and the three girls help lower Elena into the well Caroline slowly reels her down. Caroline loses hold of the chain for a second but Aurora grabs it just in time. 
"Sorry!" Caroline apologized looking at Aurora thankfully who nods. 
"It's okay, keep going. Come on!" Elena calls out in reply causing the two girls to continue to lower Elena down into the well. 

After a few moments of silence Aurora wonders out loud, "Elena, what's going on down there?" 
"Pull him up!" Elena shouts out in response making the two girls start to pull the chain up from the well, Bonnie unties Stefan and with the help of Caroline and Aurora, places him on the ground, the two girls then quickly return to the chain. 

"Elena? Ready for you!" Caroline yells out 
"Hold on! I need to find the stone." Elena bellows back as splashing echoes through the wall signifying Elena searching for the moonstone. 
"Hurry!" Caroline exclaims desperately 
"Hold on! I think I found it!" Elena exasperates however in seconds her scream is echoed through the well. 
"Elena! What's going on?!" Aurora bellows out concerned 
"I got it. Come on! Bring me up!" Elena urges and so the two girls oblige and with the help of the girls Elena finally gets out of the well and she looks down at Stefan causing her to jump off the well and down to him. 
"Oh, god! Stefan!" Elena cries out before cradling his head under her arm causing her friends to rush over to them. 

"Stefan! Stefan." Elena pleads before she spots a rock nearby and grabs it. She cuts her hand with it. Caroline turns away. Elena places her wrist to Stefan's mouth. He opens his eyes and drinks from her.
"I've got the stone, Stefan. Stefan, it's gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay." Elena reassured the boy making Aurora glance over at the box that rested next to Elena, her heart pounding against her chest, her adrenaline calming down with every breath she took. 

The two girls went home afterwards and as they entered the house, they noticed that Jenna and Alaric had dinner laid out. Elena went upstairs to get changed while Aurora helped lay out the plates. In minutes Elena walked downstairs and back into the kitchen. 

"Where's is Jeremy?" Elena wondered curiously 
"Oh, he went straight up to his room. He said he wasn't hungry." Alaric responded as Elena glanced over to Jenna who was on the phone with someone. 
"Who is she talking to?" Elena asked 
"I don't know. Everything go okay today?" Alaric inquired making the girls glance at each other and then back at Alaric. 

"There were a few hiccups, but yeah." Aurora nodded knowingly as Jenna walked over to the group. 
"Of course, I understand. Elena, it's for you." Jenna gestures handing the phone to Elena making Elena furrow her eyebrows. 
"Who is it?" Elena asked curiously but Jenna just shrugged and didn't say anything. Elena takes the phone and places it to her ear. 

"Hello?" Elena questioned before her face dropped causing her to look at Ric and Aurora who looked back at her confused as Elena walks out of the room. There was a short exchange between Elena and whoever was on the other end of the phone before Elena glanced at Jenna, Alaric gestured at Elena clearly wanting to know what was going on but Elena put her hands up telling him to hold on making Alaric and Aurora exchange confused glances. 

"Jenna, no!" Elena shouts causing Aurora to turn around and see her mother stab herself in the stomach before falling to the floor. 
"Jenna! Jenna!" Alaric shouts 
"Mom! Mom!" Aurora rushes over to her, pulling Jenna in her lap holding pressure on the woman's wound as tears build up in her eyes before crying out, "It's going to be okay, Mom. It's going to be okay. Someone call 911!"

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