Daughter Of The Fox

Von MoonlightXXXWolfie

675 21 22

What will happen when the hottest band in the world, KISS took an interview at the hospital only to find tha... Mehr

The Interview That Took A Wild Turn
The First Step
Erica's First Words And Steps
After Band Practice
A Trip To Chicago
The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Search Begins! (Part 1)
The Search Begins! (Part 2)
The Search Begins (Part 3)
The Search Begins! (Part 4)
The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!
The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 3)
Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 4)
It's Time For The Birthday!
Time Flies By So Fast

Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)

27 0 1
Von MoonlightXXXWolfie


~The Next Day~

Paul, Gene, Ace and Eric were at an interview while Vinnie went out to start with the preparations for Erica's surprise birthday party.

It was a sunny afternoon, both Peter and Bruce were tasked to look after Erica. Both of them took her to one of the parks in Chicago.

Bruce Kulick and Peter Criss were babysitting two-year-old Erica while her father, Eric Carr, was attending an interview. They decided to take Erica to one of the famous parks in Chicago to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors.

"Hey, aren't those two teenagers there the one that helped Erica?" Peter asked. "Where?" Bruce asked back.

"There? You mean the two teenagers that are buying ice cream and now Erica is running towards them?" Peter said and asked back.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Bruce said.


"Wait! Erica!" Peter yelled as this caught Bruce's attention and they both went after Erica.

They caught up to her. "Don't you dare give us a heart attack, young lady!" Bruce said in a strict voice as he was catching his breath.

"Oh,...hello there." Said one of the teenagers. "Hey there." Peter said back. "I assumed that this is Erica?" Asked one of the teenagers.

"Yes. This is Erica, all right." Bruce replied.

"Oh,... sorry. Um,..my name is Akira and this is Xavier. We were there to help Erica escaped from the kidnappers especially from Tony." Akira said.

"Oh,... right! Well, a pleasure to meet you too." Bruce said.

They chatted for a while. Then, Erica was pulling on Bruce's legs.

"What's wrong, Erica?" Bruce asked.

"Potty?" Erica asked and Bruce was shocked as he and Peter didn't know what to do. "It's okay. I got this." Akira said. "Come on, Erica. Let's get you to the restroom." Akira said as she picked Erica up and walked towards the park's public restroom. "We'll be right back, boys!" Akira said.

As Bruce and Peter let out a sigh of relief. Then, Peter glanced towards Xavier. "She's a keeper, kid." Peter said with a smirk. "Shut up, man." Xavier said as he hides his blushing face over his jacket.


~Meanwhile with the others~

"So, how do you think the fans will react to our upcoming album?" Paul asked the rest of them as he pulled out his phone.

"I believe they'll love it. We've put so much effort into creating something special for them." Gene said as he was now removing his makeup.

"Yeah, the new songs have a great energy. I can't wait to perform them live." Ace said too as he sat next to Eric.

"It's always exciting to see the fans' reactions to our music. I hope they connect with it on a deeper level." Eric said as they were all getting ready to go back to the hotel now.

"Speaking of which, how's the preparations for Erica's surprise birthday party?" Paul asked. "It's going great! Vinnie just texted me and said that he bought everything we needed and now, he just needs our help with the decorations." Eric replied.

"Awesome! Can't wait for tomorrow night!" Gene said as he was excited.


~Back at the Park~

"Thank you again, Akira. Hey, is it okay if I talked to you about something else with Xavier for a while?" Bruce asked. "Sure! We don't mind." Akira said.

"Watch over her for a couple of minutes. And, don't corrupt her mind, Peter." Bruce said in a strict voice. "Fine. You're no fun." Peter replied as he took Erica towards the sandbox.

"So, you see, me and the rest of the members of Kiss are planning a surprise birthday party for Erica tomorrow night. So, I was thinking about inviting both of you. Because Erica seems attached to the both of you ever since the kidnapping incident. So, what do you say?" Bruce said and asked both Xavier and Akira.

"Actually, we're both school students and we are here on school holidays. So, what better way to spend the last remaining week with? So, sure! We'll come!" Xavier said. "And, we'll bring presents for little Erica. She's just an Angel!" Akira said.

"Awesome! The party is tomorrow night and I think it's best we exchange phone number." Bruce said as he pulled out his phone and both Xavier and Akira did the same as they exchange phone numbers together.

As the afternoon went on, the group continued chatting, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company. The park was filled with laughter and the sound of children playing.

"Just to make sure that this party is a secret right?" Xavier asked. "Yep! We can't let Erica know about it." Bruce replied. 

They kept on talking and chatting about the secret surprise birthday party for Erica.


As the sun began to set, they packed up their belongings and bid farewell, promising to meet up again soon for another memorable day at the park.

