Rose's Dream

By Libby_the_survivor

49.3K 1.8K 166

Isaac Sirius Black was the son of Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black, all his life he had to live with people... More

Main Characters
Background Info
Settling In
Day Care
Meeting the Family
Getting Ready


4.1K 178 35
By Libby_the_survivor


Rosalie couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Her mate, who she'd been getting to know these past few weeks, was magical.

He was able to change his appearance and so could his son.

"I, um... I know this may sound weird, and I know you might not believe it, but you have to remember you are a vampire, a cold one. So anything is possible right?" Isaac asked.

Rosalie's eyes widened.

He knew she was a vampire?

He trusted her to hold his loving and breathing son?

He wasn't afraid of her?

Rosalie's beast purred with satisfaction.

Her mate knew but he didn't care.

She was worried about telling him what she was, but it turns out that she doesn't even have to.

How long has he known?

What exactly was he?

Some type of magician?

"How?" Is all Rosalie could ask.

Her brain seemed to not be functioning properly because she couldn't even complete her own question.

But Isaac seemed to understand what she was asking because he smiled gently at her and sat down on the arm chair directly in front of her.

"Well, that's a long story, but I'm willing to tell it if You're willing to listen." Isaac said.

"I am." Rosalie said.

Genuinely willing to listen to what he has to say.

Her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I come from a long line of magical wizards and witches dating all the way back to even the Greek and Roman myths.

Some say that Lady Hecate was our patron and made a pet world known as the Wizarding World.

Since her domain is of Magic she needed people to worship her and keep her strong.

So she gifted magic to specific families who would later be known as the Most Ancient and Most Noble houses. My family being one of them.

The Black's have had magic for as long as we can remember. Passed down from parent to child, generation after generation went to a magic school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A school built to protect magical users and teach them how to use their magic in a safe and controlled environment.

At first, we Wixen used our magic for the good of the world, we helped heal the injured, we got rid of monsters that people thought to be a myth, we were treated with respect.

Then, the witch trials came about. The greedy humans that we once lived along side peacefully, and in harmony with grew jealous of the magic that we had, they started rumors about us that had the towns we lived in grow fearful of the people who were once their neighbors.

It started the witch hunt.

Wixen had the magic to get out of the traps they built to capture us, we were able to disappear if they caught us but then people started to blame humans of holding magic, and then innocent people were being burnt alive for no other reason except that people were starting to say that their most hated village member was someone with magic, even if they didn't have any.

Wixen grew anxious of the humans and went into hiding, erasing the memories of the humans and hiding behind wards.

We made a government and created laws to never show the muggles, which was our new name for the humans, our magic.

We learnt our lesson. After we went into hiding, the witch trials slowly stopped.

But not before thousands of innocent muggles were killed, back then it was guilty until proven innocent.

We created what was now called the Statue of Secrecy which is much like your Volturi.

A council of Wixen from all over the world formed the ICW or the International Conference of Wizards.

We take our laws very seriously.

We have our own ecosystem.

For generations things were peaceful, until our own kind became greedy, we were basically locked up and hiding from these muggles and people thought that we, the more powerful species, should be the rules of the world. I mean, we had the power to practically conquer the world.

So Dark Lords became a thing, it had already somewhat been a thing, but the Dark Lords from after the Statue of Secrecy was made were far more terrible than the ones from before.

They were more resentful to have to go into hiding.

Slowly the rise of dark wizards happened, they were the ones starting wars, believing that we shouldn't be in hiding, that we were cowards for being fearful of beings that they thought were lesser than we are.

Of course, we countered them, fought and defeated them.

The biggest Dark Lords to ever exist was a Man known as Gellert Grindelwald, he was a wizard who believed that wizards and muggles should live together, with wizards on top, that we shouldn't be hiding who we are just because we're scared for another witch hunt scenario.

He built up his army and went to war against the light side.

This was just so happened to coinside with your World Wars one and two.

He was defeated by his ex-boyfriend not that many people knew that from the begining the two had worked together to create their new utopia until Gellert became more and more powerful hungry and dangerous, killing just because he could, Albus Dumbledore, his boyfriend and him had different opinions on how they should go about creating a better world and it came down to a fight.

Dumbledore's brother tried to step in to stop the fight, but ended up joining.

Gellert and Albus cast simultaneous curses that ricocheted off of each other and struck down Ariana Dumbledore, Albus' younger sister and instantly killed her.

Albus was guilt ridden and decided to stop Gellert to stop the violence that he had grown tired of, becoming one of the first light lords and ended up defeating Grindelwald in a duel.

Later on, maybe a few years later a boy known as Tom Marvolo Riddle a half-blood wizard came to Hogwarts.

He was sorted into Slytherin which was the house of the cunning and ambitious, Tom was a powerful young boy, he was good with magic, especially the dark arts.

He quickly grew to believe that he was better than the muggles.

He was very resentful towards the muggles because his muggle father left his witch mother when he found out what she was.

Though I later found out the real reason he left was because she dosed his father with love potion, believing that she wouldn't leave him when she told him she was pregnant, she stopped dosing him.

He was disgusted with what she did and left.

Disowning Tom before he was even born.

Tom's mother gave birth to him in an orphanage and later died.

He grew up in the orphanage and became very resentful towards the children who bullied him, using his gifts of magic to harm them both physically and mentally.

When he was in his fifth year, he grew obsessed with being immortal and rulling the world.

He searched high and low for answered to immortality.

He later found an entry about a dark magic called a Horcrux. A Horcrux is a part of one's soul stuck in an object.

So whilst you kill the original host of the Horcrux, as long as you don't kill the Horcrux they can come back to life over and over again.

Tom made his first one when he was 16, using his diary as his first Horcrux.

Once he graduated, he tried becoming the DADA/Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, but Dumbledore found Tom to be dangerous, he could tell there wasn't something right with the boy from the moment he met him.

He turned Tom down.

Tom went on to change his muggle name and fashion himself a new one, he was now Lord Voldemort.

He grew to believe, like many before him, that muggles were inferior to the Wixen.

But unlike Grindelwald who wanted to be worshipped, Tom wanted those with impure blood (meaning pure-blood wizards and witches) to be killed and for him to rule the world.

Years would go by and he'd recruit those of the same thinking to become his faithful followers known as Death Eaters.

A new war started, with Voldemort as the leader of the dark, and Dumbledore once again the leader of the light.

Around this time my parents Sirius Orion Black and Marlene Aria McKinnon were born.

They joined the light side as soon as they graduated, becoming members of the Order of the Phoenix.

A vigilante group led by Albus against Voldemort.

They fought long and hard, until my parents turned 20 and grew pregnant with me.

They had me by the time they were 21, a month after my best friend Harry Potter was born.

A prophecy was stated before our births that basically Harry or another friend of mine, Neville would be able to have the power to stop Voldemort.

They had what was called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When Voldemort attacked and murdered Harry's parents, and marked Harry as his equal, the prophecy started.

My family, the Black's were split down the middle during this war.

My grandparents, uncle, and my cousin who was more like an aunt joined Voldemort. My other aunt Narcissa married into the Malfoy family who were Death Eaters and so was a Death Eaters by association. Even if she didn't want to be. My aunt Andromeda, my father Sirius, and my great grandparents Arcturus and his wife were on the light side.

Well, my dad was, the other three were neutral.

My mother's whole family joined the light side, and for that, Voldemort personally slaughtered them all at once.

My mother hid me under the floor boards and that was the last I ever saw her, all I can really remember of her side of the family was her telling me she loved me, and then their screams as they died.

My father got framed for a crime he didn't commit and was sent to wizarding jail.

I grew up with my Aunt Andromeda and her husband Edward 'Ted' Tonks and their daughter, my cousin Nymphadora.

Voldemort was said to be defeated by Harry as a baby, but he was in hiding growing stronger as Harry had destroyed his physical body after Voldemort tried to kill him.

Aunt Lily must have protected Harry somehow. Because the killing curse bounced off of Harry and rebounded back towards Voldemort.

He became a wraith capable of possessing anyone.

We spent ten years in peace before I was allowed to go to Hogwarts which started at age 11, when our magic was mature enough that we could mould it into spells.

Our Hogwarts years were hectic.

Voldemort was causing trouble left and right, he eventually kidnapped Harry and I to gain his real body back, he had to do a ritual using Harry's blood.

He wanted me to join him like my ancestors had.

We fought against him, tried warning our Minister of Magic and the world that he was back, but nobody believed us.

They labeled us liars.

For a whole year people would whisper about how crazy we were. It wasn't until Voldemort showed his face to the world that they believed us.

They'd wasted a whole year of preparations and Voldemort was as strong as ever.

He has seven horcruxes now. Thinking himself truly immortal, he waged was against Harry and the light side.

Since Harry was my god brother and my brother in all but blood, I followed him as his right hand man.

I was there with him through the whole war.

Eventually we went Horcrux hunting and found all the horcruxes.

We destroyed those that we could whilst on the run.

We got captured and tortured, I can still remember Hermione's screams as my aunt Bellatrix tortured her.

We went back to Hogwarts which was taken over by the Death Eaters, we freed those of the light side from their clutches and found the last of the few horcruxes to destroy them.

We fought long and hard against Voldemort's army, Harry died and came back to life since he himself was an accidental Horcrux since he was a baby.

We fought for what felt like years against the dark side.

Fighting over dead people's bodies, seeing friends and family fall left and right.

It was horrible.

By the end of the battle, I walked into what was once the Great Hall where I'd shared many happy meals with my friends.

It was a warzone.

Broken things everywhere, bodies lining the floor.

Then I saw her body. Nymphadora was dead and so was Remus.

Teddy was alone, both of his parents were dead.

I spent a week mounting them and going to the funerals of those who died due to the dark side.

Then I got a letter from Nym. She wanted me to be Teddy's care taker.

She trusted me with him, the light of her life.

Told me to treat the boy like my own.

So I went out and blood adopted him.

Blood adoption is like it sounds. I used my blood and mixed it with Teddy's in a potion and put it into his bottle.

When he drank it, my blood mixed with his, my magic mixes with his, and made Teddy biologically mine just as he was Nym's and Remus' child.