The group dispersed, carrying with them the warmth and happiness that comes from spending quality time with friends.

~Back at the hotel~

Back at the hotel, Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent gathered in a cozy corner of the lounge, discussing the preparations for Erica's surprise birthday party the next night. They were excited to make it a memorable celebration for her, but they had to be careful not to let Erica catch them in the act.

As they were deep in conversation, little Erica, who was just two years old, wandered into the lounge, her curious eyes scanning the room. Sensing her presence, the band members quickly shifted their focus and tried to act nonchalant, hoping to divert her attention.

Erica, being an observant toddler, noticed the hushed whispers and exchanged glances among the group. With her innocent curiosity, she approached them and asked, "What are you all talking about? Is something special happening?"

The band members exchanged nervous glances, realizing they needed to come up with a convincing story to keep Erica from discovering the surprise. Paul Stanley, always quick on his feet, smiled at Erica and said, "Oh, we were just discussing our upcoming concert, Erica. We have something really exciting planned for the fans!"

Erica's eyes widened with excitement. "Can I come too?" she asked, her little face beaming with anticipation.

Gene Simmons, known for his playful nature, chuckled and replied, "Well, Erica, it's going to be a late-night concert, and it might be past your bedtime. But don't worry, we'll bring you a special souvenir from the show!"

"You have a bedtime curfew, sweetheart. So, you can't come." Eric said towards his daughter.

Erica seemed satisfied with the answer, but her curiosity still lingered. She looked at each band member, studying their expressions. Ace Frehley, known for his mischievous personality, decided to distract Erica with a playful question.

"Hey, Erica, have you ever seen a magic trick?" he asked, pulling out a deck of cards from his pocket. "I can show you a really cool one if you promise to keep it a secret!"

Erica's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly nodded her head. The band members breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful for Ace's quick thinking.

"I'll watch over her, guys!" Ace said as he picked Erica up and walked back towards the living room. "Don't corrupt her mind, Ace!" Eric said in a strict voice and Ace waved back at him.

As Ace performed his mesmerizing card trick, the band members continued their conversation about the surprise party, making sure to speak in hushed tones whenever Erica approached. They were determined to keep the secret until the big reveal the next night.

~The Next Day~

9 a.m.

"Hey, Paul? Where's Eric and Erica?" Bruce asked as he was making a call to room service for some breakfast.  "Both of them are still asleep." Paul replied as he yawned a bit.

"Still not a morning person, huh, Paul?" Vinnie asked. "Well, what did you expect from me? I'm not that fond of waking up this early." Paul said as he took a seat in front of the dining table.

Then, a knock was heard from the hotel door and Bruce got it as he payed for the food.

"Well, breakfast is served!" Bruce then said as he placed the food on the dining table.

Then, the door towards Eric's room opened as Eric went to the bathroom. "I guess that leaves Gene, Ace, Peter, and Erica still asleep." Vinnie said. "So, who's turn is it to watch over Erica?" Paul asked as he drank some coffee. "You are!" Bruce and Vinnie said in sync which caused Paul to choke on his coffee.

"Me? I thought my turn is tomorrow?" Paul asked. "No! Your turn is today!" Eric chimed in. "Plus, Erica likes you, Paul!" Eric said again as he sat next to Paul and ate breakfast.

"Fine. As long as you keep me updated on the plan tonight." Paul said as Eric gave him a thumbs up.

"It won't be bad, Paul. I mean Erica is just a curious toddler and I'm sure she's going to love spending time with his Uncle Paul." Bruce said. "Erica likes Gene more than me." Paul said.

"Trust me. She's going to love you soon." Eric said.

Then, Gene and Ace woke up and walked towards the kitchen. "I hate waking up this early." Gene said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "It's 10:30 a.m. Close enough towards the afternoon, man." Bruce said. Ace was eating his breakfast.

~12 p.m.

Peter woke up and took a quick shower.

"Well, we're all set to do the preparations for tonight." Eric said.

All of them got ready as Paul stood up and watched them leave. "And, one more thing Paul-" Eric said but, Paul cut him off. "Don't corrupt her mind and if she cries, I'll handle it. Plus, the television here has her favorite shows." Paul said.

Then, the rest of them left.


Erica was eating her breakfast together with Paul as Paul was watching the television and the News was on.

"Hey, Erica. Look, there talking about you and how we managed to rescue you and now your safe with us." Paul said but, Erica just ate her breakfast.

"You are not paying attention are you?" Paul asked as Erica was now finished eating her breakfast. Paul let out a sigh. "I got this. I'll wash the dishes and take a quick shower. Then, we can go out and enjoy the day together? How does that sound?" Paul said and asked. Eric just giggled and followed Paul towards the kitchen.