I now had a purpose. I was to raise Teddy and give him a happy life, but to do that, we had to leave Britain.

Too many memories, and since I was a war hero, even recognized by Queen Elizabeth, who would later knight me and my friends the main leaders of the resistance, giving us muggle Lordships, paparazzi on both the muggle and wizarding sides were trying to take stories on our lives.

I mean, we were heroes, they wanted to know everything we did.

So I left. I didn't want Teddy to live that life.

We ended up in Forks and now I know why this little town drew my attention.

It was because my magic knew my soulmate was here. That you were here." Isaac finished giving a basic background of his kind and his life and what has lead him here.

"Wait, so you're a wizard, so is Teddy, he wasn't biologically yours but you made him biologically yours with a potion. You're very famous in Britain, you came here after a war tore apart your life. You're a war hero, and I'm your soulmate? You also knew I was a vampire." Rosalie asked, saying the only things important to her.

"Yes." Isaac said.

"You're not scared of me?" Rosalie asked.

"Who do you think created your kind? A wizard of course. No, I'm not scared of you. I know exactly how you were made, why some have powers and others don't. I know that I'm your mate." Isaac said.

Rosalie let out a relieved breath that she never even needed to breath but had become natural to her.

"How long do your kind live if this Tom guy wanted immortality?" Rosalie asked the important question on her mind.

"Well, I'm still considered a baby magical at 17 years old." Isaac said.

This made Rosalie's jaw drop.

He was 17 and still a baby in magical people's eyes.

That must mean that Wixen live longer than humans right?

"A weak wizard or witch lives to be around 400 years old, an average witch or wizard can live up to 600 and a very powerful witch or wizard can live up to 1,000 year old or longer depending on them.

I will still look this age and age slowly for a few hundred years. I won't look middle age until I'm around 5 to 600 years old.

I'm very powerful." Isaac said with a small smile.

Rosalie's grin brightened.

She wouldn't have to turn him for a long time if that was the case.

Not for a few hundred years at least.

In that time, she can get used to the idea of turning him when they reach that road.

"What about if you turn?" Rosalie asked.

Wanting to know what would happen to him.

"Well, luckily I won't lose my magic, I'd just look more vampire like. I wouldn't really have to drink blood too much like you guys.

Just occasionally since my magic would grow stronger replacing the need for blood every few days since I'd still be able to eat normal food. I'd also be immortal of course." Isaac said.

Again, Rosalie was relieved.

"But do you really want to be with me, you wouldn't be able to have any more kids." Rosalie said, her hope deflating when she realized that he may not want to become a vampire, that he'd want to die and live a normal magical life with his son and maybe more kids.

She was knocked out of her slump when he laughed, like a full on belly laugh.

"What's so funny?" Rosalie asked with a hint of anger in her tone.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just that, who said we couldn't have kids?" Isaac asked with a smile.

Rosalie was taken aback.

"Vampires can't reproduce." Rosalie stared matter of fact.

"Well, maybe not a normal vampire like your coven, but you could since you have me for a mate. Your venom would act like blood and I guess the egg for the child.

I'd have to release my... sperm in you, the venom would surround my magical sperm and create a life in you.

The only problem with this would be that the baby would automatically be a hybrid of a wixen and vampire.

They'd grow normally until their magic matured at 17 and then stop growing.

I only say this is bad because once I turn, the child would be three fourths vampire and one forth Wixen. So they probably wouldn't have as much magic as their siblings, but they'd be more vampire like and stronger and faster than their siblings would be." Isaac said.

For the first time in forever(A/N: I honestly didn't mean the Frozen reference, but I'm not too upset about it.) Rosalie felt hope.

Hope that her life could turn out a bit how she had originally imagined it.

Sure, there's be no growing old, but she could have biological children! Something that no vampire has done before (that she knows of).

She'd be able to have a pregnancy, feel the baby kick inside of her, give birth.

"Would the baby look like my human side or vampire side?" Rosalie suddenly asked.

Isaac thought about it.

"Well, I've never met a wixen and vampire mate pair before, but I've met their child.

He was around 429 at the time and he said he looked more like his biological vampire father's human side than his vampire side. But his vampire eyes would show when he ate or had extreme emotional outbursts.

Though his birth wasn't ordinary. Vampire/Wixen children developed faster in the womb. So the pregnancy would only be 4-5 months long. But the child would grow normally, so we wouldn't have to worry about that." Isaac explained.

Rosalie smiled.

"What about the appearance changing?" Rosalie asked.

"Some of the original families who were gifted magic have what is known as a family magic or a gift to you vampires.

Our gift was to be able to change our appearances however we liked. It died out for a few hundred years due to inbreeding to keep the line pure or whatever, but my generation which only held three kids since my uncle died when he was 18, my aunt Bellatrix was infertile, my aunt Cissa had my cousin Draco, he's a few months older than I am, my dad had me, and my aunt Andromeda had Nym. Nym and I are the only ones who have the family magic, we passed it down to Teddy." Rosalie smiled at the explanation.

Little Teddy giggled from her lap, making her smile.

Maybe she could have a family, she suddenly had hope for a better future.

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