"I'll take that as a yes then." He said as he did the dishes, he puts on one of their songs, Detroit Rock City and Erica enjoyed it.


As they arrived at the park, Paul set up a cozy spot on a blanket near the sandbox. Erica immediately ran towards the sandbox, excited to play with the colorful toys. Paul watched her with a smile, making sure she was safe.

As soon as Erica started playing at the sandbox, Paul sat at a nearby bench and kept an eye on her while scrolling through his phone.

After about an hour and a half of playing, Paul noticed a change in Erica's demeanor. He heard her soft cries coming from the sandbox. Concerned, he quickly made his way over.

When Paul heard Erica crying at the sandbox, he immediately rushed over to her side. Concerned for her well-being, he knelt down beside her and offered a comforting hand. Paul wanted to make sure Erica felt safe and supported in that moment.

Upon reaching Erica, Paul asked her what was wrong and reassured her that he was there for her. Without hesitation, Paul stepped in, determined to protect Erica.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Paul asked firmly, his voice carrying authority.

The older kids turned to face Paul, their eyes widening in recognition. "Whoa, you're Paul Stanley from KISS!" one of them exclaimed, starstruck.

Ignoring their fanboy excitement for a moment, Paul focused on Erica. He knelt down beside her, offering a comforting hand. "Are you okay, Erica? Don't worry, I'm here now."

Erica sniffled and nodded, gripping Paul's hand tightly. "They took my toys, Uncle Paul," she whimpered.

With a firm and authoritative tone, Paul addressed the older kids, asking them what was going on. He wanted to confront the situation head-on and ensure that Erica was treated with respect. By intervening and showing his concern, Paul made it clear that he would not tolerate any form of bullying.

Paul turned his attention towards the older kids, his expression stern and determined. He firmly told them, "It's not cool to bully someone, especially a little kid. Let's make things right."

By directly confronting the older kids and highlighting the inappropriate behavior, Paul aimed to create awareness and encourage them to reflect on their actions. He wanted to convey the message that bullying is not acceptable and that everyone should be treated with empathy and compassion.

As the older kids turned to face Paul, their initial excitement of recognizing him as a member of KISS was overshadowed by a realization of their mistake. They felt remorseful for their actions and quickly understood the impact it had on Erica.

Realizing their mistake, the older kids felt remorseful. They quickly returned Erica's toys and apologized. "We're really sorry, sir."

Erica's tears began to subside as she accepted her toys back. Paul smiled at the older kids, appreciating their change of heart. "Thank you for understanding. Remember, kindness is always the way to go." Paul said and gave them both each a free autograph, knowing that the bullies were huge fans of his. Then, the bullies said thank you and went on their way.


As it was time for lunch, Paul knew what to do.

As they settled down on a blanket near the playground, Paul brought along his guitar, wanting to entertain Erica with some music. He strummed a few chords, and the sound caught Erica's attention immediately.

Curious, Erica crawled closer to Paul and reached out to touch the guitar strings. Paul smiled and gently handed her the guitar, saying, "Would you like to try playing, Erica?"

Erica's eyes widened with excitement as she held the guitar in her tiny hands. Paul guided her fingers to the strings, showing her how to strum. "Just like this," he said, demonstrating a simple rhythm.

As Erica attempted to mimic Paul's strumming, a beautiful and innocent melody filled the air. Paul's heart swelled with pride as he watched her explore the instrument.

You're a natural, Erica!" Paul exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Maybe one day, you'll be a rockstar just like your dad and me."

Erica giggled, her eyes shining with delight. "Rockstar like Daddy!" she exclaimed, strumming the guitar with even more enthusiasm.

Encouraged by Erica's enthusiasm, Paul continued playing, serenading her with some of KISS's greatest hits. Erica clapped her hands and danced along, completely immersed in the music.

As they played and sang together, Paul and Erica formed a special bond, sharing the joy of music. Paul marveled at Erica's curiosity and eagerness to learn, while Erica looked up to Paul with admiration and awe.

The sound of their music attracted the attention of other park-goers, who gathered around to enjoy the impromptu concert. Parents snapped photos, and children danced along to the rhythm. It was a magical moment that brought smiles to everyone's faces.

As the sun began to set, Paul gently took the guitar back from Erica, placing it safely beside him. "You did an amazing job, Erica. I'm so proud of you," he said, giving her a warm hug.

Erica beamed with pride, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She had discovered a new passion and shared a beautiful moment with Paul.

Hand in hand, Paul and Erica made their way back home, their hearts filled with the joy of music. Paul knew that this day would forever be etched in their memories, a day where music connected them and created a bond that would last a lifetime.

To be continued


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